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1、 Unit 3words and expressions人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 1. bring up bring- brought- brought (1) 抚养,养育养,养育 eg. The little boy was brought up by his grandparents. (2) 提出提出 eg. I want to bring up the first point again. (3) 呕吐呕吐 eg. He brought up all his dinner.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 2. permit (1) vi./vt. 允允许,许可可 permit

2、- permitted- permitted permit sth. 允允许 permit sb. to do sth. 允允许某人做某事某人做某事 permit doing sth. 许诺做某事做某事 eg. He permitted me to explain it. We dont permit talking in the library. Ill go to meet you if time permits.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (2) n. 通行通行证,许可可证;执照照 eg. a driving/ drivers permit 驾照照 a business permi

3、t 营业执照照 Youd better apply for a parking permit here. allow sth. 允允许 allow sb. to do sth. 允允许某人做某事某人做某事 allow doing sth. 允允许做某事做某事人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 3. go ahead (1) 进行,行,进展,展,继续 go ahead with eg. After the rain stopped, we went ahead with our work. Work is going ahead. (2) 往前走,走在前,先走往前走,走在前,先走eg. You g

4、o ahead and Ill follow.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (3) 用于祈使句,表示用于祈使句,表示“行啊,好吧,干吧,行啊,好吧,干吧,往下往下说”eg. Go ahead! We are all listening. -Would you mind me using your dictionary? -Go ahead.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 4. by accident 偶然;无意中;不小心偶然;无意中;不小心 =by chanceeg. Columbus discovered America by accident. He found his dog wh

5、ich lost a week ago by accident. on purpose 故意故意 =by design人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 5. stare vi. 凝凝视,盯着看着看 stare at/ into 盯着看着看eg. Dont stare at me like that. Its rude to stare at others. stare sb. in the face/ eye 盯着某人的着某人的脸/眼睛看眼睛看 stare sb. up and down 上下打量某人上下打量某人人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 stare at/ into 盯着看着看 gla

6、nce at 瞥一眼瞥一眼 glare at 怒怒视 fix ones eyes on 注意;凝注意;凝视 人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 6. spot (1) vt. spot- spotted- spotted 认出;出;发现;找出;找出 使沾上斑点;使有小点(使沾上斑点;使有小点(污点)点) spot sb./ sth. 发现、认出某人出某人/某物某物 spot sb./ sth. doing sth. 看看见、发现某人某人/某物正在做某事某物正在做某事 spot that 发觉、注意到、注意到 be spotted with 满是是斑点斑点人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 eg.

7、I spotted my father in the crowd. I spotted a mistake on the first cover. Neighbours spotted smoke coming out of the house. No one spotted that the gun(枪) was a fake(假假货).人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (2) n. 斑点;点;斑点;点;污点点 地方;地点地方;地点 eg. My dog has some brown spots. He lives in a quiet spot far away from the town

8、. a scenic/ beauty spot 风景景胜地地 a historic spot 名名胜古迹古迹人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 on the spot 立刻,立刻,马上;当上;当场;在;在现场 =on the scene Premier Wen was on the spot within hours after the big earthquake struck Wenchuan.汶川在地震汶川在地震发生几个小生几个小时后温后温总理就到了理就到了现场人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 7. Scene n.c(1)(电影的)一个影的)一个镜头;(;(戏剧等的)一等的)一场;场面面

9、The photo shows a famous scene from the film of Oliver Twist 这张照片展示了照片展示了电影(影(雾都孤儿都孤儿中的一个著中的一个著名名场景。景。 Act 1, Scene 3 第一幕第三第一幕第三场(2) (常用复数)(舞台)(常用复数)(舞台)场景景人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (3)事)事发地点地点 the scene of the accident 事故事故现场(4) 景色;景象景色;景象 a beautiful scene in nature 自然美景自然美景 on the scene 在在现场;当;当场The polic

10、e were soon on the scene. 警察很快到了警察很快到了现场人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 区区别:scene / scenery / view scene (c) (1)景色;景象()景色;景象(2)“场面,面,场景景” 大都大都包括人的活包括人的活动在内的在内的场面面scenery (u) 表示自然界表示自然界风景,美景景,美景For the first few hundred kilometers of the journey, the scenery was very colourful. 旅途中前几百米的旅途中前几百米的风景多姿多彩景多姿多彩There is n

