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1、 Daily Life EnglishBy Sunmoon Education Group (Nanjing. China) UNIT 1 Greeting(UNIT 1 Greeting(问候)问候) Meet Meet sbsb. For the first time. For the first time(与与某人第一次见面)某人第一次见面)1、我叫凯文.MynameisKevin.IamKevin.Reply(回答):Hey,Kevin,IamSam.2、很高兴见到你Nicetomeetyou.Itsnicetomeetyou.Itsapleasuretomeetyou.Howdoyo

2、udo.Reply:Nicetomeetyoutoo.Howdoyoudo.Section 1Introduction and reply conversation凯文:嘿!你一定是索菲了。索菲:是啊,很高兴见到你凯文:我也很高兴见到你。我叫凯文。Kevin: Hey! You must be Sophie.Sophie: Yeah. Nice to meet you.Kevin: Its nice to meet you too. My names Kevin.初次见面之后展开话题:初次见面之后展开话题:1. 侧面打听1) Ive heard good things about you. 我

3、听说过关于你的好话。2) My friends have told me a little about you. You seem cool. 我朋友跟我说过一些关于你的事情,你看起来好酷。3) You seem like a nice guy, judging by what my friends have said.从我朋友说的话判断,你像是个不错的人。4) My friends told me you were a nice a guy. 我朋友跟我说你是个不错的人Reply: 1) I hope he said only good things. 我希望他说的都是好事 2) well,

4、 thats a relief. 哦,这我就放心了 3) Well, thats sweet of them. I hope I live up to my reputation. 哦,他们真是太好了,我希望是名不虚传。 new worlds: judging by: 从.判断 live up to: 符合,不辜负,无愧于 reputation: 名誉,名声3.深入了解询问名字: 1)may I have your name, please? 您贵姓? 2) whats your name, please? 请问您叫什么名字? 3) may I have the honor to know y

5、our name? 我能有这个荣幸知道您的名字吗?Reply: my name is . 打听联系方式: (电话号码) 1) Here is my number. 这是我的号码。 2) I ll give you my number. 我把我的号码给你。Reply: 1)Cool, heres mine. 太好了,这是我的。 2) Alright. Ill give you mine too. 好的,我也把我的给你。(邮件)1)you can have one of my business cards, in case you want to email me. 如果你想给我发电子邮件,我可以

6、给你一张我的名片。2)Heres my business card. It has my email address on it. 这是我的名片,上面有我的电子邮箱。3)Heres a copy of my business card, since it has my email on it. 这是我的一张名片,上面有我的电子邮箱。Reply: Thanks.New words: business card: 名片Conversation凯文:嘿,我是凯文,很高兴见到你,我能有这个荣幸知道您的名字吗?索菲:当然可以,我也很高兴见到你。我叫索菲。凯文:史蒂夫跟我说过你。索菲:我希望他说的都是好事

7、。凯文:他说你一直都很棒。索菲:哦,这我就放心了。我们什么时候该一起出去逛逛。凯文:听起来不错,你有空的时候给我打电话。 这是我的电话号码。索菲:谢谢,哥们。New words: awesome: 了不起的,很棒的Relief: 轻松,宽心Kevin: Hey, my name is Kevin, Nice to meet you. May I have the honor to have your name?Sophie: Of course. Nice to meet you too. I am Sophie.Kevin: Steves told me something about yo

8、u.Sophie: I hope he said only good things.Kevin: he talks about how awesome you are all the time.Sophie: Well, thats a relief. We should hang out sometime.Kevin: Sounds good to me. Call me when you are free. Here is my number.Sophie: Thanks man. Section2Meet sb. Again (再次遇到某人)再次遇到某人)1.Long time no s

9、ee.(好久不见)Professional expression: 正式说法:1)I havent seen you for a long time.(我已经很久没见到你了)2)I havent seen you for ages.(我已经很久没见到你了)3)Reply:1)Yeah, its been so long. 是啊,好久不见了4) 2)Yeah, too long. 是啊,是挺长时间了5)2. Its good to see you again. 再次见到你真高兴6)Other expressions: 其他表达7)Its great to see you again. 见到你真是

10、太好了8)Seeing you again is great. 再见到你真是太好了。9)Its good seeing you again. 再见到你挺好的。10)I am glad we can hang out again. 我们高兴我们又能聚聚了。11)Reply: Its great to see you too.12)hang out: 闲逛, 呆在一起,聚会 Section3 How are you doing?你还好吗?你还好吗? Other expressions: 其他表达 How have you been? 最近怎么样? Whats up, man? 哥们,你怎么样啊?

