高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 2 Vocabulary课件 新人教版必修4.ppt

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1、Unit 3 vocabulary231、学习本单元的重点单词及短语2、掌握重点词汇的基本用法。本课主要学习本单元的重点单词及短语。根据不同单词的重要性,进行不同的学习指导,对单词的不同形式,常用短语分别加以学习,并配有相应的当堂检测,让学生边读,边学,边自查。通过学习新词汇,补充类似的词汇拓展,让学生温故而知新。例句配练习巩固学生对新词汇及新短语的灵活掌握。而后,对本节课的内容以PK的形式进行全面检测。竞争的形式学生参与积极性会很高。词汇学习枯燥乏味,所以课堂讲解要多样化,学习与检测相结合,并设有PK比赛的形式提高学生积极性。humor (n.); _(adj.) Mr. Smith has

2、 a sense of _ that is to say, he is _, and he often tells us _ stories.humoroushumourhumoroushumorous不同的词性,不同的语法作用不同的词性,不同的语法作用1.She has brightened up my whole life.2.His eyes widened as he spoke the words.3.Sharpen the knife so that we can cut the wood easily.4.Try to enlarge your vocabulary.5.You

3、should enrich your mind with knowledge.构词法构词法 adj-en; en-adj strengthen; weaken; encourage brightenv. 使使 We feel relaxed when watching comedy films while we feel upset when watching tragedy films. comedy n. tragedy n. 悲剧悲剧 Depressing weather often makes people feel depressed. depressed (adj.) 忧愁的;沮丧

4、的忧愁的;沮丧的 depressing (adj.) 令人忧郁的令人忧郁的找根据找根据 猜词意猜词意喜剧喜剧 astonish vt. 使惊诧使惊诧 astonishing adj. astonished adj. amuse vt.使发笑;使愉快使发笑;使愉快 amusing adj. amused adj. bore vt. 使厌烦使厌烦 boring adj. bored adj.entertain vt. 款待;使欢乐款待;使欢乐entertaining adj. entertained adj. convince vt. 说服;使信服说服;使信服 convincing adj. co

5、nvinced adj. depress vt. 使沮丧使沮丧 depressing adj. depressed adj.学以致用 Fill in the blanks with proper forms1.She _(款待款待) us with his best fruit.2.What _(使吃惊)(使吃惊)me most is his complete lack of fear.3.Hearing the _(有趣的)(有趣的)story, we couldnt help laughing. 4.After a long discussion, he was _(信服)(信服)of t

6、he plan.5.We got _(厌烦)(厌烦) by his _(烦人的)(烦人的) speech.6. How can I help myself if I am _. (抑郁抑郁)entertainedastonishesamusingconvincedboredboringdepressed1.He is content with his life at present. 2.I contented my daughter with a wonderful gift.3.He emptied the contents of his bag onto the table. 4.Rea

7、d the content of the book to learn about the outline of it. adj. 对对 满意满意 v. 使某人满意使某人满意 n. 内容;内容物内容;内容物 n. 目录目录一词多意、多词性一词多意、多词性content1. The news astonished everybody.2. We were astonished at the news.3. I was astonished to hear the loud sound. 4. We were astonished that he appeared at the party. ast

8、onish sb. be astonished+ at (by) /to do/thatastonish (vt.) 使惊诧使惊诧_= poor; _off = rich1.I am poorer than you.2.I am _ _ than you.3.He gets _ _(富裕富裕) than before.wellbadly offworse offbetter off fortunate; fortunately; unfortunate; unfortunately1.The boat sank quickly but _ everybody was saved.2. _, h

9、e didnt pass the exam again.fortunatelyUnfortunately1. We were all entertained by his humorous stories. 他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心。他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心。 2. I often entertain friends to dinner on Sundays. 我常在星期天请朋友们吃饭。我常在星期天请朋友们吃饭。3. The boy entertained the guests with a song. 这个男孩唱歌,让客人高兴这个男孩唱歌,让客人高兴 。entertain sb.

