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1、Qingtang Middle School by Mr. Zhou.1aLook at the picture. Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart.ClothingFun thingsKitchen things hatvolleyballplateT-shirtjacketbaseball captoy truckbook (Harry Potter)magazines (rabbits)CD (Michael Jackson)cuptruck n. 卡车卡车; 货车货车picnic n. 野餐野餐ra

2、bbit n. 兔兔; 野兔野兔Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.1bPersonThingReasonJanes little brothervolleyballJ.K. Rowling is her favorite writer.Marytoy truckShe loves volleyball.CarlamagazineHe was the only little kid at the picnic.Deng WenbookShe always listens to pop music.GraceCDHe lo

3、ves rabbits.Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations using the information in 1b.1cIt must be Marys. J.K. Rowling is her favourite writer.Whose book is this?Whose volleyball is this?It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.Whose toy truck is this?It must be Janes little

4、 brothers. He was the only little kid at the picnic.Whose magazine is this?It must be Deng Wens. He loves rabbits.Whose CD is this?It must be Graces. She always listens to pop music.2aThings in the schoolbag1. T-shirt2.3.hair bandtennis ballsBob and Anna found a schoolbag at the park. Listen and wri

5、te down the things in the schoolbag.2bmustcantcouldmightmustListen again. Fill in the blanks.1. The person _ go to our school.2. The person _ be a boy.3. It _ be Meis hair band.4. The hair band _ belong to Linda.5. It _ be Lindas schoolbag.情态动词情态动词用法用法例句例句must表示很有把握的表示很有把握的推测,意为推测,意为“一一定定”,只用于肯,只用于肯

6、定句。定句。The light is out. He must be sleeping.could 和和might表示不太有把握表示不太有把握的推测,意为的推测,意为“可能可能”。The pen could / might be Joes. I saw it on his desk just now.cant表示很有把握的表示很有把握的否定推测,意为否定推测,意为“不可能不可能”。The girl here cant be Helen. Helen has gone to Beijing.Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b

7、.2cLook! Theres a schoolbaghere.Whats inside?Theres a T-shirt, .The person mustgo toLook! Theres a schoolbaghere.Whats inside?Theres a hair band, .The person cant be a boy, Look! Theres a schoolbaghere.Whats inside?Theres a hair band, .It could be Meis.Look! Theres a schoolbaghere.Whats inside?There

8、s a hair band, .It might belong to Linda.Look! Theres a schoolbaghere.Whats inside?There are tennis balls, .It must be Lindasschoolbag.Mom, Im really worried. Role-play the conversation.2dWhy? Whats wrong?I cant find my schoolbag.Well, where did you last put it?I cant remember! I attended a concert

9、yesterday so it might still be in the music hall.Do you have anything valuable in your schoolbag?v. 出席出席; 参加参加adj. 贵重贵重的的; 很有用很有用的的; 宝贵的宝贵的No, just my books, my pink hair band and some tennis balls.So it cant be stolen.adj. 粉红色的粉红色的n. 粉红色粉红色Oh, wait! I went to a picnic after the concert. I remember

10、I had my schoolbag with me at the picnic.So could it still be at the park?Yes. I left early, before the rest of my friends. I think somebody must have picked it up. Ill call them now to check if anybody has it.pron. 任何人任何人根据句意根据句意, 从括号内选择合适的单词填空。从括号内选择合适的单词填空。1. Amy has practiced dancing for five ho

11、urs. She _ (must / cant) be very tired.2. Miss Yang _ (must / cant) be at home. She has gone to Shanghai.3. Dont play on the street. You _ (could /cant) be hurt by cars.mustcantcould4. Bruce _ (must / might) pass the exam. Im not sure.5. I cant find my pen at school. It _ (could / cant) be at home.c

12、ouldmight1. Recite the new words and 2d.2. Preview 3a-3b.3. Finish the workbook of Section A 1a-2d.Qingtang Middle School by Mr. Zhou.属于属于流行音乐流行音乐最喜欢的作家最喜欢的作家玩具卡车玩具卡车Check the phrases.belong topop musicfavourite writertoy truck发带发带参加参加一些宝贵的东西一些宝贵的东西拣起拣起被偷被偷hair bandattend/join/take part insomething