11、o scenery comparable to that of the West Lake.西湖西湖风景之美无与景之美无与伦比比view 是是scenery 的一部分,也就是从某个地方所能看到的景色的一部分,也就是从某个地方所能看到的景色 If you stand here, youll get / have a good view of the whole stage. 人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 8、bet n/v(1) n. 下下赌注;意注;意见,预言言 make a bet (on ) 打打赌 have a bet on 在。上打在。上打赌 place / put a bet o

12、n 在。上下在。上下赌注注 win / lose a bet 打打赌而而赢/输 do sth for a bet 为打打赌而做某事而做某事人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 They made a bet on who could win the race.他他们赌谁会会赢得比得比赛We have had a bet on whos going to arrive first. 我我们打个打个赌,看,看谁先到。先到。He put a bet on the horses. 他在那些他在那些马上下上下赌注注人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 9. wander (1) 徘徊;徘徊;闲逛;漫步;流浪逛;

13、漫步;流浪He was wandering about in the forest. 我在森林中徘徊我在森林中徘徊I spent the vacation wandering through France.我的假期是在法国到我的假期是在法国到处漫游中度漫游中度过的的人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (2)注意力不集中,走神)注意力不集中,走神Im sorry , my mind was wandering.What did you say just now?对不起,不起, 我走神了,我走神了, 你你刚才才说什么了?什么了?wander in /through /around 闲逛,徘徊逛,徘徊

14、 wander through / across / along 蜿蜒曲折蜿蜒曲折 wander off / from 偏离偏离话题;(从;(从应该逗留的逗留的地方)离开地方)离开人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 10. fault 过错,过失失 Why should I say sorry when its not my fault? 不是我的不是我的错为什么要我道歉?什么要我道歉? Its your own fault for being careless. 你粗心大意是你自己的你粗心大意是你自己的过失。失。 be at fault 有有过错;有;有责任任 find fault with

15、对。不。不满,挑剔,挑剔 find fault in 看出。的缺点,找出。的毛看出。的缺点,找出。的毛病病人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 11. account n./v.(1) vt. 认为 = consider account sb. (to be)+ adj (as)+n. 把某人看作把某人看作,认为某人某人eg. I account him lucky. I account him a lucky dog.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 How can you account for the accident? Her headache accounts for her bad t

16、emper. 头痛是她情痛是她情绪不佳的原因不佳的原因vi. 解解释,说明明的原因的原因 account for 为作出解作出解释;说明;明;导致致人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (2) n. 描述;描述;说明;明;报告告 eg. He gave me a full account of his plan. 账户 open/ close an account 开立开立/结清清账户 have an account at/with a bank 在在银行有行有账户(3)帐目目 to do the accounts 记帐 the accounts department 会会计部部门人教版高中英语必

17、修三第三单元单词 12. seek vt./ vi. seek- sought- sought(1)寻找,找,寻求求seek for/ after sth. 寻找某物,追求。找某物,追求。 seek for happiness/ truth/ wealth They are seeking for solutions to the problems. He found it worthless to seek fame. 人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (2) (向某人)向某人)请求,征求求,征求 seek help from sb. 向某人向某人寻求帮助求帮助 seek advice fr

18、om sb. 向某人向某人请教教 He had to seek advice from his doctor . They managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour. 人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (2) 试图,设法法 seek to do sth. eg. We sought to change her mind. They are seeking to reduce the cost of the product.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 13. patience n. 耐性,忍耐力;耐性,忍耐力;坚忍,毅力

19、忍,毅力 with patience 耐心地耐心地 be out of patience with 对。忍无可忍。忍无可忍 have no patience with不能容忍不能容忍 lose ones patience with 对。失去耐心。失去耐心She has no patience with everything. This kind of work requires much patience. patient (adj ) 病人(病人(n) impatient be patient with sb / sth人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 14. contrary eg. It

20、 must have been terrible. On the contrary, I enjoyed every minute. He thought his plan was perfect, but on the contrary, it was not.(1)n. 反面;反面;对立面立面 on the contrary 正相反;恰恰相反正相反;恰恰相反人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (2) adj. 相反的;相相反的;相对的的 be contrary to 与与相反相反eg. The results were contrary to my expectation(预期期).人教版高

