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1、学习必备 欢迎下载 新目标八年级英语上册教学重难点 默认分类 2009-11-25 13:58:12 阅读 746 评论 0 字号:大中小 订阅 Nothing is difficult if you work hard. Lesson plan ( by Cailing Lee ) Time: 40 minutes Class: Class 155 and 160 , Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 1 how often do you exercise? Properties: cards, pictures and a tap

2、e recorder. Teaching objectives a) Words &phrases: how often, hardly, twice, once, difference, look after , although, etc . b) Learn to talk about how often do you do things. c) 一些表示频率的副词: Always, usually, often, never, hardly ever, sometimes. d) 句子结构: What do you usually do on weekends? How often ?

3、 及回答. Key words and Key Phrases 1. one -once一次-first 第一 学习必备 欢迎下载 2. two -twice 两次-second 第二 3. three-third 第三-three times 4. health 健康(名)-healthy 健康的(形)-unhealthy 不健康(形) 5. hard 难的-hardly 几乎不 6. ever 曾经 -never 从不 7. different 不同的 (形) -difference 不同(名) 8. active 活跃的;积极的 -activity 活动 9. little less -

4、least 10. good -better best 11. much/ more most 12. junk food 垃圾食物 13. eating habit 饮食习惯 14. healthy lifestyle 健康生活方式 15. animal world 动物世界 16. high school 高中 17. student activity survey 学生活动调杳 18. the result for / of - -的结果 19. as a result of - 由于-的结果 20. get good grades 获得好的成绩 21. keep sb. in good

5、 health 保持某人处于健康的状况 22. look after 照顾,照料= take care of 学习必备 欢迎下载 23. surf the internet 网上冲浪,上网 24. play sports 做运动 25. play soccer 踢足球 26. watch TV 看电视 27. write down 记下 28. do some exercise 做运动 29. do homework 做家庭作业 30. do housework 做家务 31. go to the movies 去看电影 32. go skateboarding 去踩滑板 33. like d

6、oing sth. 喜欢去做某事 34. like to do sth. 喜欢去做某事 35. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人去做某事 36. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 37. try to so sth. 尽力去做某事 38. be good for 对-有益 39. be bad for 对-有坏处 = be not good at 40. be good at 在-方面学得好 41. be different from 与-不相同 = be not the same as 42. be the same as 与-完全相同 43. ho

7、w often 多久一次 44. how many 多少 45. how many hours多少个小时 学习必备 欢迎下载 46. hardly ever 几乎不,很少=seldom 47. every day 每天 48. once a day 一天一次 49. twice a week 一周两次 50. three times a month一个月三次 51. four or five times a term 一学期四或五次 52. five times two years 两年五次 53. on weekdays 在工作日 54. on weekends 在周末 55. as for

8、 至于 56. of course 当然 57. kind of 有几分,稍微 = a little bit 58. a lot of 许多= many = lots of Important and difficult points 1. -What do you usually do on weekends? - I usually play soccer. 2. -What do they do on weekends? -They often go to the movies. 3. -What does he do on weekends? -He sometimes watches

9、 TV. 4. -What does she sometimes do on weekends? -She sometimes surfs the Internet. 5. -How often do you exercise? -I exercise every day / Once 学习必备 欢迎下载 a week / Twice a month / Three times a month / Three or four times a month. / once a month. 6. -How often does Cheng Watch TV? -He watches TV twic

10、e a week. 7. - How often does she eat vegetables? -She eats vegetables three times a day. 8. -Whats your favorite pr ogram? - Its Animal World. 9. -How many hours do you sleep every night? -I sleep nine hours every night. 10. -The results for “ watching TV” are interesting. 11. -My mother wants me t

11、o drink it. 12. -she says it is good for my health. 13. My eating habits are pretty good. 14. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. 15. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. 16. Good food and exercise help me to study better. 17. I think Im kind of unhealthy. 18. Mom wants me to get up at 6:00

12、and play ping-pong with her. 19. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health. 1. How often do you exercise? How often + 助动词 do(does或did) + 主语 + do sth. ? 疑问词 how often是问频率(多经常), 在这里助动词 do(does或 did) 是起帮助构成疑问的作用 学习必备 欢迎下载 Every day / Once a week / Twice a month / Three times a month / Three o

13、r four times a month. 2. What do you usually do on weekends? 第一个 do 为助动词, 在这起帮助构成疑问的作用;而第二个 do 则是实义动词。 I usually play soccer. 3. Whats your favorite program ? Its Animal World. 4. What do students do at Green High School ? 第一个 do 为助动词, 在这起帮助构成疑问的作用;而第二个 do 则是实义动词。 5. As for homework, most students d

14、o homework every day . as for. 意思是“ 至于;关于” ,常用于句首作状语,其后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式(即动名词)。如: As for him ,I never want to see him here. 至于他,我永远不希望在这里见到。 As for the story ,youd better not believe it. 关于那故事,你最好不要相信。 6. The results for “ watch TV ” are interesting . 7. Mom wants me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-p

15、ong with her. want to do sth.意思是“ 想要做某事” ;want sb. to do sth.意思是“ 想要某人做某事” 。如: Do you want to go to the movies with me?你想和我一起去看电影吗? The teacher doesnt want us to eat hamburgers.老师不想让我们学习必备 欢迎下载 吃汉堡包。 8. She says its good for my health . be good for.表示“ 对有益(有好处)” 。其反义为:be bad for. 。(这里 for 是介词,后跟名词、代

16、词或动名词)如: Its good for us to do more reading. 多读书对我们有好处。 Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.在床上读书对你的眼睛有害。 9. How many hours do you sleep every night ? 10. I exercise every day , usually when I come home from school . 11. My eating habits are pretty good . 这里 pretty 相当于 very 。 12. I try to eat a lot

17、of vegetables, usually ten to eleven times a week . try to do sth.表示“ 尽力做某事 ” ,不包含是否成功的意思 / try doing sth. 表示“ (用某一办法)试着去做某事” 。 如:Youd better try doing the experiment in another way. 你最好试试用另一种方法做这个试验。 13. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. help sb.(to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 14. Good food and e

18、xercise help me to study better. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 / 这里 better 是 well 的比较级,而不是 good的比较级 15. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? Is her lifestyle the same as your lifestyle or is her lifestyle different from your lifestyle ? be the same as / be different from 学习必备 欢迎下载 16. I

19、think Im kind of unhealthy. kind of = a little / a kind of 意思是“ 一种” 17. What sports do you play? 18. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health. keep in good health = keep healthy = stay healthy 19. You must try to eat less meat . try to do sth. 表示“ 尽力做某事 ” , 不包含是否成功的意思 / less 是 little 的比较级

20、 20. That sounds interesting. 这是“ 主语+系动词+表语” 结构的简单句。sound (听起来),look(看起来),smell (闻起来),taste(尝起来),feel(觉得),seem (好象),grow (变得) , get(变得)等词在英语中可用作系动词,后跟形容词作表语。如: It tastes good. 这味道好。The music sounds very sweet. 这音乐听起来很入耳。 The smoke grew heavier and heavier. 烟雾变得越来越浓了。 Grammar语法: 1. 表频率的词汇和短语: always

21、usually often never hardly ever sometimes seldom once a day twice a month three times a week every two weeks once in a while 2. 做事情的频率(how often you do things): What do you usually do in the morning? I usually read English books. Sometimes I walk in the garden. 学习必备 欢迎下载 I hardly ever exercise. I ea

22、t vegetables twice a week, but I never eat junk food. 3. 如何提问频率“ 多久一次” How often does he play tennis? He plays tennis every day. How often do you drink milk? I drink milk once a day. How often do they go to the movies? Sometimes. Lesson plan ( by Cailing Lee ) Time: 40 minutes Class: Class 155 and 1

23、60 , Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 2 Whats the matter ? Properties: cards, pictures and a tape recorder. Teaching objectives 1. 词汇.让学生熟记这些单词,能够很熟练地指出表示身体部位的某些单词. 2. 能够用所学的单词谈论身体并且能给出中肯的建议. 3. 通过听力练习,争取能够提高学生的听力能力. 4. 文化欣赏,中国文化. 5. words . 6. How to talk about the health and give the

24、 advice Key words and Key Phrases 学习必备 欢迎下载 1. foot -feet (复数) 2. tooth-teeth(复数) 3. tradition 传统(名)-traditional 传统的(形) 4. west 西方-western 西方的(形) 5. real 真的-really 真正地(形) 6. ill 病的-illness 疾病(名) 7. balance 平衡-balanced平衡 8. stress 压力-stressed 有压力的,紧张 9. tooth -toothache 10. stomach -stomachache 11. h

25、ead -headache 12. lie -lying (现在分词) 13. good / well -better -best 1. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 2. traditional Chinese doctor 中医 3. a balance of Yin and Yang 阴阳平衡 4. a balanced diet 协调的饮食 5. hot Yang foods 热阳性的食物 6. conversation practice 对话练习 7. host family 寄宿家庭 8. get ill 得病,生病 9. have a cold / feve

