高中英语 Unit1 Tales of the unexplained Period2 Language points课件 牛津译林版必修2.ppt

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1、Model 1 Unit 3 Tales of the unexplained Period 2 Language points of Reading一【设计思想】本节课为阅读课的第二课时,重点是在复习本节课为阅读课的第二课时,重点是在复习课文内容的基础上学习课文中出现的一些重课文内容的基础上学习课文中出现的一些重要词汇和句型等,培养学生的语言运用能力。要词汇和句型等,培养学生的语言运用能力。通过真实语境学习重要语言点的用法,并配通过真实语境学习重要语言点的用法,并配以相关的练习。以相关的练习。二二【教学目标教学目标】 By the end of this class, the student

2、s will be able to1. learn some useful words, expressions and some sentence patterns. 2. put what they have learned into practice. 三三【教学重难点教学重难点】1. Understand the text better.2. Master the usage of some words and phrases.【课堂导入课堂导入】Enjoy the following sentences and underline where you think it should

3、be paid attention to.1. However, since Mrs. Foster thought that Justin was spending the night with a friend, she assumed that Kelly was having a bad dream, and sent her back to bed. 2. When Justin did not show up for lunch the next day 3. “Its happened to me!” said Mrs. Mavis Wood. 4. The aliens too

4、k me abroad the UFO so that they could do research on me. 5. Luckily, they returned me home without any injuries. 【课堂导入课堂导入】Enjoy the following sentences and underline where you think it should be paid attention to.6. When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Pe

5、terson, who has taken charge of the case, told journalists, “Sometimes people make up such amazing stories. Theres really no hard evidence that aliens took him.” 7. So, while we have not dismissed the idea, we are looking into other possibilities as well. 8. We will not give up until we find out wha

6、t happened. 熟读课文,划出下列短语并识记:熟读课文,划出下列短语并识记:1. run into_2. 发生在某人身上发生在某人身上_3.加紧对加紧对的搜索的搜索_4.失踪失踪_5.引发兴趣引发兴趣_6.在空中在空中_7.go straight to_ 8. 播放播放CD_9. 醒来;唤醒醒来;唤醒_10. pull back the curtains_11. a flash of light_12. have a bad dream做了一个噩梦做了一个噩梦_ 13. send her back to bed_14. work on_15. 报警报警_ 16. take me abo

7、ard the UFO_17. 在我身上做实验在我身上做实验_18. without any injuries_19. 编造这样令人惊叹的故事编造这样令人惊叹的故事_20.确凿的证据确凿的证据_ 21. on earth_22. continue to defend his research_偶遇偶遇sth. happen to sb.step up ones research forgo missingreceive great interestin the sky径直朝某方向走径直朝某方向走put on CDwake sb. up拉开窗帘拉开窗帘一道闪光一道闪光送她上床睡觉送她上床睡觉从事

8、工作从事工作call the police把我带上把我带上UFOdo research on me没有受伤没有受伤make up such amazing storieshard/convincing evidence究竟,到底究竟,到底继续维护自己的研究继续维护自己的研究【预习检查预习检查】体会课文中下列每句话中的语言点的用法,可查阅工具书。体会课文中下列每句话中的语言点的用法,可查阅工具书。1. 【原句回放原句回放】Boy missing, police puzzled. 英语中标题经常使用省略句,请你将此标题还原成完整的句子: _ 在该句中puzzled的含义是 。请回忆puzzled和

9、puzzling的区别?1)I am by the maths problem. In other words, the problem _us.2)The students were over the problem, listening to the teacher with a _ expression on their faces. A. puzzled; puzzling; puzzling B. puzzled; puzzling; puzzled C. puzzling; puzzling; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzled; puzzlingA boy

10、is missing and the police are puzzled.困惑的困惑的puzzled puzzling puzzleB 【课堂教与学课堂教与学】2. 【原句回放原句回放】Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing three days ago in Dover, New Hampshire. (P2, L1-4)此句中step up意思是 。小试牛刀!小试牛刀!1)增加产量 _ 2)At the finish line, the runne

11、r speed and won the race. A. showed up B. stepped up C. put up D. made up此句中go missing意思是 ;go (连系v):变成某种状态(通常指_的状态) 小试牛刀!小试牛刀!发疯_出故障 _ 变质_ 未受惩罚 _ 该句中search词性为 ,后面的for可以用of替换吗?_ 【拓展】in search of /to search for _search for sb./sth. _search sb./sp. _search sb./sp. for sth. _加紧,加强加紧,加强step up the produc

12、tionB失踪失踪不好不好go crazy/madgo wringgo badgo unpunished名词名词No为了寻找为了寻找寻找某人寻找某人/某物某物搜某人的身搜某人的身/搜某地搜某地搜某人搜某人/地找某物地找某物小试牛刀!小试牛刀!1) Many villagers went to big cities _ (为寻找) better jobs.=Many villagers went to big cities _ better jobs.(句型转换)2) The police_ the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared. A