21、中英语必修三第三单元单词 15. amount n. 数量数量(1) the amount of+ u. 的数量的数量 the number of+ c. 的数量的数量 作主作主语时,谓语动词用用单数。数。eg. The amount of the money is 2,000. The number of the cars is 2,000.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (2) a large amount of+ u. 许多,大量多,大量 作主作主语时,谓语动词用用单数数。 a large number of+ c. 许多,大量多,大量 作主作主语时,谓语动词用用复数复数。eg. A

22、amount of money has been spent on education in the past ten years. A large number of students are from countryside.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (3) large amounts of+ u. 许多,大量多,大量 作主作主语时,谓语动词用复数。用复数。 eg. Large amounts of money have been spent on education in the past ten years.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 16. take a chance

23、冒冒险,尝试,碰运气,碰运气 =take the chance =take chances eg. She taught me to take chances and not be afraid. Im not sure of beating him, but let me take a chance.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 chance n. 机会;运气;可能性机会;运气;可能性 eg. The chance is that he has already known it. Chances are that he has already known it . give sb. a

24、chance 给某人一次机会某人一次机会 by chance=by accident 偶然偶然 by any chance 或或许,可能,可能 The chance is that 可能可能 Chances are that 可能可能人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 17. manner n . 方法,方式;方法,方式;态度度 pl. 礼貌,礼貌,规矩矩 (谓语用复数)用复数)Please fill in the form in the following manner .请按下列方式填写表格按下列方式填写表格I dont like his manner .我不喜我不喜欢他的他的态度度Its

25、bad manners to stare at others. 盯着着别人看是不礼貌的人看是不礼貌的人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 用。方式的表达用。方式的表达in a / an manner in this way by this means with this method人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 18. scream (1) vi(因恐惧、痛苦或(因恐惧、痛苦或兴奋)尖声喊叫;喊出)尖声喊叫;喊出They screamed for help from the window of the burning hotel .(2)vi(指(指风、机器等)、机器等)发出大而刺耳的声音出大

26、而刺耳的声音(3)n.(痛苦、害怕、激(痛苦、害怕、激动时发出的)尖叫声出的)尖叫声The engines were screaming at full power发动机开足机开足马力力轰鸣着着She was rather far away from us, but I could still hear her scream. 人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 scream out 高声喊叫高声喊叫 scream for help 高声呼救高声呼救 scream at 对。大声嚷嚷。大声嚷嚷人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 19. genuine adj .(1) 真的,名副其真的,名副其实的

27、的 Is the painting a genuine Picasso?(2) 真真诚的,的,诚实的的 genuine concern for others 对他人真他人真诚的关心的关心 a very genuine person 一位非常一位非常诚实可信的人可信的人人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 20. rag n. 破布;碎布;破衣服破布;碎布;破衣服 in rags 衣衫衣衫褴褛 常做表常做表语和定和定语。eg. His clothes were all in rags. The old man in rags begged from door to door. 人教版高中英语必修三第

28、三单元单词 21. indeed (1)事事实上,上,实际上上= in fact eg. I dont mind. Indeed, Im glad to hear that.(2)真正地;真正地;实在地在地= really 用于用于very+ adj./adv.之后以之后以强调陈述、描述、描述等部分的述等部分的语气。气。 eg. The problem is very difficult indeed.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 (3)的确;确的确;确实 用以用以强调肯定答复的肯定答复的语气。气。 eg. - Do you agree? - Yes indeed. 加加强形容形容词、副、

29、副词或名或名词的的语气。气。 eg. A friend in need is a friend indeed.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词 22. as for 关于;至于关于;至于 常置于句首,后接名常置于句首,后接名词、代、代词或名或名词性性短短语,用来引入新,用来引入新话题或或对已已谈过的事的事做做进一步一步说明。所引明。所引话题有有时带有消极有消极或或轻视的含的含义。 eg. As for the hotel, it was very uncomfortable and far from the sea. We all passed the exam, but as for him, he alone failed.人教版高中英语必修三第三单元单词



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