Unit 2 What time do you go to school课件

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《Unit 2 What time do you go to school课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 What time do you go to school课件(94页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool? It has no feet(脚)(脚), but it can walk(走)(走) with its hands(手)(手). It has no mouth(嘴巴)(嘴巴), but it can speak to you. It calls Tick(滴答)(滴答), Tick, and Tick every day.Whatisit?1、顺读法:、顺读法:“钟点钟点+分钟分钟”按时、分的顺序用数字直接表示按时、分的顺序用数字直接表示;整点整点数字后加上数字后加上oclock.4:00fouro

2、clock7点点15分分sevenfifteen6:40sixforty一、时间的表达法一、时间的表达法2、分钟、分钟+past+小时小时 “几点过几分几点过几分”12:05 five past twelve 8:25 twenty-five past eight11:10 ten past eleven3、分钟、分钟+to+小时小时“差差几分几点几分几点”(当分钟大于(当分钟大于30时,用时,用to表示表示“差几分钟到下一个钟点差几分钟到下一个钟点”。to是是“差差”的意思。)的意思。)10:50tentoeleven6:58twotoseven9:40twentytoten15或或45分钟

3、:分钟:a/one quarter半小时用:半小时用:half7:45 a quarter to eight10:15 a quarter past ten3:30 half past three 在几点用在几点用(介词)(介词)atin the morningin the evenning(at night)in the afternoon具体的哪一天用具体的哪一天用on,on, 具体的时间具体的时间段段用用in,in,时间时间点点用用atat1、表示上午、下午或晚上的具体时、表示上午、下午或晚上的具体时刻,可以在时刻后加上刻,可以在时刻后加上inthemorning,intheaftern

4、oon,intheevening,atnight2、在、在12点之前点之前的具体时刻后用的具体时刻后用 a.m在在12点之后点之后的具体时刻后用的具体时刻后用p.msix a.m上午六点上午六点 one p.m下午一点下午一点6:25 6:407:004:057:159:30halfpastnine5past420to725past615past77oclock1、上午七点整、上午七点整2、中午十二点、中午十二点3、早上五点半、早上五点半4、下午五点一刻、下午五点一刻5、差十分六点、差十分六点6、五点过两分、五点过两分7、三点二十五、三点二十五8、四点三十八分、四点三十八分9、十二点差一刻、十

5、二点差一刻10、五点零五分、五点零五分11、九点十分、九点十分12、十一点零六分、十一点零六分 What time is it?Its twelve thirty.(或或half past twelve). What time is it?Its ten thirty.(half past ten.)询询问时间问时间“是几点了是几点了”用用:What time is it? =Whats the time?回答用:回答用:ItsItssevenoclock.What time is it?Itssevenfifteen.Whats the time?(fifteen past seven.)I

6、ts seventhirty.What time is it?half past seven.What time is it?6:00Its six oclock.9:30What time is it?Its nine thirty.(half past nine.)7:00What time is it?Its seven oclock.What time is it?Its two thirty.(half past two.)1a/ju:uli/ adv. 通常通常I usually go to school at 7:00.What time do you usually go to

7、 school?What time do you usually ?I usually at eat breakfasttake a showerget uptake/have a showereat/have breakfastgo to schooleat lunchrungo homedo ones homeworkeat dinner/suppergo to bed1. time do you usually ?I usually at Heplaysbasketballat7:00.Whatt

8、imedoesheplaybasketball?Whattimedoesheeatbreakfast?Heeatsbreakfastat6:20.6:20Summary get up?- What time do you usually take a shower? have breakfast? get up at 5:00.- I usually take a shower at have breakfast at get up?- What time does Rick take a shower? have breakfast? gets up at 5 :00.- He takes

9、a shower at has breakfast at 重点句型:重点句型:1、Whattimeisit?/Whatsthetime?Its2oclock./11:05.2、-Whattimedoyougetup?-Iusuallygetupat6:15.-Whattimedoeshebrushhisteeth?-Hebrusheshisteethat6:30.3、感叹句What+名词词组名词词组+主语主语+谓语谓语+其他成分!其他成分!Whatagooddayitis!How+形容词形容词/副词副词+主语主语+谓语谓语+其他成分!其他成分!Howhardsheworks!重点句型:重点句型

