高中英语 Unit4 Learning efficiently Reading课件 新人教版选修10.ppt

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1、Lead inPre-readingSummaryReadingScanningWarming upDetailed readingHomework 123 100 ? 1100,299,398,4952,5051 altogether 50 pairs So:Answer =101505050 A ten-year-old boy (高斯高斯 C.F. Gauss) worked out the problem assigned by the teacher in a few seconds. From this example, we know the significance of me

2、thod. Right methods can always help improve the efficiency of solving problems. As to our study, we can also apply certain methods or strategies to make ourselves an efficient learner.Question:So how to be an efficient learner and how to learn efficiently?No idea? OK, the unit we are going to learn

3、focuses on this topic. And Im sure, after learning it, you will know how. What does the graph tell you about the study habits of Guo Qiang? Do you think Guo Qiang is spending an appropriate amount of time on each aspect of his English study? Do you think a survey of your classmates would show simila

4、r results?1 means you strongly disagree with the statement; 2 means you disagree with the statement; 3 means you have no opinion about the statement; 4 means you support the statement; 5 means you firmly support the statement.Please read the following statements and write number from 1 to 5. 1. Memo

5、rizing English sentence patterns can help improve your English ability quickly.2.2. It is very important to do a lot of 3. listening practice.3. Learning English textbooks carefully will improve your English.4. If we want to learn English well, we must spend plenty of time on spoken language.5. Reci

6、tation is very helpful for learning English.6. The more English newspaper, magazines and novels we read, the better we can learn English.7. We can learn grammar well by doing exercises.8. Good pronunciation and intonation will help us to learn English well.9. It is an important strategy to guess the

7、 meaning of a word or a sentence from the context.10. Doing a lot of writing practice is very important if we want to improve our English skill.11. It is necessary to learn words and expressions by heart.12. Comprehension is most important when we learn English texts.13. We should learn new words by

8、 repeating them.14. Reading is as important as listening, speaking and writing.15. We must have an outline before we begin writing.In pairs interview each other to find out your partners English study habits. Then make a graphto show the result.Please think about the techniques you use when you read

9、 different kinds of text in Chinese. You may follow the questions on page 31.Please loot at the three pictures and the title and predicate what the author will tell us in the following passage. If we want to be a good reader, we must practise more. So I think the author will tell us we need do a lot

10、 of practice to improve our reading ability.Besides practice, we need to master some techniques. It tells us when reading a text we need to think over the content.Below are the headings and sub-headings for the reading passage. Write them in the correct place in the text. Part 1: PRACTICE MAKES PERF

11、ECT.MAKE YOUR READING PRACTICE ENJOYABLE.LEARN THE TECHNIQUES OF GOOD READERS.Part 2:Part 3:SUMMARYPart 4:a. Before reading in detail, good readers preview the text.A good reader reads actively and not passively.b. A good reader reads in different ways depending on the purpose for reading.A good rea

12、der doesnt need to understand every wordc. d. Complete the sentences in your own words.1. If there are more than 3% new 2. words on a page of text,3. _4. _you will find the text difficult to read and probably wont enjoy it.2. You will find reading more enjoyable when _ _. you read things you are int

13、erested in or that you find useful3. The key to success in reading is frequent practice plus _ _. good reading techniques4. Before you start reading a text in detail _ _ _. preview the text to find out what it contains and how it is organized5. You will understand what you read better if _ _ _. you

14、already know something about the content or organization6. While reading, a good reader _. thinks about what he / she is reading7. It is not necessary to understand _. 8. Learning and practising efficient techniques will _ _.every word in a text improve your ability to readSum up the main idea of th

15、e text. The text provides the readers strategies for becoming a good reader and the techniques of good readers. From the text we know if we want to be a good reader, we must do a lot of practice, make our reading practice enjoyable and learn the techniques of good readers. Also, the writer lists som

16、e techniques of good readers, like previewing the text, reading actively and so on. After learning the text we know how to improve our reading. The topic is introduced directly by asking a question “how to become a successful reader”. This is the question to which the students are eager to know. Thi

17、s arouses the interest of readers and leads them into the article. The writing characteristics of the passage Then the writer shows three strategies for becoming a good reader. In the third part the techniques are introduced one by one in each parallel paragraph. This can help the students understan

18、d that these techniques are of equal importance in becoming a good reader. The last paragraph summarizes the text and responds to the title and strengthens the value of the strategies. The writing style of the text The text is an expository that illustrates the strategies of becoming a good reader. The author analyzes the strategies by citing examples and drawing analogy. These methods make the text vivid and practical to the readers. Examine your reading style and work out a program to improve your reading.



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