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1、 Building A Brand From Scratch从无到有创建品牌从无到有创建品牌1A Brand Is 品牌是.A unique combination of three attributes三种属性的独特组合2A Brand Is 品牌是.product benefit产品的好处what makes the consumer like the product什么令消费者喜欢该产品brand personality/image品牌个性/形象what makes the consumer trust the product什么令消费者信任该产品consumer needs/belie

2、fs消费者需求/信念what makes the consumer value the product什么令消费者高度评价该产品3If we can understand the “connection” between these three attributes, then we can turn a product into a brand如果我们了解这三种属性之间的“联系”,就能将一个产品转为一个品牌。4This gives us a “framework” for understanding what our brand is, or could be 这给我们提供了一个“架构”去了

3、解我们的 品牌是什么、或者会是什么5The Connection关系Triangle 三角形图Product Benefit 产品的好处Why I like the product 我为何喜欢该产品ConsumerNeedsConsumerNeeds/BeliefsBeliefs 消费者需求消费者需求消费者需求消费者需求/ /信念信念信念信念WhyIWhyIvaluevaluethetheproductproduct我为何我为何我为何我为何高度评价高度评价高度评价高度评价该产品该产品该产品该产品BrandPersonalityBrandPersonalityWhyIWhyItrusttrust

4、thetheproductproduct品牌个性品牌个性品牌个性品牌个性我为何我为何我为何我为何信任信任信任信任该产品该产品该产品该产品6Left Bank Caf President Enterprise左岸咖啡馆统一企业集团Case Study 案例分析案例分析7Left Bank Caf President Enterprise8Background 背景Why was the Left Bank Caf brand born? 为什么会诞生左岸咖啡馆这个品牌?President Enterprises dairy products were being sold under the “

5、President” brand name, and for a long time had been unable to rise beyond second or third placed brand in the market. 统一企业的乳类食品都是以“统一”牌子出售,在市场上长期以来无法突破二、三线商品的形象。9Background 背景 The reason was that President was also marketing a great variety of other products under the corporate brand name, including

6、 not only food and drink products, but also insurance and even amusement parks. 原因是“统一”也有大量其他商品以企业的名字为牌子,不仅包括饮食,还有保险甚至娱乐场。10Background 背景This led to confusion of the brand assets, which caused a long-term problem for Presidents dairy products, since they needed to convey a clear image of “freshness”

7、 and “expertise.”这导致牌子混淆,给“统一”的乳类食品造成了长期问题,它们需要一个“新鲜”和“专业”的清晰形象。11Background 背景To solve the problem, President wished to create a new brand for its dairy products, capitalizing on the competitive edge of its superior refrigeration facilities and distribution system. In Taiwan, any beverage that come

8、s in a Tetra Pak - be it a high-cost coffee or a low-cost soy milk - is always sold for either NT$10 or NT$15. And any beverage that comes in a can is always sold for NT$20. 为此“统一”希望为它的乳类食品建立一个新牌子,利用其在台湾具竞争力的冷冻设施及分配系统。在台湾,以Tetra Pak包装的饮料 - 不论是高价的咖啡还是低价的豆奶 - 价钱总是10或15元新台币。罐头包装饮料则卖 20元。12Background 背景

9、With the strong competition in the market and the ever-increasing cost of raw materials, we thought it would be great if we could sell the same kinds of beverages, in packages of the same volume, for a price of NT$25。市场竞争激烈,原材料成本不断上升,如果能将相同类别、相同容量的饮料卖到25元,那该多好!13Package包装The brand story starts with

10、a plastic cup.品牌的故事从一个塑料杯开始。We developed a white plastic cup. This cup looks just like an ordinary McDonalds take-away coffee cup,but is made of plastic rather than paper. 我们开发了一个白色塑料杯,它看起来就象一般麦当劳外卖咖啡的杯子,差别是快餐店用的是纸杯。14Place 产品放置This cup does not have a vacuum seal, and the contents can only be kept

11、for a short period, and then only if the cup is stored at a temperature of 5C. 这个没有真空密闭的杯子只有在 5C冷藏柜才能让内容物保存一段短暂的时间。15Place 产品放置Nevertheless, we realized that this shortcoming actually presented an opportunity. Because the storage period is so short, consumers will believe that the contents of the cu

12、p are fresh. And if a drink is fresh, there is a good reason for it to be a little more expensive than a drink which is not.但是我们把这看成一个机会。保存期短使消费者相信物料新鲜。而一杯新鲜的饮品自然比其它要贵些。16Price 价格All the strategic thinking was concentrated on one major objective: how can we make consumers accept the unreasonably hig