26、r / stomachache / toothache / sore back / sore 学习必备 欢迎下载 throat 患有感冒/发烧/胃痛/牙痛/背痛/咽喉痛 10. see a doctor 看医生 11. see a dentist 看牙医 12. lie down and rest 躺下休息 13. sleep eight hours a night 一晚上睡八小时 14. take some medicine 服药 15. make a conversation 进行对话 16. feel / get tired 感到累 17. fell / get better 感到好多了

27、 18. get / be stressed out 感觉压力很大 19. stay healthy 保持健康 20. give advice to sb. 给某人提供意见 21. take ones advice 采纳某人的意见 22. need to do sth. 需要去做某事 23. go to the party 去参加晚会 24. a few 几个,一些=three or more 25. too much 太多的 26. much too 太 27. at the moment =now 在此刻,现在 28. for example 例如 29. two hours ago两小时

28、之前 Important and difficult points 学习必备 欢迎下载 1. -Whats the matter? = Whats wrong? = Whats the trouble? = Whats up? -Im not feeling well. I have a cold / fever / stomachache / toothache / sore back / sore throat -Maybe you should see the doctor. -Thats good idea. 2. You have a sore throat. You should

29、drink some hot tea with honey. 3. He has a fever. He should drink lots of water. 4. She has a toothache. She should see a dentist. 5. Tom has a stomachache. He should lie down and rest. 6. You shouldnt eat anything for 24 hours. 7. Dont get stressed out. It will make you sick. 8. I hope you fell bet

30、ter soon. 9. Im sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. 10. Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of Yin and Yang to be healthy. 11. Everybody gets tired sometimes. 12. My host family is really nice. 1. Whats the matter ? Whats the mater with you ? with 为介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。人称代词必须用它的

31、宾格。 I have a cold / have a sore back / have a stomachache 学习必备 欢迎下载 2. You should lie down and rest / drink hot tea with honey / see a dentist / see a doctor . 3. Im not felling well . 这里 well 表示身体状况,不能用 good 代替 4. When did it start ? About two days ago . 5. Thats too bad . 6. I hope you fell better

32、 soon . 这里 better 是 well 的比较级 7. Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy . 这里 to be healthy是动词不定式短语,作目的状语 8. Maybe you have too much yin . too much后跟不可数名词,而too many后跟可数名词复数 9. Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle ,and its important to eat a balanced diet .

33、 Its easy to do sth . 做某事容易 / Its important to do sth . 做某事重要 10. Everyone gets tired sometimes . 这里 get 连系动词,tired 是形容词作表语,属系表结构 11. A sore throat can give you a fever . give sb. sth . = give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人 12. Dont get stressed out. Its not healthy . 在这里 get 是连系动词,stressed out是表语 13. I have a

34、toothache . I need to see a dentist . need意思为 “ 需要” , 作实义动词时 , 后跟动词不定式 , 否定式为 dont /doesnt / didnt 学习必备 欢迎下载 need (to do sth.) ;作情态动词时,只能用于否定句或疑问句中,否定式为 neednt(do sth.) ,除有过去式外,没有其它的形态变化 14. Eat a balanced diet to stay healthy . to stay healthy是动词不定式短语,作目的状语 15. Im not feeling very well at the momen

35、t . at the moment = now Grammar语法: 1. 询问别人身体状况: Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter with you? Whats the trouble? 2. 提出建议(give advice and make suggestions) Whats wrong with you? I have a headache. You should go to bed and have a rest. You shouldnt work late. I have a fever. You should drink a lot

36、of water. You shouldnt be stressed out. Lesson plan ( by Cailing Lee ) Time: 40 minutes Class: Class 155 and 160 ,Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation ? 学习必备 欢迎下载 Properties: cards and a tape ,a large wall calendar Teaching objectives 1. Words & phrases: b

37、abysit ,get back , fishing , rent , think about , decide(on) , tourist etc. 2. How to talk about future plans . 3. 现在进行时表示将来计划或行动. 4. 特殊疑问句(where , when , how long引导) Key words and Key Phrases 1. decide (动) -decision (名)决定 2. photo-potatoes (复数) 3. tomato -tomatoes (复数) 4. tour 旅游-tourist旅游者 5. natu

38、re 大自然-natural (形)大自然的 6. baby -babysit -babysitting ( 现在分词) 7. shop -shopping (现在分词) 8. plan -planning (现在分词) 9. get got (过去式) 10. think -though (过去式) 11. forget -forgot (过去式) 1. Sports camp 运动型野营 2. Vacation plan 假期计划 3. Something different 不同的事物 学习必备 欢迎下载 4. Spend -on sth 在-(某物) 上花-(钱或时间) = Spend

39、 -in doing sth 5. The Great Wall 长城 6. Go camping / hiking / bike hiking / fishing / swimming /shopping / sightseeing /skating / dancing 去野营/去远足/去骑车旅行/去钓鱼/去游泳/去买东西/去观光/去滑冰/去跳舞 7. go to = leave for 到- 去 8. go away 离开 9. go for vacation 去度假 10. get back = come back = return 回来 11. take a walk 散步= have

40、 a walk 12. take a vacation 度假= spend a vacation 13. take -with 随身携带- 14. have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 15. a place to do sth. 一个去做某事的地方 16. finish doing sth 完成某事 17. decide to so sth. 决定去做某事 18. plan to do sth. 计划去做某事 19. think about 考虑 20. rent videos 租录像片 21. make a sentence 造句

41、 22. show sb. sth. 出示某人某物=,let sb see sth. 学习必备 欢迎下载 23. show sth. to sb. 把某物拿给某人 24. how long 多久,多长时间 25. how about -怎么样= what about 26. next week 下星期 27. this weekend 本周末 28. for three days 共计三天 29. at home 在家 Important and difficult points 1. -What are you doing for vacation? -I am visiting my gr

42、andmother. -How long are you staying? - I am staying for four days. 2. -What is she doing for vacation? -She is babysitting her little sister. -How long is she staying? - shes staying for a week. 3. -What are they doing for vacation? - Theyre relaxing at home. -When are they going? - Theyre going ne

43、xt week. 4. -Where are they going? -They are going to Tibet. 5. -Who is she going with? -She is going with her parents. 6. -How is the weather there? -Im hoping the weather will be nice. 7. That sounds nice / interesting. 8. Can I ask you a few questions about your vacation plans? 学习必备 欢迎下载 9. He is

44、 leaving for Hong Kong the first week in June. 10. I want to d something different. 11. Ben is going to Canadas Great lakes. 12. Im planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside. 13. I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing. 14. What are you doing for vacation?你假期要干什么? 15. Hes go

45、ing camping with his parents他要和父母去野营。 16. Shes babysitting her sister她要照看她妹妹。 17. Im going on Monday周一我要去。 18. How long are you staying?你要呆多长时间? 19. Im going hiking in the mountains我要到山中远足。 20. Im going sightseeing我要去观光。 21. Im taking walks ,going fishing ,and going bike riding 我要散步,钓鱼,骑自行车。 22. Im

46、renting videos and sleeping a lot 我要租赁录像带并且要大睡一觉。 23. I want an exciting vacation! A no-stress vacation! 我要过一个令人激动的假期!一个没有压力的假期! 1. What are you doing for vacation ? Im babysitting my sister . Where are you going for vacation ? Italy . 这是现在进行时的一种比较特殊的用法,用来表示按计划或安排要做的事情,现在还没有去做。 学习必备 欢迎下载 2. Who are

47、you going with ? Im goi ng with my parents . with my parents是介词短语,在这里作伴随状语,起修饰谓语动词 are going 的作用 3. When are you going ? Im going on Monday . 4. What are you doing there ? Im going hiking in the mountains . 5. How long are you staying ? Just for four days . I dont like going away for too long .疑问词 h

48、wo long是对时间长短或事物的长度提问,在这里是对时间的长短进行提问。 6. Have a good time . = Enjoy oneself . 玩得开心、愉快 7. Show me your photos when we get back to school . show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 把某给某人看 8. Im going to Hawaii for vacation . for vacation是介词短语,在这里作目的状语,起修饰谓语动词的作用 9. Whats it like there ? 这里 like 是介词,而不是动词 10.

