广东省中考英语 第二部分 话题专项训练 五 世界和环境课件 人教新目标版

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《广东省中考英语 第二部分 话题专项训练 五 世界和环境课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省中考英语 第二部分 话题专项训练 五 世界和环境课件 人教新目标版(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境第二部分第二部分 话题专项训练第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境一、基一、基础积累累(默写本)默写本)Listen attentively1.俄罗斯,俄国_ 2.澳洲,澳大利亚_ 3.日本_ 4.中国_ 5.首都,省会_ 6.中心,中央_ 7.(美国的)州_ 8.地球_ 9.世界_ 10.美洲,美国_ 11.外国人_ 12.国家,乡村_13.市,城市_ 14.城,城镇_ 15.村庄,乡村_Russia China Japan Australia capital world foreigner city country villageAmerica townstate

2、centreearth第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively16.乡下,农村_ 17.人口,人数_ 18.环境_ 19.垃圾,废物_ 20.贸易_countryside population environment rubbish trade第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively动词:1.增加,繁殖_ 2.生产,制造_ 3.分,划分_ 4.安置,设置_dividesetincreaseproduce 第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively形容词:1.中国的,中国人(的)_ 2.美国的,美国人的_3.澳洲的,澳大

3、利亚的_ 4.英国的,英国人的_5.(美洲)印第安人的,印度人的_ 6.亚洲的,亚洲人的_7.太平洋的_ 8.外国的_9.国际的_ 10.国家的,全国性的_Chinese American Australian English IndianAsian Pacific foreign international national 第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively短语:1.妨碍,防止,预防_ 2.储存_ 3.用完_ 4.简言之,总之_ 5.在的帮助下_ 6.到处,遍及_ 7.(战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发_ 8.安静,宁静_ prevent from put aw

4、ayall over run out ofin a wordwith the help of break out in peace第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively常用句子:1.节约用水是我们的责任。_2.众所周知,水对人类很重要。_3.保护环境是我们的责任。_4.我们应该种更多的树和花。_Its our duty to save water.As we all know, water is very important to human.Its our duty to protect our environment.We should plant more f

5、lowers and trees.第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively5.如果每个人都为保护环境做出贡献,世界将变得更美。_6.我们可以通过回收利用书来保护树木。_If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautifulWe can protect trees by reusing books.第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively二、完形填空二、完形填空The earth is ou

6、r home.We must take care of it.Life today is easier than it was 1 years ago, but it has brought some new problems.One of the biggest problems is pollution.We can see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it.Man has polluted the 2 .The more people, the more pollution.Many years ago, the problem was no

7、t so serious because there were not so 3 people. 第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelyWhen the land was used up or the river was not clean in a place, man went to 4 place.Now man is slowly polluting the whole world. 5 pollution is still the most serious. Its bad for living things in the world.Many count

8、ries dont let people burn 6 for air in the houses and factories in the city.Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution.Its caused by heavy traffic.People say its 7 to ride bikes.When you are riding, there is 第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelyno pollution.But even in developed co

9、untries, most people dont go to work by bike.Its because people are tired if they 8 to work.So, the number of cars on the roads becomes larger.So more people 9 their bikes and go to work by car, then things are getting worse and worse.We should have special roads only for bikes and make it 10 diffic

10、ult and expensive for drivers to taketheir cars into the city that they will go back to using their bikes. 第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively( ) 1.A.hundred B.hundreds of C.hundred of D.hundreds( ) 2.A.moon D.sun( ) 3.A.lot B.little C.many D.much( ) 4.A.others B.the others C.the other

11、D.another( ) 5.A.Air B.Food C.Water D.Noise( ) 6.A.something bad B.bad something C.something good D.good something( ) 7.A.least C.most D.worst( ) 8.A.walk C.ride ) 9.A.put on B.look at C.put away D.lookup( ) 10.A.too B.such C.never D.soBCCDAA CBCD三、三、阅读理解理解A第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Itsno


13、lowisforotherwaste.Thefollowingsaresomeinstructionsforyou.Glass:Emptybottleswithoutcapscanberecycledtomakenewglassbottles.Warning:Mirrorsandlightbulbsmustnotbeincludedintheglasswaste.Listen attentively第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Paper:Newspapers,magazines,boxesmustbecleanenoughtoberecycled.Warning:Papertissuesan