10、:1 1、询问时间、询问时间:Whattimeisit?/Whatsthetime?Its2oclock./11:05.2 2、Whattimedoyougetup?(they)I/weusuallygetupat6:15.主语为三单时,谓语动词有变化:主语为三单时,谓语动词有变化:Whattimedoeshebrushhisteeth?Hebrusheshisteethat6:30.(she)Words and expressionsknowaboutarounddomyhomeworkstartschoolstartstellmeaboutthanksforbestwishestakeab

11、us知道知道 大约大约(=about)(=about)做我的家庭作业做我的家庭作业 开始开始 学校开始上课学校开始上课 告诉我关于告诉我关于的情况的情况 谢谢你的谢谢你的 最美好的祝愿最美好的祝愿 乘坐公共汽车乘坐公共汽车刷牙刷牙淋浴淋浴去上班去上班到达到达整晚整晚/ /天天/ /年年听音乐听音乐上床睡觉上床睡觉回家回家给给写信写信开始做某事开始做某事在星期六在星期六在上午在上午/ /下午下午/ /晚上晚上brushonesteethtake/haveashowergotoworkgettoallnight/day/yearlistentomusicgotobedgohomewritetosb

12、starttodo/startdoingsthonSaturdayinthemorning/afternoon/eveningbrushes2bListen again and complete this shower schedule for Jims family. TimeNameBobMaryJackJimAnna5:305:506:156:306:45a job 一份工作一份工作Scott has an interesting job.斯科特有一份有趣的工作。an interesting job 一份一份有趣的有趣的工作工作job与与work:1.job, 可数:可数:I have

13、a job as a teacher. Jobs are not easy to get.2.work, 不可数:不可数:I cannot find work in this town. Have you finished your work?work 还可以做动词,意为“工作”,而job不可做动词。Jack works very hard.杰克工作非常努力。I work eight hours every day. 我每天工作八个小时。radio station广播电台广播电台在广播电台:at the radio stationradio广播radiosShe works at the ra

14、dio station. 她在广播电台上班。from to 从从到到She works from 7:00 to 9:00.她工作从7点到9点。8:00p.m.eight oclock at night/in the eveningabout / around 大约、大概大约、大概Rick usually goes to school at about / around 7:00 a.m.1. Its time for sth.=Its time to do sth.该做某事了该做某事了/ /到了做某事的时间了到了做某事的时间了2.Its time for sb. to do sth.某人该做

15、某事了某人该做某事了/ /到了某人做某事的时间了到了某人做某事的时间了Eg:1.该吃午饭了。2.到了你做家庭作业的时间了。Its time for lunch.=Its time to have/eat lunch.Its time for you to do your homework.be late for 迟到迟到Tom is late for school.汤姆上学迟到了。exercise v.&n.锻炼;练习I exercise every day.He usually exercises after school every day.do morning exerciseseye

16、exercises做早操眼保健操exercisedoingsth. 练习做某事练习做某事exercise speaking Englishexercise playing the pianoShe exercises running every afternoon.表示体育锻炼时不可数;表示练习时可数表示体育锻炼时不可数;表示练习时可数表示体育锻炼时不可数;表示练习时可数表示体育锻炼时不可数;表示练习时可数do exercise do exercise do exercise do exercise 是不可数名词,表示进行体育锻炼,或是不可数名词,表示进行体育锻炼,或是不可数名词,表示进行体育

17、锻炼,或是不可数名词,表示进行体育锻炼,或锻炼身体锻炼身体锻炼身体锻炼身体do exercisesdo exercisesdo exercisesdo exercises是可数名词,表示做练习或作习题,比是可数名词,表示做练习或作习题,比是可数名词,表示做练习或作习题,比是可数名词,表示做练习或作习题,比如学习上或优育上或音乐等方面的练习如学习上或优育上或音乐等方面的练习如学习上或优育上或音乐等方面的练习如学习上或优育上或音乐等方面的练习如:如:如:如:He always does exercise in the morning. He always does exercise in the

18、morning. He always does exercise in the morning. He always does exercise in the morning. 他他他他经常晨练。经常晨练。经常晨练。经常晨练。He always does some exercises in the morning. He always does some exercises in the morning. He always does some exercises in the morning. He always does some exercises in the morning. 他经常

