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1、本文介绍英国世界文豪莎士比亚的生本文介绍英国世界文豪莎士比亚的生平、作品及他的出生地和安息地斯特平、作品及他的出生地和安息地斯特拉夫。拉夫。1. D 2. C 3. D 4. Stratford-upon-Avon, which has become a popular tourist attraction because of its connections with Shakespeare美文研读美文研读1.Perform 2.play/drama2.3. writer/author 4. Stage5.world literature6.tourist attraction7. 文化遗址

2、文化遗址 8.喜剧喜剧9.与与有关联有关联 10.著名和受欢迎著名和受欢迎11.占据重要和崇高的地位占据重要和崇高的地位12.基于与莎士比亚的关系基于与莎士比亚的关系复记强化复记强化一、句子翻译一、句子翻译1. adventure novel/story, at the top, best-seller list, is well worth reading2. main character, a boy named, to use, magic/magical powers3. praise, for, arousing young Americans interest, literatur

3、e4. are crazy about, will sell out, appeal to the imagination知识运用知识运用6. considered to be, greatest western artist, twentieth century, Spanish artist called/named7. Like, painted in the traditional Chinese style, is famous/known for, lively paintings8. Britains/Englands best-loved and world-famous, i

4、s regarded as his masterpiece9. The story/novel is set in a town which was destroyed in/during the 1940s war and shows/reflects the writers feelings about what happened to the town.或或Set in a town which was destroyed in/during the 1940s war,the story/novel shows/reflects the writers feelings about w

5、hat happened to the town.10. My parents are fond of going to art galleries and often take me with them, so I have developed an interest in art.二、短文填空二、短文填空 a bigger name during her lifetime was not widely appreciated founded known as showed less influence from attract attention after her death bette

6、r known as most important artists 本文为记叙文本文为记叙文, 主要讲述了著名美国文学家弗兰主要讲述了著名美国文学家弗兰西斯西斯司各特司各特菲茨杰拉德的生平、生活及其重要菲茨杰拉德的生平、生活及其重要作品作品 。1. A细节理解题。由文章中第三段的两处关键词细节理解题。由文章中第三段的两处关键词novel和和greatest success可知他的小说有:可知他的小说有:This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby,(须排除两处干扰项的关键词(须排除两处干扰项的关键词colle

7、ction of short stories 短篇小说集),第四段短篇小说集),第四段的第五行的关键词的第五行的关键词novels 提到提到Tender Is the Night and The love of the Last Tycoon,共计,共计5篇篇小说。小说。典型例题典型例题2. C推理判断题。由第推理判断题。由第4段第段第1句的句的However, Fitzgeralds problems with his wife Zelda affected his writing可知。可知。 3. B主旨大意题。通过跳读和寻读可得知第主旨大意题。通过跳读和寻读可得知第一、二段主要讲述了菲茨

8、杰拉德的生平、一、二段主要讲述了菲茨杰拉德的生平、生活,第三段简介他的作品,第四段讲述生活,第三段简介他的作品,第四段讲述了他妻子生病、自己酗酒期间完成了两部了他妻子生病、自己酗酒期间完成了两部小说,由此得知本文主要讲述著名文学家小说,由此得知本文主要讲述著名文学家菲茨杰拉德的生平、生活及其重要作品。菲茨杰拉德的生平、生活及其重要作品。 4. D推理判断题。根据人物传记的特点和本推理判断题。根据人物传记的特点和本段对菲茨杰拉德生活、作品的描述段对菲茨杰拉德生活、作品的描述, 说明了说明了菲茨杰拉德的作品对学界的意义菲茨杰拉德的作品对学界的意义, 因此最后因此最后总结的应是关于菲茨杰拉德对文学界

9、的贡献。总结的应是关于菲茨杰拉德对文学界的贡献。5. D把握事件发生顺序。题干关键词为把握事件发生顺序。题干关键词为 correct order to describe Fitzgeralds life可可知本题是要求考生把握事件发生的顺序。句知本题是要求考生把握事件发生的顺序。句子子b和和f在第一段,时间连接词分别为在第一段,时间连接词分别为once和和in 1917,句子句子c和和d在第三段,时间连接词分别在第三段,时间连接词分别为为in 1920和和in 1925,句子,句子e和和a在第四段,时在第四段,时间连接词分别为间连接词分别为during the 1920s 和和while hi

