7B Unit2 Period 7 Integrated skills

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《7B Unit2 Period 7 Integrated skills》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《7B Unit2 Period 7 Integrated skills(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、UNIT 2Integrated skillsTianmu LakeAsia Movie CityChina Dinosaur ParkHongmei Parkthe Palace Museum Tiananmen Squarethe Great WallWangfujing Street the Palace MuseumTAIHE PALACE 太和太和殿殿Zhonghe Palace 中和殿中和殿BAOHE PALACE 保和保和殿殿HUANGJI PALACE 皇极皇极殿殿QIANQING PALACE 乾清乾清宫宫YANGXIN PALACE 养养心殿心殿Fengxian Palac

2、e奉先殿奉先殿Jingren Palace景仁殿景仁殿EXHIBITIONS clocks and watchesworks of artcarvingstoneChinese painting thronegoldenWHEN/ WHERE/ WHAT CAN WE SEE ?WE CAN SEE IN AT .Time Place Things to seeTaihe PalaceTaihe Palace ZhongheZhonghe Palace Palace BaoheBaohe Palace PalaceHuangjiHuangji Palace PalaceFengxianFeng

3、xian Palace Palace10.00 a.m.10.00 a.m.10.30 a.m.10.30 a.m.11.00 a.m.11.00 a.m.2.30 p.m.2.30 p.m.works of artworks of artgolden thronegolden throneworks of artworks of art1.00p.m1.00p.m. .Chinese paintingsChinese paintingsclocks and watchesclocks and watches1.See the golden throne in Taihe Palace at

4、I0.00 p.m.2.Go to Zhonghe Palace at 10.13 a.m.3.Go to Huangji Palace to see works of art at 11.00 a.m.4.See Chinese paintings in Baohe Palace at 1.00 p.m.5.See clocks and lamps in Fengxian Palace at 2.30 p.m._10.00a.m10.30a.mBaoheHuangjiwatchesWhere do they want to go tomorrow?They want to go to the

5、 Palace Museum.What can they see there?They can see fine works of art.When shall they be there?They shall be there at 9a.m.When and where they will meet?They will meet at school at 8a.m.Listen and answer:IF I WANT TO VISIT SOMEWHERE IN OUR CITY, I DONT KNOW WHERE TO GO, CAN YOU GIVE ME ANY GOOD IDEA

6、S? -Would you like to go to ? -Yes, sure. What can we see there? -We can see there. -That sounds great. What time shall we leave in the morning? -We shall leave at . -And where shall we meet? -Lets meet at/in/outside . -OK. See you. -See you.1.There is going to be an e_ in the school library.2.Would

7、 you like to go to the _ _ (故故宫)tomorrow?3.Helens brother likes _(paint).4.Jack got up late and _ (错过) the train.5.There are lots of fun and i_ things to do.6. There are a lot of c_and w_ in Fengxian Palace.7. The g_ t _ is in the Taihe Palace.xhibitionPalace Museumpaintingmissednterestinglocksatche

8、soldenhrone1.明天你想去参明天你想去参观颐和园和园吗?Would you like to visit the Summer Palace tomorrow?2.你可以在保和殿看到好的你可以在保和殿看到好的艺术品。品。You can see good works of art in Baohe Palace.3.明天上午明天上午8点我在学校点我在学校门口等你。口等你。I will wait for you at the school gate at 8 tomorrow morning.4.你你为什么不在学什么不在学习英英语上多花点上多花点时间?Why dont you spend more time studying English?5.在故在故宫博物院有博物院有许多有趣的事可以看和做。多有趣的事可以看和做。There are many interesting things to see and to do at the Palace Museum.HOMEWORK:HOMEWORK:1.1.ReviewnewwordsandReviewnewwordsandphrases.phrases.2.2.DosomeexercisesintheDosomeexercisesinthework-book.work-book.



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