高中英语Unit 2 The environmentProject课件牛津版必修五

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1、ProjectWriting a reportGroup work: Each group can read the assigned paragraph and report the main idea of the class. P1:The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern. P2:Many people have recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze River and many environmental organizati

2、ons and projects have been set up. P3:Two special government projects are under way to protect the river. One is the water and soil preservation project. P4:The second project is a nature reserve for white-flag dolphins. P5:The environmental situation of the Yangtze River is improving. Answer questi

3、ons: 1.Why have the environmental problems of the Yangtze River raised concern both nationally and internationally? Rapid agricultural and industrial development plus huge population growth of water taken from the river rising, but the waste being put back into the river has also been increasing. It

4、 also watches the river and stops the illegal hunting of animals. 2.What does the Green River organization do? It educates and advises people on the importance of protecting the Yangtze River. 3.What problems do the two government projects focus on? They focus on problems along the Yangtze River suc

5、h as water conservation and protecting white-flag dolphins. 4.What did farmers have to do under the water and soil preservation project? They had to replace crops on their farmland with trees or grassland. 5.What does the second project concern? The second project is a nature reserve for white-flag

6、dolphins. Read the text carefully and analyse the structure of it. Close Text: T , many people have r the importance of protecting the Yangtze River and e_ organizations and projects have been set up to d_ with the problem. The Green River organization is a non-g organization that educates and advis

7、e people on the importance of p this great river. hankfully ecognized nvironmental ealovernment rotecting Close test: The organization also watches the river and stops the i_ hunting of animals which had been a m_ problem and which has e the wild animals. Two government projects are also u_ way to p

8、rotect the river. llegal ajor ndangered nderThe projects f on problems along the Yangtze River such as water c_.Experts have a_ the river and are now trying to work out possible s to the many problems. The river and soil p project was set up in 1989. ocusonservation nalysed olution reservation Use a

9、nother form of the word in bold in the first sentences to fill in the blank in the second sentence. 1.Her opinion on the matter differs from mine. You can make a real _ to someones life by helping them to go to university. 2. Smoking is a danger to your health. The factory has been releasing _ chemi

10、cals into the air for years. differencedangerous3. Parents should educate their children on what to do in case of a fire. No country can afford to overlook the value of _. 4. Thankfully, the documents survived the fire. His only chance of was a heart operation. 5. Mike is responsible for designing t

11、he new model. I think we have a moral to help those who are in need. 6. Please accept this present in appreciation for all you have done for us. I would you letting me know when you will be home. educationsurvivalresponsibilityappreciate Choose the correct word to fill in each blank. Change the form

12、 where necessary. 1 prohibit / prevent a. We are trying out best to _ people from entering the hall before the stage has been set up. b. The law _ children under the age of 16 from drinking. 2 rare / small a. Mikes teacher asked him to make some _ changes to his essay. smallb. To see the ground cove

13、red in snow is quite _ ate this time of year. preventprohibitsmallrare3 ecology / biology a In _ class, we carry out lots of experiments and study living things. b Water pollution caused by the local factory has changed the _ of the area. ecology4 improve / raise a The increasing number of cars runn

14、ing on your roads of the level of air pollution in our city. b Talking with native English speakers is the most effective way to your spoken English. biologyecologyis raising/has raisedimproveHomework: A Do Parts D1 & D2. B Write a report about other things China is doing to protect the environment.

15、 Below are some steps for you to follow. Planning Work in small groups. Discuss what you read on the previous page, briefly discuss the questions below and then decide on a topic for your report. Have it approved by your teacher. What do you think are the biggest environmental problems in China? The

16、 topic for your report will be _. Discuss the tasks listed below and decide which group members will be responsible for each task. Write the names beside the work each member is going to do. (Remember, two or three people can work on the same task!) Research _ Write the outline _ Write the report _P

17、reparing Members responsible for doing research need to find information from various sources on the topic you have chosen. The group should discuss the information found, and decide what to increase include in the report and what to leave out. Those responsible for writing the outline should organi

18、ze the information the group has decided to use and write an outline for the report using that information. The outline should be approved by the whole group. Producing Group members who are writing the report will have to write it based on the outline. All group members should edit the report befor

19、e it is passed on to another group for editing. Your group will be editing another groups report at the same time. While editing, you should read the report closely and look for the following: sentence structure organization punctuation vocabulary grammar spelling During the editing stage, correct a

20、ny mistakes you find and offer suggestions to the group on how they can improve their report. Ask for comments on your report as well. Presenting The report should be written and checked once more for mistakes. Present your report to the class. Put your report up on the display wall of your classroom for everyone to see. Self-assessment reading for information? presenting your point of view? reading a report about environmental protection? writing a report?If you are not confident about some of the items above, make an action plan so you can improve on them.



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