13、h price of NT$25 per cup?所有策略思考都集中在一个主要目的:如何让消费者接受25元一杯的高价?We asked ourselves a series of questions to help us ensure we could create a high-class brand. 我们自问一连串相关问题,以确保能创造出一个高级的品牌。17Product 产品 What kind of product should we put into the cup, to best help us sell it for the highest price?在这杯子放进什么商品才

14、能卖到最高价呢?We considered wine, fruit juice and milk, butfinally decided on coffee- less likely to deteriorate- high quality perception- milk content led to favourable tax rate我们考虑过葡萄汁、果汁、牛奶,最后选咖啡,因为咖啡不那么容易变质、被认为是高质饮品,并因牛奶成分而得到优惠税率。 18Brand Concept 品牌概念We then asked ourselves - where can we say this cof

15、fee comes from, in order to create a high-class impression?出产在什么地方的咖啡最有高级感?We held eight focus discussion groups to interrogate 4 concepts通过八个讨论小组,想出四个高级场所作为尝试的概念。19An airline kitchen ?Coffee from an airline kitchen, as specially prepared for first-class passengers空中厨房 ?来自空中厨房专门为头等舱准备的咖啡Brand Concep

16、t 品牌概念20Brand Concept 品牌概念A high-class Japanese style coffee shop ? Coffee from a refined and elegant Japanese specialty coffee shop 日式高级咖啡馆 ? 来自优雅、精致的日式咖啡馆的咖啡21Brand Concept (Contd)品牌概念A left bank cafCoffee from Paris - from a caf on the left bank of the Seine - a place full of atmosphere, a haunt

17、of poets and philosophers左岸咖啡馆这咖啡来自巴黎塞纳河左岸一家充满人文气氛的咖啡馆,一个诗人、哲学家喜欢去的地方。2210 Downing StreetCoffee from the kitchen of the British prime ministers residence, a place where coffee is prepared for VIP visitors every day.唐宁街10号这咖啡来自英国首相官邸厨房,平日在这里准备招待贵宾的咖啡。Brand Concept 品牌概念23Brand Concept 品牌概念It became ap

18、parent that most people felt that the coffee from a left bank caf seemed to have the highest value, and would make them pay the highest price. 明显地人们觉得来自左岸咖啡馆的咖啡价值最高,他们愿为此付最高的价钱。24塞纳河从巴黎蜿蜒穿过,把美丽的城市一分为左右两岸。人们一向将左岸看作文化的象征,将右岸看作金钱和政治的象征,而左岸的拉丁区更是文化精华荟萃之地,是法国文学、哲学、艺术、革命、波西米亚等等的诞生地和温床 25Target Group 目标消费群

19、 Who would be the most willing to pay NT$25 to buy a coffee that would only cost NT$15 in a Tetra Pak? 用Tetra Pak包装的咖啡只卖15元,谁会最愿意付25元买一杯咖啡?26Target Group 目标消费群Any new beverage product must achieve a good turnover within three months, or it will be delisted. Who would be more than merely curious (sin

20、ce curiosity alone would not be enough to overcome the high-price barrier), and buy into the idea of the brand?新饮品在推出三个月内如果达不到高营业额就会被撤走。那些人会出于品牌的创意而购买这个新牌子(仅有好奇心并不能克服高价的门槛)?27Target Group 目标消费群 Young women aged 17 to 22 are characterized as being honest and sentimental, full of hopes and dreams, fon

21、d of art and literature, but not particularly sophisticated, since they still do not have much experience of life. 选择17到 22岁的年轻女士,她们有诚实、多愁善感,喜爱文学艺术,但生活经验不多,不太成熟。28Target Group 目标消费群They loved the idea behind the brand, and were particularly motivated by the Left Bank caf concept. 她们喜欢品牌背后的意念,尤其是“左岸咖

22、啡馆”的概念。29Consumer Insight洞察消费者They look for much more from a product than mere product quality. They look for emotional reward, something that makes them feel better something that makes them feel more sophisticated than they really are. They look for brands that understand and address their inner n

23、eeds. 她们寻求产品质量以外更多的东西,寻求情感回报、使她们感觉更好、觉得自己更成熟的东西,寻求了解、表达她们内在需求的品牌。30The Left Bank Caf concept together with the aromatic, adult flavour of coffee, fostered a sense of spiritual renewal in them.左岸咖啡馆,带着咖啡芬芳、成人品味,在她们精神上形成一种新的感觉。31Tone & Manner 气氛及风格According to statistics from bookstores, the most popu

24、lar author among young women of this age group is Murakami Haruki. She is the foremost representative of a new style of Japanese writing, which is hip, absurd, postmodern, and always coolly deadpan. Whats unique about Murakamis stories is that they expertly manage to conjure up the feeling of city d