13、valuablepick upbe stolenDo you hear strange noises outside our window?Yes, something unusual is happening in our town.n. 声音;噪音声音;噪音n. 事件;事件; 意外事件意外事件My father called the policeman, but he couldnt find anything strange.n. 男警察男警察 (pl. policemen; policewoman 女警察女警察)Maybe it was a wolf, everyone in our

14、town is feeling uneasy.n. 狼狼adj. 担心的;担心的;不安的不安的3a Read the article and decide which might be the best title.A. A Small and Quiet TownB. Strange Happenings in My TownC. Animals in Our NeighborhoodWe live in a small town and almost everyone knows each other. It used to be very quiet. Nothing much ever

15、 happened around here. However, these days, something unusual is happening in our town. Victor, a teacher at my school, is really nervous. When he was interviewed by the town newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange noises outside our window. My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my

16、 friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. My parents called the policemen, but they couldnt find anything strange. They think it might be the wind. I dont think so!”Victors next-door neighbor Helen is worried, too. “At first, I thought that it might be a dog, but I couldnt see a dog or a

17、nything else, either. So I guess it cant be a dog. But then, what could it be?” one woman in the area saw something running away, but it was dark so she is not sure. “I think it was too big to be a dog,” she said. “Maybe it was a bear or a wolf.” Everyone in our town is feeling uneasy, and everyone

18、has his or her own ideas. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? We have no idea. Most people hope that this animal or person will simply go away, but I do not think that is going to happen. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighbor

19、hood.noise-maker3b Read the article again and find words to match the meanings.nervous or worried _young people _person in the next house _area where people live _animal like a very large dog _person who makes noise _uneasyteenagersneighborneighborhoodwolf3cRead the article carefully and write what

20、people think about the strange noises.Who gave opinions?What are the opinions?Victors wifeShe thinks that it could be an animal.Victor and his friendsThey think it must be teenagers having fun.The policemenHelenOne woman in the areaThe writer himselfThey think it might be the wind.She thought it was

21、 too big to be a dog. She thought that maybe it was a bear or a wolf.She guesses it cant be a dog.He thinks the noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.1. This book _ be Carlas. Her name is on the book. A. might B. could C. must D. cant2. Jacks bike is blue, so this yell

22、ow one _ be his. A. mustnt B. cant C. couldnt D. mightntChoose the best answer.3. The guitar _ belong to Alice. Only she plays the guitar here. A. could B. must C. cant D. can4. - What do you think “upset” mean? - Im not sure. It _ mean sad. Amust Bcan Cmight Dcant5. Ill have a test _ writing next w

23、eek. Aat Bof Con Din 6. This backpack must be _. I saw her carry it yesterday. ALucys BLucy CLucys DLucys 1. Recite the new words and Section A 3a.2.2. Preview Section A 4a-4c.Grammar Focus:1.Whose volleyball is this? 2. It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball. 2. Whose hair band is this? It could b

24、e Meis hair band. Or it might belong to Linda. They both have long hair.3.What did you see that night? 4. Im not sure, but it cant be a dog. It was bigger. I think it might be a bear or a wolf. 4a Choose the best way to complete each sentence using the words inbrackets.1. A: Wheres Jean? B: Im not s

25、ure. She _ (is/might be/ must be) in the laboratory. 2.A: Everyone is going to the pool after school.3. B: Really? It _ (must be/cant be/ could be)4. hot outdoors.3.A: Thats the phone. 4. B: Hmm. I wonder who it _(must be/could be/ should be).might bemust becould be4. A: I wonder if these are Jims g

26、lasses. B: They _(cant be/ might be/ could be) his. He doesnt wear glasses. 5. A: I hear water running in the bathroom. B: It _(could be/ must be/ cant be) Carla. She was thinking of taking a shower. cant bemust be4b Complete these responses. 1. A: Many people are wearing coats. B: The weather must

27、be _.2. A: Sally has been coughing a lot. B: She might be_.3. A: This restaurant is always very crowded. B: The food_.4. A: Whenever I try to read this book, I feel sleepy. B: It cant _. very coldhaving a coldmust be deliciousbe interesting1. I didnt hear the phone. I _ asleep.A. must be B. must hav