49、Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans ? ask sb. sth . 问某人某事 11. Ben Lambert, the famous French singer , is taking a long vacation this summer! take a vacation 度假 12. He thought about going to Greece or Spain , but decided on Canada . think about 考虑 / decide on 决定 这里的 about和 on 都是介词

50、13. “ I always take vacation in Europe ,” he said . “ This time I want 学习必备 欢迎下载 to do something different .” (1). want to do sth. (2). 修饰不定代词(something , nothing , anything等)的定语常放在不定代词的后面 14. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation . plan to do sth. 计划做某事 15. Im planning to spend time in the beau

51、tiful countryside . 16. I just finished making my last movies . finish doing sth. 完成做某事 17. I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing . to go sightseeing是动词不定式短语,作 a good place的后置定语 18. Shes leaving for Hong Kong on Tuesday . leave A for B 离开 A 地去 B 地 19. I want to ask you about places

52、to visit China . to visit China是动词不定式短语,作 places 的后置定语 20. Im planning my vacation to Italy this weekend . to Italy 是动词不定式短语,作 my vacation的后置定语 21. What should tourists take with them ? with them 是介词短语,在这里作伴随状语,起修饰谓语动词 take 的作用 22. Where are you leaving from ? leave from 离开某地 (注:from是介词) Grammar语法:一

53、般将来时: 1. 现在进行时 “be+ 动词 ing” 可以用来表示一个在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。 学习必备 欢迎下载 What are you doing for vacation? Im visiting Tibet. Where are you going on May Day? Im going to the beach. How many students are coming to out party tomorrow? Fifty. 2.“be going to+ 动词原形 ” 表示主观打算去做某事 , 表示 “ 人 ” 打算,计划,决定要去做的事。 They are go

54、ing to travel in China. Look at the clouds!It is going to rain. Are you going to be a teacher when you grow up? Yes,I am. 2. 用 “shall 动词原形 ” 或 “will 动词原形 ” 表示一般将来时。 ( shall 只用于第一人称) We shall go to the beach this Sunday. My brother will finish middle school in a year. These birds wont fly to the sout

55、h in winter. When will they begin the work? Lesson plan ( by Cailing Lee ) Time: 40 minutes Class: Class 155 and 160 ,Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 4 How do you get to school? Properties: cards, pictures and a tape recorder. Teaching objectives 学习必备 欢迎下载 a) Words & phrases: get to ,

56、 how far , bicycle , subway , minute , mile , bus stop . b) Talk about how to get to places (谈论出行方式) c) take the bus /subway /train /taxi , ride a bike /walk . d) how 引导的特殊疑问句,表示乘坐何种交通工具的方式.how far ,how long 引导的特殊疑问句. e) 复习基数词及时间的表示方法. f) 了解中外文化的差异. Key words and Key Phrases 1. quick (形)快的,迅速的 quick

57、ly (副)快地,迅速地 2. north (名)北方-northern (形)北方的 3. worry (动)担心 -worried (形)担心的 4. get -got (过去式) 5. take -took (过去式) 6. go -went (过去式) 7. ride -rode (过去式) 1. the way of doing sth. 做某事的方法 2. the means of transportation 运输方式 3. the bus station = the bus stop 公共汽车站 4. not all students 并非所有的学生 5. the number

58、 of -的数目 6. a number of 许多的,一些 7. a small number of 一些 学习必备 欢迎下载 8. a large number of 许许多多的 9. go home 回家 10. get home 到家 11. go to school 去上学 12. get to school 到达学校 13. walk to school 步行去上学-= go to school on foot 14. get up 起床 15. take the subway 乘地铁 16. take the bus 乘公共汽车= by bus 17. ride a bike 骑

59、自行车= by bike 18. take sb. to - 把某人带到-去 19. have a quick breakfast 很快地吃早餐 20. depend on 依靠,决定于 21. have to 不得不= must 22. be ill in hospital 生病住院 23. Dont worry 别担心 24. think of 想起。考虑 25. look at 看着,朝-看 26. ask sb. for help 向某人请求帮助 27. how often 多久一次 28. how long多久,多长时间 29. how far 多远 学习必备 欢迎下载 30. ho

60、w much time 多少时间 31. how many times 多少次 32. by bus / boat 乘公共汽车/小船 33. on the school bus 乘学校公交车 34. from -to -从-到- 35. around the world 在世界范围内 36. in Chinese 用汉语表达 37. at about / around six oclock 在大约 6 点钟 Important and difficult points 1. -How do you get to school? -I get to school by bus. 2. -How

61、does he go to work? -He usually walks to school. -How long does it take? -It takes about forty minutes. 3. -How do they get to school? -They take the train. 4. It takes about 25 minutes to walk. 5. He gets up at six oclock every day. 6. He leaves for school at around six thirty. 7. He rides his bicy

62、cle to the bus station. 8. -How far is it from his home to school? -Its three miles. 9. -How long does it take you to get from home to school? -It takes 25 minutes. 10. -What do you think of the transportation in your town? 11. It took me 10 minutes to do my homework yesterday. 学习必备 欢迎下载 12. In Chin

63、a ,bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation. 在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最流行的交通方式。 13. What do you think of the transportation in your town? 你认为你们镇上的交通情况如何? 14. Other parts of the world are different from the United States世界上其他地方与美国不同。 15. It depends on where you are. 它取决于你在哪里。 注意区别: (1)take th

64、e bus = go by bus eg: I take the bus to get to school. = I get to school by bus. take the train = go by train eg: He takes the train to go to school. He gets to school by train. take the subway = go by subway take a taxi = go by taxi go in a car = go by car ride a bike = go by bike walk = go on foot

65、 How 引导的疑问句: 1. How does Lucia get to work? (提问方式“ 如何” ) 2. Dave is going to travel to Paris by plane. How long does it take? (提问时间长短“ 多长时间” ) 3. How far is it from the post office to the museum? (提问距离“ 多远” ) 学习必备 欢迎下载 4. How often does Kate swim in the river? (提问频率“ 多久一次” ) 5. How old is the little

66、 boy? (提问年龄“ 多大” ) 6. How many cows are there? (提问数量“ 多少”many后跟可数名词) 7. How much water is there in the bottle? (提问数量“ 多少”much后跟不可数名词) 8. How much is the doll? (提问价钱“ 多少钱” ) 9. How tall is his teacher? (提问高度“ 多高” ) 10. How was the weather? (提问程度“ 怎样” ) Lesson plan ( by Cailing Lee ) Time: 40 minutes

67、Class: Class 155 and 160 ,Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 5 Can you come to my party ? Properties: cards, pictures and a tape recorder. Teaching objectives a) vocabulary: lesson , hey , baseball game ,test , piano , guitar , aunt , concert , party . b) Patterns: Can you come to my par

68、ty? Sure, Id lov e to. Sorry, I cant. I have to - 学习必备 欢迎下载 c) 能力目标:学会邀请别人以及回答的方式。 d) 情感目标:培养学生礼貌用语的习惯。 Key words and Key Phrases 1. invite( 动)邀请 -invitation (名)邀请,请帖 2. busy 繁忙的- free 空闲的 3. Visit(动)拜访 -visitor (名)拜访者,来访者 4. play (动)玩,打-player (名)运动员,选手 5. match 比赛 -matches (复数) 6. train ( 动)训练,培训-

69、training ( 名)训练,培训 7. America 美国-American 美国的 1. baseball match 棒球比赛 2. soccer game 足球比赛 3. the day after tomorrow后天 4. the day before yesterday 前天 5. math test 数学考试 6. culture club 文化俱乐部 7. go to the party 去参加晚会 8. go to the concert 去参加音乐会 9. go to the guitar lesson 去上吉他课 10. go to the doctor = see

70、 a doctor 去看医生 11. go to the dentist = see a dentist 去看牙医 12. go to the movies 去看电影 学习必备 欢迎下载 13. go to the shop = go shopping 去购物 14. go to the mall 去逛购物中心 15. come to my party 来参加我的晚会 16. come over 过来,顺便来访 17. invite sb. to + 某地 邀请某人到某地 18. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人去做某事 19. study for a test 复习备考,

71、为测试而学习 20. try to do sth. 尽力去做某事 21. call sb. 打电话给某人 22. have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself玩得高兴,过得愉快 23. have to = must 不得不,必须 24. have a piano lesson = take a piano lesson 上一节钢琴课 25. have an English class 上一节英语课 26. have a test 进行考试 27. watch a football match / game 看足球比赛 28. see a tennis

72、match / game 看网球比赛 29. keep quiet, please. 请保持安静! 30. Practice the piano 练习钢琴 31. the whole day = all day 一整天 32. too much 太多的(修饰不可数名词) 33. much too 太多的(修饰形容词或副词) 学习必备 欢迎下载 34. this evening 今天晚上 35. this weekend 这个周末 36. another time 下次,另一次 37. Id love to = Id like to. 我很乐意。 38. Whats today? 今天是什么时间

73、? 39. Why not + 动原= why dont you+动原? 为什么不呢? 40. Thanks for doing 为- -而感谢你! 41. How about doing= what about doing ?-怎么样? 42. What a pity! 多可惜呀!多遗憾呀! 43. I see. 我明白了 44. Im sorry. 真报歉! Important and difficult points 1. -Can you come to my party on Wednesday? - Sure, Id love to. / Im sorry,I have to ha

74、ve a piano lesson. 2. -Can she go to the movies on Saturday? - No, she cant. She has to help her mom. 3. -Can he go to the baseball game? - No, he cant. He has to study. 4. -Can they go to the concert? - No, they cant. Theyre going to a party. 5. -When is it? -Its at four oclock on Friday. 6. -Whats

75、 the date today? - Its October 21, 2008. 学习必备 欢迎下载 7. Thanks a lot for the invitation. 8. I have to study for my chemistry test on Tuesday. 9. Im going to the movies wi th my friends. 10. I have too much homework(to do) this weekend 11. Please keep quiet! Im trying to study. 情态动词“can”表示可能性,或现在决定将来的事

