第9课时 选择题、判断题

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1、名师面对面小考满分策略 人教版数学人教版数学快渔教育快渔教育第第9课时选择题、判断题课时选择题、判断题第二部分专项重点突破第二部分专项重点突破第一章听力部分第一章听力部分第第9课时选择题、判断题课时选择题、判断题复习目标复习目标1能能听听懂懂小小学学阶段段要要掌掌握握的的词汇和和句句子子,根根据据所所听听到到的的内内容容选词、选答答语等。等。2能能在在图片片或或文文字字的的帮帮助助下下听听懂懂简单的的故故事事,并并能能填填词补全全短短文文的内容等。的内容等。3能把握简短话语的大意;获取简单的具体事实;确认简单故事的能把握简短话语的大意;获取简单的具体事实;确认简单故事的时间和空间顺序等时间和空


3、,以免影响后面的答题。 6听听力力录音音结束束后后,根根据据平平时掌掌握握的的语言言基基础知知识,检查答答案案是是否否正正确,并完成漏做的确,并完成漏做的题目。目。例题例题1:听录音,选出你所听到的单词。:听录音,选出你所听到的单词。()1.A.firstBfifteenCfifth()2.A.car Bbike Cplane()3.A.panda Btiger Clion()4.A.Monday BSunday CSaturday()5.A.lamp Blight Cleft题组一选择题题组一选择题例例题1:听:听录音,音,选出你所听到的出你所听到的单词。听力材料:听力材料:1.fiftee

4、n2.bike3.panda4.Saturday 5left答案:答案:1.B2.B3.A4.C5.C例题例题2:听录音,根据你所听到的句子,选出正确的答案。:听录音,根据你所听到的句子,选出正确的答案。()6.A.Im 1.64 metres. BIm 13. CIm 50 kilograms.()7.A.Im fine. BIts a book. CIts sunny.()8.A.Im a boy. BI feel sad. CIm 16.()9.A.Im going to school. BI went to Dalian. CI went on foot.()10.A.Im going

5、 to Beijing. BBy plane. CIm fine.例例题2:听:听录音,根据你所听到的句子,音,根据你所听到的句子,选出正确的答案。出正确的答案。听力材料:听力材料:6.How tall are you?7.Whats the weather like today?8.How old are you?9.Where did you go?10.How are you going to Beijing? 答案:答案:6.A7.C8.C9.B10.B题组二判断题题组二判断题听力策略听力策略1听前听前阅读题干,干,预估估题意。意。应尽尽量量利利用用“拿拿到到试卷卷”到到“播播放放听听

6、力力录音音”这段段时间,迅迅速速预读题目目(包包括括题干干和和选项),同同时联想想自自己己已已掌掌握握的的相相关关知知识背背景景,对可可能能涉及到的内容做出粗略的猜涉及到的内容做出粗略的猜测和推断。和推断。2观察察图片,比片,比较不同。不同。如如果果题目目以以图片片的的形形式式出出现,这就就要要求求同同学学们根根据据图片片猜猜测图片片中中所所蕴含含的的潜潜在在信信息息。要要比比较各各个个图片片的的异异同同,从从不不同同知知识点点入入手手,预测听力内容,以便在听听力内容,以便在听录音音时抓住关抓住关键信息。信息。 3听听时集中精力,借助笔集中精力,借助笔记。听听录音音时思思想想要要集集中中,情情

7、绪不不可可过度度紧张。听听录音音时,还要要借借助助笔笔记,简明明扼扼要要的的记录是是十十分分必必要要的的,如如:速速记,尤尤其其在在听听短短文文或或较长的的对话时更是如此。更是如此。例例题1:听听录音音,判判断断你你所所听听到到的的句句子子与与图片片是是否否相相符符,相相符符的的打打“”,不符的打,不符的打“”“”。听听力力材材料料:1.Mike is cooking dinner now. 2.We are having music class now.3.Zhang Peng likes playing football.4.Id like rice and chicken. 答案:答案:

8、例例题题2:听听录录音音,根根据据你你所所听听到到的的短短文文内内容容判判断断句句子子正正误误,正正确确的的写写“T”,错误的写,错误的写“F”。()5.The students went to the zoo with their teachers yesterday.()6.They went to the zoo by car.()7.The students didnt like the monkeys.()8.The monkeys were eating bananas.()9.They went home at three thirty in the aftern

9、oon.例例题2:听听录音音,根根据据你你所所听听到到的的短短文文内内容容判判断断句句子子正正误,正正确确的的写写“T”,错误的写的写“F”。听听力力材材料料:It was a fine day yesterday. The students went to the zoo with their teachers. They went there by bus. At the zoo, the students saw the pandas, tigers, lions, monkeys. The students liked the monkeys best. The monkeys wer

10、e eating bananas. At four thirty in the afternoon, the students went home with their teachers. 答案:答案:5.T6.F7.F8.T9.F例例题题3:听听录录音音,根根据据你你所所听听到到的的短短文文内内容容判判断断句句子子正正误误,正正确确的的写写“T”,错误的写,错误的写“F”。()10.Jenny was busy last Sunday.()11.She played computer games in the afternoon.()12.She visited her uncle in t

11、he afternoon.()13.They watched TV in the evening.()14.She helped her grandparents wash clothes.例例题3:听听录音音,根根据据你你所所听听到到的的短短文文内内容容判判断断句句子子正正误,正正确确的的写写“T”,错误的写的写“F”。听听力力材材料料:Jenny was so busy last Sunday. She cleaned her room on Sunday morning. Then she played computer games with her brother. In the af