28、e beenC. should be D. should have been2. Mary _ be in Paris. I saw her in town only a few minutes ago.A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. may notPractice.单项选择单项选择 3. Peter _ come with us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. must B. may C. can D. will4. I thought you _ like something to read, so I have

29、 brought you some books.A. may B. might C. could D. must1. 这本书一定是汤姆的。他正在找这本书。这本书一定是汤姆的。他正在找这本书。 This book _be Toms. He is looking for it.2. 这个发带可能是玛丽的。她喜欢戴发带。这个发带可能是玛丽的。她喜欢戴发带。 The hair band _be Marys. She likes wearing a hair band.mustcould.完成句子完成句子3. 这个玩具熊可能是约翰的妹妹的。这个玩具熊可能是约翰的妹妹的。她还是个小姑娘。她还是个小姑娘。T

30、he toy bear _belong to Johns sister. She is still a little girl.4. 这个排球不是玛丽的。她根本不喜欢打排球。这个排球不是玛丽的。她根本不喜欢打排球。The volleyball _ be Marys. She doesnt like playing volleyball at all.mightcant1.Learn new words and phrases by heart.2.Make sentences about inference with “must, might, could, may, cant ”. Home

31、workQingtang Middle School by Mr. Zhou.环游世界环游世界 看看十大诡异地域看看十大诡异地域 1 1、位于英格兰威尔特郡索尔兹伯里、位于英格兰威尔特郡索尔兹伯里平原的巨石阵平原的巨石阵又称环状列石、太阳神庙等名,是欧又称环状列石、太阳神庙等名,是欧洲著名的文化神庙遗址。据推测约出洲著名的文化神庙遗址。据推测约出现于公元前现于公元前4000-20004000-2000年,有学者认为年,有学者认为是史前文明遗址,也有人认为是外星是史前文明遗址,也有人认为是外星文明的痕迹文明的痕迹。 2、中国阿尔泰山荒原通天石人之谜中国阿尔泰山荒原通天石人之谜被疑为人类对外星文明

32、的记录。矗立在草原上的石人成为一种神秘主义的象征3 3、古埃及金字塔、古埃及金字塔金字塔的神秘至今仍是一个谜,不少学者金字塔的神秘至今仍是一个谜,不少学者认为金字塔是古代外星人留下的建筑物。认为金字塔是古代外星人留下的建筑物。4 4、玛雅文明、玛雅文明在玛雅人的编年史中,曾记载了地球在玛雅人的编年史中,曾记载了地球90009000万年至万年至4 4亿年之间的事。亿年之间的事。5 5. .巴别通天塔巴别通天塔巴比伦是一座令人神往的古城,它位巴比伦是一座令人神往的古城,它位于幼发拉底河和底格里斯河的交汇处。于幼发拉底河和底格里斯河的交汇处。南美火地岛:南美火地岛:浮出地面的骷髅头浮出地面的骷髅头

33、斯堪的纳维亚半岛峡湾:斯堪的纳维亚半岛峡湾:狮身人面守护者狮身人面守护者 南斯拉夫境内:熟睡的老猫南斯拉夫境内:熟睡的老猫 加拿大与美国阿拉斯加交接处:磅礴奔腾的巨大象加拿大与美国阿拉斯加交接处:磅礴奔腾的巨大象龟龟 极光:贞子降临极光:贞子降临 南美秘鲁:富兰克林头像南美秘鲁:富兰克林头像 新西兰南岛:新西兰南岛:不可思议的太极图不可思议的太极图 2aMatch each linking word or phrase with its purpose.Linking word or phrasePurpose of linking word or phrasesoexpressing a d

34、ifferenceas, because, sincegiving a choicebut, however, thoughexpressing a resultnot only. but also .expressing two things happening at the same timeorgiving reasonswhen, whileadding informationexpress v. 表示,表达表示,表达Do you know the Stonehenge(巨石阵)(巨石阵)? How much do you know about it?2bSkim the articl

