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1、Unit 3Life in the future. 核心核心单词1. _(n. )指指导; 向向导; 导游游 (vt. )指引指引; 指指导2. _(vt. )容忍容忍; 忍受忍受3. _(vi. &vt. )缺乏缺乏; 没有没有 (n. )缺乏缺乏; 短缺的短缺的东西西guidetoleratelack4. _(n. )开关开关; 转换 (vt. )转换5. _(n. )沙漠沙漠; 荒原荒原6. _(vt. )吞下吞下; 咽下咽下7. _(vt. )回收利用回收利用; 再利用再利用switchdesertswallowrecycle8. _(vt. )指引指引; 指指导_(n. )指指导;

2、向向导; 导游游9. _(n. )印象印象; 感想感想; 印印记_(v. )使留使留下深刻印象下深刻印象_(adj. )给人深刻印象的人深刻印象的10. _(adj. )时常常发生的生的; 连续不断的不断的_(adv. )不断地不断地11. _(n. )周周围的事物的事物; 环境境_(adj. )周周围的的_(vt. )围绕instructinstructionimpressionimpressimpressiveconstantconstantlysurroundingssurroundingsurround12. _(n. )调整整; 调节_(vt. )调整整; 使适使适应13. _(vi

3、. &vt. )按按; 压; 逼迫逼迫(n. )按按; 压; 印刷印刷; 新新闻_(n. )压力力14. _(n. )瞬瞬间; 片刻片刻(adj. )立即的立即的; 立刻的立刻的_(adv. )马上上adjustmentadjustpresspressureinstantinstantly15. _ (n. )代表代表; 典型人物典型人物(adj. )典型的典型的; 有代表性的有代表性的_ (v. )代表代表16. _ (n. )定居定居; 解决解决_(v. )定居定居; 解决解决representativerepresentsettlementsettle【过关小关小练】A. 根据根据语境及

4、首字母提示写出境及首字母提示写出单词。1. How can you t_ all that noise while youre working? 2. Which of the s_ do I press to turn the light on? 3. During his exploration in the d_, the traveler once lost his way. oleratewitchesesert4. The volunteers in the Olympics g_ the athletes to their living rooms. 5. R_ the text

5、books instead of throwing them away is a good idea. uidedecyclingB. 根据根据语境境, 用所用所给词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1. The city of Hangzhou is really an _place. Especially the West Lake always leaves a deep _ on visitors, and I was strongly _by its beauty the first time I visited it. (impress)impressiveimpressionimp

6、ressed2. I always dream of having a villa _ by trees and flowers, and its beautiful _ will help us have a happy feeling. Generally speaking, the_ things always have an effect on our mood. (surround)3. The _will _ his country to attend the conference. (represent)surroundedsurroundingssurroundingrepre

7、sentativerepresent4. With the perfect _ they finally _ the problem. (settle)5. He _ his plan, and this _ gave him some time to meet his important guest at the airport. (adjust)settlementsettledadjustedadjustment. 重点短重点短语1. _ _拿起拿起; 接受接受; 开始开始; 继续【联想想】_ _脱下脱下; 起起飞_ _使分开使分开, 拆开拆开_ _拿走拿走take uptake off

8、take aparttake away2. _ _ _ _ _(困境后困境后)恢复恢复; 完全复原完全复原3. _ _ _. . . 看不看不见【联想想】_ _ _看得看得见, 发现_ _ _进入入视野内野内, 映入眼帘映入眼帘be back on ones feetlose sight ofcatch/get/have sight ofcome into sight4. _ _打打扫; 横横扫5. _ _(快捷而悄声地快捷而悄声地)移移动; 溜溜进6. _ _加速加速7. _ _ _. . . 对贪婪婪8. _ _变成成9. _ _ _. . . 被被吸引吸引10. _ _ _ _ 对做出做

9、出调整整sweep upslide intospeed upbe greedy forturn intobe absorbed bymake an adjustment to【过关小关小练】用上面的短用上面的短语的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1. Dont leave her alone to _ _ the house after the party. 2. Donny has completely _ _ _ _ _after being treated carefully in hospital for a week. 3. Many countries are faced with

10、the problem about how to _ _ economic development. sweep upbeen back on his feetspeed up4. I watched the plane go higher and higher until I_ _ _ it. 5. He _ _ the room when no one was looking. 6. Nowadays more and more people have started to_ _ boxing as a regular hobby and sport. 7. Finally they ha

11、d to _ _ _ _ his schedule to attend the important ceremony. lost sight ofslid intotake upmake an adjustment to. 常考句式常考句式1. The capsule began swinging gently sideways as we_ _ _ _. 时间舱在在轻轻左右左右摇晃晃, 我我们放松地躺在那里做梦。放松地躺在那里做梦。2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _, my head ached. 由于缺乏新由于缺乏新鲜的空气的空气, 我我头痛。痛。lay relaxed and dreami

12、ngHit by a lack of fresh air3. _ _ _ _of the most up-to-date inventions of the 31st century. 里面展出了里面展出了31世世纪一些最前沿的一些最前沿的发明。明。Inside was an exhibition【过关小关小练】根据上面的句型仿写句子。根据上面的句型仿写句子。1. 他他懒洋洋地躺在那儿。洋洋地躺在那儿。He _ _ there. 2. 受到母受到母亲责备, 女孩开始哭起来。女孩开始哭起来。_ _ _ _, the girl began to cry. 3. 在在这个省的个省的东北部坐落着北部坐

13、落着(lie)一个小村庄。一个小村庄。_ _ _ _ _ _ _a small village. lay relaxedScolded by her motherTo the northeast of the province lies. 语法高法高频考点考点1. 过去分去分词作状作状语。2. 过去分去分词作定作定语。【过关小关小练】用用过去分去分词作状作状语或定或定语改写句子改写句子(或或者将非者将非谓语结构改构改为句子句子)。1. We were guided by a local guide and visited the famous church. We visited the fa

14、mous church, _. guided by a localguide2. Because I was given a wrong number, I couldnt contact him over phone. _, I couldnt contact him over phone. Given a wrong number3. The woman scientist entered the room, followed by her assistants. The woman scientist entered the room, and _ her assistants. 4.

15、Caught in a heavy rain, he was late for work again. _, he was late for work again. she wasfollowed bySince/Because he was caught in a heavy rain5. Given time, hell make a first-class tennis player. _, hell make a first-class tennis player. 6. We are doing our written exercises when he cleans the fal

16、len leaves. We are doing our written exercises when he cleans the leaves _. If he is given timethat have fallen7. Mr Smith, tired of the boring speech, started to read a novel. Mr Smith, _, started to read a novel. 8. Reminded not to drive after drinking, some of the drivers are still trying their luck. _ drivers _, some of them are still trying their luck. who was tired of the boring speechThoughwere reminded not to drive afterdrinking



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