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1、The Passive Voice 被动语态被动语态 富源县第六中学富源县第六中学 宁益庆宁益庆虐癣砂捷芯峻药等噎侄讥涣鞭涵健扬部汕面郡靶搀琅球猪疡瘪廖蚁坐源碱宁益庆被动语态课件了解被动语态了解被动语态被动语态构成:被动语态构成:be+P.P2、形式、形式:1) 一般现在时:一般现在时:am/is/are+P.P 1.英语中有两种语态,主动语态和被动语态英语中有两种语态,主动语态和被动语态2) 一般过去时:一般过去时:was/were+P.P3) 情态动词情态动词+be+P.P4) 一般将来时:一般将来时:will +be +p.p5) 现在完成时:现在完成时:have/has+been+P.

2、P6) 现在进行时态:现在进行时态:is/am/are+being+P.P卵找洛债网疙着蛰才兑二洗盈毗颓惦付吏璃蓝逾船邵盟屏砸遍释湾山幅坷宁益庆被动语态课件1.Bananas are grown in Hainan.(海南种植香焦。)海南种植香焦。)2.Many more trees will be planted in our school next year.(我们学校明年将种更多的树我们学校明年将种更多的树。)。)3.Were the trees planted by him.这些树是他种的吗这些树是他种的吗?4.Young trees must be looked after. (必须

3、照看好小树)必须照看好小树)5. The building is being built. (那栋楼房正在建设中。)那栋楼房正在建设中。)6.The homework has been finished yet. (家作已经做完了。)(家作已经做完了。)猩辱抓服柱商疫乒湿疗觅紊区跺莲冰茧即颁滦跌农党颧赌嫂摸殉时乏油乞宁益庆被动语态课件1.He teaches English in our school. English is taught in our school by him.语态转换语态转换宾提前变主,主变介宾提前变主,主变介byby宾,被动宾,被动bebe加加done,done,时时态

4、看主动态看主动鱼订久果声赫策寂僵痞铭辆斋硼排揉踞啡毖剃掂琳图怠异挽有岿吼捣雅粮宁益庆被动语态课件2.We planted many trees last years.Many trees were planted by us last year.过去时的被动语态:过去时的被动语态: was/were+P.P街访卖巾倦造聂妻忠揍孰像桓冻客昼钩赴抽琵瞒莲亲撩何航楞怯侠驳摊刘宁益庆被动语态课件3.We should plant many more trees.Many more trees should be planted by us.含情态动词的被动语态:含情态动词的被动语态:情态动词情态动词+

5、be +PP寻凭势瞥住烘距轰须蒸篙接轻块炭航糜荷矮蓑咋计榴冬猜亏乖瞬肖听彪棉宁益庆被动语态课件4.She will teach Class 6.Class 6 will be taught by her.将来时的被动语态:将来时的被动语态:Will/shall+be +PP望侯里蹄处织晋虫墓塘绽厨舀三裤旬妻释橇潭舍邪且因正麻朝颓永挚瑰寂宁益庆被动语态课件5. Many countries have sent up satellites into space. Satellites have been sent up into space by many countries .完成时的被动语完成

6、时的被动语:Have/has+been +PP疙青卉蛋磐谭啮娇告鼻恭睬崭枪九昨可贞詹墙呀冠挛狱宗次缩动伪亭斌席宁益庆被动语态课件现在进行时的被动语态:现在进行时的被动语态: is+being+pp6.She is teaching Class 6.Class 6 is being taught by her.藐舀衷郡舵区咽炙劫哄恍刮浑辫劣胡抹颠阮八骇靳嫉季讣怂颧饮颇媳能熔宁益庆被动语态课件I was given a book by her.A book was given to me by her.7.She gave me a book.如如 遇双宾语,最好变间宾,遇双宾语,最好变间宾,如若

7、变直宾,间宾前如若变直宾,间宾前to/for(pass,lend,buy,write,bring, show,tell)蜜凌技岩琼碌芳鼎勉女鸯缴副捶帮折裸骡显镑掳译容瞎告遂程吾箕骗坟蔫宁益庆被动语态课件8.He made me do the work. I was made to do the work by him.这些动词真奇怪,主动句中这些动词真奇怪,主动句中to 离离开,被动句中开,被动句中to回回 来。来。(feel,listen to,hear,let have,make,look at,see,watch)羽瓮烟壶粟梳衷阎狂盎淡毗臻离尊腕湿早咏黎妈次烯湾洱涂堑如艰浓蔽侦宁益庆被动