13、.was searching B. were searching C. was searching for D. were searching for3) A group of soldiers went into the woods _ the missing pilot. A.search for B. in search of C. searched for D. in search forIn search ofto search forDB3. 【原句回放原句回放】Justin Foster, a high school student, was last seen Friday n

14、ight. (P2, L9-11)句中划线部分作“Justin Foster”的同位语。一个名词(或其它形式)对另一个名词或代词进行修饰、限定或说明,这个名词(或其它形式)就是同位语。同位语与被它限定的词的格要一致,并常常紧挨在一起。如: He himself told me that his brother John is a world-famous doctor. They each have an English-Chinese dictionary. 小试牛刀!小试牛刀!试用同位语合并下列句子:Mr. Smith is our new English teacher. He is v

15、ery kind to us. -Mr. Smith, , is very kind to us.2)We are Chinese people and we are brave and hardworking.-We are brave and hardworking.our new English teacherChinese people4. 【原句回放原句回放】Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his home at 10.45p.m. (P2, L18-19) 在本句中在本句中witness词词性为性为 ,含义是,含

16、义是 。如:。如:I was a witness to their quarrel. 另外,另外,witness 还可用作还可用作 (词性),含义是(词性),含义是 。如:。如: Who witnessed the accident? 此句中此句中saw Justin walking 是是_(结构结构)【拓展拓展】see +sb./sth. + _小试牛刀!小试牛刀!1) 我看见他进了那家饭店。我看见他进了那家饭店。 I into the restaurant.2)看到儿子在托儿所受到很好的照顾,我很高兴。)看到儿子在托儿所受到很好的照顾,我很高兴。 Im very glad to good

17、care of in the nursery.3)有人看见他一小时前离开了。)有人看见他一小时前离开了。 He an hour ago.【拓展拓展】_(哪哪些词些词)与与see有这种相同用法。请在文中划出类似结构。有这种相同用法。请在文中划出类似结构。名词名词目击者目击者vt.目击,见证目击,见证see+宾语宾语+宾补宾补do/doing/donesaw him walkingsee my son taken was seen to leavewatch, see, notice, observe, look at, listen to, hear5. 【原句回放原句回放】Standing i

18、nside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.(P2, L36-38)这是个_(句型),正常语序是:_ 在英语中,当句子的主语太长,或说话人想要强调对动作的描写时,可以把现在分词短语和主语部分的位置交换,形成“现在分词短语be动词主语”的倒装结构。小试牛刀!小试牛刀!1)Growing around the lake are trees of different kinds. _ 2)躺在那儿的是一个瘦弱的黑人妇女。_ 3) 一个姑娘正站在那儿。(两种句式) _ _【总结总结】倒装句结构是:_

19、【拓展拓展】当here, there, then等副词放、in, out, up, down等方向性副词或介词短语放句首,句子则需要_。eg. Here comes the bus./ On the floor were piles of books, magazines and newspapers. 特例:当句子特例:当句子主语为代词时,主谓不倒装主语为代词时,主谓不倒装e.g. : There he comes. 倒装倒装 Lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes were standing inside

20、湖边长着各种各样的树。湖边长着各种各样的树。Lying there is a thin black woman.Standing there is a girl.There Stands a girl.谓语(部分)谓语(部分)+主语主语完全倒装完全倒装小试牛刀!小试牛刀!1) Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school._ the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友) from home and abroad. A. Attend B.

21、 To attend C. Attending D. Having attended2) In the dark forest _, some large enough to hold several English towns. A.stand many lakes B. lie many lakes C. many lakes lie D. many lakes stand3) Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away _.A.running the thief B. was running the thief C. the thief ran D. r

22、an the thief4) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my program. _me this evening is Dr Gray. A. To join B. Join C. Joined D. Joining CBDD6. 【原句回放原句回放】The aliens took me aboard the UFO so that they could do research on me. (P3, L59-61) 该句中so that引导 从句,此时从句中须有情态动词;so that引导 _从句时,从句中不用情态动词。比较下面两句,分别指出so th

23、at 引导什么从句:1) I got up early this morning so that I could catch the early bus. _ 2) I got up late this morning so that I missed the early bus._ do research on 含义是 ,这里的on 也可以用 替换。与这个短语含义相同的还有carry out/ make research on。另外,research还可用作动词来表示这个含义,即research (on/ into) sth.目的状语目的状语结果状语结果状语目的状语从句目的状语从句结果状语从