12、ternoon, she visited her grandparents, and helped them wash clothes. In the evening, they watched TV together. 答案:答案:10.T11.F12.F13.T14.T例例题题4:听听录录音音,根根据据你你所所听听到到的的短短文文内内容容判判断断句句子子正正误误,正确的写正确的写“T”,错误的写,错误的写“F”。()15.Tom usually plays football on the weekend.()16.Toms father likes going hiking.()17.To

13、m cant go hiking this weekend.()18.Tom is going to buy some newspapers.例例题4:听听录音音,根根据据你你所所听听到到的的短短文文内内容容判判断断句句子子正正误,正正确的写确的写“T”,错误的写的写“F”。听听力力材材料料:Hello, Im Tom. Let me tell you about my weekend. Sometimes I go hiking. My father likes going hiking, too. But this weekend, I cant go hiking with my dad

14、. Because my dad is tired. So I go hiking with my brother this Saturday. And on this Sunday, I am going to the bookstore with my friends. I need some books about plants. Thats my weekend. How about you?答案:答案:15.F16.T17.F18.F考点闯关考点闯关9一、听录音,选出所听到的单词。一、听录音,选出所听到的单词。()1.A.lightBrightCmight()2.A.good Bbo

15、ok Ccook()3.A.thing Bsame Csing()4.A.sport Bshort Csock()5.A.third Bfirst Cskirt()6.A.catch Bwatch Cpeach()7.A.cool Bcold Ccoat()8.A.glass Bclass Cgrass()9.A.here Bhead Chand()10.A.clothes Bclose Cclock听力材料:听力材料:1.right2.good3.sing4.sport5.first6peach7.cool8.class9.head10.clock答案:答案:1.B2.A3.C4.A5.B6

16、.C7.A8.B9.B 10C二、听录音,选出听到的句子中含有的单词。二、听录音,选出听到的句子中含有的单词。()11.A.rainy Bsunny Cwindy()12.A.watches Bwatch Cwatched()13.A.slow Bslower Clower()14.A.fifth Bfourth Ctwelfth()15.A.skiing Bskating Csmoking()16.A.horse Bhouse Cmouth()17.A.plane Bplan Cplate()18.A.7:15 B7:45 C7:55()19.A.there Btheir Ctheyre()

17、20.A.go Bgirl Cget听力材料:听力材料:11.Its windy today.12.Did David watch a football yesterday?13.Does Mike run slower than Jim?14Is your birthday on March the fifth?15.I like skating very much.16.Tom lives in a new house.17Theres an orange near the plate.18.I often go to school at 7:15.19.There are many pe

18、ople in the park.20My parents go to work at eight. 答案:答案:11.C12.B13.B14.A15.B16.B17.C18.A19.A20.A听力材料:听力材料:21.Lets go to the beach.22.Jane is taller than Linda.23.Kate always has breakfast at six.24Id like some rice.25.Its time to go to bed. 答案答案:21.A22.A23.B24.A25.B三、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。三、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。(

19、)21.A.Lets go to the beach. BLets go to the bank.()22.A.Jane is taller than Linda. BJane is thinner than Linda.()23.A.Kate always has dinner at six. BKate always has breakfast at six.()24.A.Id like some rice. BId like some noodles.()25.A.Its time to go to school. BIts time to go to bed.四、听录音,根据你所听到的

20、句子,选择相应的答语。四、听录音,根据你所听到的句子,选择相应的答语。()26.A.Youre welcome. BNo, thank you. CThank you.()27.A.Yes, he is. BNo, he doesnt. CNo, I didnt.()28.A.I like autumn best. BIts cold in winter. CIts hot in summer.()29.A.Its on May 1st. BIts on October 1st. COn the 10th of September.()30.A.I saw a film. BIm drawin

21、g a picture. CIm going to play football.听力材料:听力材料:26.Your new iPad is very nice.27.Did you go to the cinema last night?28.Which season do you like best?29.Whens National Day?30.What are you doing now?答案答案:26.C27.C28.A29.B30.B听力材料:听力材料:31.My uncle is a farmer.32.I go to school by bus.33.Sam is readin

22、g a book.34.The Big Ben is in London.35.I see two pandas. They are cute.答案答案:六、听录音,根据所听内容回答下列问题。六、听录音,根据所听内容回答下列问题。()36.Who cleans the classroom?ATom BJim CSam()37.What does Sue like best?AMaths. BScience. CMusic.()38.Where is Ken from?AAustralia. BBritain. CAmerica.()39.When is Joys

23、birthday?AApril 1st. BAugust 1st. CAugust 2nd.()40.What is John doing now?Alistening to music. BReading a book. CWriting an email.听力材料:听力材料:36.A:What are you doing, Sam?B:Im cleaning the classroom.37.A:Hello. Sue. Which subject do you like best?B:I like maths.38.A:Whats your name?B:Im Ken.A:Where ar

24、e you from?B:Im from America.39.A:When is your birthday, Joy?B:Its August 1st.40.A:Are you listening to music, John?B:No, Im not.A:What are you doing?B:Im writing an email to my pen pal. 答案答案:36.C37.A38.C39.B40.C七、听录音,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。七、听录音,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。()41.Mary is _ years old this year.Afourteen Bth

25、irteen Csixteen()42.Mary is going to have her birthday party _Aat school Bat home Cin the park()43.We are going to Marys birthday party _Aon foot Bby bus Cby bike()44.My present for Mary is _Aa nice doll Ba dress Ca toy bear()45.My present is _ Jims.Abigger than Bbetter than Cworse than听力材料:听力材料:Mar

26、y is my good friend. She is thirteen years old this year, and her birthday is coming soon. She is going to have her birthday party at home, and that will be very interesting. We are going to Marys birthday party on foot. I buy a present for Mary. Whats the present? Haha, its a nice doll. Mary likes dolls very much. And Jim will give a toy dog to Mary. His present is smaller than mine.答案答案:41.B42.B43.A44.A45.A



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