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1、Have a try1 He told us that where_ a picnic was not decided yet.(包头)A having B to have C have D had 2 I often have hamburgers for lunch.(芜湖)-Youd better not. Its bad for you_too much junk food.A eat B to eat C eating D ate3 How kind you are!You always do what you can_me.(江西)A help. B helping. C to h

2、elp .D helps.4 We have organized two talent shows_money for the people in trouble in yingjiang.(昭通)A to give. B give. C to raise. D raise.5 Tom often makes his brother_,but yesterday he was made_ by his brother.(三亚)A cry, to cry. B to cry, cry. C cry, cry. D to cry, to cry6 Do you know why he left s

3、o early?(绍兴)-_for the English test, I guess.A To study. B study. C studied .D studying.非非非非谓谓谓谓语语语语动动动动词词词词动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式基本形式及特点基本形式及特点用法用法注意事项注意事项(1 1)基本形式:)基本形式: to+动词原形动词原形 (在某些情况下可以不带(在某些情况下可以不带 to)(2 2)特点)特点 : A .A .没有人称和数的变化没有人称和数的变化C . 有时态和语态的变化(被动语态的形有时态和语态的变化(被动语态的形式为式为 to be + 动词过去分词

4、)动词过去分词)B . 可以有自己的宾语和状语可以有自己的宾语和状语 (3) 用法用法 :A、作主语作主语,如 To learn a foreign language is not easy . = Its not easy to learn a foreign language. 注意:不定式短语作主语如果太长,常用注意:不定式短语作主语如果太长,常用it作形式主语,将不作形式主语,将不定式后置。除动词定式后置。除动词be外,常见的外,常见的 动词有动词有take也常用于上述结构也常用于上述结构It took me two hours to clean my house yesterday.

5、B、作表语作表语,如 The important thing is to finish the work on time . 作作宾宾语语C、动词动词 + to do动词动词 + it(形式宾语)形式宾语)+宾补宾补 +to do常用的词有:常用的词有: want,would like, hope , decide , prefer ,等,等 动词不定式和疑问词连用 We havent decided when to leave.I find it important to learn English.作宾补作宾补动词动词 + 宾语宾语 +to do Li Mei asked me to sh

6、ow her the new dictionary .有以上结构的常用动词有等词有以上结构的常用动词有等词tell , want , ask , order, teach, invite, wish ,help , encourage 等词等词动词动词 + 宾语宾语 + do(不带不带 to 的不定式的不定式)注:常用的动词是:感官动词注:常用的动词是:感官动词see, hear, feel, watch, notice; 使役动词使役动词 have ,make,let.作状语 A 目的状语放在go , come , use , live, In order 等词的后面 例如: I come

7、to visit you He went home to ask for money He studies hard in order to have a good job in the future .B 原因状语放在sorry ,glad ,surprised ,excited 等词的后面Im glad to see you Im sorry to hear that .C 结果状语The room is large enough to hold 1000 peopleShe is too young to go to school 作定语动词不定式做定语放在修饰的名词或代词之后例如: H

8、e was the first student to go into the classroom.I have something important to tell you I can do nothing to help you 提示: 如果动词不定式和前面所修饰的词构成动宾关系,且动词是不及物动词,切记不要忘记后面的介词。I have a small bedroom to live in My parents have many animals to take care of . 在学习动词不定式的时候还有在学习动词不定式的时候还有两点两点要注意哦!要注意哦!1、在、在感官动词感官动词和

9、和使役动词使役动词后作宾补时,不定式后作宾补时,不定式可可省略省略to,但以上词变为但以上词变为被动语态被动语态时,要时,要加上加上to, 如如I always saw her play violin .He was made to work 12hours a day.2、动词不定式的否定形式为:动词不定式的否定形式为: not + to doMr.Smith asked the boy _(not play) this kind of game. not to playPlease have him _(not do) so much housework. not doHave a tes

10、t 1. Its time for us _ (have) supper 2. He is old enough (join) the army. 3. It took us an hour (work) out the problem. 4 .Would you like (go) shopping with me . 5. They prefer (stay) at home rather than go out. 6. Im very glad (meet) you here . 7. I feel strange (have) a twin sister. 8. I saw them

11、(come) into the room just now.to haveto jointo workto goto stayto meetto havecome9.What he said made me (feel )sorry .10Have you got anything ( say )?11.Have you decided which one ( choose )?12.He is too weak (carry) the big box.13.His plan is (spend )a few days in the mountains.14. Do you know when

12、 (leave)?15.Im sorry ,I forgot (tell) you the news .to choosefeelto sayto carryto spendto leaveto tell 16Granny often tells us water in our daily life A. save B. saving C. to save D. saves17 If prices rise too high, the government has to do somethingit. A stop B stopped C stopping D to stop18 - Why

13、are you so excited? - Peter invited me on a trip to Yuntai Mountain. A. to go B. go C. going D. wentCCDAHave a test19 The boss made the workers _12hours a day . A. works B. to work C. work D. working20 My grandparents have a lot of animals. _ A. to take care of B. take care C. to take care D. to tak

14、ing care of21 I saw him _ his coat and ran out. A. putting on B. put on C. to put on D. puts on22 The young man used to _ to work ,but he is used to _to work now. A. drive, walking B. drove, walked C. drive, walks D. driving , walkCABAHave a test23Why did you buy a radio? - I bought a radio English.