19、早上作练习(习题)他经常早上作练习(习题)他经常早上作练习(习题)他经常早上作练习(习题) exercise exercise 与与exercises exercises 的区别及用法的区别及用法: :1. exercise 1. exercise 锻炼;运动,不可数名锻炼;运动,不可数名词词,如:,如:A balanced diet and regular A balanced diet and regular exercise are beneficial to good exercise are beneficial to good health.health.2. exercises

20、2. exercises 练习;操练,练习;操练,如:如:You should do morning exercises You should do morning exercises every day.every day.You should do more exercises to You should do more exercises to improve your English.improve your English. what time用来提问时刻,只能提问几点钟几分几秒 when可以提问除了星期几以外的所有时间,包括年月日、几时几分几秒,可以把what time替换掉 wh

21、at time 故名思义,是问故名思义,是问具体的时间具体的时间的,而的,而when 指指大体的时间大体的时间。 举例:举例:what time shall we meet? 我们我们几点几点见面见面? when shall we meet? 我们我们什么时候什么时候见面?见面? When does Scott go to work?When do your friends exercise?He always goes to work at eleven oclock. Hes never late.They usually exercise on weekends.always一直,一直,

22、总是总是My father always gets up early in the morning.我父亲早上总是起床很早。usually通常通常He usually goes to work by bus.他通常坐公交车去上班。never从不从不Linda is never late for school.琳达上学从不迟到。always usuallynever总是,一直通常从不1.What time do you get up on school days?I always/usually/never get up at.on school days.2.What time does Ri

23、ck get up?Rick always gets up at 6:20.3.What time do you have breakfast?I always/usually/never have breakfast at .(上学期间)4.What time does Anna eat breakfast?Anna never eats breakfast.5.What time does your friend go to school?He/ She always/usually/never goes to school at Writeaboutsomethingyoualwaysd

24、o,somethingyouusuallydoandsomethingyouneverdo.always:usually:never:I always get up at 6:00 in the morning.I usually eat porridge for breakfast.I am never late for work.In our group, Li Fei usually gets up late on weekends, She gets up .6:30 AMhalf past six in the morning3:15 PMa quarter past three i

25、n the afternoon6:45 PMa quarter to seven in the evening9:45 PMa quarter to ten in the evening 1.getup6.domyhomework2.run7.cleanmyroom3.eatbreakfast8.eatdinner4.gotoschool9.takeawalk5.gohome10.gotobeddo ones homeworkeat / have dinnereat / have breakfastgo to bed做作业做作业吃晚饭吃晚饭吃早饭吃早饭上床睡觉上床睡觉When do stude

26、nts usually eat dinner?They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.6:45PM=What timeget upruneat breakfastgo to schoolgo homedo my homeworkeat dinnergo to bed1C5:306:00about 7:007:454:15 PMabout 5:307:159:00When does Tom usually get up?He usually gets up at half past five.I.翻译词组1.起床

27、_ 2.洗淋浴 _3.睡觉 _ 4.做作业 _ 5.去上班 _get uptake a showergo to beddo ones homeworkgo to workII.用所给单词的适当形式填空6.Whattime_heusually_(go)tobed?7.Scott_(work)verylonghours.8.Thefoodintheboxes_(be)verydelicious.9.Hisparentsusually_(get)upatfive.10.Whatabout_(listen)tothemusic.11.Tomisntgoodat_(speak)Japanese.12.H

28、issister_(want,join)themusicclub.13.Theyarebusy_(have)lunch.14.Jack,_(put)onyourraincoat.15.Itstime_(go)homenow.doesgoworksisgetlisteningspeakingwants to joinhavingputto goIII.单项选择()16.-Whatsthetime?-_one-thirty.A.ItsB.ItsC.ThisisD.Theyre()17.Iusually_atnine-thirtyatnight.A.gettoschoolB.getupC.gotob