11、How is everything? 还好吧? How is everything going? 一切都还好吧? How is it going? 还好吗? How are things? 情况怎么样? Reply: Nothing much. 没什么事 Other expressions: 1)Same old, same old. 老样子,老样子 2) same as always. 和往常一样 3)so- so / just so-so 还凑合吧 4)Not bad 还可以 5) its going pretty well. 一切都很顺利 6) terrible 很糟糕话题展开话题展开我

12、走的这段时间没发生过什么让人激动的事情吗?Did nothing exciting happen while I was gone?我不在的时候发生了什么事了吗?What happened while I was away?我走后你的生活怎么样啊?How has life been since I left?Reply: 没发生什么太疯狂的事。 Nothing too crazy happened. 你错过了很多事情哦。 You missed a ton of stuff.New words: a ton of: 大量的Greeting Conversation史蒂夫:我也是,哥们,最近怎么样

13、?凯文:嘿!再见到你真是太好了凯文:还行。我们已经很久没有见了,你怎么样啊?史蒂夫:的确已经很久了,我还是老样子。凯文:我离开这段时间发生过什么事情吗?史蒂夫:你错过了很多事情哦。我们得好好聚聚,我有很多事情要告诉你。凯文: 那是当然。New words:a bunch of:一连串,一大堆Stuff: 事情,东西Catch up: 聚会,小聚Sure thing: 当然,一定,毫无疑问Kevin: Hey! Its good to see you again!Steve: You too, man. Whats up?Kevin: I am all right. I havent seen

14、you for a long time. How are you doing?Steve: Yeah, its been so long. I am the same as always.Kevin: What happened when I am away?Steve: You missed a ton of stuff. We need to catch up sometime, I have a bunch of stuff to tell you.Kevin: Sure thing.Section4 Gratitude and Reply Gratitude and Reply 感谢与

15、回谢感谢与回谢1.Thanks.谢谢Other expressions: 其他表达(感激之情逐渐递进)1)Thank you. 谢谢你2)Thanks a lot. 多谢3)Thank you very much. 非常感谢你4)Thank you so much. 非常感谢你5)I really appreciate it. 我真的非常感谢Reply:回答(不用客气的)1)Its okay. You are welcome. 没事的,不用客气2)You are very welcome. 你太客气了3)Dont mention it. 不值一提啦2.I dont know how to th

16、ank you.我不知道该怎么感谢你Other expressions:其他表达(不知怎么表达感谢)1)I have no words to thank you.我不知道说什么才能感谢你2)I cant express how grateful I am.我无法表达我事多吗感激你3)I cant thank you enough.我无法表达对您的感情4)I really dont know how I can ever thank you.我真不知道怎样才能感谢你5)I really cant find a suitable word to express my sincere thanks

17、to you.我真的找不到合适的话语来表达我对您诚挚的谢意Reply:(不用言谢的) Oh, you are welcome. I am happy to be in help.哦,别客气,我很高兴能帮上忙。New words: grateful: 感谢的,感激的 sincere: 衷心的,真诚的 3.Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助Other expressions: 其他表达方式(感谢对方的帮忙):1)Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮我2) I appreciate your help. 非常感谢你的帮助Reply(回答)My pl

18、easure. 我很乐意Its my pleasure.我很乐意4.Thanks for everything. 谢谢你所做的一切。Other expressions:(其他表达方法)1)Thanks for all youve done. 谢谢你所做的一切2)Thank you for all your kindness. 谢谢你所有的好意Reply: 回答1)Not at all. 别客气2) Dont worry about it. 别放在心上3) No problem. 没关系的Gratitude and Reply Conversation凯文: 谢谢,史蒂夫史蒂夫:谢什么?凯文:当

19、然是谢你载我回家史蒂夫:哦,没关系的,哥们,随时效劳凯文:谢谢,如果你需要什么东西,你可以找我史蒂夫:谢谢,哥们。真的很感谢了凯文:不客气。史蒂夫:哦,我回头再找你凯文:好的。史蒂夫:再见凯文:再见Kevin: Thanks, SteveSteve: For what?Kevin: For the ride homeSteve: Oh, no problem man. Any time.Kevin: Thanks, if you ever need anything too, you can rely on me.Steve: Thanks, man. I really appreciate

20、it.Kevin: You are welcomeSteve: Well, Ill catch up with you later.Kevin: SureSteve: See ya!Kevin: ByeSection 5Apology and Reply 道歉与回应道歉与回应1. 主动承认自己的错误My mistake! 是我的错Other expressions:其他表达方法:1)Its my fault. 这是我的错。2) I didnt mean to do that. 我不是故意那么做的。3) That was my fault. 那是我的错。4) I am to blame. 全怪我

