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2、umanities主題:哲學資源(三)主題:哲學資源(三)lReference Referral:Public Library Humanities Questions inCalifornias Reference Network加州公共圖書館的參考網路加州公共圖書館的參考網路所遭遇的有關人文學科方面的問題所遭遇的有關人文學科方面的問題Author:Kay Roberts识病郸商措龙咎倪谭轰宦吊频关坞效盎露条忆愿喀嚎米孙搅凑薪潮瘤绚炭人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumaniti

3、esSUMMARYlPublic libraries receive a wide variety of reference questions in the humanities. ranging from requests requiting scholaraly literary or historical research to requests for vaguely remembered poetry and quotations.lThe clientele of public libraries varies widely in levels of expertise and

4、expectations of the library. 声敏版医蚕兵门诉蝎盎五丸冈皿湘何刚侦继办俭摧矽保销堡骏肾镐颂糊睦人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitieslMajor barriers to reference service are the lackoftimeandresources at the local level.lproblems typical of second-level humanities research, representative

5、questions and sources are described.lDiscussion centers on questions answered at the Bay Area Library and Information System, a second-level reference center in Oakland.SUMMARY褂跳留玖创拄权肮奶仇痰嘲裕秦卧爬捐赖斧砌轻猿崇画躺贞赞桑抡吧昏浦人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitiesCLIENTELE,

6、THEIRQUESTIONS,THEREFERRALPROCESS顧客的問題與參考過程顧客的問題與參考過程lPatrons come to the public library with an impressive range of questions in the humanities. lThey want to know wampumexchangerates, the contents of Lincolns pockets when he was assassinated,how to write Nefertiti in hieroglyphics, or who killed O

7、mar Mojaddadi in the 1879 battle at Maiwand. lwampum:貝殼念珠貝殼念珠lwampumexchangerates:金錢匯率:金錢匯率lNefertiti:奈費提蒂:奈費提蒂受鸟穗鼻颖孩货朝吞伊辱龄的无钞蕊绰潘股柳恳渝累驼民孙佣瞩缝途蹦肩人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitiesl讀者對於很多事物感到好奇,如康斯坦次、Tom Coffin、沒有對話的小說、Scritti Politti的意思、limbo(地邊)對於歷史及宗教的

8、重要性、騎士雕像蹄的部位代表的意思、古老的城鎮Eugoa及Eugia的位置;他們想知道為什麼梵谷傷害自己後,醫師卻不幫他執行手術;他們想要得到“Z Otchlani”的英文翻譯、“俄羅斯人權宣言”、馬丁路德的演說“我有一個夢想”中文版;他們需要一些詩的副本;他們有一行的詩文,並希望可以找到其完整的詩文背景。這些典型的公共圖書館參考問題都是來自於美國加州的參考中心BALIS的地方公共圖書館的人文學參考問題抽樣。BALIS= Bay Area Library and Information System海灣地區圖書交流服務機構海灣地區圖書交流服務機構 Referral:轉介:轉介源自於社會服務領域

9、,其目的在指引個人到所需要的資源或服務。魄赠聚越谤吱毅佳沙范麻阵寇荷汰浴府二屉格张喧呼蔽牡暑俯浑拢棋鞠润人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities關於關於BALISlReference referral began in California with the Bay Area Refer-ence Center, funded by a Library Services and Construction Act grant to the San Francisco Pub

10、lic Library from the Califomia State Library in 1967. lSince then, libraries have participated in an ever-changing network for reference referral. lLocal libraries refer questions to second-level regional centers, which can, in mm, refer unanswered questions to the state-wide third-level center, the

11、 State of California Answering Network (SCAN). lSpecial and academic libraries interact with the network invarious ways. Services, poli-cies and procedures vary from center to center, but a major actwty is answering public library reference questionson all subjects. lIll focus on aspects of second-l

12、evel humanities research, describing resources and strategies used at BALLS, which may differsome-what from other centers.柄忆凭旭捉沪政认氰瘴篓蝎崖尼雇檬嚣钥熬詹理洋戏淹困第偏历电硬汐纫人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitieslLibrarians at SCAN specialize by broad subject areas, to become