10、s wife was in hospital。由此确定发生最早的是。由此确定发生最早的是b项,最迟的是项,最迟的是a项,答案应为项,答案应为D。复记强化复记强化1.Publish 2.impress 3. Novel 4. praise5. Period 6. addict7.小说家小说家 8. 学院学院8.9. 走近走近 10. 文学界文学界9.11. 短篇小说集短篇小说集这是一篇说明文,主要讲述了广告的发展这是一篇说明文,主要讲述了广告的发展历程。历程。1. C细节理解题。由第细节理解题。由第1段段3、4两句可知。两句可知。A项错在主语,项错在主语,B项中的地点状语无依据。项中的地点状语无

11、依据。D项中的地点状语错误,正确的地点应为项中的地点状语错误,正确的地点应为in public places。2. A词义猜测题。由本句前面的词义猜测题。由本句前面的newspaper to set aside a place just for advertising 可以可以推出。推出。3. D细节理解题。根据第细节理解题。根据第3段第段第2句可知。句可知。实战演练实战演练4. B细节理解题。细节理解题。 由文中的由文中的 “Near the end of the nineteenth centuryBy the end of the seventeenth centurythe eight

12、eenth centuryIn the Middle Ages”可知全文是按时间顺序来叙述的,可知全文是按时间顺序来叙述的,故选故选B。5. A主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了广告主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了广告的发展历程。的发展历程。该题中的应用文的关键词、核心信息包括该题中的应用文的关键词、核心信息包括书名、作者、插图书名、作者、插图/配图画家、出版时间、配图画家、出版时间、价格、读者年龄价格、读者年龄/年级、书评家等内容,要年级、书评家等内容,要跳过两个超纲词跳过两个超纲词illustrated/illustrations 和和biodiversity。在在AF中画出以下关键词:中画出以下关键词

13、:A. poem B. busy, garden C. fish, lake D. fish, got away E. tree F. tree, Strauss;然后用这些关键词;然后用这些关键词寻读,在寻读,在15中找到匹配对象。中找到匹配对象。得出答案如下:得出答案如下:典型例题典型例题1. E用关键信息词用关键信息词the life of a tree(两两处处)比对,可匹配到应用文比对,可匹配到应用文E的的A Grand Old Tree。2. A用关键信息词用关键信息词the life of a garden, poems(两处两处),the story of a garden比比

14、对,可匹配到应用文对,可匹配到应用文A书名中的书名中的 Poems about the Garden。3. D用关键信息词用关键信息词fish, gets away比对,比对,可匹配到应用文可匹配到应用文D的的 The Little Fish That Got Away。4. F寻读找到最关键的信息词寻读找到最关键的信息词 Strauss比对,比对,可匹配到应用文可匹配到应用文F的作者的作者Rochelle Strauss。如果没找到这个,则通过关键词如果没找到这个,则通过关键词tree, earth比对匹配到应用文比对匹配到应用文F的书名中的的书名中的Tree of life on eart

15、h,也可确定答案。,也可确定答案。5. C用关键信息词用关键信息词fish, lake比对应用文比对应用文C的的书名书名The Biggest Fish in the Lake; 用关键用关键信息词信息词grandfather/Grandpa, granddaughter, between the older and younger generation比对匹配到应用文比对匹配到应用文C的的封面图片中的老人和小女孩,也可确定答封面图片中的老人和小女孩,也可确定答案。案。1.Watercolor 2. appreciate2.3. picture book 4. go fishing3.5. t

16、he beauty of the natural world6.押韵诗押韵诗 7. 长辈和晚辈长辈和晚辈7.8. 钓钓/ 钩到三条大鱼钩到三条大鱼8.9. 终生难遇的捕获终生难遇的捕获/收获收获9.10. 各种生命和所有生物各种生命和所有生物复记强化复记强化实战演练实战演练1.B因为因为 “Women in Red” 和和 “This lecture about women in red”对应。对应。2. A由由 “The Million Women Study”, 与与 “study of millions of womens health”对对应所决定。应所决定。3. D由由 “Desig

