双语报高中英语 Unit 3 Science and nature Word power课件 牛津版必修5

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1、Unit 3 Science and nature Word power Quiz Fill in the blank with proper words.1. My pen _. I cannot find it. (appear)2.The book is on the top shelf. Im not so tall that I am _ to reach it. (able)disappearedunable3. Its _ for him to catch the early bus. Because he got up too late this morning. (possi

2、ble)4. _ leads to quarreling. (understand)impossibleMisunderstandingPrefixExampleMeaninganti-dis- in-il-im-ir-pre-re-un-previewearly, beforerecreateagainuncertainnot, opposite ofanti-smoking against, opposed to disappear not, opposite of incorrectillegalimmoralirresponsible not, without Some other w

3、ords with prefix: invisible inactive inadvisableimbalance immobilerecall reuse represent recreateunlock unexpected unwiseNote: Prefix: a group of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.1. Mr Li is _. He is always helping others and a good citizen. (respect)2. Miss Wan

4、g is a _. She loves her job writing novels. (novel)3. The teachers words were a great _ to him. (encourage)respectablenovelistencouragement4. Hangzhou is so _ that it attracts many visitors. (beauty)5. The accident happened because of his _. (care)beautifulcarelessnesssuffixexamplemeaning-able-ful-i

5、st-less-ment-nesscomfortableworthy of, able to becheerfulfull ofscientistsb. who does sth.agreementhopelesswithoutindicate a statedrynessindicate a qualitySome other words with suffix:careless treeless development governmentlaziness silliness nervinessSuffix: a letter or a group of letters added to

6、the end of a word to make a different word.Lets fill in the blanks with what we learned just now.irresponsible illegal disrespect harmful uncertain I am strongly against cloning humans. I think it is _ for us to do that. People who want to clone human beings show their _irresponsibledisrespect for n

7、ature. They are hardly aware of the _ effects of cloning humans. It is _ what a cloned human being would be like. It could turn out to be a monster! In my opinion, tight laws should be put in place to make cloning human beings _.harmful uncertain illegalWork in groups of four and try to give more pr

8、efixes and suffixes and list several words as examples. DiscussionDiscussionOrgans of the bodyRead part A.Fill in the blanks with the names of body parts.Think of the body like a school. At the top of the school is the headmaster, known as the _. This is the organ that controls the rest of the organ

9、s, just like the headmaster controls the school. After this comes the _. brain heart It is like a teacher. This organ pumps the blood around the body so it can run well. This is similar to the knowledge a teacher gives to students. Next is the _, which is the only one that can re-grow itself. It hel

10、ps to clean the blood. This is like the knowledge students get from teachers. Students always grow with newly found knowledge. liver The _are the organs of the body that use the oxygen we breathe. Think of the oxygen as the life we lead at school. The _ is very useful as it stores the food we eat un

11、til we can digest it properly. This is similar to the learning process. We store the information for later revision, so this organ is like our notebook. The _are the organslungsstomach kidneysthat remove waste products from the blood and produce urine. They are like the cleaners, repairmen and secur

12、ity guards who look after our school. Now you can see how similar our school life is to our body and we can look after them both.Language points1. work out1) 计算出计算出, 制定出制定出, 结果为结果为We are going to work out a new plan.Who can work out this physical problem?2) exercise 锻炼锻炼, 运动运动He keeps on working out

13、 to lose weight.work on 从事某项工作,继续工作从事某项工作,继续工作work at 学习,研究,致力于学习,研究,致力于; 在在下功夫下功夫他正在撰写一本新词典。他正在撰写一本新词典。He is working on a new dictionary.Im working at my study.我正在努力学习。我正在努力学习。2. opposed to:opposed adj. 反对的,对抗的,对反对的,对抗的,对立的立的opposed to 反对反对; 与与相相对立对立我们坚决反对在国与国之间实行强我们坚决反对在国与国之间实行强权政治。权政治。We are firm

14、ly opposed to the practice of power politics between nations.真理是谬误之对。真理是谬误之对。Truth is opposed to falsehood.opposed to = in opposition to3. opposite ofopposite n. 对立面,对立物对立面,对立物Whats the opposite of tall ?1) adj. 对面的,相对的对面的,相对的on the opposite side of the street2) adj. 相反的,对立的相反的,对立的go in the opposite

15、 direction朝相反的方向去朝相反的方向去3) prep. 在在的对面的对面live opposite the post office住在邮局对面住在邮局对面4) adv. 在对面在对面He stood opposite.4. in favor of1) 赞同赞同,支持,支持be in favor of sbs suggestion2) 有利于有利于The score was 2 to 1 in favor of the guest team.比分为二比一,客队获胜。比分为二比一,客队获胜。favorfavor1) n. 好感,欢心好感,欢心win sbs favor 赢得某人的欢心赢得

16、某人的欢心2) n. 恩惠恩惠do sb. a favor = do a favor for sb.帮某人一个忙帮某人一个忙May I ask a favor of you?请您帮个忙行吗请您帮个忙行吗?favorable adj. 赞成的,有利的赞成的,有利的He is favorable to our plan.a favorable situation他赞成我们的计划。他赞成我们的计划。有利的形势有利的形势5. worthy ofbe worthdoing sth.sth.be worthyof being doneto be doneof sth.be worth 后可跟表示价值的名词

17、后可跟表示价值的名词, 而而be worthy后不可以后不可以The city is worth visiting.The city is worth a visit.The city is worthy of being visited.The city is worthy to be visited.The city is worthy of a visit.The book is worth five yuan.The book is worthy of five yuan.X6. characterizecharacterize vt.表示表示的特的特性,成为性,成为的特性的特性be

18、characterized as a man of principle.被描绘成一个有原则的人被描绘成一个有原则的人characteristic n. 特性,特征特性,特征the characteristics of the present situation目前形势的特点目前形势的特点7. care1) vt. 介意介意I dont care how far Ill have to go.无论走多远,我都不在乎。无论走多远,我都不在乎。2) vi. 关心,担心,计较关心,担心,计较 (for/about)care for sbs safety 为某人的安全为某人的安全担心担心He doesn

19、t care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着。他不讲究衣着。3) vi. 喜欢,愿意喜欢,愿意 (for/ to do)Would you care for a game of table-tennis?I dont care to go there.我不愿到那儿去。我不愿到那儿去。I dont much care about going.我不太想去。我不太想去。8. achieveachieve vt. 赢得,取得,实现赢得,取得,实现We have achieved success in developing the product.achievement2) u n.

20、完成完成, 达到达到, 成功成功celebrate the achievement of ones goals.achievable adj. 能达到的能达到的1) c n. 业绩业绩, 成就成就, 成绩成绩Winning three gold medals is a remarkable achievement.9. be similar tobe similar to 与与相似相似A is similar to B in man ways.similarity n. 类似点,类似物类似点,类似物Are there any similarities between the two?10. n

21、ewlynewly-builtnewly-marriednewly-bornnewly-published新建的新建的新婚的新婚的新生的新生的新出版的新出版的11.think ofasthink oflike看作认为看作认为是是think of oneself as/like a common solider把自己看成普通战士把自己看成普通战士think twicethink much ofthink little ofthink aloudthink over重新考虑重新考虑 认为认为很不错很不错 认为认为没什么了不起没什么了不起自言自语自言自语仔细考虑仔细考虑Revise what we learned in this class and prepare for the checking. Homework



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