13、 more proficient in resources in those areas.lReference centers try various strategies to better serve their widely varied clientele. lBALLS sponsored a Spanish language project toidentify Spanish language resources, purchase materials, and provide second-level reference in Spanish. lA childrens spe

14、cialist at BALLS provides expertise on questions on childrens literature and extends second-level reference services to children.BALIS疡骸布禄焰厕瑚稼磨话襟亦披泛羚澜方柄逐揩丘巷辩痰梁随阉符渍芦闯穴人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitieslLibraries fax or send forms through system delivery

15、 to BALLS. We also encourage questions by telephone to facilitate referral and insure that the form does not create a barrier to service. Personal contacts between librarians are an excellent way to facilitate the referral process; to develop those contacts BALLS staff attends library staff meetings

16、, supports work- shop activities, and conducts BALIS orientations.lWe keep communication open while working on questions using memos or phone calls to clarify questions. At times, partial information is sent asa reality check to make sure we are on the right track before pursuing a complete answer.

17、This back and forth process often involves questions in the humanities,which frequently need interpretation and clarification.介满用蛇拾葡长呻胡寻策骆川置考啄走霉荤涧伞赤俞淫诌寻踞班煎鸯亢宦人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitieslJust finding information in the humanities can be challengi

18、ng.l在人文學中尋找資訊是具有挑戰性的在人文學中尋找資訊是具有挑戰性的侗门泼男辱脓顷沂袱冷溜本隧终找事湾你吠控独刨爹骋遗敲抑岳恫隋历签人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitieslFinding the best resource may require time to look through both reference and circulating collections, check bibliographies, search online catalogs,

19、and wait for interlibrary loan deliveries.l要找到最好的來源可能需要花時間在找尋參考要找到最好的來源可能需要花時間在找尋參考與流通的館藏,核對書目,搜尋線上目錄,以與流通的館藏,核對書目,搜尋線上目錄,以及等待館際互借及等待館際互借潮今函哄身偏蝗惰倘擞战陌斜啤限冻嗡狞确轰凋踏办卞谤剥亥蛾时豹雀政人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitieslAt times, our patrons expectations exceed what i

20、nformation is availablel有時候顧客的期望會超出我們可用的資訊。lWhen I exhausted my resources, I turned to SCAN.lThis kind of work (Second-level research) is time-consuming because we provide patrons with answers, not sources.l當我用盡我的資料來源,我轉向SCAN(State of California Answering Network加州答詢系統)。像這樣的次等調查是很耗時間的,因為我們提供給顧客的是答案不

21、是來源。擅撅猿段尔捆翘丁殿嘴杀糟诲簧矾大藻枯恋许弦呀嫂反挨珠邯教赁疟渝弧人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitiesSCANlSCAN:Focuses on California library reference news and information. Includes updates on public officials, lists of prestigious awards, a whos-who obituary, facts and figures, and

22、 movie tie-ins.l聚焦在加州圖書館相關新聞跟資訊,包括政府官員的最新消息、有關名望的獎項、名人錄、訃告、事實與數據,以及電影相關連結蜒雕惭器氨搏节泊农腊妨软盔逢溯驭诡卢至迪楼惟倍搭壤身辑行岳颅茧姑人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitieslImprecise knowledge of what we are looking for can complicate reference in the humanities, as can a lack of inde

23、xing. The patron requesting the rest of Coward, take this cowards hand many years ago was not sure if it was a line from a film or poetry.l The librarian working on this question has wonderful instincts for poetry, and searched through books of collected poetry after fast checking all indexed poems

24、on cowardice. Her virtue was rewarded when she found Eve Merriams The Coward in a collection edited by Scott Bates: Poems of War Resistance. Today this question would be simple, since the line is the last in the poem, and is now indexed in Facts on Files wonderful reference book Last Lines; an Index

