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1、Inventors and inventionsUnit 3 Section Using Language栏目导航课前教材预案课前教材预案课堂深度拓展课堂深度拓展课后限时作业课后限时作业课末随堂演练课末随堂演练.Read the text and match the main idea with each paragraph.Para.1:( )A.Bell is a continuing searcher.Para.2:( )B.Bells life information and especially interest.Para.3:( )C.Bells curiosity.Para.4:

2、( )D.Bells invention of the telephone.Para.5:( )E.The importance of his inventiontelephone.Para.6:( )F.Bells first telephone message.Para.7:( )G.Bells new discoveries in other areas of invention.课前教材预案课前教材预案BCDEFGA.Read the text carefully and decide whether the following statements are True or False

3、.1.Bells mother was completely deaf,but with the help of Bell,she could hear what Bell said.( )2.It was Bells interest and curiosity that led to the invention of the telephone.( )3.In order to improve his invention,Bell made Morse code.( )4.He invented the helicopter and other flying machines.( )5.B

4、ell is respected because he devoted all himself to improving everybodys life. ( ) FTF F F .Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese.1.Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods.Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before

5、.答案:答案:2.Follow it up,explore all around it,and before you know it,you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.答案:答案:3.It was this exploring around problems and his dynamic spirit that led to his most famous inventionthe telephone in 1876.答案:答案:4.If sound waves could be reproduc

6、ed in a moving electrical current,they could be sent along a wire.答案:答案:导Point bear vt.(bore, borne/born) 忍受;经得起;忍耐;负担;生育;结果实课堂深度拓展课堂深度拓展考点一单词点击I cannot bear the smell of burnt sausage on the barbecue.(教材P24)我不能忍受烤肉架上烤焦的香肠的气味。bear doing/to do sth.忍受做某事bear/keepin mind 牢记The ice was not thick enough

7、to bear the weight of marching men.冰的厚度不足以支撑行军队伍的重量。I cant bear young people casting away their youth.我无法容忍年轻人虚度青春。He cant bear being laughed at in public.=He cant bear to be laughed at in public.他无法忍受在公共场合遭人嘲笑。Bear in mind that the meeting is very important.记住,这次会议很重要。点拨:点拨:(1)bear意为“忍耐,忍受”时,通常与can

8、, could连用,用于疑问句或否定句中,常见近义词还有:put up with, stand, tolerate, endure等。(2)borne和born是bear的两个过去分词,表示“出生,出自”时用born,并且仅用于被动式。表示“生育”时用borne。bearable adj.可忍受的unbearable adj.无法忍受的单句语法填空。(1)She couldnt bear _(laugh) at and burst into tears.(2)_(bear) in mind what I told you and it will help you in the future.解

9、析:解析:“+and+”to be laughed/being laughedBearPoint current n.电流;潮流adj.当今的,流行的,时下的If sound waves could be reproduced in a moving electrical current, they could be sent along a wire.(教材P25)如果声波能以连续运动的电流形式复制的话,那么声波就可以沿着导线传送出去。The current trend of prices is still rising.现在物价还是有上涨的趋势。Most of the old are in

10、terested in current events.大部分老年人都对时事感兴趣。They are expecting profits of over $2 million in the current year.他们期望今年的利润超过二百万美元。The word is no longer in current use.这个词已不再使用。currently adv.当前currency n.货币;流通current of events 事态的发展;事情的进展current of time/the times 时势,时代潮流current situation 现状,目前形势;现况单句语法填空。(

11、1)If you have no experience, or you have work experience but have nothing to do with your _(current) employed work, it will be hard for you to sell yourself. 单句改错。(2)Although he was a strong swimmer, he was swept away by the currency and was drowned.currentlycurrent Point associate vt.联想,联系 n.同伴,伙伴a

12、ssociate sb./sth.with sb./sth.把和联系在一起be associated with和有关;相关的associate with sb.与某人交往或混在一起associate oneself with sth.表明支持Although he is most often associated with the invention of the telephone, he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everybodys life.(

13、教材P26)虽然人们常把他与电话的发明联系在一起,但是他的确是一位永不停息的探索家,不断寻求着改善人们生活质量的途径。You must bear it in mind that you should never associate with bad companions.你必须要牢记千万别和坏人交往。I dont like you associating with those people.我不喜欢你和那些人混在一起。In our minds the Spring Festival is associated with happy family reunions.在我们的心中,春节和幸福的家庭

14、团聚相联系。association n.合伙;关联;协会;交往in association with与合伙/合作We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless.我们与本地一些公司联合为无家可归的人筹款。单句语法填空。(1)The earthquakes are said _(associate) closely with largescale ice loss(冰融) events.单句改错。(2)Neither in the current study

15、 nor in the previous reports has nut consumption associated with weight gain.解析:解析:to be associatedbeen 考点二短语诠释Point dive into迅速把手伸入;一心投入;跳入Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods.(教材P25)偶尔离开平路去寻求困境。As soon as he undertook this task, he dived into his work.他一承担了这项任务,就立刻埋头于工作。She

16、dived into her pocket and took out a sharp knife.He dived into the river to save the drowning child.She dived into her pocket and took out a sharp knife.她迅速把手伸入口袋掏出了一把尖刀。He dived into the river to save the drowning child.他跳入河中去救那个溺水的孩子。指出dive into在句中的不同含义。(1)Just then, father dived into his pocket a