76、。 Lesson plan ( by Cailing Lee ) Time: 40 minutes Class: Class 155 and 160 ,Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister . Properties: cards, pictures and a tape recorder. Teaching objectives 1. vocabulary : outgoing , more , than , calm , wild , athletic , twin ,

77、tall , short , thin . 2. Pattern: He has shorter hair than Sam . Is Tom smarter than Tim ? 3. 能力目标:能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较 Key words and Key Phrases 1. twin sister / brother 孪生姐妹 2. ones best friend 某人最好的朋友 学习必备 欢迎下载 3. opposite views and interests 相反的观点和兴趣 4. a piece of paper 一张纸 5. elementary school 小学

78、 6. primary school student 小学生 7. swimming pool 游泳池 8. a photo of her 一张她的照片 9. a photo of hers 一张属于她所拥有的照片 10. look the same 看起来一模一样 11. look the same as 看起来与- 一模一样 12. be the same as = be not different from与-完全相同 13. look like 与-完全相同 14. be like 与- 一样,像-一样 15. be different from 与-不相同甘共苦 16. enjoy

79、doing sth. 喜欢做某事 17. stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事情 18. stop to do sth. 停下手中的事而去做另外的事 19. make sb. do sth.使某人做某事 20. Stay at home 待在家 21. be good at = do well in 在-方面学得好 22. be important for 对 -很重要 23. begin with 以-开始 24. both of 两者中的全部 25. both -and - -和-都 学习必备 欢迎下载 26. between -and - 在 A 和 B 之间 27. most

80、 of - 中的大多数 28. all together 总共,一起 29. more than = over 多于,超过 30. in common 共同的,共有的 31. in some ways 在某些方面 32. the other其余的,别的 33. as -as 像-一样 34. not as -as 不像-一样 35. Let me see. 让我想想 ? athlete 运运选手 - athletic 体格强健的 ? interest -interesting -interested 令人感兴趣的 ? calm 镇静的 -wild 鲁莽的 ? difference 不同(名)-

81、different (形) ? friend -friendly (形)友好的 -friendship友谊 ? mean表示的意思 -means 方法-meaning 意思 ? woman -women ? big -bigger -biggest ? hot hotter -hottest ? thin thinner -thinnest ? athletic -more athletic most athletic ? popular-more popular -most popular ? good / well - better- best 学习必备 欢迎下载 ? bad / badl

82、y/ ill -worse-worst ? many / much - more -most ? little -less-least ? far - farther(较远)- farthest ? far-further(进一步) -furthest Important and difficult points 1. Both girls go to lots of parties两个女孩都参加了许多晚会。 2. For me, a good friend likes doing the same things as me. 3. He has shorter hair than Sam他的

83、头发比山姆的短。 4. I am more athletic than my best friend. 5. Im quieter than most of the kids in my class, and so is my friend. 6. Im more outgoing than my sister我比我妹妹更爱出风头。 7. In some ways we look the same,and in some ways we look different? 在某些方面,我们看起来一样,在某些方面,我们看起来不同。 8. In some ways, we look the same.

84、 9. Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.刘莹不如她姐姐擅长体育。 10. My hair is longer than hers. 11. Pedro is funnier than Paul. 12. Tina is (a little)taller than Tara. 13. Tom is more athletic than Sam汤姆比山姆更健美。 学习必备 欢迎下载 14. Who do you think should get the job, Ruth or Rose? 形容词比较级: 容词比较级是用来表示事物的等

85、级差别。 形容词比较级和最高级的构成: 规则变化: 1. 一般单音节词末尾加er 或-est。 talltallertallest great 2. 以不发音的 e 结尾的单音节词和少数以le 结尾的双音节词只加r 或-st。 nicenicer nicest large able 3. 以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音节词,双写结尾的辅音字母,再加er 或-est。 bigbigger hot, fatfatter, thin, wet 4. “ 辅音字母y” 结尾的双音节词,改 y 为 i,再加er 或-est。easyeasier easiest busy 5. 少数以er,ow 结尾的双

86、音节词末尾加er 或-est. clever cleverer narrownarrower 6. 其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加 more 来构成比较级。 important more important-most important beautiful more beautiful-most beautiful 不规则变化: good / well - better- best bad / badly/ ill -worse-worst many / much - more -most little -less-least far - farther (较远) - farthest fa

87、r-further (进一步) -furthest 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级: 学习必备 欢迎下载 原级: as + 原级 + as ; not as / so + 原级 + as = 反义词+than English is as interesting as Chinese. Mr. Zhang isnt as old as Mr. Li. = Mr. Zhang is younger than Mr. Li. 比较级的标志词 than, Lilys bag is bigger than hers. much, far, a little, even , next time which

88、/ who - A, B ? Which is more beautiful, Tom, Jim? the + 比较级-,the+ 比较级- The more we get together, the happier well be. 比较级+and+ 比较级 (多音节词和部分双音节词用 more and more + 原级) 越来越- harder and harder , our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful. 最高级标志词:the + 最高级 + of / in Shanghai is the biggest city in C

89、hina. One of the + 最高级 + 名词复数 Zhou Jielun is one of the most popular singers. Which / who -+ 最高级, A, B or C? Which city is the most beautiful, Beijing, Shanghai or Kunming? 序数词+最高级,表“ 第几最-” Chang jiang is the first longest river in China. the second largest population 学习必备 欢迎下载 Lesson plan ( by Cail

90、ing Lee ) Time: 40 minutes Class: Class 155 and 160 ,Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 7 How do you make a banana smoothie? Properties: cards, pictures and a tape recorder. Teaching objectives 1. vocabulary :blender , yogurt , turn on , cut up , peel , pour , put into , ingredient , cin

91、namon , teaspoon , amount ,watermelon . 2. Patterns: How do you make a banana smoothie ? How many bananas do we need ? How much cinnamon do we need ? 3. 能力目标:学会使用 how many 和 how much 分别对可数名词和不可数名词的量提问. 4. 情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动的习惯. Key words and Key Phrases ? mix-混合-mixture 混合物 ? final 最后的-finally 最后地 ? toma

92、to -tomatoes (复数) ? potato -potatoes (复数) ? turkey -turkeys (复数) ? sandwich -sandwiches (复数) ? cut -cut (过去式) 学习必备 欢迎下载 ? put -put (过去式) ? put -putting(现在分词) 1. cut up 切碎 2. cut down 把-砍倒 3. put on 穿上(衣服)表穿的动作。 4. put -on 把-放在-上 5. pour -into 把-倒进- 里 6. mix up 混合在一起 7. turn on / off /up /down 打开/关闭/

93、调高/调低 8. add -to -把-加到-上 9. make a banana milk shake制作一份香蕉奶昔 10. take turns to do sth. 轮流着去做某事 11. take turns (in) doing sth. 轮流着在做某事 12. need to do sth. 需要去做某事 13. would like to do sth. 想要去做某事= want to do sth. 14. peel the banana 剥香蕉皮 15. a way of doing sth. 一条做某事的方法 16. a way to do sth. 一条做某事的方法 1

94、7. milk shake 奶昔 18. chicken sandwich 鸡肉三明治 19. the popcorn popper 爆米花机 20. fruit salad 水果色拉 学习必备 欢迎下载 21. a cup of 一杯- 22. a kilo of 一公斤 23. three kilos of 三公斤 24. one teaspoon of 一茶匙- 25. a slice of 一片- 26. four slices of 四片- 27. two pieces of 两片/张/幅- 28. five boxes of 五盒- 29. how much 多少,多少钱 30.

95、how many 多少 31. how far 多远 32. how often 多久一次 33. how long 多长 34. on the top 在顶上,在上部 35. tomato sauce 番茄酱 36. green onion 嫩洋葱 37. Thats all. 就这样 38. I guess so. 我想是这样。= I think so. Important and difficult points 39. Turn on the blender打开果汁搅拌机。 40. Cut up the bananas切开香蕉。 41. Pour the milk into the b

96、lender将牛奶倒入果汁机里。 学习必备 欢迎下载 42. Put some relish on a slice of bread将调味品涂到一片面包上。 43. Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender将香蕉和酸奶倒人果汁机。 44. How do you make a banana smoothie?你如何做香蕉思木西饮料? 45. First, put 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise on the sandwich.首先,在三明治上放一茶匙蛋黄酱。 Lesson plan ( by Wen Kaihua) Time: 45

97、 minutes Class: Class 152 Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 8 How was your school trip ? Properties: cards, pictures and a tape recorder. Teaching objectives 1. words & phrases : shark , seal , ate , win , won , got , visitor , drive , at the end of . 2. Use the past tense to talk about

98、 things . 3. 掌握由 there be 结构和行为动词构成的一般过去时. 4. 掌握规则和不规则动词的过去时. Important and difficult points : How to use the past tense correctly . 学习必备 欢迎下载 The form of the past tense . Key words and Key Phrases ? visit 参观-visitor 参观者,游客-some visitors 一些参观者 ? eat -ate (过去式) ? go -went (过去式) ? win -winner 获胜者 -won