25、 to the Last Lines of Poetry. It is still difficult to identify lines when we are not sure if they are poetry, prose or song,particularly if they are embedded in the middle of the work. 湖右而翰睁谁蒲委心妨转瞳苞港尧愤衅靴矩蔬乘仪玲张瓶践若警鸿拇誊鉴人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities

26、lThe patron who asked for Lindberghs I Want to be a Spanish Dancer“ provided a challenge to the librarian who persisted in looking through much of Lindberghs poetry, and located those lines in the light-hearted poem Caprice in a March 9, 1929 Literary Digest.If patrons remember lines from 1929, its

27、little wonder they dont always get the titles right.lAt times we identify scholars who can provide definitive an-swers. I was unable to locate an English translation of Z Otchlani, a World War II underground publication, but I though there was a rare possibility one might exist. 讳伞课伪沏煽较嗓寺雁民揉哀仪钻缘娇常靶售

28、钉摸奢短控弦扶丈代捉擅哥人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitieslThe patron had provided a good source: a footnote, indicating the anthology first published the poem Cam-po die Fiori by Czeslaw Milosz. lMr. Milosz answered my letter,providing the final word. There is no

29、 English translation, but the original is in his archive at Yale. Sometimes we contact experts to verify information. lThe entry in The Faber Companion to 20th-Century Popular Music on the band Scritti Politti indicates the name means political writing in Italian, but a professor of Italian disagree

30、d, and the bands recording company said the name meant nothing at all!亭桨虽系萄河箍丝帮苍硕摈贬县蔡质跌似鹃甜莫公娠曾吵敷氰瓜着叠沾捣人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitiesl In addition to library collections and experts BALIS accesses information through online databases. Many questions

31、 require an online search at some point in the research, a service which is not offered in many local libraries. lSome searches provide leads, but others provide answers. For the patron curious about the contents of Lincolns pockets, an online search through full-text newspapers brought up a thought

32、ful article from the April 12, 1988 Chicago Tribune, in which the writer speculates on what the homely items-spectacles, handkerchief, news clippings, pocketknife, and a Con-federate bill-tell us about the man. lThese, then are the resources we use in second-level humanities research: databases, ref

33、erence files,librarycollections, organizations, special collections and experts.祈烤苫指荡必佐淮像捏骇夷瞬历摄跃筑澎临混郭湍娃磨带抚毯治郑忍英热人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitiesSEARCHFORALETTERBYALEXHALEYlSome questions require the use of many resources; a request for a letter by Al

34、ex Haley was one. lThe patron knew of an exchange of letters in the New York Times in which a reader attacked Roots and debunked black genealogy.l作品根和揭發黑人家譜l目的:Haley responded with an eloquent defense. The patron wanted Haleys letter to use in Kwanza celebrations. (安哥拉的慶典頌揚)仙住累安舜盘沮材云芭逼鄙窟驭牧诅宴复石查曝邀咎蚕再

35、蓝巾膛恐孺帖柿人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities文章作者的檢索過程文章作者的檢索過程l1checkoftheTimesindex從時代雜誌的索引開始查起從時代雜誌的索引開始查起lthere are entries under black history,television and books.lthe whole Haleys story is not laid out in one tidy pagelOnline indexes are superior to

36、ols, but dont answer all our questions.lAccess here probably would not have helped, since I didnt have any unusual terms, or money or time enough to bring up and read everything related to Alex Haley.l流通在這裡大概不能有所幫助,我們既沒有任何特殊關係或金流通在這裡大概不能有所幫助,我們既沒有任何特殊關係或金錢,和足夠的時間去找出和閱讀所有關於錢,和足夠的時間去找出和閱讀所有關於AlexHaley

37、的東西。的東西。l2diggingaroundinaprintedindex挖掘書面索引挖掘書面索引lHe find that letters were indexed, but not to find any by Haley.la problem not unusual in humanities questions: not knowing the time frame.lHumanities=人文學科人文學科哥哨筐嚏焦兴僻缠侨恩臻立鳖些凭糙障乌烟肠舆萤胺丫泥痘戌朗稼谱臂罚人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組Reportoft

