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1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games1234The Olympic Games5Group work for competition1.When did the ancient Olympic Games started? A.1896 B. 1906 C. 776 BC2. What was rewarded the winners in ancient Olympic Games? A. Medals B. Money C. Olive wreath63. How many gold medals did China get in the 2004 Athens Olympic

2、s? A. 28 B. 32 C. 304. Which sport is in the Winter Olympic Games? A. Badminton B. Basketball C. Speed skating75. How many kinds of Olympic Games are there in the world?6. Whats the motto of the Olympic Games? (Two kinds)(Higher, swifter and stronger)87. Whats the motto of the Athens Olympics?8. Wha

3、ts the host city of the first Olympics?(Welcome home) (Athens, Greece)99. Whats the host city of the 2000 Olympic Games? (Sydney, Australia).10111213141516171. Look at the title and read the background information:Guess: What are they going to talk about?2. listen to the tape carefully and do the tr

4、ue or false exercises.181.There are many differences between the ancient and modern O.G 2.Both the Summer and Winter Olympics are held every 4 years in modern times. 3. The Olympic Games were held in China in ancient times. 4. In ancient Olympics, Greek slaves were allowed to compete. 5. Pausanias f

5、eels unhappy after the interview. 19Task 1: SkimmingWhat are they mainly talking about?The similarities and differences about the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics.Reading20 2. When he hears that women are allowed to join in, what does he say? How about his feeling, sad, surprised or happy? (surp

6、rised)213. When he hears the Olympics are also about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw further, how does he feel, sad, surprised of happy? (happy)22Task 2: ScanningItemsThe ancient olympic gamesThe modern olympic gamesFrequency 1. Every_ years2. Every _ yearsfourfour23TypesOnly Summer

7、olympic gamesSummer and 3._olympic gamesEvents Fewer4._wintermore24ItemsThe ancient olympic gamesThe modern olympic gamesAthletes Only men from 5. _ cityFrom 6._ _ including 7. _Greekall overthe worldwomen25Places Greece8._ _Prize9._ _10. _every country is possiblean olive wreathmedals26272829303132

8、AsiaAsiaEuropeEuropeAfricaAfricaAmericaAmericaOceaniaOceaniaThe five rings stand for friendship of five continents.solidificationequalityopenfriendship团结团结平等平等坦城坦城友谊友谊3334Work in pairs. What do you prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games if you are a teacher / university students/ worker in Beijing / driver / Tianliang / Guo Jingjing / Liu Xiang / a coach (教练教练) / Zhang Yimou / the mayor of Beijing Discussion351. Review the reading text and finish 2. Ex. 1 & 2 (P11)2. Surf the internet to learn more knowedge Summary and homework36



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