25、wellers. 她们最欣赏的作家是村上春树。其作品忧郁、超现实、冷峻,能唤起城市人的感觉。32Tone & Manner 气氛及风格Though the visual part of the Left Bank Caf advertising should have a very French style, the copy should have a very Japanese literary style. 虽然左岸咖啡馆的广告视觉应该非常法国化,但其文本应是很有日本文学的风格。33Correction Triangle : Left Bank CafeSpiritualSatisfac

26、tion精神上的满足精神上的满足Solitudeisnotloneliness独处不是寂寞独处不是寂寞ArtisticAtmospheric,Contemplative艺术气氛、沉思艺术气氛、沉思34Creative Brief 创意简报 During the process of briefing the creative people, we told them, “Lets forget that we are making advertisements for packaged drinks. Lets pretend that our client is actually a caf

27、 - that we are making advertisements for a French caf!” “让我们忘记自己是在为包装饮料做广告,假想是在为一家远在法国的咖啡馆做广告!” 35We collected a lot of reference information from France, including pictures and even menus of French cafs. 从法国收集来许多咖啡馆的资料,包括图片甚至菜单。36The Left Bank Caf Sells More Than Just Coffee 不仅是卖咖啡 If our brand was

28、 to be a caf, then there was no reason for it to be limited to only selling coffee. The brand could be extended to include all the items on a caf menu. 如果我们的品牌是咖啡馆,那么它不应仅卖咖啡。它可以延伸到咖啡馆餐单上的所有东西。37The Left Bank Caf Sells More Than Just Coffee 不仅是卖咖啡So now when you look in the refrigerators at 7- Eleven

29、, you will also find Th au lait, as well as Blancmange and other French-style desserts, all under the Left Bank Caf umbrella brand. 所以,现在你从 7-11 便利店的冷藏柜里,还能找到左岸咖啡馆牌子的奶茶、牛奶冻和其它法式甜品。38The Left Bank Caf Sells More Than Just Coffee 不仅是卖咖啡 We are currently evaluating the possibilities for French-style ca

30、kes, and in the future we hope to have special refrigerators in stores, exclusively for Left Bank Caf products.我们现在考虑法式蛋糕的可能性,希望将来在商店里有左岸咖啡馆产品专用冷藏柜。39The Role of Advertising广告的角色The advertising encourages consumers to build a picture in their minds of their favorite French caf - an ideal caf, a caf

31、with a long history and a strong cultural, artistic atmosphere.广告要促使消费者在脑海里建造一个自己最喜爱的法国咖啡馆 - 一个理想的咖啡馆,一个历史悠久、文化艺术气氛浓厚的咖啡馆。40The Relationship With the Brand 品牌写真Left Bank Caf will have the power to stimulate a real and strong response in the imagination of consumers.左岸咖啡馆有能力刺激消费者在他们的想象里产生一种真实、强烈的反应。4

32、1The Relationship With the Brand 品牌写真Left Bank Caf will have a relationship with the consumer like that of a favorite book, such as a travel memoir, or a small volume of poetry, which is always kept on a nearby bookshelf, so that it can be taken down to be enjoyed in peaceful moments alone. In the s

33、ame way, Left Bank Caf is always ready to bring you refreshment whenever you need it.左岸咖啡馆和消费者的关系就象一本喜爱的书,一册旅游摘记,放在整洁的书架上一篇短短的诗,在你想享受一片独处空间时,它随手可得,带你到想去的地方。42The Relationship With The Brand 品牌写真The insight is:You are here in China. Sometimes you think about going to Europe for a romantic vacation, b

34、ut in this busy and practical world, all you can do is take a mental trip to Europe - by going window shopping at a European - style furniture store or dining in a French restaurant.好比你身在中国,偶尔想到欧洲度个浪漫之旅,但在这忙碌现实的世界,你只能逛逛欧式家具店,到法国餐厅用餐,度一个想象之旅。43The Relationship With The Brand (Contd)品牌写真 (续)Left Bank

35、Caf makes the mental trip easier - simply satisfying your spiritual desires, any time, any place, and privately.而左岸咖啡馆使这想象之旅更轻松 - 简单地满足你随时可能冒出的一点精神欲望,孤独享受。44Building the French Caf 品牌塑造The TVC is based on the girls notes and jottings about her travels.The print ads are a series of short stories abou

36、t things that have happened in the caf. The radio ads are like poetic vignettes from the caf, and were broadcast late at night. 电视广告是一个女孩的旅行摘记。平面广告是一系列发生在咖啡馆的短篇故事。电台则在深夜播放着诗般的咖啡馆故事。45Building the French Caf 品牌塑造In order to make people believe in the existence of the caf, there was also a series of s

