高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 模块知识 Unit 4 Sharing课件 新人教版选修7

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1、Unit 4 Sharing话题人际交往(2016湖北重点中学高三考试)请根据以下提示,并结合具体事例,用英语写一篇短文。Share with others, and sadness will be greatly lessened/reduced while happiness will be doubled.【晨背范文】We are living in a world where we can never emphasize the importance of sharing too much.By sharing, we can often greatly lessen our sadn

2、ess and double our happiness.When it comes to this topic, memories flood into my mind.There was a time when I was caught in the sadness of failing an important exam and my world turned grey until my best friend came up to comfort me.Encouraged by his kindness, I shared my trouble with him, which rel

3、ived me of troubles soon.The following months witnessed my efforts, and I finally made great progress in another important exams.As you can see, it was sharing that helped me out of the dark moment.Thus, sharing is beautiful, not only physically but also mentally.话题词汇1considerateadj.体贴的2ignorev忽略;不理

4、睬3reliableadj.可信赖的4keep cool保持冷静5show respect for尊重6promote understanding增进理解话题佳句1From this experience I learned it was important to work together with others.从这次经历中我知道了与人合作的重要性。2Love is giving and love is paying attention to others.I will do everything in my power to give all my love to others.爱是给予

5、,爱是关注他人,我将尽力把我所有的爱奉献给他人。3Instead of blaming each other, we should communicate more and put ourselves in others place, which can help us have a better understanding of each other.不要彼此责备,我们应该多交流,从对方角度考虑,这将有助于我们更好地理解对方。.单词速忆1_ vt.&n.买;购买2_vi.(用针线)缝vt.缝制;缝合3_vi.& vt.(使)发出咔嗒声n咔嗒声4_vt.烤(面包等); 敬酒n.烤面包(片);

6、吐司面包;干杯purchase sew click toast 5_vt.给予特权n特权;特别优待6_ n观念;概念7_n角;角度8_ n两星期9_n周年纪念(日)10_ n安全;保护;保障11_ n门诊部;小诊所12_adj.遥远的;偏僻的privilegeconcept angle fortnightanniversarysecurityclinicremote13_adj.有关的;切题的14_ adj.泥泞的;泥土般的15_adv.用别的方法;其他方面conj.否则;不然16_ vt.捐赠_ n捐赠17_vi.工作;运转vt.操作_ n手术;运转_ n操作人员relevant muddy

7、 otherwisedonatedonationoperateoperationoperator18_ vt.& vi.调整;(使)适合_ adj.可调整的;可调节的_n调整19_vi.参与;参加_n参加;参与_ n参与者20_vt.分配;分发_n分布状态;分配;分发adjustadjustableadjustmentparticipateparticipationparticipantdistributedistribution21_n安排;排列_v安排;准备;规划22_adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的_n& vi.自愿者;志愿者;自愿做arrangementarrangevoluntaryv

8、olunteer.短语快译1_ 接到的信2_ (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透3_ (指河流、井等)干涸4_ 极想;渴望5_ 偶然遇到6_ 完成;穿过hear fromdry outdry up(be)dying tocome acrossget through7_ 在困难中;在危急中8_ 不久前的一天9_ 无疑;准保in needthe other dayfor sure.句式仿写1But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I did visit a village which is the home of one of the boys, To

9、mbe.(助动词do/does/did动词原形构成强调句)仿写:去年夏天我弟弟的确参加了在北京举行的夏令营。My brother_ held in Beijing last year.【答案】did participate in the summer camp2Once the fire was going, he laid stones on it.(once引导的时间状语从句)仿写:你一旦理解了这些概念,你就有可能解决这些问题。_ these concepts, you may solve all the problems.【答案】Once you have understood3She

10、was dying to see him again but what if he didnt want to see her?(what if倘若怎么办)仿写:如果我明天收不到他的来信怎么办呢?_ him tomorrow?【答案】What if I dont hear from4The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.(notbut不是而是)仿写:我认为不是汤姆而是约翰

11、与发生在门诊部的抢劫案有关。Personally, it was _ who was relevant to the robbery which had happened in the clinic.【答案】not Tom but John.单元语法限制性定语从句用适当的关系词或“介词关系词”填空1The biggest comb _ is lying on the table belongs to an astronaut.2It is a friendly atmosphere _ we can have a talk happily.3The man _ son has gone abr

12、oad is purchasing something.4The reason _ he explained at the meeting didnt make sense.5The interpreter with _ my mother works is from a remote village.【答案】1.that2.where/in which3.whose4that/which5.whom.教材活用根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式Jo worked at a bush school1._classrooms were made from bam

13、boo and grass.Theres no electricity or water there.It took the students about two hours 2._(get) to the school.Jo hoped to make some difference to the childrens 3._(life) by teaching them.The other day, Jo and another teacher, Jenny, 4._(visit) Tombes home.When they arrived at the village, Tombes mo

14、ther who5._(work) in her garden, started crying “ieee ieee”Tombes father led them to his house,6._low bamboo hut with grass out of the roof, where he could only see a few tin plates and cups and a couple of pots.7._they ate were corn, greens and sweet 8._(potato)That night Jo and Jenny slept on a 9.