15、roldbikesatall,ourschoolvolunteerswillcollectthem.Weregoingtofixthemupandthengivethemawaytokidswhodonthaveenoughmoneyforabike.Tofindoutmoreaboutrecycling,youcanvisitourschoolwebsite.Listen attentively第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively( ) 1. According to the passage, the fish bones(骨) should be thrown

16、 in the _ D.yellow ( ) 2. From the passage, we can see that _ do harm to the environment.A.paper tissues B.empty bottles C.drink boxes D.out-of-date drugs( ) 3. Which of the following is true?A.All kinds of paper can be recycled. B.Used batteries should be thrown into the bl

17、ue bins.C.There is information about recycling on the school website. CDC第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelyD.Mirrors and light bulbs can be made into new glass bottles.( ) 4. If you give your old bike to the volunteers, it will be _.A.sold to collect money for the poor kids B.given away immediately t

18、o the poor kids C.fixed up and given back to you for free D.fixed up and given away to the poor kids( ) 5. The main purpose of this passage is introduce waste sorting to the students look for volunteers for waste sorting introduce the World Environment Day advertise glass, pape

19、r and plastic productsDA第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelyBPollution inside homes and other buildings kills more than 4 million people each yearMany people die as a result of breathing smoke or from cooking over wood-powered or coal-powered stovesOne way to reduce the number of deaths is through cook

20、ing equipment powered by the sunCrosby Menzies,a solar power expert in a South African company,described his latest solar cooker called the “Sol.4”,“It is four square meters of mirrors,six to eight meters in lengthIt is quite a large cooker”第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelyThe “Sol.4” works by refle

21、cting(反射)light from the sun off large mirrorsThe mirrors direct (把对准)the light at a cooking panThen the light heats the pan with solar energyWithin two minutes,the pan is hot enough to cook sausages and onionsIn just four minutes,water can be boiledThat is as fast as cooking with natural gas or elec

22、tricityThe cooker is also much “friendlier” than other models because people do not have to stand in the sun to use itAnd people can prepare meals without having to collect firewood or spend money on coalSuch individuals 第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelywould be less likely to have breathing illness

23、es from harmful smokeAt present,the cooker only works when the sun is shiningBut engineers are working on a way to make it work without sunlightEach cooker costs about $2000,which is a large amount of money for most AfricansTo solve that problem,Crosby Menzies has created a non-governmental organiza

24、tion called Solar Cookers for AfricaIt plans to raise money through donations to provide poor people with solar cooking equipment第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively( ) 6This passage is mainly about _Asolar cookers Bsmoke pollution Csolar power experts Dbreathing illnesses( ) 7The “Sol.4”is mainly used

25、 to _Ashorten the time of cookingBreduce the cost of making cookersCraise money through donations to help African peopleDreduce the number of deaths caused by harmful smokeAD第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively( ) 8The underlined word “individuals” most probably means “_”.A厨师B镜子C人D专家( ) 9Which of the f

26、ollowing about the “Sol.4” is TRUE?AIt is six to eight square meters of mirrorsBIt can work in any weather condition now.CIt can also heat the pan by lighting firewood. DIt is more environment-friendly than other cookersCD第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively( ) 10From the passage,we can infer that _Ath

27、e “Sol.4” will be designed in a smaller sizeBmore African can use the solar cookers in the futureCthe “Sol.4” is the first product of the south African companyDthe African government will provide poor people with solar cookersB第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelyC配对阅读。左栏是5个存在的环境问题,右栏是7个解决环境问题的办法,请为每一个问

28、题选择最合适的解决方式,并将答案的字母编号填写在前面的括号内。第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively( ) 11.With the rapid growth of population and industry, the more resources(资源) we make use of, the less there will be left for the future.( ) 12.Our environment is much dirtier than it was in the past.( ) 13.Thirty years ago, Lake Ponk

29、apog was full of life.Now there are few birds, animals, fish.( ) 14.The carbon monoxide (一氧化碳)in cities air has already affected some peoples health.( ) 15.A toilet can waste twenty to forty liters(升 )of water an hour.In a year, that would fill a big swimming pool.A.The suggestion for limiting(限制)th

30、e use of cars seems fair and reasonable to air pollution.B.We will try to find ways to make our environment cleaner and ways to stop future pollution.C.In many countries, governments and scientists have done something to solve the problems by recycling the wastes, and we can save more natural resour

