八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section A(Grammar Focus4c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section A(Grammar Focus4c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section A(Grammar Focus4c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section A(Grammar Focus4c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第4页
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《八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section A(Grammar Focus4c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section A(Grammar Focus4c)课件 (新版)人教新目标版(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第三课时:第三课时:Section A(Grammar Focus-4c)Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?课文课文呈现呈现知识知识讲解讲解第三课时:Section A (Grammar Focus-4c)课课堂堂导导入入4a4b课课堂堂小小结结课课后后作作业业课课堂堂练练习习词词汇汇听听写写 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!Have you ever been to a museum? What kind of

2、museum do you like?Grammar FocusGrammar FocusHave you ever been to a science museum?Yes, Ive been to a science museum./No, Ive never been to a science museum.Have you ever visited the space museum?Yes, I have. I went there last year./No, I havent.Ive been to the art museum many times.Me, too. And Iv

3、e also visited the nature museum.Ive never been to a water park.Me neither.1A:Do you want _ (come) to the space museum? B:No, Ive already _ (be) there three times.2A:Have you _ (see) the robots at the science museum? B:Yes, I _ (go) there last weekend.3A:Lets _ (spend) the day at the zoo. B:Well, Iv

4、e already _ (be) there a couple of times, but Im happy_ (go) again.Put the correct forms of the verbs in the blanks.Put the correct forms of the verbs in the blanks.4a beento comeseen wentspendbeento go4A:How about _ (go) to the art museum? There are some special German paintings there right now. B:

5、Sure. When do you want _ (go)?5A:Have you ever _ (visit) the history museum? B:No, Ive never _ (be) there.going to govisitedbeena couple of 两个;一对;几个两个;一对;几个知识点1 1【辨析】【辨析】a couple of 与与a pair of 二者在数量上都可以表示二者在数量上都可以表示“两个两个”,但区别如下:,但区别如下:考向a couple of不一定是配对的东西。有时a couple of 不一定是指“两个”,而可能是指“几个”。如:a cou

6、ple of tickets(几张票), a couple of months (几个月)。a pair of 一定是配对的东西(一对,一双)。如: a pair of shoes (一双鞋), a pair of glasses (一副眼镜)。couple用法拓展拓展【难点【难点】考向一考向二couple作为名词指两人,尤其是夫妇。作为名词指两人,尤其是夫妇。eg: The young couple decided to take a holiday for their honeymoon. 那对年轻的夫妇决定休假去度蜜月。a couple of意为意为“几个几个”。eg:(三明中考)I s

7、aw a couple of students get out from the school gate. 我看到几个学生从学校门口出来。German/d(r)mn/ adj.德国的;德语德国的;德语的;德国人的的;德国人的n.德语;德国人德语;德国人知识点2 2eg:She is an accountant in a German company. 她在一家德国公司当会计。 Can you speak German?你会说德语吗?考向 German作名词作名词“德国人德国人”时,复数时,复数形式是形式是Germans,而不是变,而不是变a为为e。表示。表示“德国德国”要用要用Germany。

8、eg:Five Germans went back to Germany. 五个德国人回德国了。【易错点【易错点】典例典例 Are all the students from _ in your class?No, there are only 3 _ in our class. The others are from other countries.(眉山)AGermany; Germen BGermany; GermansCGerman; Germans DGerman; Germany【点拨【点拨】本题用本题用词义辨析法词义辨析法。句意:。句意:你班里所有的学你班里所有的学 生都来自德国

9、吗?生都来自德国吗?不,我们班只有不,我们班只有3个德国人。其他个德国人。其他 人来自其他国家。人来自其他国家。Germany德国;德国;German德国人,其复德国人,其复 数形式为数形式为Germans。B各国人单复数变化形式:中日不变,(单复同形ChineseChinese; JapaneseJapanese)英法变,(EnglishmanEnglishmen; FrenchmanFrenchmen)其余s加后面。(GermanGermans; CanadianCanadians.)Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the Fill

10、 in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.verbs in brackets.4bMost of us _ (see) Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck and other famous Disney characters in cartoons before. But have you ever _ (be) to Disneyland? Disneyland _(be) an amusement park with a special themeDisney characters and m

11、ovies. There _(be) many exciting rides, lovely restaurants and fantastic gift shops there. You can also _ (see) the Disney charactershave seenbeenisareseewalking around the park. And have you ever _ (hear) of a Disney Cruise? This _ (be) a boat ride with a Disney theme. You can _ (take) a ride on th

12、e boat for several days and eat and sleep on it. On the boat, you can _(shop) and have Disney parties before you _ (arrive) at the Disney island. heardis take shoparrivehear of 听说听说知识点3 3eg: They were surprised to hear of the news. 听说了这个新闻他们感到很惊讶。考向 hear及其短语的用法及其短语的用法hear听见(结果)She heard footsteps be

13、hind her.她听到背后有脚步声。hear of听说He was sad to hear of her illness.他听说她病了很难过。hear from收到某人的信件I didnt hear from him.我没有收到他的信。典例典例 1 1 Have you _ Zhang Lili?Yes. She is the most beautiful woman teacher in China.Aheard ofBheard from Cheard out【点拨【点拨】句意:句意:你听说过张丽莉吗?你听说过张丽莉吗?听说过,她听说过,她是中国最美女教师。是中国最美女教师。A典例典例

14、2 2我期待着收到你们所有人的来信。I look forward to _ _ you all.(黄石)hearing fromAnswer the survey questions and then ask your Answer the survey questions and then ask your partner.partner.4cHave you ever.You Your partnerbeen to another province in China?lost something important?Yes, I have.Yes, she has.Yes, I have.No, she hasnt. 本本节节课课主主要要学学习习了了单单元元重重点点语语法法现现在在完完成成时时的的一一般般疑疑问问句句及及其其肯肯定定和和否否定定回回答答,进进一一步步运运用用现现在在完完成成时时谈谈论论去去过过的的地地方方,并并掌掌握握了了知知识点识点a couple of, German和和hear of的用法。的用法。



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