99、 (过去式) ? gift -present (同义)礼物 ? rain (名)雨水,雨-rainy (形)下雨的 ? luck (名) 幸运 -lucky(形) 幸运的-luckily(副) 幸运地 -unlucky (形)不幸运的 ? one -won (同音词) ? get got (过去式) ? drive -drove (过去式) ? unfortunate (adj)-unfortunately(adv) 1. have g great time =have some fun =have a great time = have a good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快 2. ha

100、ve a great school trip 学校郊游玩得高兴 3. have a good day 一天玩得高兴 4. have fun (in) doing sth. 在做某事中玩得高兴 5. hang out 打发时间,闲荡 6. have -for 某餐吃什么 7. go to the aquarium 去水族馆 8. go to the zoo 去动物园 学习必备 欢迎下载 9. go swimming 10. go for a drive 去驾车旅行 11. go out for a walk外出散步 12. go on a school trip 进行一次郊游 13. come

101、back from 从- 归来 14. get wet 淋湿 15. sleep late 睡过头,起得晚 16. watch /see a movie 看电影 17. watch /see a dolphin show 看海豚表演 18. take photos of 拍摄 19. win the first prize 赢得一等奖 20. take a bus back to 21. sound like 听起来像-一样 22. look like 看起来像-一样 23. school trip 郊游 24. yard sale 庭院旧货销售 25. singing competition

102、 歌唱比赛 26. a movie about sharks 一部产关于鲨鱼的影片 27. a busy day off 一个繁忙的休息日 28. on ones day off 在某人的休息日 29. on ones next day off 在某人的下一个休息日 30. on ones trip 在某人的旅行过程中 31. in the rain 在雨中 学习必备 欢迎下载 32. in ones opinion 依某人的看法 33. in future = from now on 在今后,在将来 34. in the future 在将来,在今后某一时刻 35. last week 上星

103、期 36. yesterday morning 昨天早上 37. ten years ago 十年前 38. after that 在那之后 39. all day 整天 40. because of 因为-,由于 41. at the end of 在-的末端 42. lots of = a lot of 许多的 Important and difficult points 1. I went to the aquarium,I didnt go to the zoo我去了水族馆,我没去动物园。 2. Did you take any photos?你照相了吗? 3. Id like to

104、eat some ice cream 我愿意吃些冰淇淋 4. We often hang out with our friends我们经常同朋友一起 m 去闲逛。 5. Would you like to go for a drive?你愿意去开车兜风吗? 6. Did Tina buy a souvenir?蒂纳买纪念品了吗? 7. Toby won a prize托比赢了奖金。 8. Did Tina meet a famous actor?蒂纳遇见一位著名演员了吗? 学习必备 欢迎下载 9. The students had a terrible school trip同学们度过了一次糟

105、糕的学校旅行 Lesson plan ( by Wen Kaihua) Time: 45 minutes Class: Class 152 Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 9 When was he born ? Properties: cards, pictures and a tape recorder. Teaching objectives 1. Talk about exceptional people, famous people. 2. Learn to use “be born” to ask sb sth 3. 掌

106、握一般过去时态的以 how long , when , where 等疑问词开头的特殊疑问句. 4. 能用有关的形容词来描述人,并能用一般过去时来谈论熟知的、敬佩的人物. Key words and Key Phrases ? Violin 小提琴 -violinist 小提琴手 ? piano 钢琴 pianist 钢琴家 ? tour 参观,观光-tourist游客 ? music 音乐-musician 音乐家-musical (形)音乐的 ? play 玩-player 运动员 学习必备 欢迎下载 ? golf 高尔夫-golfer 高尔夫运动员 ? skate 滑冰 -skater滑

107、冰者 -skating 滑冰 ? usual 平常的 -unusual不寻常的,独特的 -usually 通常 ? talent 天才-talented有天赋的 ? nation (名)国家,民族 -national (形)国家的,民族的 ? achieve (动)完成,达到-achievement (名) ? mange (动)常理,经营 -management (名) ? Love 爱,喜爱 loving 慈爱的 ? live 生活,居住-alive 活着的,在世的 ? create 创造 creative 有创造力的 ? athlete 运动员-athletic 体格强健的 ? beco

108、me -became (过去式) 1. stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事情 2. stop to do sth. 停下手中的事去做另一件事 3. start doing sth. 开始做某事 4. begin doing sth. 开始做某事 5. begin to do sth. 开始做某事 6. learn to do sth. 学着去做某事 7. single player 单打选手 8. pieces of music 几首音乐 9. be born 出生 10. major in 主修 学习必备 欢迎下载 11. play for (某队)效力于-(某队) 12. ta

109、ke part in 参加 13. join the football team 加入足球队 14. write music 作曲 15. hum popular songs 哼流行歌 16. win the first prize 赢得一等奖 17. see / hear sb. doing sth. 看见/听见某人在做某事 18. see / hear sb. do sth. 看着/听着某人在做某事 19. spend -with 与某人一起度过(时光) 20. spend -on sth. 在上花费(时间,金钱) 21. spend -in doing sth. 在做某事上花费 (时间

110、, 金钱) 22. go ice skating 去滑冰 23. table tennis 乒乓球 24. ping-pong player 乒乓球选手 25. movie star 电影明星 26. world records 世界纪录 27. a comedy called 一部名叫的的喜剧片 28. skating champion溜冰冠军 29. a piece of music 一首音乐 30. the national table tennis team 国家乒乓球队 31. well-known 出名的,众所周知的 32. 70-year 70 年的 学习必备 欢迎下载 33.

111、70-year-old 70 岁大的 34. Because of 因为,由于 35. For 100 years 共计 100 年 36. until 2004 直到 20XX 年 37. at the age of 在- 岁时 38. too -to 太- 而不能 Important and difficult points 1. -When were you born? - I was born on September 2nd, 1995 in Ejia. 2. -Where were you born? - I was born in Yunnan province, China.

112、3. -When was she born? -She was born in 1973她出生于1973 年。 4. Deng Yaping is a great Chinese pingpong player 邓亚萍是一位了不起的中国乒乓球运动员。 5. For example,Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old. 例如,泰德。伍德十个月大时就开始打高尔去球。 6. Pele ,became a professional soccer star when he was fifteen 比利,在他十五岁时成了一

113、位专业的足球明星。 7. -When did she become a movie star? -When she was three years old. 她何时成了一名影星? 8. Arthur is a loving grandfather亚瑟是一位慈爱的爷爷。 学习必备 欢迎下载 9. He spends all his free time with his grandchildren他全部业余时间都跟他的孙子在一起。 10. She is a famous violinist. 11. In October 2000, Li Yundi took part in the 14th C

114、hopin International Piano Competition in Poland. 12. She become a skating champion when she was ten 当她十岁时,她成了一位溜冰冠军。 13. He won the first prize in his group他在小组里赢得了第一名。 14. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the Chopin International Piano Competition to win this prize. 在

115、有七十年历史的肖邦国际钢琴比赛中他也是第一位获此荣誉的中国钢琴家。 15. When she was three years old, she began to learn dancing. Some other notes in this unit: 1. When was he born? 他什么时候出生的?He was born in 1895. 他出生于 1895 年。 be born 意为出生,后面加介词短语in 1895. 这实际上是被动语态,结构为be+动词的过去分词表示主语被.在句中,人是被生出的,因此用被动态,born 原形是 bear ,意为产生、生育。 2. start

116、doing sth. Start to do sth. Begin to do sth 都可以表示开始做某事。 start 意为开始后接名词,动名词或动词不定式。 学习必备 欢迎下载 eg: The old men started singing / to sing. 老人们开始唱歌。 They started the party with dancing. 他们以跳舞来开始这个晚会。 另外,start 还有开动、发动、创办、出发等词义。 eg: My father couldnt start the car. 我父亲起动不了那车。 start 与 begin 同义,都是开始,但在表示开动、发

117、动、创办、出发等词意讲时,start 不能用 begin. 3. too.to. 太.而不能 eg: a. The boy is too young to dress himself.这个男孩太小了,还不能自己穿衣服。 b. This house is too big to clean in one day.这幢房子太大了,一天内打扫不完。 c. She is too young to go to school.她太小不能去上学。 4.some adjectives to describe people. talented (天才的),loving (慈爱的),outstanding (杰出的

118、), unusual (罕有的),creative (有创造力的),famous (著名的), great (伟大的,很棒的),beautiful (美丽的) 5. at the age of 在.岁时 At the age of 4 Mike began to write peoms迈克四岁时就开始写诗。 6. take part in 参加(.活动) join take part in 两者都表示参加,join 指参加某种组织。take part in 表示参加某项活动。 eg: He joined the Party at the age of 40. 他 40 岁时入了党。 学习必备

119、欢迎下载 When did your brother join the Army? 你哥哥什么时候参的军? Do you want to take part in the sports meeting? 你想参加运动会吗? 7.win the first prize 赢得第一名 8.the 70-year history 70年的历史 其中 70-year 做 history 的定语,所以 year 不能用复数。 如:a four-year old girl 一个四岁女孩。 9.年龄表达方法 (1)用基数词表达年龄,可以加上.years oldthree years old. (2)用 whe

