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1、 Unit 3 Who are they and what are they doing?Now, we are on a snorkeling trip under the sea.Later, well come across a great variety of marine animals.Guess what well see?What are those?DolphinsLook Its coming towards us.Thatis a Seaturtle.That looks beautiful!Its a sea horse.Angel fish天使鱼天使鱼parrotfi

2、sh 鹦鹦鹉鱼鹉鱼clam 蛤蛤Sea Star海星海星Coral 珊瑚珊瑚 jellyfish 水母水母Anemone fish 海葵鱼海葵鱼Clown fisheel 鳗,鳝sea-slug 海蛞蝓海蛞蝓Shark鲨鱼鲨鱼Killer whale虎鲸虎鲸Baleen whale蓝鲸蓝鲸Among these animals which one is the biggest under the sea?1. Which kind of whale eat meat?A killer whale B blue whale C humpback whale (驼背鲸)2. Which famil

3、y do killer whales belong to ?A shark B dolphin C whalebaleen whale 3. The killer is sometimes called the “_ of the sea because they worked as a team and they were very fierce. A. wolf B. dog C. tiger4. Who will be the leader of the team? A. male whales B. female whales C. baby whales5. Are Killer w

4、hales likely to attack people and eat people?A. Yes B. No Unit 3 Under the seaUnit 3 Under the seaat an aquariumon a snorkelling tripOn a snorkeling tripAt an aquariumOn a boat tourIn booksIn filmsOn TV nature programmesOn the Internet_whalewhale_whales _whales blow-holeblow-holewhalwhalerers swhale

5、whale whales whales People who hunt whalesPeople who hunt whalesWhat do you think is happening in the picture?baleenkillerRead the introduction of the passage onpage 19 and then fill in the chart below. WriterVocationStyleTimePlaceMain idea Clancy A whalerAnecdotesAt the beginning of the 20th centur

6、y Southeastern coast of AustraliaThe killer whales helped the whalers kill baleen whalesBrief introduction of the passageOld Tom the Killer WhaleReading Individual Work ScanningFill in the blanks with the names mentioned in the text.1. _was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station

7、. 2._orderd Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay. 3. _was swimming by the boat showing the whalers the way.4._told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale.5._was carried by the waves further and further away from the whalers.6. _knew

8、 that Old Tom would protect James.Clancy GeorgeOld TomJackJamesRed Pair Work Reading and skimmingGet the main ideas of the two anecdotes. describes a hunting experience about how the killer whales _ the whalers to hunt a whale. tells about how a killer whale _ James, a whaler.The first anecdoteThe s

9、econd onehelpedprotected and saved ( ) George started beating the water with his oar ( ) Clancy jumped into the boat with the whalers. ( ) Clancy arrived at the whaling station ( ) The killers started racing between our boat and the whale ( ) Clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay ( ) Clancy

10、was sorting out his accommodation ( ) Clancy ran down to the shore ( ) The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale 65173248Skimming the text and put the following sentences into a Skimming the text and put the following sentences into a right orderright order Killers activities Wha

11、ts the purpose of killers activities1.Old Tom _itself out of the water and _ down again.threwcrashed 2.Old Tom_ by the boat swam3.They threw themselves on _of the whales blow-hole to stop it_ and others stop it _and _out to seatopbreathingfleeing4.They dragged the body down to the _ of the sea.depth

12、sTo tell the whalers theres a whale out thereTo show the whalers the way to the huntTo gain the time for the whalerTo have a good feed on lip &tongueHow did the killers help the whalers?diving1. What is the dangerous situation of James in the second story? 2. How did Old Tom help James? part21.What

13、is the dangerous situation of James in the second story? 2. How did Old Tom help James? Old Tom kept the shark away and then held firmly James up in the water.James was washed off the boat and was carried further and further. And there was a shark near by. Do the “True” or “False” exercises.1.The au

14、thor believed the story was truth at the very beginning. 2.The killer whale was throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again just to play.3.Old Tom swim by our boat, showing us the way.4.The whale caught by the killers died and its whole body was eaten by the killers.5.James was afr

15、aid of being abandoned by us.6.No one saved James, and he was killed by a shark.1.1.The text is mainly about _. The text is mainly about _. A. the killer whales are easily trained A. the killer whales are easily trained B. the killer whales can help the B. the killer whales can help the whalers catc

16、h the huge whaleswhalers catch the huge whales C. the killer whales kill the whales for C. the killer whales kill the whales for their foodtheir food D. the killer whales drag the whales D. the killer whales drag the whales under the waterunder the waterB2. _ killed the whale at 2. _ killed the whal

17、e at last.last. A. Old Tom A. Old Tom B. the killer whales B. the killer whales C. the author C. the author D. the whalers D. the whalersD3. After the whale died, the whalers 3. After the whale died, the whalers turned the boat around and went home turned the boat around and went home because _. bec

18、ause _. A. they knew it would float up tomorrowA. they knew it would float up tomorrowB. they abandoned itB. they abandoned itC. the killer whale would drag it back C. the killer whale would drag it back soonsoonD. a dead whale is uselessD. a dead whale is uselessA4. The killer whale protected James

19、 4. The killer whale protected James by _. by _. A. fighting the sharkA. fighting the sharkB. killing the sharkB. killing the sharkC. preventing the shark going closerC. preventing the shark going closerD. dragging him backD. dragging him backC5. 5. From the story, we learn that _. From the story, w

20、e learn that _. A. the whalers neednA. the whalers neednt train the killer t train the killer whaleswhalesB. the whalers may train the killer whalesB. the whalers may train the killer whalesC. the killer whales live on other whalesC. the killer whales live on other whalesD. the author workedD. the a

21、uthor worked in the whale station in the whale station for a long timefor a long timeBDescribe the relationship between Old Tom and the whalersDiscussionpart 1 Old Tom_ itself _ _ the water and _down again to_ that there was a baleen whale there. He _ by the boat, _ us the _. As we got closer, I cou

22、ld see baleen whale _ _by a pack of about six other killers. They were working as a_.The killers stopped it _. And others were stopping it _.The man used the _to hit it. The killer whales _ the whales into the depth of the sea and have a good _on its tips and tonguethrewoutofcrashedshow swamshowingw

23、aybeing attackedteambreathingfleeingharpoonOld Tom helped catch the whalesdragged feed part 2Old Tom saved the whaler-JamesOne day, James was _ _the boat.The sea was _. The waves were _ him _and _.James was very _ of being _ It took over _ _ _to get the boat back to James.And when we _him, I saw him _up in the water by Old Tom.washed offroughcarryingterrified furtherabandonedheldapproached furtherhalf an hourbeing



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