15、_ (new) made platform.They left the village the next morning after many goodbyes and 10._(shake) of hands.【答案】1.whose2.to get3.lives4.visited5had been working6.a7.What8.potatoes9newly10.shaking1adjust vi.& vt.调整;使适合【考点激活】Obviously, students are terrible at_ their sleep cycles to their daily schedule

16、.很明显,学生在调整他们睡眠以适应他们日常课程方面表现不佳。(2014四川)(1)adjust sth.to sth.调整以适应adjust to sth./doing sth.适应于(做)adjust oneself to使自己适应于(2)adjustmentn调整;调节;适应make an adjustment to对作出调整(3)adjustableadj.可调整的【知识建构】 He travels widely and leads a welladjusted, contented life.他四处旅行,过着一种很适应并且满足的生活。(2013陕西)I have made a few

17、adjustments to the design to meet customers needs.为满足顾客的要求我已经对设计作了几处调整。【即时巩固】用adjust的适当形式填空The tables were _ which could _ to a certain angle or height.In order to suit the needs of students we made several _to them.【答案】adjustingadjustablebe adjusted adjustments2participate vi.参与;参加【考点激活】If voluntee

18、r positions do not meet these needs, people may not wish to _.如果志愿者的状况不能满足这些需求,人们可能不想加入。(2015江苏)(1) participate in (doing) sth.参加(做)某事participate with sb.in sth.与某人分担;同某人一起参与某事(2)participantn. 参加者;共享者participationn. 参与;分担;共享【知识建构】 Last spring, I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchan

19、ge study program.去年春天,我有幸被选中参加交流学习项目。(2013浙江)I want to make friends with those who can participate with me in my sorrow.我想和那些能分担我痛苦的人交朋友。【即时巩固】用participate的适当形式填空500 people are said _ in the ceremony yesterday.All the _ were urged into _ actively in the activity and participating with the victims in

20、 their sufferings who _ in rescuing the boys.【答案】participateto have participatedparticipantsparticipatinghad participated3otherwise conj.否则;不然 adv.用别的方法;其他方面【考点激活】The topic you choose should not be too narrow._,it is very difficult to accumulate stamps around the topic.你所选的主题不应太窄,否则,就很难积累有关这个主题的邮票。

21、(1)otherwise经常与祈使句连用,构成结构:祈使句otherwise/or/and(2)otherwise有时用于虚拟语气中,相当于含蓄的虚拟条件句(3)and otherwise等等;及其他(4)or otherwise或其他情况;或相反【知识建构】 Obey the rules, otherwise you will not have privilege to use the computer.遵守规则,否则你将没有权利使用这台电脑。He telephoned to inform me of your birthday, otherwise I would have known n

22、othing about it.他打电话通知了我你的生日,否则我对此一无所知。 I dont cry over milk, spilled or otherwise.我不会为倒掉的或是其他原因的牛奶而哭。【即时巩固】赏句猜义Seize the chance, otherwise you will regret it.()I wanted to see him but he was otherwise doing something else.()It is not permitted to sell or otherwise distribute copies of past examinat

23、ion papers.()【答案】Otherwise否则在其他方面用别的方法4privilege n. 特权;特别优待【考点激活】Your satisfaction is guaranteed, with our 30day return _.您有30天内可退货的权利,包您满意。 (1)a privilege to do sth./of (doing)sth.有幸做某事have the privilege to do/ of doing sth.有做某事的权利It is a privilege to do sth.做某事是荣幸的。【知识建构】 (2)privilegedadj.享有特权的;荣幸

24、的;幸运的be/feel privileged to do sth.做某事是荣幸的Its been a privilege to be involved in such an interesting project.能够参加这样有趣的项目真是一种荣幸。I hope to have the privilege of working with them again.但愿有幸与他们再度合作。【即时巩固】完成句子只有会员才有权利参加这项活动。Only members _ in the activity.能够成为一名奥运志愿者,真是荣幸之至。It _a volunteer of the Olympic

25、Games.【答案】privilegehave the privilege of participating is a privilege to become5operate vi.工作;运转;给动手术;起作用 vt.操作;经营【考点激活】赏句猜义This machine operates night and day.()This kind of microwave is very easy to operate.()The medicine will operate in 20 minutes.()She also operates a website, where she shares h

26、er tips and recipes, with the goal of demonstrating that everyone has the ability to control whats on their plate.(2015湖北)()(1)operate on为某人做手术(2)operationn. 手术;运转;运作perform an operation做手术be in operation在经营中;在运转中come into operation生效;开始运转;开始施行put sth.into operation使某事开始运作【知识建构】 He participated in o

27、perating on the patients.他参与了对病人的手术。The new regulations will come into operation next Sunday.新的规章下星期日起生效。【举一反三】operate, work, help都可用作不及物动词,意为“起作用”。【即时巩固】语法填空When shall we put the project into _(operate)?This famous doctor has operated _ many important people.She hated hospitals and didnt like the i

28、dea of having _operation.ORBIS is an international nonprofit organization which _(operate) the worlds only flying teaching eye hospital.(2014江西) 【答案】运转操作起作用经营;管理operationonanoperates1(be) dying to do sth.渴望做某事【考点激活】Shes _ to know where youve been.她极想知道你到哪儿去了。be dying/thirsty /anxious/eager for sth.