31、ces.D.Modern farmers from rows in curing lines and plant trees to stop the wind.E.People mustnt use motorboats any more on the lake.F.We must turn off the water and take short showers.G.The earth has warmed by about 1F (华氏度) over the past 100 years.We should tell people not to do the things which ma

32、ke the earth warmer.CBEAF第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively四、短文填空Dongyang is a beautiful city which attracts thousands of visitors to come here for their holiday.This can help Dongyang to 1._ faster.But it also brings a big problem at the same time.Thats the rubbish.Visitors throw 2._ here and there

33、when they pay a visit here.Seeing this, Tom, Mary and Lucy set up a volunteer 3._.They volunteer some time every week to pick develop rubbishclub 第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelyup the rubbish around the city.Tom and Mary mainly pick up the rubbish which can be 4._. Lucy only picks up the waste whi

34、ch cant be recycled.It was Saturday yesterday.When 5._ sun rose in the sky, they met at peoples park and helped clean up the streets.You could see a lot of rubbish everywhere.They started to pick up the rubbish one by one and put it 6._ the bag.They workedvery hard and collected a full bag not long

35、recycled intothe第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively after that.Then 7._ brought the rubbish to the recycling shop and sold them.After they got the money, they gave them 8._ to the poor school in the rural schools.What kind students they were!If everyone can do 9._ to protect the environment, the world

36、 will be cleaner.If everyone can do something to help the children in the poor areas, the world will be more and more 10._. beautifulsomethingtheyaway第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively五、(原创)读写综合五、(原创)读写综合A.信息归纳信息归纳请阅读下文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。People need to eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use

37、computers and so on every day.While we are doing these, we are producing waste every moment.We must think up ways to deal with the waste properly, or they will pollute our world.This morning, our class held a class meeting to discuss how to deal with the waste.The following are the three students wa

38、ys to solve the waste.第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelyKate: Recycle them In my everyday life, I often have a lot of waste things, like broken slippers (拖鞋), old computers, old newspapers and so on.I always collect them to recycling center.I can not only deal with the waste in a good way, but also c

39、an get some pocket money by selling them.Sally: Store them Every day I must buy some food to cook meals for my family.After the meals some vegetables and meat are left on the table.Because nobody wants to eat them again, I have to throw them as waste.I always store them at the 第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen

40、attentivelycorner of my garden.Some time later, they will become the plants excellent food.John: Burn them to make electricity (电电) I am an engineer in an electronic factory.We collect tons of rubbish every day and put them in the stove(炉).Then we will burn the rubbish and use the heat to make elect

41、ricity.In this way, we can change the rubbish into electricity.We can save a lot of resource (能源).第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelyInformation CardThe topic the class meeting discussed this morning 1.The number of students who share their opinions 2.The things which are left on the table after the m

42、eals 3.Kates opinion on dealing with the rubbish 4.The place where John works to deal with the waste three/3 some vegetables and meat recycle them an electronic factory第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelyB.书面表达面表达废物在我们周围随处可见。我们要处理好废物,保护我们的环境。请你以“How to Deal With the Waste”为题写一篇短文。内容包括:1.废物处理的重要性。

43、2.如何处理废物(至少提三点建议)。3.呼吁大家要处理好废物,保护环境。作文要求:作文要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively【写作指【写作指导】1.审题:一般现在时,第一人称,议论文2.思路:陈述处理废物的重要性如何处理废物的建议(至少三点)提出呼吁第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively【写作要点】1.开篇点题,说明处理废物的重要性。参考句型:(1) is very important,because (

44、2) the importance of,because 2.陈述如何处理废物,适当扩充。参考句型:(1)First Next Then Finally (2)I think we should/ I dont think we should(3)Wed better (4)I think we might have to 3.提出呼吁,总结全文,画龙点睛谈感受。参考句型:In a word/ All in all, 第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentively【整篇写作【整篇写作】How to Deal With the Waste_The waste are ever

45、ywhere around us.If we dont deal with them, If we dont deal with them, they will pollute our environment.So its very important to deal with the waste.First, if the waste can be recycled, we can collect them and sell them to the recycling center.Second, if the waste is some food, plants and so on, we can store them at a place.Later on they will 第五第五节 世界和世界和环境境Listen attentivelybe the plants excellent food.At last, we can collect the waste and put them in the stove.Then we can burn them to make electricity.In a word, the waste sometimes can be useful to us.Everyone must deal with them 谢谢观看!



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