21、对方会给予理解的:1)Yeah, but its ok. 是啊,不过没关系。2)Dont stress about it. 别为此有压力3)New words:4)fault: 错误 blame : 责备,指责 stress: 压力,紧张2.真诚道歉1)Oh. I am (very) sorry.哦,对不起2) Im awfully sorry. 我非常抱歉3) Im sorry about that. 那件事真对不起4)My apologies. 我道歉5) My sincerest apologies. 我真诚得道歉6) Please forgive me.请原谅我Reply:1)its

22、ok! 没事2)Its alright!没关系3)Alright. Good 好了,没事了4)Dont worry about it. 别太在意5)Never mind. 不必在意6)Its not a big deal. 没什么大不了的7)Its no big deal.没什么大不了的8)It happens, dont worry.碰巧的,别担心9)NEW WORS :apology:道歉 apologize to.向道歉3.I dont know how to apologize to you.我不知道该怎么向您道歉Other expressions: 其他表达方法:1)I cant e

23、xpress how sorry I am. 我无法表达我是多么抱歉2)Any words cant express how sorry I am. 任何语言都无法表达我的抱歉3)I have no words to apologize to you. 我不知道说什么才能表达我的歉意4)Reply:5)its no big deal. 不是什么大不了的事6)It was nothing. 这没什么7)4.特定场景下的道歉8)1)I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 抱歉,让您久等了9)2) Sorry, I am late again. 对不起,我又迟到了1

24、0)3) Sorry it took me a while to get there. 抱歉,来这里花费了我比较长的时间11)4) I am sorry for being such a hassle. 我很抱歉造成这样的麻烦。12)New words: hassle: 困难,麻烦 Apologize and Reply Conversation凯文:我很抱歉,造成这样的麻烦黛布拉:别太在意,没什么大不了凯文:我不敢相信我竟然在机场把我的包给丢了黛布拉:嘿,伙计,是碰巧的。别这么为难自己凯文:我想是吧。谢谢。黛布拉:不客气。抱歉,到这里花了我点时间。凯文:没事的,我理解黛布拉:好的,咱们去找你

25、的包吧凯文:好的,再次感谢啊。Kevin: I am sorry for being such a hassle!Debra: dont worry about it, its no big deal.Kevin: I cant believe I lost my bag at the airport.Debra: hey man, it happens. Dont be so hard on yourself.Kevin: I guess so! Thanks!Debra: youre welcome. Sorry it took me a while to get here.Kevin:

26、its ok! I understand!Debra: Lets go find your bag.Kevin: okay. Thanks again.Section6 Invitation and Reply 邀请与回应1.邀请的前奏:明天你要干什么? What are you doing tomorrow? 你明天有什么事情要做吗? Are you doing anything tomorrow? 你明天忙吗? Are you busy tomorrow? 根据自己的具体安排回答:我明天有空。 I am free tomorrow. 我明天没什么事情要做。 I am not doing a

27、nything tomorrow. 我明天比较忙。 I am busy tomorrow. 2.正式发出邀请:你能来我的聚会吗? Can you come to my party? 你能去看场电影吗? Can you go to the movies?你能赏光出席今晚的宴会吗? Would you honor me by coming to the party tonight? 能请你跳支舞吗? Could I have the pleasure of dancing with you? 3.其他邀请:1) 我们可以请您一起共进晚餐吗?Can we have the pleasure of y

28、our company at dinner?2)你星期六有时间去音乐会吗?Would you be free to come to a concert on Saturday?3)如果你能同我一起度过一个周末,我们将非常高兴。We would be very delighted if you could spend a holiday with us.4)咱们抽个时间聚一聚怎么样?Shall we get together sometime?Shall we hang out sometime?New words: get together: 聚会,聚集Reply肯定回答:当然,我很愿意。好的

29、,我能过来。我很想过来。听上去挺有意思,我一会过来。好的,我会过来的。那太好了。对方可能回答:对方可能回答:好的,一会儿见。一会聊。Sure, Id love to.Okay, I can come over.Id love to come over.That sounds interesting. Ill be over soon.Ill head over soon.That would be a great idea.Okay, see you soon.Talk to you soon.否定回答否定回答对不起,可是我很忙啊。恐怕我不能来。我有事情要做。我有点儿忙,也许以后把。我现在很慢

30、,抱歉。我不能马上过来,我很忙。我过不来,对不起啊。我很愿意去,但是我今晚已经另有安排了。我希望能来,但是我已经.对方可能接话对方可能接话:好吧,那下次吧。没事儿,我们改天可以聚。那咱们就改天吧。Im sorry, but I am busy.Im afraid I cant.I have things to do.Im kind of busy. Maybe later.Im busy right now. sorry.I cant come over right now. I m busy.I cant come over. Im sorry.Id very much like to, b

