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1、考前14天四级听力突破The Breakthrough of Listening Competence (CET4) TWO Weeks Are Long Enough!听力及其他各项比重o卷一:作文15%o 快速阅读 10%o卷二: 听力听力 35% (曾经是20%)o 选词填空及精细阅读 25%(曾是40%)o 完形填空 10%o 翻译: 5% 考试过程o8:509:00 试音时间试音时间o9:009:10 播放考场指令,发放作文考卷播放考场指令,发放作文考卷o9:10 取下耳机,开始作文考试取下耳机,开始作文考试o9:35 发放含有快速阅读的试题册发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但但9:40才

2、允许才允许开始做开始做)o9:409:55 做快速阅读做快速阅读o9:5510:00 收答题卡一收答题卡一(即作文和快速阅读即作文和快速阅读)o9:5510:00 重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试听力考试o10:00 开始听力考试,电台开始放音开始听力考试,电台开始放音o听力结束后完成剩余考项听力结束后完成剩余考项本讲内容o需要什么资料o怎样练习o听力各项的答题技巧(重点) (复合式听写、短对话、长对话、短文)需要什么资料o真题(近4年,共8套)o电脑或mp3/mp4/mp5o空白笔记本及字典oSophisticated 怎样练习o合适的学习环境o步骤:o1.预

3、测 o 预测什么?在不听的情况下判断问题,猜测可能的对话内容。o举例: (2010.12, 16) A) Switch off the refrigerator for a while. B) Have someone repair the refrigerator。 C) Ask the man to fix the refrigerator. D) Buy a refrigerator of better quality.预测时间分配o所需时间:45分钟o只看短对话?oNo. (相对简单,题目间隔10秒)o短对话看两题到三题,1分钟o用2分钟时间,仔细看一题长对话(long convers

4、ation),重点看清一篇短文(passages)的选项o1-2分钟看复合式听写,看文体、填空的词性o2. 听力开始o 连听35分钟,保持注意力集中,练习定力、耐力。o 不停顿、不查字典、不看答案。o 边看原文边听?o3. 检查o 对答案,看准确率。o 将做过的所有题目中遇到的不懂的单词和短语摘抄到笔记本上。o 目的?o4. 重听(裸听) 听力各项的答题技巧o1.复合式听写(最难、失分最多的题目)oCompound Dictation 10%o题目共11题, 36-46o 前8个空,准确的单词,共4分,每空0.5。o后3空,完整的句子,共6分。复合式听写中单词的特点o难拼写,但很常用,常大意拼

5、错o举例:schedule, (behind schedule 迟到;on schedule 准时,punctual)o tedious 沉闷的,乏味的,辛苦的ocolleague 同事, oavailable 有空的,单身的,有货的oindispensable 不可缺少的,dispense with sth.摒弃前8个空考什么单词?o动词、形容词、名词、副词o举例: 2011年6月复合式听写前8空: survive, distant, backward, discovered, scientific, motion, predicted, introduced 2010年12月复合式听写前8

6、空: preserve, appreciate, households, chat, convenient, rates, receive, submit 前8空的单词填写需要注意什么?o1.名词的单复数。如何判断?o根据上下文和语法知识。oA如果空格前是a或者an,则所填单词为单数名词。oB如果空格前是the,则所填单词可能为单数也可能为复数。oC如果空格前是few,a few,many,a good many,a number of等词或短语,则所填词为复数(或单复数同形)名词。oD如果空格前是little,a little,much,an amount of,a great deal o

7、f,则所填单词一定为单数名词o2) 注意动词变化o 原形?过去式?过去分词?现在分词?第三人称 单数形式?o3)注意形容词和副词词尾o 副词一般以-ly结尾o 注意形容词转化为副词时词尾-ly的不同加法。 比如:是否去掉末尾的 “e”,whole的副词是 wholly,而complete的副词是completely。p4)句首的空,单词的首字母大写后三个句子共6分,怎样多得分?o听到什么写什么/用自己的话写,哪种更容易?o建议:尽量写原句。o原因:改卷的机械作业o第一遍朗读,专心写句子的前半句o第二遍朗读,检查前半句,填补空缺,接着专心写句子后半句。o最后一遍朗读,检查整句话。只听出句子中几个