120、n 引导的从句 when I was three(years old ) (3)at the age of 基数词 at the age of three (4)基数词-year-old three-year-old ,注意这种表达常作定语 如 a three-year-old boy. Lesson plan ( by Wen Kaihua) Time: 45 minutes Class: Class 152 Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player . Prope

121、rties: cards, pictures and a tape recorder. Teaching objectives 1. vocabulary :programmer ,engineer ,pilot ,professional 学习必备 欢迎下载 2. Pattern: I am going to do sth . 3. 能力目标:掌握一般将来时的用法. Key words and Key Phrases 1. Visit(动)拜访 -visitor (名)拜访者,来访者 2. run 跑 -runner 赛跑者 3. win -winner获胜者 -won (过去式) 4. a

122、ct 表演-actor 演员 5. art 艺术-artist 艺术家 6. programme使programmer运作-程序师 7. profession(名)职业-professional (形) 专业的,职业的 8. build(动)建造 -building (名)建筑物 9. resolute (形)坚决的resolution( 名)决心 10. fashion ( 名)时尚fashionable (形)时髦的 11. grow up成长,长大 12. communicate with sb.与交际;与交流 13. talk with =speak to 与谈话,跟讲话 14. ta

123、lk about 谈论,谈论关于方面的东西 15. make resolutions 许愿 16. have a welcome party 开欢迎晚会 17. hold an art exhibition 举行一次艺术展 18. host the 2008 Olympic Games 举行 20XX 年奥运会 19. keep fit 保持健康 学习必备 欢迎下载 20. sound like 听起来像一样 21. play sports 进行体育运动 22. practice basketball 练习篮球 23. take acting lessons上表演课 24. fashion s

124、how 时装表演 25. a job as an engineer 一份做工程师的工作 26. computer science 计算机科学 27. computer programmer 电脑程序设计人 28. over 1,000 letters 超过 1000 封信 29. a year or two 一年或两年 30. New Years resolutions 新年决心 31. part-time 兼职的 32. with the money 用这些钱 33. tomorrow afternoon 明天下午 34. next year 明年 35. this term 这学期 36.

125、 in December 2008在 20XX 年 12 月份 37. all over the world 遍及全全世界 38. somewhere interesting 有趣的某个地方 39. I dont think so. 我并不这样认为 40. Let me see.让我想想 41. Im afraid not. 恐怕不这样 学习必备 欢迎下载 42. Im not sure yet. 我还不确定 Important and difficult points 1. l.What are you going to be when you grow up?你长大了要干什么? 2. Im

126、 going to be a basketball player我要成为一名篮球运动员。 3. Im going to be a computer programmer我要成为一名电脑程序设计师。 4. Im going to take acting lessons我要去上表演课。 5. Im going to move somewhere interesting我要搬到有意思的地方去。 6. 6.I want to be an art editor for a fashion show我想成为一名时装展示会的艺术指导。 7. Im going to find a part-time job

127、for a year or two and save some money. 我想找一份可干一、两年的零工,攒下点儿钱。 8. Im going to study economics at the same time同时,我要学习经济。 9. Im going to travel all over the world我要到全世界去旅行。 10. Im going to write articles and send them t0 magazines and newspapers我要写文章,发给报纸和杂志。 11. Im going to get good grades我要得一个好分数(成绩)

128、。 12. They want to communicate better with their kids他们想要更好地与孩子进行交流。 13. She is going to look for a teaching job in China next year明学习必备 欢迎下载 年,她想要在中国找一份教书的工作。 14. An old lady said she found a job as a foreign language teacher 一位老太太说她找了一份作外语教师的工作。 Lesson plan ( by Wen Kaihua) Time: 45 minutes Class:

129、 Class 152 Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? Properties: cards, pictures and a tape recorder. Teaching objectives 1. vocabulary : trash , chore , do chores , dish , sweep , fold , hate , meeting . 2. patterns : Could you please + do sth ? 1. Could yo

130、u + do sth ? 3. 能力目标:学习有礼貌地提出请求. Key words and Key Phrases 1. invite( 动)邀请 -invitation (名)邀请,请帖 2. meet 遇见 -meeting 会议 3. busy 繁忙的-free 空闲的 4. sweep -swept (过去式) 5. work (动)工作 -worker (名)工人 学习必备 欢迎下载 6. I -me my mine -myself 7. agree 同意-disagree 不同意 8. borrow (借进)-lend (借出) 9. feed -fed (过去式) 10. li

131、ve 居住-living 活着的 11. play 打,玩-player 运动员,唱机 12. take out (the trash) 取出,把- 拿出来 13. do chores 做杂务,干家务 14. do the dishes 洗餐具 15. do the laundry 洗衣服 16. do the housework 做家务事 17. do ones homework 做家庭作业 18. do sports 做运动,进行体育运动 19. make breakfast 做早餐 20. make the bed 整理床铺 21. make money 赚钱 22. make tea

132、泡茶 23. make a milk shake 做一份奶昔 24. feed dogs 养狗 25. fold the clothes折叠衣服 26. clean the living room 把起居室弄干净 27. sweep the floor 打扫地板 学习必备 欢迎下载 28. wash the car 洗车 29. go out 外出,到外面去 30. go to the store 去开会 31. come over 过来,顺便来访 32. move to a new house 搬到一幢新房子里去 33. Work on 忙于,从事 34. take the dog for

133、a walk 带狗去遛一遛 35. take care of 照看,照料=look after 36. have a rest休息一会儿 37. stay at home 待在家里 38. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 39. play with 与一起玩 40. hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事 41. Dont forget to so sth. 别忘了去做某事 42. Invite sb. to a party 邀请某人去做某事 43. Help (to) do sth. 帮着做某事 44. help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人去做某事 4

134、5. need some help 需要去做某事 46. ask sb. for help 向某人请求帮助 47. the living room 起居室 48. CD player CD 播放器 49. be on vacation / holiday 在度假 学习必备 欢迎下载 50. be in 在家里,穿着衣服 51. at my house 在我家,在我房子里 52. get angry with 生的气 Important and difficult points 1. Could you please take out the trash?请把垃圾拿出去好吗? 2. Could

135、you please sweep the floormake the bedfold your clothes cleaning the living room? 你扫地整理床铺叠衣服清扫起居室好吗? 3. Do you like to make your bed? 你喜欢整理床铺吗? 4. Could you invite your friends to my party? 5. 你能邀请你的朋友来参加我的晚会吗?。 6. Thanks for taking care of my dog谢谢你照看我的狗。 7. Dont forget to clean his bed不要忘了清扫他的床。 8

136、. Im going to work on my English project and then meet my friends. 我要做英语功课,然后见我的朋友。 9. Im going on vacation tomorrow明天我要度假。 10. Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure. 11. Could you please do the dishes? Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework. 12. Could I please go to the movies? Yes, you can.

137、 13. Could I please use the car? No, you cant. I have to go out. 学习必备 欢迎下载 【语法聚焦】 表示请求、允许、许可 表示允许时用 can, could, may, might表达。它们没有时态上的差别 , 只是 could 比 can, might 比 may 语气上要客气 。 (用 can 或 could表示“ 许可” ,虽然很普通,但在正式、庄重的场合用 may 。) 例如: A: Could I borrow your dictionary? 劳驾,我可以借你的字典用用吗? B: Yes, of course (you

138、 can). 当然可以。 Can表示“ 允许、许可” 时,和 may 的意思相近,即 can=may. 此时的否定式是 cant (=must not) Could/Can you please tell me how to get to the post office? 劳驾,您能告诉我怎么去邮局吗? Mr Li asked me whether I could go with him. 李先生问我是否可以和他一起去。 (此句中的 could 不能用 can 代替。) 表示请求时还可以用句型 : Will/Would you ? 请 (为我) 好吗? 该句型用于请求对方做某事。 Would

139、you? 比较客气。语气比 Will you? 要委婉。 例如: Will you pass me the spoon? 请把勺子递给我好吗? Would you lend me your dictionary? 请借你的词典用一下好吗? 答句为: 学习必备 欢迎下载 Yes, I will. 是的,可以。 Sure. 当然了。 All right. 好啊。 Certainly. 当然可以。 Yes, please. 好的,可以。 No, I wont. 不,不行。 Im sorry. I cant. 对不起, 不行。 No, thank you. 不了,谢谢。 Shall I ? 我要吗?

