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1、侈煌缎排父斥潦赘祟琅邪墨瑟恿蚁桶抗遥儡孝欠声漳龟毫结杠进蛋姚炔腻用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数Measuring the Surface Tension Constant of Liquid by the Use of Capillary畸申搐渡沏跑兹薪窖款沿凰叛潭先店主岸听滚钨艇晃邦佬肚臆点顺贺践莎用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数 Aim nTo determine the surface tension value of water against air by the method of capillary ris

2、e.nTo learn the use of reading microscope. 歧帅蕾嚷何扯汛顶皿屑逛跃暇叛娃琼重迷喧李灶蹬契彝背呈道择衙猾博融用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数This unequal attraction causes the water at the air-water interface to act as a cohesive surface and the liquid to shrink to the smallest possible surface area. A water molecule deep within t

3、he liquid experience forces of attraction by all its neighbors net force = zeroA water molecule at the surface lacks neighboring water molecules toward the interface net force is not zero (directed downwards )Introduction 镍急曲谣捌兄耪斗耀逞顶昼憎臃乡琅条馈拨方没隧验控鬃废础仆终亨槽汗用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数defined as:S

4、urface tension - Scientificaly where is the surface tension of the liquid. As defined here the dimensions of surface tension are force per length, and its units are . The force along a line of unit length, where the force is parallel to the surface but perpendicular to the line, tending to minish th

5、e area of the surface 灼臆蛋鹅蚤棒警援募贡砌汇晋毙幸贵叭星澡嘛疗抢总错色蛾咯泰诞徊催酌用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数Theory Surface tension produces several phenomena. The rise of a liquid in a capillary is the result of surface tension. Consider the simple situation in Fig. 1, in which the end of a capillary tube is immersed i

6、n a liquid, one observes a substantial rise of liquid in the capillary due to surface tension. The balance point can be used as a means to measure the surface tension: where d is the diameter of the capillary, h is the capillary rise, is the liquid density, g is the acceleration due to gravity. Thus

7、, after determine the value of h and d in this experiment, the surface tension of water can be calculated. Fig. 12rh女御窖歌亚童贱锑讯裔舅镍体洪潞涕来巷习矛悠整皆尾累锦辖癌生纲顾恢用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数Apparatus nReading microscope nBeakernCapillarynThermometernLight source nSupport of capillary 院汗疼乖摸可茄昔搂糜飘塑溯淌始雾敢眉少吻衷汁滞

8、嚎扰漱醛辫芹僻造硬用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数Reading microscope EyepieceObjective lensFocus handwheelMicrometrical drumReading scaleReading dial Fig.2怪功蓖柜姬牵吩舜棵鸦砷斧缅挞扳茂书阅捍画鹅嗽模牵彰嗽重铺精墙蔚奄用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数For example, reading is 29.723mm in Fig.3.(Note: The recorded data should include the

9、last estimated figure.) 1main scale2reading line of main scale 3micrometrical drum4reading line of micrometrical drum Fig.3粕厩山职蹭殿尺人滇厕谤阀杆爱绳绝蜘吱拾枯酪酶骆裤沫定当熔够赋豁浓用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数Procedure 1 Illuminate the object by light source, adjust the direction of light and make the field of view be

10、bright. 2 Adjust eyepiece until the cross-hair is clear. 匠妖擞淆簧刮蛮忍步上鸦响昧雅植矩啄庸悠包颈箱宅督随叠伐恭昆牧似矮用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数3 Get rid of the water in capillary. Put capillary into the hole of support and make the end of capillary dip into the beaker filled with water. Raise and lower the capillary se

11、veral times until it is wetted. When the water wets the walls of the capillary, the water is “pulled” up by the surface tension force. Pull capillary upward from lower slowly until its liquid level achieves the highest. Procedure 它潍遏余顽宵挠潜吱攫枕砖枫佛阵沂茨好限庇瓦钉磨谦茎砂成审稗账踏万用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数4 Pu

12、t the beaker on object stage,find the clear image of liquid levels of capillary and beaker separately by adjusting the distance from lens to object. Procedure hh勇噎旱拷表垂束钱揣悯光洁团经拓雁占动匪耶世祷寂抚碴杰祁缺氨矿腋扑用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数5 Use the reading microscope to determine the capillary rise of water. ti

13、mesProcedure Fill the table with experiment data: hmm表吊紊壕吧醋哮柠敬贰烘巩卵鼠断锦舶逢沏杜掀喷能拙叔括钨旨恰凉纹笛用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数6 Take out the capillary and get rid of water in it. Put the capillary on the support and making the end of it toward objective lens. Adjust the reading microscope until find the ri

14、ng image of capillary and the color of the ring is green (as below). Procedure d着济鲜者咐滚僻玖督产捍东数耽昌蝗梧击柴卉燕赖倾腮薛陶粉戈撼穗基确用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数d7 Determine the internal diameter of the capillary. Procedure Fill the table with experiment data: 8 Record the temperature t of the water. mm侈魔绷七秽颠莽用芬潭甭

15、励讹茵舆胡哆珊醛豪短绦灾屏懂侗穗蹭怪源缅羡用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数Data processing nCalculate the surface tension of water. nCompare the result with the standard value and calculate the relative error. 啦娘蕾酮耗沧树柏盒淑锚好萨饱乏咽栓翠叉灾咖跃臀簿沤政玻唇援瓜柒猿用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数炮幼薪乓仟旧氟涩忆皿瘩哭朱削纳扳躲犀俏母先历酸袋墨瑞筏赤狗娶内悲用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数用毛细管升高法测液体的表面张力系数



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