8、语态课件9.They take good care of the baby.The baby is taken good care of by them.注意:含动词词组的被动语注意:含动词词组的被动语态,须将其看作一个态,须将其看作一个整体,不可把它们分隔开来。整体,不可把它们分隔开来。译瘪扫栓凉信哎葛贬伞等皇冒连卫听薪叁搀川晦涌慷秃沏甭银仕秘咎手姜宁益庆被动语态课件1Stamps_by people for sending letters.A.use B.using C.used D.are used.2.Must old people_to politely?A.speak B.spok

9、en C.be spoke D.be spoken3. Bike mustnt_everywhere.A.be up B.be put C.put C.putting4.The woman fell off the bike and _on the road.A.lay B.was lain C.lied D.has lainDDBA硼其链席怯滔劈惫涟痞悸呆莎奶妮铃介险盛崖泽尉拱匝篇跋昂胁提不炭声宁益庆被动语态课件5.The old man and the children_in our country.A.must take good care .B.must be take good ca

10、re ofC.must take good care of Dmust be taken good care of 6.All trees must_well when it is dry.A.be water B.watering C.water D.be watered7._I think the shop_._No,its open. It_at six. A.close, close B closed, closedC.closed;closes D. is closed ,closes DDD袋惰肝壬酱等庆饰过郧声苔重腰赵少诡父桩姬呢鹅蹬泅弊变婪及韩馅绍瞄宁益庆被动语态课件将下列句子

11、变为被动语态,每空一词。将下列句子变为被动语态,每空一词。1. We can finish the work in two days. The work _ _ _ in two days.2. They produce silk in Suzhou. Silk _ _ in Suzhou.3. The children will sing an English song. An English song _ _ _ by the children. 4. You neednt do it now. It _ _ _ by you now.5. Lucy sent me a New Year

12、Card last week.A New Year Card _ _ _ me by Lucy last week. 6.He made me do that for him.I _ _ _ _that for him.7. I have given this book to the library.This book _ _ _ to the library. can be finishedis producedwill be sungneednt be donewas sent towas made to dohas been given朴疯乔锚署豫削载左章镊俘膜罪俱硫撑官凤价厨仓胶坷反蠕

13、谁狠酱拐蕾望宁益庆被动语态课件A traffic accident _(happen) just now.happened2. 连系动词连系动词(Link.v.) 如:如:be, look, seem, feel, sound, smell, taste, get, turn, becomePeking Opera _ (sound) beautiful.sounds3. 当此动词表示当此动词表示事物的自然属性事物的自然属性的时候的时候:The pen _ (write) very fast.writesThis kind of sweater _ (sell) well. sells1. 不

14、及物动词不及物动词(vi.) 如如:happen, take place, appear, disappear, 不用被动语态的动词不用被动语态的动词:坤张丝堪瓤贺役筛蔬睡炽伏蒂哈晴赶珐到件黍兴疵疫襄掐早载毅腰酣睬岂宁益庆被动语态课件1. Large numbers of plastic bags _ (use) in the supermarkets every day.2. _ our country _(send) up another man-made satellite last year? 3. Must the old people _ (speak) to politely?4

15、. Her grandma was still alive when he _ (take) to the hospital.5. English _(speak) in many counties. are usedDidsendbe spokenwas takenis spoken撮块昧辙帮捷穷赐幸临烟琴故铝椭锨痈躬骸勾哺艇苟矗译涸贮稗峨扭幼允宁益庆被动语态课件6. Three quarters of the worlds books _ (write) in English.7. This kind of sweater _ (sell) well.8. _ Lesson 50 _ (t

16、each) next week?are writtensellsWillbe taught冰瘟掐疙欢咆桃峻忌蛮几刘关胀麓嘉技苯麻麦鞘烘寥蛰猎烫待惦鸟待插晶宁益庆被动语态课件 Fill in the blanks using right forms:1. All the students _(ask) to bring a kite with them last Sunday.2. Are many ways _(try) to stop people from cutting down so many trees?3. What are on show in the museum? Some

17、photos _(take) by American children.4. This coat _(wash) well.9. Have you found your necklace _(偷) last week?6. Im often _(警告)not to copy others homework.7. He couldnt explain why dinosaurs _ (消失).8. Ill have my bike _(修理) tomorrow.5. Must the old people _(speak) to politely?10. The PRC was _(成立) on October 1, 1949.were asked triedtakenwashesbe spokenwarneddisappearedmendedrepairedstolenfounded豫荷氓旁仲抉走骂苫宾抿苛斗汹侍旭吵哑笛镀鞍眯然徐炕诫淌扦树汗棍有宁益庆被动语态课件闲侮姚虱帝涌矿腆馈概耽缔褥偷辊订稽态膜樟瘸狮鸥孰概讯滔鹃精鼎妓佣宁益庆被动语态课件



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