32、分提问)_Jimlateforschool?33.Shehasonlyonewatch.(划线部分提问)Howmany_doesshe_?34.Hetakesashowerat8:00.(划线部分提问)_hetakeashower?35.Idohomeworkatseven.(否定句)I_homeworkatseven.writestoWhyiswatcheshaveWhendoesdont do(never)V.句子翻译36.感谢你的来信。_37.学校9点开始上课。_38.我通常在大约6:10分起床。_39.人们通常什么时候吃晚餐?_40.他每天早饭后看早间电视节目。_Thank you f

33、or your letter.School starts at 9:00.I usually get up at about /around 6:10.What time/ When do people usually eat/ have dinner?He watches the morning TV show after breakfast every day.healthyunhealthyadj. adj. 健康的健康的adj. adj. 不健康的不健康的These activities are healthy.这些活动是健康的。这些活动是健康的。Eating quickly is u

34、nhealthy.吃快是不健康的。吃快是不健康的。healthy habits健康的习惯健康的习惯Hi! Im Tony. I dont like to get up early. In the morning, I get up at eight. Then I go to school at eight thirty. I dont have much time for breakfast, so I usually eat very quickly. For lunch, I usually eat hamburgers. After school, I sometimes play b

35、asketball for half an hour. When I get home, I always do my homework first. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games. At ten thirty, I brush my teeth and then I go to bed.like to do sthlike doing sth喜喜欢欢做做某某事事I like to speak English.I like speaking English.She likes to play chess.She

36、 likes playing chess.我喜欢说英语。我喜欢说英语。她喜欢下国际象棋。她喜欢下国际象棋。much adj. 许多许多time n.(u) 时间时间修饰不可数名词,修饰不可数名词, 如:如:much water,许多水;许多水;much money, 许多钱许多钱Do you have time on the weekend? n.(c)次数,倍次数,倍I brush my teeth two times every day.quickly adv.迅速地;立刻迅速地;立刻 eat quickly 吃得快吃得快He works quickly. 他干活很利索。他干活很利索。ge

37、t v.到达到达 get to school 到校到校 get home 到家到家I get home early today.我今天到家很早。我今天到家很早。get to +地点名词;地点名词; get +地点副词地点副词either adv. 或者或者常有短语:常有短语: either or 要么要么要么要么;或者;或者或者或者作作“也也”讲,用于否定词组之后,加强语气讲,用于否定词组之后,加强语气He wants either you or your sister to help him.他想你或者你姐姐来帮他。他想你或者你姐姐来帮他。Im going to buy either a c

38、amera or a CD player with the money.我准备用这笔钱买一架照相机或者买一台激光我准备用这笔钱买一架照相机或者买一台激光唱片机。唱片机。If you dont go,I shall not either. 如果你不去,我也如果你不去,我也不去。不去。Maryismysister.Sheusuallygetsupatsixthirty.Thenshealwaystakesashowerandeatsagoodbreakfast.Afterthat,shegoestoschoolateightthirty.Attwelve,sheeatslotsoffruitand




42、randmakeitintoashortpassage.(排出正确顺序)排出正确顺序)Therightorderis:3-5-4-2-6-1Areyouright?Time(yourself)ActivitiesTime(yourpartner)getuphavebreakfastgotoschoolhavelunchdohomeworktake a shower havedinnergotobed6:006:20Look at the chart below. Write a short passage about your day. 7:0012:0016:3017:4018:0022:0

43、0WhatisScottsjob?A AB Bc cD DRead 3a on Page 67 My DayWRITING I usually at . I have milk and bread for breakfast. After breakfast, I and then I by bus. I get to school at . I have five classes in the morning. And then I have lunch at . In the afternoon I have two classes. I go home at . I get home a

44、t 4:30p.m. I at about . After dinner, I . I at . My life isnt exciting. Da Xiongs Sunday Jin Xiangs Sunday Action Time:Three students in one group. First write about Da Xiongs Sunday/ Jin Xiangs Sunday. Then act it out. One reads the passage. One does the action. The third one acts like the clock. D

45、avids daily routineActivity Time gets up6:00a.m.has breakfast7:00a.m.7:30a.m.gets to school11:30a.m.goes home4:30p.m.gets homehas dinner10:00p.m.goes to school8:00a.m.has lunch5:00p.m.7:00p.m.goes to bedHomework If you are free this Saturday, please arrange it as you like it to be. (这个周六你可以自由支配,请你设计出你喜欢的活动)Time Activity励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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