140、Shall we? 我们一起 好吗? Shall we? 与 Lets. 意思上很相近。 Shall I carry it for you? 我来帮你搬它好吗? Yes, please./ Yes, thank you. 好吧。/好吧,谢谢。 Shall we sing a song? 我们唱一支歌好吗? No, lets not. 不, 别唱了。 Lesson plan ( by Wen Kaihua) Time: 45 minutes Class: Class 152 Grade eight, Ejia Middle School. Content: Unit 12 Whats the b

141、est radio station? Properties: cards, pictures and a tape recorder. 学习必备 欢迎下载 Teaching objectives 1. vocabulary: comfortable , seat , screen , close , close to , quality , theater , cinema , radio , radio station . 2. Discuss preferences ; 讨论最喜欢的东西 3. Make comparison 做比较 4. 能力目标:掌握一些形容词的比较级和最高级. Dif

142、ficult points : 特殊形容词的比较级和最高级. Key words and Key Phrases 1. close 关闭 -closed 关着的 2. with 带有 -without 没有 3. perform 表演-performer 表演者 4. distance 距离-distant 距离远的 5. success 成功-successful 成功的 6. music 音乐-musician 音乐家-musical (形)音乐的 7. south-southern 南方的 8. north -northern 北方的 9. talent 天才-talented有天赋的

143、10. lead 带领 -leader 领导 11. serious (形)严肃的 -seriously(副)严肃地 12. lie 说谎-lay (过去式)-lain (过去分词) 13. lay 下蛋 14. radio station 广播台,电台 学习必备 欢迎下载 15. movie theater电影院 16. clothing store 服装店 17. TV station 电视台 18. talent show 才艺表演 19. TV show 电视剧 20. TV program 电视节目 21. the funniest act 最滑稽的表演 22. music vide

144、o 音乐碟,音乐带 23. action movie 功夫片 24. the prize for -奖 25. the price of 的价格 26. the leader of a band 一个乐队的领导 27. the province of Yunnan = Yunnan province 云南省 28. Forbidden City 紫禁城 29. elementary school小学 30. Ice and Snow Festival 冰雪节 31. brown bread 黑面包 32. mushroom soup 蘑菇汤 33. do a survey of做一个-方面的调

145、查 34. cut the price 砍价 35. think about 考虑,想想-方面的事 36. win the prize 获奖 学习必备 欢迎下载 37. get success 获得成功 38. comfortable enough 足够地舒服 39. go to see a film 去看电影 40. close to 接近, 41. be the same as与-完全一样 42. in the north of 在-的北部(指范围办) 43. to the south of 在-这外(指范围外) 44. out of 在-之外,由- 里往外 45. by bus 乘公共汽

146、车 46. in winter 在冬天 47. in day time 在白天 48. in the world 在世界上 49. in Yunnan province 在云南省 50. 200 yuan a night 住一晚上要 200 元 51. ten yuan a kilo 10元一公斤 ? close -closed ? with -without ? farther father ? perform -performer ? distance -distant ? success -successful ? sea see ? good / well - better- best

147、 学习必备 欢迎下载 ? bad / badly/ ill -worse-worst ? many / much - more -most ? little -less-least ? far - farther(较远)- farthest ? far-further(进一步) -furthest Important and difficult points 1. Whats the best movie theater? 哪个是最好的影院? 2. What is the best radio station? 哪个是最好的广播电台? 3. It has the most comfortabl

148、e seats它拥有最舒适的座位。 4. What do young people think about places in town? 年轻人关于镇上的位置是什么看法? 5. We did a survey of our readers我们做了一个读者涮查。 6. Last weeks talent show was a great success上周的才能展示是一个成功。 7. She played a beautiful piano piece她演奏了一支优美的钢琴曲。 8. What is the most boring TV show? 最乏味的电视剧是什么 7 9. The pr

149、ice of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night 一个旅馆房间的价格是每晚 320 元。 10. Theres a lot things to do有许多事情要做。 11. Whats the best movie theater ? 最好的电影院是什么? 12. It is the cheapest . 它最便宜。 13. I think Circle Theater has the most comfortable seats . 我想 (认学习必备 欢迎下载 为)弧形剧场座位最舒服。 14. It has the friendliest serv

150、ice . 它有最友好的服务。 15. Its worse than All Talk 970 AM. 它比 All Talk 970 AM 糟糕。 16. It has the worse music . 它有最糟的音乐。 17. Who do you think is the funniest actor ? 你认为最有趣的演员是谁? 18. The Famous People Talent Show was terrific . 19. Famous People Talent (名人天才)表演是非常棒的。 A. 我们都知道形容词的级有三个级。 (1)为原级比较:as .as. 像.一样

151、 如 Zhang Hong is as tall as Tom. (2)形容词的比较级:如:构成:形容词比较级than . 如:He is taller than I . 他比我高。 (3)形容词的最高级其结构为 the + 形容词的最高级of / in . 如:He is the tallest of the three . 他是这三个人中最高的。 He is the funniest in his class . 他是他们班最有趣的。 B. 形容词、副词比较级和最高级有规则变化和不规则变化。 (1)规则变化 一般情况下,单音节或双音节的形容词(或副词)比较级er , 最高级est 如: c

152、lever cleverer cleverest few fewer fewest 以 e 结尾的词,比较级r,最高级st 即可 学习必备 欢迎下载 如: nicenicernicest cute cuter cutest large larger largest 以辅音字母y 结尾的变 y 为 ier 或 est 如: easy easier easiest happy happier happiest 再如:early , busy , heavy , dirty , lazy . 也如此 双写最后一个辅音字母er 或 est 的词同学要用心去记。 1. fat fatter fattes

153、t 2. thinthinner thinnest 3. hot hotter hottest 4. red redder reddest 5. wet wetter wettest 6. big bigger biggest 多音节和部分双音节的词需要在形容词原级前more 构成比较级,the most构成最高级。如: beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful . 又如: delicious , popular , important , interesting , expensive 等也是如此。 双音节的词如 careful more car

154、eful the most careful useful more useful the most useful . 少数单音节词也是这样如: pleased more pleased the most pleased tiredmore tried the most tired 2)不规则变化: Good better best Wellbetter-best 学习必备 欢迎下载 bad worse worst many, much more most far-farther-farthest( 距离远) farfurther furthest( 程度深) oldelder( 长幼)elde

155、st oldolder( 年龄)-oldest 在这个单元中出现的形容词比级较和最高级如下: big bigger biggest popular more popular the most popular close closer the closest cheap cheaper the cheapest friendly friendlier the friendliest comfortable more comfortablethe most comfortable good better the best bad worse the worst expensive more exp

156、ensivethe most expensive funny funnier the funniest dull dullerthe dullest loud louder the loudest quiet quieter the quietest creative more creative the most creative boring more boring the most boring near nearer the nearest cold colder the coldest 学习必备 欢迎下载 warm warmer the warmest far farther the

157、farthest 2. It is the closest to home. 它离家最近。close to 离.近 形容词最高级前经常定冠词the 3. has good quality clothes . 有质量好的衣服。 4. As for radio stations , most people think that Jammin 107.9 FM is really great . 这句话的意思是,至于电台,大部分人认为 Jammin 107.9 FM是真的很棒。 5. 3a Last weeks talent show was a great success . 上周的天才表演真是非

158、常成功。 success 是名词,它的形容词是 successful 成功的 He danced without music . 他无音乐伴奏,跳舞。 The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Tan and his dog , Fido. 最有趣表演奖给了 Steve Tan 和他的狗 Fido. 6. Sanya is in Hainan Province. 三亚在海南省。海南省要大写,介词用 in 而且不加 the 如河北省 in He Bei Province . Its about 15 in the daytime. 学习必备 欢迎下

159、载 在白天它大约 15左右。 in the daytime 在白天。 The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night . 旅馆一个房间一晚上的价格大约在 320 元左右 Harbin is in the north of China . 哈尔滨在中国的北部。 表示方位的有二个介词。一个是 in;一个是 to。 in the north 在北方 south 为南方,east 为东方,west 为西方。 in the north of China . 表示哈尔滨在中国境内 它属于中国。此时用介词 in。 如果一个地方不在一个地方内,如日本和中

160、国的方位怎么说呢。日本在中国的东部。因为日本不在中国境内,因此我们不能用介词in,而用介词to。 Japan is to the east of China . Tourists need to wear warm clothes . 游客需要穿暖和的衣服。 There is an Ice and Snow Festival that lasts about six weeks . 有一个持续 6 周左右的冰雪节。 that lasts about six weeks 作 Festival 的定语从句。 last 是动词,表示持续 。如雨持续了一周。The rain lasted a week

161、 . It seldom rains and snows. 学习必备 欢迎下载 那很少下雨、下雪。 seldom 是副词表示很少、不常。 Hotels usually cut their prices in winter . 旅馆通常在冬天里减价。 cut their prices . 降价、减价。 About 200 yuan a night is enough . 一晚上大约 200 元足够了。 enough 可以修饰名词也可以修饰形容词。 当它修饰名词时可放在名词的前边,也可放在后边。 如足够的水,enough water 当它修饰形容词或副词时,则放在它的后边。 如:足够大 big e

162、nough . 不能说成 enough big . There is enough water (名)here . 这里有足够的水。 Your classroom is big (形)enough . 你的教室足够大。 Review of units 7一 12 make mushroom soup做蘑菇汤 a speech contest一次演讲比赛 live in 居住在 creative job富有创造性的工作 arrive in 到达 elementary school小学 funniest movie actor最有意思的电影演员 1How do you make mushroom

163、soup? 你怎么做蘑菇汤? 学习必备 欢迎下载 2I won a speech contest我演讲比赛获胜。 3Are you going to live in Beijing?你要住在北京吗? 4No,not an actor ,another kind of creative job不,不是做演员,而是另一种富有创造性的工作。 5We arrived in Australia 0n August 20th 我们在八月二十日到达澳大利亚。 6What is the best elementary school?最好的小学是哪个? 7Who do you think is the funn