17、ning IT to make Healthcare Safer”, “focuses on computer and IT systems in hospitals” 对应所决定。对应所决定。4. E由由 “How the Earth Moves”, “our spaceship Earth is in constant motion.”所决定。所决定。5. C由由 “help to prevent blindness”与与“play an increasing role in eye-care” 所决定。所决定。1.去掉去掉who2.2. wrote written; publish pu

18、blished; at in3.3. tell tells; educate educates/educated; daughter daughters4.4. begin began; for to5.5. saled sold或或on sale6.6. have has; is are; which where7.7. likes like; read reading; story stories典型例题典型例题8. true truly; to buy buying; it one或或them9. agree 后面加后面加with; to enjoy will enjoy10. rema

19、ins reminds; 去掉去掉there11. a an; have has12. that who; the a; win won13. 去掉去掉but14. best-seller best-sellers; 去掉去掉so; stand stood15.silentsilently; moved moving16. many much; steal stolen步骤一,边写边查,自我纠错。步骤一,边写边查,自我纠错。1.去掉去掉who; in on2. become became; win前面加前面加to3.produceproducing4.第二个第二个writer writers;

20、 understands understand; Chinese前面加前面加the5. 去掉去掉so; it them6.taletales; event events7.writtenwriting; by in8.asfor; film前面加前面加a实战演练实战演练步骤二,自我完成,写后复查。步骤二,自我完成,写后复查。1.was born 前面加前面加who2.2. awarded 前面加前面加been3.3. Know Known4.4. wide widely5.5.themwhich6.6.去掉去掉 for 或在或在for前面加前面加 him7.7. mixes mix8.8.so

21、because; 9. it they9.10.writtenwriting 11.novelnovels10.12. 去掉去掉which 13. 第一个第一个in at步骤三,自我完成,写后复查。步骤三,自我完成,写后复查。参考范文参考范文1Dear John, I am so glad to tell you something about Mo Yan and his success. Mo Yan, a famous Chinese writer who was born in Gaomi, Shandong on February 17, 1955, has won the 2012

22、 Nobel Prize for Literature. Since 1981, Mo Yan has published 11 major novels, dozens of long stories and short stories, some of which have been translated into foreign languages. In 1988, one of his best-known novels, Red Sorghum: A Tale of China, was adapted into a film and won the Golden Bear Pri

23、ze at the Berlin Film Festival. The Nobel Committee praises him for his works which mix folk tales, historic events and the present society with hallucinatory realism and reflect ordinary peoples lives, the Chinese culture and the national spirit. With a unique writing style, he shows his concern ab

24、out the human condition in a way the Nobel Committee likes to see. I am going to read some more of his books and we can share our ideas later. Yours, Zhang Jun参考范文参考范文2Dear John, I am so glad to tell you something about Mo Yan and his success. The 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature has been awarded to

25、Mo Yan, a Chinese writer who was born in Gaomi, Shandong on February 17, 1955. Known as a representative writer of his generation producing many works and widely accepted, Mo Yan has published 11 major novels, dozens of long stories and short stories since 1981, some of which have been translated in

26、to foreign languages. He became world-famous for Red Sorghum: A Tale of China, one of his best-known novels, which was adapted into a film and won the Golden Bear Prize at the Berlin Film Festival in 1988. The Nobel Committee praises him for his works which mix folk tales, historic events and the pr

27、esent society with hallucinatory realism and might have felt the stories in his works familiar and true because they reflect ordinary peoples lives, the Chinese culture and the national spirit. With a unique writing style, he shows his concern about the human condition in a way the Nobel Committee l

28、ikes to see.I am going to read some more of his books and we can share our ideas later. Yours, Zhang Jun复记强化复记强化1. 被译成外文被译成外文be translated into foreign languages2. 一代人的代表作家一代人的代表作家a representative writer of a generation3. 发表他的作品发表他的作品 publish his works4. 反映普通人的生活反映普通人的生活reflect ordinary peoples live

29、s 5.中国文化中国文化the Chinese culture6. 民族精神民族精神the national spirit7. 独特的写作风格独特的写作风格unique writing style8. 短篇小说短篇小说 short story9. 民间故事民间故事 folk tales10. 历史事件历史事件 historic event11. 获奖获奖win a prize12. 授奖授奖be given/awarded a prize13. 深受欢迎深受欢迎be widely accepted/ very popular14. Nobel Prize for Literature 诺贝尔文学奖诺贝尔文学奖



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