29、渴望得到某物be anxious/eager to do sth. 渴望做某事;想要做某事【知识建构】 Im dying for something to eat.我极想吃点东西。I am anxious to have the privilege of operating the machine.我渴望获得操纵这台机器的权利。【举一反三】die的常考短语:die away逐渐消失die down逐渐减弱die off相继去世die out完全灭绝【即时巩固】语法填空Toms parents _(相继去世) last year, for which he had to quit school.

30、However, he _(渴望返回学校) because he was _(渴求知识) and he also longed to become a scientist in the future and find out the reason why dinosaurs _(灭绝)【答案】dyingdied offdesired/longed/was eager/was anxious/was dying to return to schoolthirsty/dying for knowledgehad died out2in need在困难中;在危急中【考点激活】Jimmy said t

31、here was no need to pay him; he just helped someone _,and he had to rush for an interview.吉米说没有必要付钱给他;他只是帮助有困难的人,然后就急忙去面试了。(2013山东) (1)in need/want of 需要in great/badly need of 急需satisfy/meet ones need(s) 满足某人的需求There is no need for sb.to do sth.某人没有必要做某事There is no need for sth. 不需要做某事be of help tob

32、e helpful to 对有帮助(2)need doing sth.sth.need to be done 需要做某事【知识建构】 He came in tired and hungry and badly in need of a bath.他来的时候又累又饿,而且非常需要洗个澡。There is no need for you to adjust your plan to donate money to the school.你没有必要调整你向学校捐款的计划。【即时巩固】完成句子The tailor tried _(满足不同需求)of the customers.A friend _(需

33、要)is a friend indeed.As far as Im aware, the tractor needs _(维修)Participating in the program is _(有帮助)to your paperwork.【答案】in needto satisfy/meet the different needsin needto be repaired/repairingof help/helpful3the other day 不久前某一天;几天以前【考点激活】I applied to the bank for a loan the _ day.我几天前向银行申请了一笔贷

34、款。【词义辨析】the other day指“不久前的某一天”,与一般过去时连用some day指“(将来)某一天”,与一般将来时连用one day指“某一天”,既可用于一般过去时,又可用于一般将来时another day既可表近期将来的“改天”,也可表示过去或状态延续的“又一天”One day, he gathered up all his strength and decided to attend a job interview.有一天,他鼓足勇气并且决定去参加一个工作面试。Dont lose heart.You will succeed some day.不要灰心。总有一天你会成功的。

35、I cant put up with her another day she never stops complaining.她整天抱怨,我一天也不能忍受了。【即时巩固】语法填空My friend _ (come) to see me the other day but I wasnt in, so he left a message saying that he _ (come) again some day.【答案】othercamewould come1But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I did visit a village w

36、hich is the home of one of the boys, Tombe.但是上个周末, 我和另一个老师珍妮, 确实拜访了一个村庄, 其中一个男孩汤贝的家就在那里。句型提炼:do/does/did动词原形,表强调句中did visit是一种强调形式,用来强调谓语动词,意为“确实,的确,一定,肯定”。do (does, did)用于强调谓语动词的语气时,要符合以下条件:1句子是肯定句;2谓语动词为一般现在时或一般过去时;3谓语动词是单独的行为动词或单独的连系动词(be除外)。【句型剖析】 She did have a network of close friends and fami

37、ly, and maybe this is what satisfied her.她的确有许多亲密的朋友和家人,可能这就是让她满意的事情。(2013天津)【即时巩固】完成句子昨天我参加的活动的确让我获益良多。The activity that I participated in yesterday _ a lot.他现在的确渴望见到他的母亲。He _ his mother now.【答案】did benefit medoes desire to see2The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary

38、 contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确有生活需要的人的一项志愿性捐助。句型提炼:notbut 不是而是 (1)notbut连接两个结构相似、功能相同的句子成分,表示转折关系;这种结构否定but前面的内容,肯定but后面的内容。(2)notbut连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数按“就近原则”确定。类似用法的有:not onlybut also,neithernor,eitheror,or,there be句型等。【句型剖析】 The honey guide does no

39、t actually like honey, but it does like the wax in the beehives.导蜜鸟事实上不喜欢蜂蜜,而是喜欢蜂房里的蜂蜡。It is often said that the joy of traveling is not in arriving at your destination but in the journey itself.据说旅行的快乐不是抵达目的地而是旅行的过程。【即时巩固】语法填空Its not you but your brother _ (be) to blame for the failure.What you do or what you say _ (be) not relevant to me.I realized the secret to success is not when or where you were born, _ what you are doing and how you do it in your life.【答案】isisbut



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