17、nd took out a birthday gift._(2)Find a hobby or activity you enjoy and dive into it._(3)You should dive into the sea to find a pearl. _跳入沉浸于,一心投入迅速把手伸入Point hang on不挂断;稍后;紧紧握住;坚持下去Hang on, please.(教材P26)请别挂断。Oh,hang on! I think I know where they ended up.哦,等一下!我想起来它们被放在哪里了。Its hard work,but if you h

18、ang on long enough youll succeed.这是艰苦的工作,但如果你坚持下去,你会成功的。I knew I couldnt hang on for very long,when suddenly this man burst out onto the balcony.我知道即便如此我也撑不了多久,而恰好一个男人走到了阳台上来。hang on to hang about/around (sth.) ()hang up=ring off hang back hang together I will probably just hang around the train sta

19、tion and wait.我或许只是在火车站等待并逗留一会儿。Could you please hang up and wait while we try to connect Mr.Beckman Wood? 请您先挂上,稍等片刻,我们会设法接通博克曼伍德先生,好吗?用由hang构成的短语的适当形式填空。(1)He _ the phone angrily before I could speak.(2)_the rope and dont let it go.(3)I dont like to see all these youths _ on the street.(4)Dont _go

20、 and introduce yourself.(5)If we all _, we are sure to succeed in our plan.hung upHang on to hanging about/aroundhang backhang togetherPoint out of order 次序颠倒;发生故障Im sorry, but this phone is out of order.(教材P26)对不起,这部电话坏了。I checked the files and some of them were out of order.我检查了这些卷宗,其中一些次序颠倒了。Ill

21、see to it that everything is in good order when the guests arrive.我确保客人来时我会把一切都料理得井井有条的。Just give me five minutes to put my desk in order.给我五分钟整理一下书桌。1in order 2“out of+” out of control out of doubt out of fashion=out of date out of touch out of danger out of reach 用“out of+名词”结构的短语填空。(1)The operati

22、on is a success and now the patient is _.(2)These pages are all _, will you page them up for me?(3)It is thought that conductors play a vital part on buses. Without them, the order on buses will be _.(4)The medicine works so obviously in the tiger that its result is_ .(5)Some experts say policy-make

23、rs are _ with the market.out of dangerout of orderout of controlout of doubtout of touchPoint get through 设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过I cant get through.(教材P26)我打不通电话。I tried calling you several times but I couldnt get through.我试着给你打了几次电话,但都没打通。We were all delighted when we heard you had got through the

24、exam.听到你通过考试时,我们都很高兴。The man was so fat that he couldnt get/go through the door.那人胖得连那扇门都过不去。 get over ()()get across /get on/along withget down to sth.get away with How can I get it across to you people how important this is?我怎么做才能让你们这些人理解这件事的重要性?Its time I got down to thinking about that essay.我该认

25、真思考一下那篇论文了。If we can get over present difficulties, then everything should be all right.如果我们克服了目前的困难,那么一切都应该好起来。用由get构成的短语的适当形式填空。(1)I couldnt _ to her because her phone was busy all day.解析:解析:get through to sb.()(2)She tried to _ the nervousness during the examination, but failed again.解析:解析:get ov

26、er the nervousness(3)For such a serious mistake he was lucky to _ a fine.解析:解析:get away with a fine(4)I cant_ my meaning to him.解析:解析:get across the meaning to sb.get throughget overget away withget across考点三句型归纳Point being+adj./v.|ed/v.|ing的句法功能的句法功能Being very stable, it has proved invaluable in th

27、e design of bridges.(教材P25)由于具有良好的稳定性,在桥梁设计中,它被证明是极其有用的。点拨:点拨:Being very stable是现在分词短语,在句中作原因状语。“being形容词/过去分词/副词/介词短语/名词等”通常在句中作原因状语,此结构一般放在句首,有时也可置于句尾。Being very shy, he couldnt ask her to go to the movies with him.由于很害羞,他不敢开口邀请她一起去看电影。 Being unemployed, he hasnt got much money.由于没有工作,他没有多少钱。The g

28、irl feels homesick,being away from home for the first time.由于是第一次离开家,这个女孩有点想家。注意:注意:上面句子中的being其逻辑主语与句子的主语是一致的,但如果不一致的话,就要给being加上自己的主语,构成独立主格结构。 School being over,you can hardly find any students there.因为已放学,所以在那儿你找不到学生。There being no rain for months,all the crops are dying out.因为几个月没有雨水了,庄稼都快要死光了。

29、单句语法填空。(1)Stress can come from situations such as personal or work problems, having too much to do or too many responsibilities, working too hard and _(exhausted).解析:,(2)The president _(absent), they had to put off the ceremony.being exhausted(being) absentPoint “It is/was not until+被强调部分被强调部分+that+

30、其他其他”结构结构But it was not until five days later that Bell sent his first telephone message to his assistant Watson.(教材P25)但是贝尔是在五天以后才跟他的助手华生通了第一次电话。点拨:点拨:该句是 “It is/was not until+被强调部分被强调部分+that+其他其他”结构,意为“直到才”。句中用了notuntil的强调句结构,此句型只能用until,不能用till。但如果不是用在强调句型中,till与until常可通用;另外主句中的否定词not 要提出来,放在unti

31、l之前一起强调,因此that后面的从句要用肯定句,不能再用否定句。He didnt go to bed until/till his wife came back.(正常句式)=It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed.(强调句式) 直到他的妻子回来他才睡觉。They didnt start until the rain stopped.(正常句式)=It was not until the rain stopped that they started.(强调句式)直到雨停他们才出发。单句改错。(1)It was not until 9 oclock last night when she made the final decision.(2)Not until my son had entered the university did he realized the importance of time.thatrealize



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