31、ut Ive already had plans for tonight.I wish I could, but Ive.Its ok, maybe another time.Dont worry; we can get together some other time.Lets do it another time then.Conversation凯文:嘿,黛布拉。嘿,露西。黛布拉:嘿,好久不见。最近好吗?凯文:很好,谢谢。哦,我周末会在家里举行一次派对,你们能来吗?黛布拉:当然,我很愿意。凯文:太好了!你呢?露西?露西:我很愿意去,但是我周末已经有安排了,非常抱歉。凯文:没关系,我们改天

32、可以再聚。露西:好的。玩的愉快!再见!凯文:再见!Kevin: Hey! Debra. Hello, Lucy!Debra: hey! Long time no see! How have you been these days?Kevin: Very well, thank you! O, I am going to hold a party in my house this weekend, can you come?Debra: sure, Id love to come over.Kevin: Thats great! How about you, Lucy?Lucy: Id very

33、 much like to, but Ive already had plans this weekend. I am so sorry.Kevin: Its Okay, we can get together some other time.Lucy: All right. Enjoy yourselves! See you!Kevin: Bye! Section 6 Answering the Phone接打电话1.自报家门。1) 你好,我是凯文。Hello. This is Kevin.Hello. Kevin speaking.Hi, this is Kevin speaking.如果

34、对方认识你,他会说:1) 嗨,凯文,是我,露西。Hi, Kevin, its me, Lucy.2)嘿,凯文!什么事?Hey Kevin! Whats up?2.询问对方是谁:请问你是哪位?May I ask who is calling?Who is this?May I ask who this is?Who am I talking to?告知对方身份:我是史蒂夫。Its Steve.This is Steve.3.打电话想要找某人我能找一下凯文吗?May I speak to Kevin?May I speak with Kevin?我想找凯文。Id like to speak to

35、Kevin, please.请问是凯文吗?Is Kevin there, please?礼貌说法:最简单的说法,但不失礼:请找凯文。Kevin, please.对熟人可以这样说:我要找凯文。Let me talk to Kevin, please.如果找的人在如果找的人在:好的,请稍等Ok, hold on please.请稍等。One moment, please.Just a second, please.如果找的人不在:如果找的人不在:恐怕他这会不在。你刚好错过他了。Im afraid he isnt in right now. Youve just missed him.对不起,他刚出

36、去,你要不一个小时以后再打过来?I am sorry hes just stepped out. Would you like to call back in an hour?New words:Step out: 走出去,暂时外出走出去,暂时外出或者可以说:或者可以说:你等会行吗?Would you like to hold?Would you like to hold on?Would you like to stay on the line?Can you hold the line, please.对于朋友或熟人:对于朋友或熟人:能等会儿吗?Wanna hold?对方愿意:对方愿意:好

37、的,谢谢你。Okay, thank you.如果对方有事:如果对方有事:不用了,过会我再打吧,谢谢。No, Ill call back later. Thanks.New words:不挂电话:stay on the line.不挂断: hold the line想要(相当于want to) wanna要找的人不在要找的人不在:他现在不在这里。He isnt here right here.他没法来接电话。He cant come to the phone.比较忙而没有办法接电话:比较忙而没有办法接电话:他现在很忙。Hes busy right now.他太忙了,不能来接电话。Hes too

38、busy to talk.有点儿遗憾,但还是礼貌的回复对方:有点儿遗憾,但还是礼貌的回复对方:好吧,抱歉打扰你了。Alright, sorry for bothering you.确实有事要跟他说:确实有事要跟他说:真讨厌,我确实需要和他谈谈。Darn it, I really wanted to talk to him.New words: bother: 烦扰,打扰 darn it: 真讨厌。4.给别人捎口信:给别人捎口信:要我捎个口信吗?Can I take a message?如果你愿意的话,我可以捎个口信。I can take a message if youd like.你要我捎个

39、口信吗?Do you want me to take a message?我会帮你留个口信的。Ill take a message for you.对方需要留口信:对方需要留口信:好的,你有笔和纸吗?Sure. Do you have a pen and paper?对方不需要留口信:不用,不需要留口信,谢谢你。No, I dont need to leave a message. Thank you.New words:捎口信,带口信:take a message留言,留口信:leave a message5.打错电话打错电话我想你打错电话了。你拨错号码了。我想你拨错号码了。你拨错号码了,对不起。对不起,你拨错号码了。因自己的过错给对方造成不便:因自己的过错给对方造成不便:对不起,祝你愉快。请原谅,我希望没有打扰到你。对不起!希望你愉快。New words:号码错了,打错电话:拨(电话号码),打电话给:



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