8、单词怎么办?o此处答题纸一定不要留空白o将这几个单词用自己的话组合成一个语法通顺的句子写在答题纸上。可以至少得0.5分。o举例:(2010年12月复合式听写 长句一)o They are also sharing information about concerts and sports events, as well as jokes and their philosophies of life.句子中有个别词没听出或不会写怎么办?o对于有词汇盲点的句子,可以根据自己的猜测,用另外一个词代替,尽量选择常用的会写的词。o举例:beneficialusefulo significantimpor

9、tanto eventuallyfinallyo在有一部分信息遗漏的情况下,根据自己的记忆和速记笔记及总结出句子大意一些常用的速记符号,仅作参考ocf compare oe.g. for example, such as, for instance odept departmento ato2 too4 forow/ with ow/o without ovs. againstoi.e. that is to say, in other wordsoetc. and so on, so and so forthokg kilogramsom/h meters per houroH2O wate

10、r间隔的45秒做什么?o1.填补遗漏的信息,将速记或省略的部分补充完整o2.认真检查单词拼写,是否漏写不发音的字母 举例:island中的s;及bomb,tomb,comb中的b, responsibilityo3.认真检查句子结构o 1) 动词的时态、语态以及主谓一致是否与前后相照应;o 2) 采用了缩写以及符号进行速记的部分切记要将相应的部分补充完整,something不可以写成sth.复合式听写拼写常见错误复合式听写拼写常见错误:o辨音错误oleave与live, causes与courses, think与sink, son与song等。osee与sea, principle与prin

11、cipal, hear与here等;o把wait for a moment写成 wait for moment,把the way it is写成the way is等;owithin写成with in,把address写成a dress,把its写成its等。o辨音正确但拼写错误辨音正确但拼写错误o1) 粗心大意粗心大意,如:把modern写成morden,把employ写成imploy等;o2) 未掌握拼写规则未。未掌握拼写规则未。如:changing成了changeing,universities成了universityes 等;o3) 大小写拼错。大小写拼错。如:American成了am

12、erican ,China成了china,o4) 前后缀出错。前后缀出错。如:improvement成了improvemant ,careless成了careness,irregular成了inregular,impossible成了inpossible等。复合式听写的魔鬼练习o选八篇文章(听过的passages文章)o听并写下每一句话。o练习的过程中允许查字典,实在听不出就空o一个句子听几遍肯定可以写出?o最多7遍o对答案,将不会写的单词记在笔记本上听力各项的答题技巧:o2.短对话o一男一女对话, 8%o表面简单,需要技巧。逻辑思辨。o举例1.mp3:(2010.6.17题)oA)Few s

13、tudents understand Prof. Johnsons lectures. B) Few students meet Prof. Johnsons requirements. C). Many students find Prof. Johnsons lectures boring. D). Many students have dropped Prof. Johnsons class.题目原文:oW: Youre taking a course with Professor Johnson. Whats your impression so far?oM: Well, many

14、students could hardly stay awake in his class with first drinking a cup of coffee.oQ: What does the man imply?短对话o对话中,第二句比第一句更容易是答案所在o最容易出的提问:oWhat does the woman/man mean?oWhat do we learn from the conversation?oWhats the relationship between the man and woman?oWhere does the conversation most prob

15、ably take place?oWhat does the man/ woman suggest the woman/man do?oWhat are the speakers going to do?oHow does the man/ woman feel about?短对话类型o人物关系题o 医患关系(身体部位、疾患)o 上下级关系,如 boss and secretary; manager and staffo 师生关系,同学关系(class, lectures, credit, exam, flunk)短对话o地点题:o 介词+地点名词o airport, restaurant,

16、hospitalo 单词的联想o menu-restauranto room, reserve,-hotelo check in-hotel, airport举例: (2008.6)o12题 A) On a train C) In a theatre B) On a plane D) In a restaurantp原文:p W: May I see your ticket please? I think you are sitting in my seat. M: Oh, youre right! My seat is in the balcony. Im terribly sorry! Q

17、: Where does the conversation most probably take place? obalcony(2008.6)-阳台、包厢、包房 theater, stadiumo动作题:o举例: (2008.6,11题) A) Give his ankle a good rest. B) Treat his injury immediately C) Continue his regular activities. D) Be careful when climbing steps.题目原文:oM: Todays a bad day for me! I fell off a