164、iest movie actor? 你认为谁是最有意思的电影演员 八年级上 1-12 词组总汇 1. a football player 足球运动员 2. a great (large) number of 大量的 3. a great success 获得成功 4. a kind of 一种 5. a little quieter 有点安静 6. a lot of 许多 7. a lot to do 很多可做的事 8. a member of your family 你的家庭成员 9. a movie star 电影明星 10. a small number of 少量的 学习必备 欢迎下载

165、 11. addto 把加到上 12. agree with you 同意你的意见 13. airline pilot 飞行员 14. all kinds of 各种各样 15. all over the world 全世界 16. as for 关于,至于 17. ask sb. about sth. 问某人某事 18. ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事 19. at the aquarium 在水族馆 20. at the age of four 在 4 岁的时候 21. at the end of the day 在这天结束的时候 22. at the moment 此

166、时 23. at the same time 同时 24. keep fit 保持健康 25. basketball player篮球选手 26. be born 出生 27. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 28. be different from 与不同 29. be good at 擅长,在方面好 30. be good for 对有益 31. be the same as 与一样 32. between and 在和之间 学习必备 欢迎下载 33. big screens 大屏幕 34. birthday party 生日晚会 35. both and 和两个都 36

167、. brown bread 黑面包 37. bus station 公共汽车站 38. bus stop 公共汽车停靠站 39. buy a souvenir 买纪念品 40. by subway/bus/train/car/boat/plane 乘地铁/公共汽车/火车/小汽车/船/飞机 41. close to 靠近,接近 42. come over to 顺便拜访 43. comfortable seats 舒适的椅子 44. computer programmer 程序师 45. computer science 计算机科学 46. cut up 切碎 47. day off 假日,休息

168、日 48. decide on sth. 决定某事 49. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 50. depend on 决定于 51. must be 一定是 52. discuss doing sth 商讨做某事 53. do a survey of 调查 学习必备 欢迎下载 54. do chores 处理琐事,干家务 55. do homework 做作业 56. do housework 做家务 57. do the dishes 洗餐具 58. do the laundry 洗衣服 59. do the shopping 购物,买东西 60. Dont worry 别

169、担心 61. eat healthier food 吃更健康些的食物 62. eat more vegetables 多吃蔬菜 63. elementary school 小学 64. every day 每天 65. fashion magazine 时装杂志 66. fashion show 时装表演会 67. fast food 快餐 68. feel well 身体感觉舒服 69. finish doing sth. 完成做某事 70. five tomatoes 五个西红柿 71. fold your clothes 叠衣服 72. for example 例如 73. Forbid

170、den City 紫禁城 74. friendly service 服务好 75. get a part-time job 找一份业余工作 学习必备 欢迎下载 76. get a ride 搭便车 77. get lots of exercise 多锻炼身体 78. get to school 到校(上学) 79. get/be stressed out 紧张的,有压力的 80. go fishing 去钓鱼 81. go for a drive 去开车、开车兜风 82. go shopping 去购物 83. go sightseeing 去观光 84. go skating 去滑冰 85.

171、 go swimming 去游泳 86. go to a meeting 去开会 87. go to bed 去睡觉 88. go to the beach 去海滩 89. go to the doctor 去看医生 90. go to the movies 去看电影 91. Great Lakes 五大湖区 92. grow up 长大 93. ham songs 哼歌曲 94. hang out with friends 和朋友闲混 95. hardly ever 几乎不 96. hate to do sth 讨厌做某事 97. have a cold 感冒 学习必备 欢迎下载 98. h

172、ave a fever 发烧 99. have a good time 玩得高兴 100. have a headache 头痛 101. have a party 举行聚会 102. have a piano lesson 上钢琴课 103. have a sore back 背痛 104. have a sore throat 咽喉痛 105. have a test 考试 106. have a toothache 牙痛 107. have fun doing sth 做某事很有趣 108. have ice cream 吃冰淇淋 109. hold art exhibitions 举办

173、美术展览 110. hot tea with honey 加蜜的热茶 111. how far 多远 112. how long 多久 113. how many 多少 114. how much 多少 115. how often 多久一次 116. Id love/like to 我很愿意 117. Im sorry to hear that. 很遗憾听到这个消息 118. ice skating 滑冰 119. in a fun part of town 地处市里好玩的地方 学习必备 欢迎下载 120. in my opinion 我的意见 121. in North America 在

174、北美洲 122. in some ways 在某些方面 123. in the north of China 在中国北部 124. in town 在镇上 125. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人多少时间做某事 126. Its important for sb to do sth 某人做事重要 127. Its time for sb to do sth 某人该做某事的时候 128. junk food 垃圾食品 129. keep quiet 保持安排 130. keep/stay healthy 保持健康 131. kind of 有点儿 1

175、32. leave a message 留言 133. leave for 前往 134. leavefor 离开去 135. lie down 躺下 136. living room 起居室,客厅 137. look after 照顾 138. look at 看 139. look different 看起来不一样 140. look the same 看起来一样 141. lots of 许多 学习必备 欢迎下载 142. major in 主修,钻研 143. make dinner 做饭 144. make friends with 与交朋友 145. make fruit sala

176、d 做水果沙拉 146. make resolutions 定计划 147. make sb happy 使某人高兴 148. make sb laugh 使某人发笑 149. make the bed 整理床铺 150. make the soccer team 创建一支足球队 151. mix up 混合在一起 152. most of the kids 大多数孩子们 153. move to Paris 搬到巴黎 154. much better 好得多 155. much too 太,非常 156. next year 明年 157. North China 华北 158. of co

177、urse 当然 159. on ones way home 在某人回家的路上 160. on vacation 在休假 161. on Wednesday 在星期三 162. once a week 一周一次 163. peel a banana 剥香蕉皮 学习必备 欢迎下载 164. play a beautiful piano piece 演奏一曲美妙的钢琴乐曲 165. play an instrument 演奏一个乐器 166. play soccer 踢足球 167. play sports 进行体育活动 168. play with 和玩耍 169. practice basket

178、ball 练习篮球 170. put on 把放在上面 171. put into 把放进 172. radio station 无线电台 173. relax at home 在家放松 174. rent videos 租录像带 175. ride a bicycle/bike 骑自行车 176. see a dentist 看牙医 177. see some seals 看海豹 178. short / long hair 短 / 长发 179. show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. 出示某物给某人看 180. sleep late 睡懒觉,睡晚了 181. som

179、ething different 一些不同的事 182. somewhere interesting 有趣的地方 183. sound like 听起来像 184. sound nice 听起来好 185. speak French 讲法语 学习必备 欢迎下载 186. spend time with sb. 与某人共度时光 187. sports stars 体育明星 188. start doing sth / to do sth 开始做某事 189. stay at home 呆在家 190. stay in the house 呆在房子里 191. stay out late 迟点回家

180、 192. stop doing sth 停止做某事 193. stop to do sth停下来去做某事 194. study for a test 为考试学习 195. study hard 努力学习 196. study math really hard 刻苦学习数学 197. surf the Internet 网上冲浪 198. sweep the floor 扫地 199. take/have a class 上课 200. take a subway/bus/train/car/boat/plane 乘地铁/公共汽车/火车/小汽车/船/飞机 201. take acting le

181、ssons 上表演课 202. take care of / look after 照看,照顾 203. take out 取出 204. take part in 参加 205. take photos 照相 206. take sb for a walk 带去散步 学习必备 欢迎下载 207. take sb./sth. to 带某人/某物到 208. take the subway 乘地铁 209. take walks 去散步 210. take/have vacations 度假 211. Thanks for your invitation 谢谢你的邀请 212. the day

182、after tomorrow 后天 213. the first week in Jane 六月份第一个星期 214. the whole day 一整天 215. three times a years 一年三次 216. too to 太以致不能 217. too many 太多 218. too much 太多 219. tour the world 环游世界 220. train/subway station 火车站/地铁站 221. turn it on 打开它 222. twice a month 一个月两次 223. two days ago 两天前 224. two slice

183、s of bread 两片面包 225. two teaspoons of 两勺 226. vacation plans 假期计划 227. visit sb. 拜访某人 228. wash the car 洗车 学习必备 欢迎下载 229. watch a movie 看电影 230. watch TV 看电视 231. What do you think of ?你觉得怎样? 232. Whats the matter with? 怎么啦? 233. Whats the trouble with? 怎么啦? 234. Whats today? 今天几号? 235. Whats wrong

184、with? 怎么啦? 236. win a prize 赢得了奖金 237. win the first prize 获得第一名 238. work on 从事,忙于 239. world record 世界记录 240. write articles 写文章 241. yard sale 旧货出售 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式、现在分词、过去式: 原形 三单式 现在分词 过去式 be begin do drink eat feel forget 学习必备 欢迎下载 get go have help keep look read see shop sleep swim take teach think try watch write 2.写出下列形容词、副词的比较级、最高级 funny far friendly good/well 学习必备 欢迎下载 heavy ill/bad important interesting little long many/much nice outgoing red serious short tall thin



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