37、upporting events, intended to make the fantasy become a reality. 为使消费者相信咖啡馆的存在,计划了一连串节目让幻想变成现实。 46During an exhibition of photographs of French cafs at Taiwans most deluxebookstore, an open-air “Left Bank Caf” was set up outside. A 15-minute program entitled “Left Bank Caf Tour,” introducing 20 cafs

38、 on the left bank of the Seine, was produced for cable TV.在法国咖啡馆摄影展期间,台湾最豪华的书店外布置着左岸咖啡馆。还制作了15分钟题为“左岸咖啡馆之旅”的有线电视节目,介绍塞纳河左岸20家咖啡馆。Building the French Caf 品牌塑造47 Around the time of the French national day, the Left Bank Caf brand was one of the sponsors of a celebration dinner and a French film festiv

39、al organized by the French Institute in Taiwan. The sponsors included actual French brands such as Renault,Peugeot, Chanel, Christian Dior, a number of different wine-makers, and one brand you would never find in France itself - Left Bank Caf!法国国庆期间,左岸咖啡馆是庆宴和法国电影节赞助商之一。雷诺、标致、香奈尔、Christian Dior等法国品牌也

40、在赞助商之列。Building the French Caf 品牌塑造48The Brand 品牌Is there really a Santa Claus?According to the results of last weeks Left Bank Caf Brand Audit, the TV commercial gives people an enjoyable feeling of solitude. When people drink Left Bank Caf products, they feel they are rewarding themselves. Eighty

41、percent of the people interviewed believe that the “Left Bank Caf” really exists in France, and that it will soon open a branch in Taiwan. One consumer said: “Does the Left Bank Caf really exist? I prefer to believe in a world where it does.” 左岸咖啡的电视广告令人有一种愉快的孤独感,人们觉得左岸咖啡是享受。八成被访者相信有左岸咖啡馆,其中一位消费者说“宁

42、愿相信有”。49The Brand 品牌 Left Bank Caf made US$ 4 million in the first year, and the brand continues togrow stronger. 左岸咖啡头一年卖了四百万美元,品牌继续得到巩固。 1998 vs 1997 sales over first six months is+15% 1998年上半年营业额比1997年同期增加15%50Better Questions 基本思考 What factors make people think of a beverage as good?What beverag

43、es are most worth selling on consignment?What is the most high-class place for consignment goods to come from?What are the most expensive drinks here?饮料在什么情况下会被认为好?寄售什么饮料最值钱?从哪里来的寄卖品最高级?在这里什么饮料最贵?51The Process of Changing the Price From $15 to $25 从15元变成25元的过程Special house blend French literary CafC

44、offee Fresh/sold on consignment24 + 122 + 219 + 315 + 4$15$25招牌咖啡招牌咖啡法国文学咖啡馆法国文学咖啡馆咖啡咖啡寄售寄售52Five Tips To Build A Brand From Scratch 从无到有建立品牌五个秘诀1.Ensure your brand performs保证您的品牌是 - high quality product- 质量好的产品- a role in peoples lives- 在人们的生活中扮演一定的角色2.Define your category precisely精确地定义你的产品类别53Fiv

45、e Tips To Build A Brand From Scratch 从无到有建立品牌五个秘诀3.Think beyond price to what creates value in peoples minds超越价格因素去想什么能在人们心目中产生“价值”4.Connect product benefit with brand personality/image with consumer needs/beliefs将产品的好处与品牌个性/形象、消费者的需求/信念联系起来。5.Expand your brand proposition beyond advertising.把您的品牌主题




49、品吃完并代他结帐后,两个人才押着他走出咖啡馆的大门两个人才押着他走出咖啡馆的大门经过一阵的静默经过一阵的静默大家议论纷纷大家议论纷纷为什么专偷为什么专偷EDGO的画的画画贼为什么爱吃甜品画贼为什么爱吃甜品为什么画贼都是在同一家咖啡馆被逮进牢里为什么画贼都是在同一家咖啡馆被逮进牢里 6869咖啡馆的隔壁就是图书馆咖啡馆的隔壁就是图书馆大家总是先去借本书大家总是先去借本书再到咖啡馆里自己习惯的位子再到咖啡馆里自己习惯的位子然后年长的服务生然后年长的服务生会端一杯口味习惯的咖啡会端一杯口味习惯的咖啡悄悄放在你的桌上悄悄放在你的桌上如果有人弄错位置如果有人弄错位置那一定是新客人那一定是新客人光线最好的










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