15、 A .learn B. learning C. to learn D . be learning24. If people cutting down the forests, they will have nowhere. A. keep, to live in B. will keep, to live in C . keep, to live D. will keep, to live25 It took us three hours the house A. to clean. B. clean . C. cleaned . D. cleaning26 Its important ou

16、r school clean . A. to keep B. keeping C. kept D. keep27. Its raining heavily outside, youd better out A not to go B. not go C. to not go D. not going.CCAABNO.4Middle School Kong Li基本形式及特征基本形式及特征用法用法注意注意Have a try1. She prefers TV to listening to music every day . A. watching B. watch C. to watching

17、 D. to watch 2. I feel my heart very fast now. A. beaten B. beating C. beat D. to beat 3 .-What is a writing brush used for ,do you know? -Its used for _. A. write B. to write C. writing D. wrote 4. -I have trouble _ maths this term. -You should pay more attention to your teachers advice. A .learnin

18、g B. learn C. to learn D .learnt 5. I spent a lot of time _.English last weekend. A. to practice speaking B. practicing to speak C. practicing speaking D. practice to speaking6 China and India are_countries.(常德) A developing . B developed. C to,develop. D develop.7 Nick, would you mind _these old je

19、ans?(杭州) -They look terrible. A not to wear. B not wear. C wearing not. D not wearing.8 When you are in the forest, you can hear 8 When you are in the forest, you can hear some birds _some birds _oboveobove your head. your head.(德宏)(德宏) A sings. B singing. C to sing. D sang.A sings. B singing. C to

20、sing. D sang.9 Japan is a _country.9 Japan is a _country.(河南)(河南) A develop. B developing. C developed. D A develop. B developing. C developed. D develops.develops.10 My TV set is broken. Ill have it 10 My TV set is broken. Ill have it _tomorrow._tomorrow.(湘潭)(湘潭) A repairs. B repaired. C repairing.

21、 D to repair. A repairs. B repaired. C repairing. D to repair. 基本形式基本形式特点特点动词原形动词原形 + + inging 1 1、具有名词、动词的一些特征。、具有名词、动词的一些特征。2 2、有时态和语态的变化、有时态和语态的变化用法用法1 1、作主语、作主语Picking apples is much better than having classes.2 2、作宾语、作宾语(1 1)只能接动名词做宾语的动词有)只能接动名词做宾语的动词有 finish, finish, mind, keep, practice, enjo

22、y, mind, keep, practice, enjoy, be busy , be worth , do some +Ving等。等。做介词的宾语:所有介词的后面都要接做介词的宾语:所有介词的后面都要接Ving形式形式做介词的宾语。做介词的宾语。(2 2)既可接)既可接动词不定式动词不定式又可接又可接动名词动名词作宾作宾语的动词有两类:语的动词有两类:意义区分不大意义区分不大:begin , start, like, love, hate, prefer 等。等。意义不同:意义不同:remember, forget, stop, go on , try, cant help 等等2 2、

23、动名词的习惯用语:、动名词的习惯用语:a. Its no use doing sth. b. cant help doing sth.c. feel like doing sth.d. be busy doing sth.e. No /Go doing基本形式:动词原形基本形式:动词原形+ + inging基本形式:基本形式: 规则动词加规则动词加ed ed 或或不规则动词的过去分词不规则动词的过去分词developing countrydeveloped country1 分词作定语或表语。例如: The movie is so exciting that everybody enjoys

24、it .(作表语) The boring movie makes me sleepy.( 作定语)类似的词还有 interesting surprising boring developing annoying 等词。This is an interesting story book.China is a developing country.The alarm clock is an annoying invention.2现在分词作宾补,在初中阶段常用在如下几个句型中:See sb doing sth(看见某人正在做某事)hear sb doing sth (听见某人正在做某事)find

25、sb doing sth (发现某人正在做某事)watch sb doing sth (注视着某人在做某事)feel sb doing sth (感觉某人在做某事)例如:I saw a thief stealing when I went into the shop. I found a group of children swimming in the river when I passed the riverside.3 过去分词 过去分词作表语,一般表示主语所处的状态 The window is broken.过去分词作宾补过去分词做宾补常用在如下几个句型中get/have/make +

26、名词(代词)+动词的过去分词,Ill have my TV set repaired tomorrow.Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to get their ears pierced.Have a test 1. Mary is used to _ a T-shirt and jeans. A. wear B. wears C. wearing D. to wear 2. _ too much junk food is bad for your health. A. Eat B. Eating C. Ate D .Eats3 . I saw Liping _ n

27、ear the river on my way home.A. plays B. playing C. to play D .playedCBBHave a test 4. When he arrived at the office, he found all the workers _. A. working B. work C. to work D. worked 5 .-Do you know the final of Mens single will be played between Wangliqing and Malin -Yes, I felt _ when I heard t

28、he _ news. A. exciting, excited B. excited, exciting C. exciting, exciting D. excited, excited6. Each of us is looking forward a good result. Lets do it more carefully. A .to get B. for getting C. to getting. D. for getABCHave a test7 . The book is well worth _ .I plan_ one. A. read, to buy B. readi

29、ng, buying C. reading, to buy D. to read, to buy 8.- May I have a rest ? -I have already finished the report. A .write. B. writing C. to write D. written9.- Its a fine day today. How about _? - Sounds great! A. go hiking B. go to bike C. going hiking D. to go to hike 10. -While we were running on the playground ,Jack suddenly stopped and lay on the ground, so we all stopped _what was wrong with him. A .to run, to see B. running, seeing C. running ,to see D. to see, runningCBCC



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