18、 step and twisted my ankle.o W: Dont worry. Usually ankle injuries heal quickly if you stop regular activities for a while.o Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?o1.情态动词:must, would, should, have to, had better 后面加原型 答案词会替换o2.建议动作类:Dont do sth. why dont do sth? Who not do sth? How about doing s

19、th? What about doing sth.?o重点在第二句,重点在动词听力各项的答题技巧o3.长对话o 19-25题 , 06年开始新加入, 分值7%o 两大段长对话,每个对话后34个问题o 细节:地点、人物关系、数据o在对话的开头部分一定会出题目。o话题与场景的判断第一句话中的核心词汇揭示答案o2.细节题 听到什么选什么,和短对话相反长对话做题步骤:p不要等待问题问好再选答案,所听即所得p先随文选择,然后听问题检查所选是否为所问的答案。p首句非常重要p问答:问不重要,关键是回答,看哪个答案和回答接近o根据结尾处的核心词汇锁定答案o长对话中一个出题规律就是在结尾处,针对将要做什么.或者

20、提出什么建议进行提问.因此答题的关键就在于锁定结尾处的核心词。举例: (2010.12 长对话2, 8:28)o22. A) By reading a newspaper ad.o B) By seeing a commercial on TV.o C) By listening to the morning news.o D) By calling an employment service.o Q: How did the woman get to know about the job vacancy?对话部分小结:o在短对话部分,考查最多的是WHAT类的提问,其中细节的考查相对较少,推断

21、型的相对较多一些.o在长对话部分,开头和结尾肯定会出题目。 所听即所得。听力各项的答题技巧:o4. 短文(passages)o题号:26-35,占10%,三篇文章,每篇3到4个问题o两种文章类型:故事、说明文o考点:转折关系o but( /t/经常被吞音)ohowever, otherwise, unfortunately, unexpectedly, surprisingly,o考点:最高级,-est, most 之后就是考点;或者更.(more likely to)o考点:逻辑关系:因为、所以、但是、一旦就,而且、无论怎样 because,so, although (though) onc

22、e, as long as, if, either or, neithernor, thats whyp考点:表强调的副词 especially, particularly 考点:序数词(first, second, next, finally.提示首三句尾三句的考点)考点:重点形容词(important/vital/necessary/chief/ only/key/crucial/major), 考点:事实罗列词(actually,in fact, as a matter of fact, its true that, the truth is)举例:(2011.6 passage 2,1

23、5:33)o29. A They think they should follow the current trend. B Nursing homes are well-equipped and convenient. C Adult day-care centers are easily accessible. D They have jobs and other commitments. 30. A They dont want to use up all their life savings. B They fear they will regret it afterwards. C

24、They would like to spend more time with them. D They dont want to see their husbands poorly treated. 31. A Provide professional standard care. B Be affectionate and cooperative. C Be frank and seek help from others. D Make full use of community facilities.o29: Why are adult children more likely to u

25、se community services to help care for elderly parentso30. Why are most wives unwilling to put their dependent husbands into nursing homes?o31. According to the passage, what must caregivers learn to do?Passage 2 原文o When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available community

26、 services such as adult daycare centers. If the caregivers are adult children, they are more likely to use such services, especially because they often have jobs and other responsibilities. In contrast, a spouse usually the wife, is much less likely to use support services or to put the dependent pe

27、rson in a nursing home. Social workers discover that the wife normally tries to take care of her husband herself for as long as she can in order not to use up their life savings. Researchers have found that caring for the elderly can be a very positive experience. The elderly appreciated the care an

28、d attention they received. They were affectionate and cooperative. oHowever, even when care-giving is satisfying, it is hard work. Social workers and experts on aging offer caregivers and potential caregivers help when arranging for the care of an elderly relative. One consideration is to ask parent

29、s what they want before they become sick or dependent. Perhaps they prefer going into a nursing home and can select one in advance. On the other hand, they may want to live with their adult children. Caregivers must also learn to state their needs and opinions clearly and ask for help from others especially brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters are often willing to help, but they may not know what to do .短文(passages)中需要重点听哪里?o前三句,后三句, topic sentenceo哪几句为后三句?o文章中最后一个选项和短语被明显读到的时候,就是后三句。o不要在听不懂的单词上浪费时间。o听取细节,推断,逻辑,排除干扰回顾:o复合式听写:o短对话o长对话o短文o考前一天,调好收音机,备用电池,试耳机,铅笔、橡皮、黑色水笔,证件,准考证。



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