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1、Part1FujianTulou福建土楼Part2Beijings Hutongs 北京胡同Part3The Classical Gardens of Suzhou 苏州园林Part4The Great wall 北京长城Traditional architectural culture传统建筑文化66李冲李冲51冯婷婷冯婷婷45高诗洋高诗洋47高雨高雨High High GroupFu jian tu louFu jian tu louFujiantuloudistributioncueveTheFujianearthbuilding,alsonamestheFujianHakkaseart










11、ilethelatteristhebackboneofcommunicationbetweentwoormorestreets.Hutong,Beijingisamajorfeature.胡同,也叫“里弄”、“巷”,是指城镇或乡村里主要街道之间的、比较小的街道,一直通向居民区的内部。它是沟通当地交通不可或缺的一部分。根据道路通达情况,胡同分为死胡同和活胡同。前者只有一个开口,末端深入居民区,并且在其内部中断;而后者则沟通两条或者更多的主干街道。胡同,是北京的一大特色。vvIt was recorded that It was recorded that in the yuan a 36-in

12、the yuan a 36-meter-wide road was meter-wide road was called a standard called a standard street, a 18-meter-street, a 18-meter-wide one was a small wide one was a small street and a 9-meter-street and a 9-meter-wide lane was named wide lane was named a hutong.a hutong.据记载,在原36米宽的道路被称为标准街一个18米宽的一个小街

13、道和一个9米宽的车道被命名的胡同.vvin fact, beijing in fact, beijing s hutongs are s hutongs are inequable inequable ranging from 40 ranging from 40 centimeter to 10 centimeter to 10 meter in wide. meter in wide. the longest has the longest has more than 20 more than 20 turns.turns.事实上,北京的胡同都不一样,从40厘米到10米宽.最长的有20多曲

14、折.Thewordhutongoriginatesfromthewordhottogwhichmeanswellinmongolian. 胡同胡同 源于源于hottog,hottog,即即 井井 蒙古语蒙古语. .JinyuHutong,DongchengDistrict,Beijingislocated,DengshikouAvenuesouth,isunderthejurisdictionoftheOfficeofDonghuamenstreet,wastothewest.NorthAvenueeastDongdan,WangfujingStreetWestjustsouthalleyco

15、nnectedwiththeCaptain,northwestalleybrothel.Lengthof567meters,12meterswideWestSide(EastSidewidth44m)asphaltpavement.苏州园林苏州园林The Classical Gardens of SuzhouIntroductioIntroduction n viewing, traveling, living 1.The hosts :1.The hosts :rich men , painters, poets or officials etc.2.The environments :3.

16、The main architecture types are:pavilion(亭,轩,榭,阁)(亭,轩,榭,阁),terrace(台)(台),hall(堂,馆)(堂,馆) ,tower(楼)楼)corridor(廊)(廊)亭台楼阁轩榭廊堂馆亭台楼阁轩榭廊堂馆IntroductioIntroduction n 4.Therearefourveryfamousclassicalgardensofsuzhou:The Humble Administrators Garden(拙政园)(拙政园)The Lingering Garden(留园)(留园)The Lion Gorest Garden(狮

17、子林)(狮子林)The CangLang Pavilion Garden(沧浪亭)沧浪亭)AllofthemhavebeenincludedinWorldCulturalHeritageList(世界文化遗产名录)sincetheendof1997.Amongthesegardens,TheHumbleAdministratorsGardenisthemostfamousandbiggestgardenwhichshowsthealltypicalcharactersoftheclassicalgarden.soIwilltakethisgardenforexampletoshowyouwha

18、ttheclassicalgardenofsuzhouis?Corridor 走廊走廊Ornamental Perforated Window (花窗,漏窗)(花窗,漏窗)These windows areused to decorate thecorridor and framedviewsFramed ViewsAsitsnameimplies,theviewwasframedbysomething ,so thatthe view just lookslike a painting or apicture.Rockery 假山假山Rockeryisasmallman-made hill,

19、which is averyessential partin thegarden.sometimes,itislikeabigscreen,blockingourview,sothatwefailtoseethesightsbehindtherockeyBarred ViewsWhydidtheencientpeopledidthat?The reason relates to thechinese peoples charatersandculture.Chinesepeoplearereservedandindirect,sotheydont want people to see allw

20、onderfulviewsatatime.The best views are oftenhided.Theywanttedtogivepeople surprises again andagain.Distantfragrancehall(远香堂)堂“ refers totheprincipalroomof a house ,it isoften as a placefor host to greetguests ,hold thebanquet(盛 宴 ) andsoon.Whyisitcalled远香堂”?Theanswerisaboutafamous chines essay-MyLo

21、veonLotus(爱莲说)DoyourememberthesentenceSothepoetcomparedhimselftoflower(借花自喻),usingtheobjecttoexpress his thoughts(托物言志)Hewantedtopreservehismoralintegrity and purity.(洁身自好)The Pavilion in The Lotus Breezes 荷风四面亭荷风四面亭亭”everybodyisfamiliarwithit.It is the mostcommon buildingin the classicalgardens,eve

22、n inthewholeancientchinesearchitecture.Why do we call it 荷风荷风四面亭?四面亭?Thispavilionissurroundedbythewaterandlotusflowersonfoursides.In the summer ,the lotusflowerbloomonthefoursides.when the warm ,gentlewindblows,andtherecomes.ascentoflotus.Sitting on this place ,wecanseethestreamflowing,the flower bl

23、oming, the stream flowing,and thesallowdancingintheair,thefishplayinginthewater.The Listen to Rain Pavilion. 听雨轩听雨轩轩 “ , asmall ,high andventilated (通风)rooma,always has thebig,longwindows. In the roomAsceneofantiquity(古色古香spreadsoutbeforeus.thereare:Brush,Inkstick,Paper,Inkstone(笔墨纸砚),chess,calligra

24、phy(书法),couplets(对联),and,bonsais(盆景).andsoonOutsidethewindow,therearelout,bamboos,plantain(芭蕉).TwobeautiesTheoneisthebeautyofthenaturestrollinginthegarden,weexperiencethewonderfulnaturalscenerythatalmostdisappearedfrommodernlife.thisisthefairyland.Theotheroneisthebeautyofpoetry.in the garden ,we can

25、 see calligraphy,poetry,steles(匾 额)couplets,paintingsectaddedtoit.All of them show the masterss aspirations(志 向 ) ,interest,ofcourse,andthechineseculture.Andallofthemcombinedperfectlywiththenature.the hills ,the grasses ,the stones and so on,no longer arethemselves,eachofthemhasthelife,theendlessmea

26、ning.清清风风明明月月本本无无价价近近水水远远山山皆皆有有情情THE GREAT WALLTHE GREAT WALL No man can be regarded as a real man unless he stands on the Great Wall.不到长城非好汉The Great Wallis regarded as symbol of China. The Great Wall is one of world construction miracles. The great walla huge dragon The ancient Chinese dynasties b

27、uilt it for military defense and the total length ofThe great wall isMore than 6700Kill0metershistory The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years. The first part was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty.All tile work was done by hand. Thousa

28、nds of people died while building the wall.Thus the Great Wall came into existence. Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world. Every year ,large amount of people go to visit it. In winterIn summerwonder The Great Wall runs acros

29、s North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. Its the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world. The story of MengjiangA girl called Mengjiang looked for her husband along the Great Wall,but her husband died.she cried bitterly that her swept away a section of the Great Wall.



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