38、hethirdgroupofHumanities思考的方向思考的方向l1.Time Assuming it must have been around 1976 or 1977, the book and television program dates, he concentrated on those years.l2.資料型式資料型式 I did not assume Haleys response was necessarily a letter;he might have responded on the op-ed page or elsewhere. l3. tried thep

39、aperofrecord文本記錄文本記錄 The New York Times, however, obviously overwhelmed by calls for everything from the weather to pictures of somebodys Aunt Tillie from the 1940s, has taken refuge behind an answering recording which refers you to information sources such as their index. l然而,紐約時報很明顯的勝過1940年代某人的Aun

40、t Tillie :號稱為從天氣到圖片的資料都有,紐約時報保留的回答記錄會指引我們找到資料來源就像是資料的索引。 找到的資源:找到的資源:lA Guide to Magazine Articles, Newspaper Articles and Books . lThe Kaiser Index to Black Resources, 1948-1986.反脓妓超吉惫勇办淄求蛾胁簿级砸肮埋与涕抓扦帚贪迄辱且笨仪苛住凋胳人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities思考的方向思考

41、的方向l4.probablyproblems思考哪裡出了問題思考哪裡出了問題lIs the patron sure it was the Times? Why? lCan they tell us any more, such as the kinds of issues Haley addressed? lOther hints? Might it be one of the citations I have suggested?l新線索:新線索: The library replied that the patron saw the letter in Haleys effects the

42、 week before the auction of Haleys estate; maybe it was an exchange published in another paper.l之前會找不到的原因:之前會找不到的原因: Getting misinformation the first time around is not unusual. Patrons, reluctant to alarm us with specific information, often hide behind generalities. l5.asklibrarianlHe decided to tr

43、y Nashville, where a librarian at the Tennessean newspaper checked her files for Haley references.查希碌车囊滑血脉蚊犬障腐淄烂锡凿携生疽门拭靶辩萍萤洪恭易跑丙袖乱人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities收穫及過程收穫及過程lA. The name of the auctioneer.lB. He was surprised that the telephone number

44、provided by directory assistance was his home phone.lC. He had a nice chat with the auctioneer, who saw all the items auctioned and did not recognize what our patron described. lD. The auctioneer had suggestions. Some items had gone to the New York Public Librarys Schomburg collection and special co

45、llections at the University of Tennessee.lE. He also suggested a reporter at the Village Voice who is writing a book on Haley.l他也提示有位記者在Village Voice 又寫過關於Haley的書註:註:The Schomburg Collection is a remarkable aggregation of knowledge on all aspects of black history, civilization, arts, and culture.Sch

46、omburg彙集是指黑人在歷史、文明、藝術和文化的所有方面的卓越知識。戎监滦诺臃弥落捶元绵彤骆沪梨醚弃韵铀刘涯皮印羌搭捻便归贤持壳踌兔人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities思考的方向思考的方向l6.結果結果 Sadly enough, despite all my good leads, I still dont have the Haley letter.l7.過程中的心得與收穫過程中的心得與收穫 It is always interesting and someti

47、mes frustrating to contact experts and special collections. He is convinced the rules of networking include screwing up your courage and trying anybody, at almost anytime. Try as we do, we dont find everything, but serendipity or old inquiries might turn this up eventually. Theres always next years

48、Kwanza celebration.lREFERENCE Roberts, Kay BARC: A Brief History of Californias First Statewide Reference Center, Wilson Library Bulletin, January, 1990, pp. 3 室庶羞希韩粹固叠兆膏埋汰倘掘娜鸿灰溅森梆阿连湿管琅卵千屿幸呵鉴鸟人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanitiesEND謝謝觀賞謝謝觀賞衙冷旦卷敲仕镭泌峰连骤返捎供邑浓淖换搜睦拜沾朗慷鞭肛闷莹繁池鸦正人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities人文學報告第三組ReportofthethirdgroupofHumanities



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