24、句结果状语从句对对做研究做研究on7. 【原句回放原句回放】When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Petererson, who has taken charge of the case, told journalists, “Sometimes people make up such amazing stories.本句中,本句中,when asked部分为部分为_, 补充完整为补充完整为_; that 引导引导_从句,在该从句中起从句,在该从句中起_作作用,用,_成分,

25、成分,_意义,同意义,同_从从句用法。请在文章最后一段再找出一个类似句子句用法。请在文章最后一段再找出一个类似句子_。 请总结请总结so/such 的用法:的用法:_ _省略省略when he was asked同位语同位语链接链接不作不作没有没有表语表语There was no hard evidence that he was taken away.so+adj.+a/an+n.such+a/an+adj.+n.such+adj.+n.(pl.)/un.8. 【原句回放原句回放】So, while we have not dismissed the idea, we are looking

26、 into other possibilities as well.(P3 L73-75)句中while引导_,意思为_;eg. While I am willing to help. I do not have much time.翻译_【拓展拓展】while 还有什么用法?写出下列句中while的用法及含义。1)She is very diligent, while he is lazy. 表示_, 意思是 “_” 2)Please be quiet while Im talking to you. 表示_, 意思是 “_” 3)While I understand what you sa

27、y, I cant agree with you. 表示_, 意思是 “_” 小试牛刀!小试牛刀!1) The American economy is still in trouble, _ the Chinese economy is beginning to pick up.A.when B.however C.while D.therefore 2) _some people come here for a short break, others have decided to stay forever. A. Because B. If C. Once D. While让步状语从句让步

28、状语从句虽然,尽管虽然,尽管虽然我想帮你,但我没有太多时间。虽然我想帮你,但我没有太多时间。对比对比然而然而同时同时当时候当时候让步让步虽然,尽管虽然,尽管C D(一一)完成句子完成句子1. Police in America have _ (加快)(加快)their _(搜寻)(搜寻)a fifteen-year-old boy who went _ three days ago in Dover, New Hampshire.2. I _(拉开)(拉开)the curtains and saw a large spaceship _(在(在空中飞行着)空中飞行着).3. S_(站着)(站着

29、)inside _ (是)(是)lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.4. I havent seen Justin _(自从那以后)(自从那以后).5. The aliens took me _ (上去)(上去)the UFO _ (为的是)(为的是)they could _ (做研究)(做研究)me.6. I havent _(一直没睡好)(一直没睡好) well since I returned home.7. When asked about _ (可能性)(可能性)Justin was taken

30、 by aliens8. We will not _ (放弃,直到)(放弃,直到)we find out what happened.9. They remember an incident a few years ago, _ it was believed that a stepped upsearchmissingpulled backin the skytandingweresinceaboardso thatdo research onbeen sleepingthe possibilitygive upwhere【课堂巩固课堂巩固】(二)根据要求将下列句子翻译成英文(二)根据要求将

31、下列句子翻译成英文1. 为了寻找那张地图,警方正在搜索整个房子。为了寻找那张地图,警方正在搜索整个房子。 (searchfor) _ 2. 我提高嗓门以便每个人都能听到。我提高嗓门以便每个人都能听到。 (so that) _ The police are searching the house for that map.I raised my voice. so that everyone can hear what I said.(三)单项填空(三)单项填空1. I asked him to come at seven oclock, but he yet.A. didnt show off

32、B. didnt show up C. hasnt shown up D. hasnt shown off2. My dictionary . I have looked for it everywhere but still it. A. has lost; dont findB. is missing; havent found C. has lost; havent foundD. is missing; dont find3. It me that he always finishes his work in a short time. He is well-known for his

33、 working at an speed.A. amazes; amazing B. amazed; amazed C. amaze; amazedD. amaze; amazing4. Most of the meat bad.A. have goneB. have wentC. has gone D. has went5. It has been three days since they began to _ the _ map.A. search, missing B. search for, missing C. search, missed D. search for, misse

34、d6. -Why did he have to leave school? -He happened to _ a laptop computer from the school lab. A. be seen steal B. be seen stealing C. be caught to steal D. catch stealing C BAC B B 【知识小结知识小结】帮助学生及时巩固所学语言知识,培养他们的语言运用能力。【提升与拓展提升与拓展】Complete the following words according to the situations: 1.The p_ lo

35、ok on his face suggested that he knew nothing about the matter.2. The 20th century w_ the rapid development of information technology.3. The crocodile is a strange-looking c_.4. _ (研究人员研究人员)have recently discovered a new virus which may lead to immediate death.5. We havent ruled out the p_ that he c

36、ommitted suicide.6. She was f_ to fall down from the top of the tall building.7. A good article must offer c_ argument.8. D_ at the plot of the film, he left before it was over.9. With the teachers help, I have made great p_ in my spoken English.10. When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the e_ of his guilt.uzzleditnessedreatureResearcherspossibility frightenedconvincingDisappointedprogressevidence



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