35、e below and underline the sentences with linking words or phrases. Do you think you have made correct matches in 2a?IDENTIFYING LINKING LANGUAGEIdentifying conjunctions or phrases that link ideas together will help you understand what you read.Stonehenge-Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There?Stonehenge

36、, a rock circle, is not only one of n. 圆圈圆圈Britains most famous historical places but also大不列颠大不列颠one of its greatest mysteries. Every year it n. 奥秘,神秘事物奥秘,神秘事物receives more than 750,000 visitors. People like to v. 接受,收到接受,收到go to this place especially in June as they want to see the sun rising on t

37、he longest day of the year.For many years, historians believed Stonehenge n. 历史学家,历史工作者历史学家,历史工作者was a temple where ancient leaders tried to n. 领导,领袖领导,领袖communicate with the gods. However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this cant be true because Stonehenge was built so many centuries ago. “The leader

38、s arrived in England much later,” he points out.Another popular idea is that Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar. The large stones were put together in a certain way. On midsummers n. 仲夏仲夏morning, the sun shines directly into the center of the stones. Other people believe the stones have a medica

39、l purpose. They think the stones can adj. 医疗的医疗的 n. 目的,目标目的,目标prevent illness and keep people healthy. “As you v. 阻止,阻挠阻止,阻挠walk there, you can feel the energy from your feet n. 力量力量move up your body,” said one visitor. No one is sure what Stonehenge was used for, but most agree that the position of

40、 the stones must be n. 位置,地方位置,地方for a special purpose. Some think it might be a burial place or a place to honor ancestors. Others n. 埋葬,安葬埋葬,安葬 v. 表示敬意表示敬意 n. 祖宗,祖先祖宗,祖先think it was built to celebrate a victory over an enemy. n. 胜利,成功胜利,成功n. 敌人,仇人敌人,仇人Stonehenge was built slowly over a long period

41、 of n. 时期时期time. Most historians believe it must be almost 5,000 years old. One of the greatest mysteries is how it was built because the stones are so big and heavy. In 2001, a group of English volunteers tried to build another Stonehenge, but they couldnt . “We dont really know who built Stoneheng

42、e,” says Paul Stoker. “And perhaps we might never know, but we do know they must have been hard-working-and great planners!” adj. 工作努力的工作努力的2cRead the article again and complete the chart.Mysteries about Stonehenge What Stonehenge might have been used forWho built it?What was it used for?How was it

43、built?1.as a temple where ancient 2. leaders tried to communicate with the gods2. a kind of calendar3. have a medical purpose4. might be a burial place or a place to honor ancestors5. celebrate a victory over an enemy1. Midsummer day is in June _ a lot of people go to Stonehenge during this month.2.

44、 The sun shines straight into the center of Stonehenge _ the stones were put in a special position.2dComplete the sentences using the words from the chart in 2a on page 62.andas以一种特别的位置以一种特别的位置3. Some people think the rocks can _ stop people from becoming ill _ keep them healthy.4. We dont know who

45、built Stonehenge _ how it was built.5. Historians think Stonehenge was built about 5,000 years ago; _, they are not sure.not onlybut alsoandhowever2eCan you think of any other mysteries, either in China or another part of the world, that are similar to Stonehenge? What do you know about these myster

46、ies? What is mysterious about them? Discuss them with your group.Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角洲百慕大三角洲 所谓百慕大三角,即指北起百慕大,西到美国佛罗里达洲的迈阿密,南至波多黎各的一个三角形海域。在这片面积达400000平方英里的海面上,从1945年开始数以百计的飞机和船只,在这里神秘地失踪。当然,这些失踪事件不包括那些机械故障、政治绑架和海匪打劫等,因为这些本不属于那种神秘失踪的范畴。由于事件叠出,人们赋予这片海域以“魔鬼三角”、“恶运海”、“魔海”、“海轮的墓地”等浑号。这些浑号反过来又烘托了这里特有的神秘而怖恐的气氛。现在,百慕大三角已经成为那些神秘的、不可理解的各种失踪事件的代名词。1. Recite the new words in Pages 62-63.2. Read Section B 2b again and again.3. Finish the workbook of Section B 2a-2e.



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