10、entertain sb.with sth. entertain sb. to sth. entertaining adj. 使人愉快的;有趣的使人愉快的;有趣的 entertainment n. 款待;请客;娱乐;消遣款待;请客;娱乐;消遣an entertaining story 一个有趣的故事一个有趣的故事 entertain (v.) failure (Un. ) 失败失败 (Cn.) 失败的人或事失败的人或事 success (Un.)成功)成功 (Cn.) 成功的人或事成功的人或事1.Building up confidence is the key to_.2.Jack was

11、_as a leader, but he achieved great _ in writing.3.He overcame the fear of_, and the concert is really _.success a failuresuccessfailurea success 1.We should try our best to overcome the difficulty. 2. He overcame a bad habit. 3. She was overcome with / by grief. 她因为悲伤而崩溃了。她因为悲伤而崩溃了。 be overcome wit

12、h / by被被(悲哀、恐怖等悲哀、恐怖等)打倒打倒;因为因为崩溃崩溃/垮掉垮掉overcome (v.)战胜战胜,克服克服 (过去式(过去式overcame,过去分词过去分词overcome) eg:He wants to convince me of his sincerity. 他想使我相信他的诚意。他想使我相信他的诚意。convince sb. of sth./that 使某人信使某人信sb. be convinced of sth./that 确信;坚信确信;坚信convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事说服某人做某事 联想拓展联想拓展:convincing ad

13、j. 有说服力的;令人信服的有说服力的;令人信服的 convinced adj. 感到信服的;相信感到信服的;相信的的convince (v.)使信服使信服1.This is a _ story.这是一个令人信服的故事。这是一个令人信服的故事。2.I _ _ _his honesty. 我相信他的诚实。我相信他的诚实。3.I _ _ _ he knew the truth. 我确信他知道事实。我确信他知道事实。 4.we _ him_ go by train rather than by plan.我们劝说他坐火车而放弃坐飞机。我们劝说他坐火车而放弃坐飞机。 convincingam conv

14、inced ofwas convinced thatconvincedto(1).vt.导演导演;指示指示;指挥指挥;命令命令1.The film was directed by Zhang Yimou. 2. He directed them to go away.(2). adj. 直的直的;直线的直线的;直达的直达的 1.There is no direct train from here toTaiwan.2.A direct road to London direct拓展:拓展:director n 导演导演 directly adv直接的直接的 direction n 方向方向 1

15、.They went _ to the airport.他们直接去了机场。他们直接去了机场。2.A _road runs through the fields.一条笔直的公路穿过田野。一条笔直的公路穿过田野。3.Can you _me _the post office?你可以告诉我去邮局的路吗?你可以告诉我去邮局的路吗?directlydirectdirectto常用结构:常用结构: direct sb to do sth 指挥某人做某事指挥某人做某事 direct sb to sp 给某人指路给某人指路particular; particularly1.Tom _ _ _ (挑剔挑剔) fo

16、od, which worries his parents.2.The concert is a success - I enjoyed the last song _ _(尤其是尤其是).3.We are hoping to expand our business, _ (尤其是尤其是)in Europe.4.The restaurant is _(尤其尤其) popular with young people.5.- Do you want to come to the party? - _ _(不是特别想不是特别想). is particular aboutin particularpa

17、rticularlyparticularlyNot particularly whisper (vt.) (vi ) 低语;小声说低语;小声说 (n ) 耳语;低语耳语;低语eg:1.She whispered something in his ear. 她在他耳边低语。她在他耳边低语。2.She is whispering to him. (whisper to sb) 她正对他窃窃私语。她正对他窃窃私语。 常用短语:常用短语:in whispers=in a whisper 耳语;低语耳语;低语They spoke in whispers.他们在交头接耳。他们在交头接耳。 react (v

18、i.) 反应,反应反应,反应eg:1.How did he react when you called him a fool? 你骂他傻瓜时,他有什么反应?你骂他傻瓜时,他有什么反应? 2.The dog reacted to the loud noise by barking. 那声巨响引来狗的吠叫。那声巨响引来狗的吠叫。常用短语常用短语: react to 对对作出反应作出反应 react on/upon 影响影响,起作用起作用 react against 抗拒抗拒,反抗反抗 拓展:拓展:reaction n 反应;反动;对抗反应;反动;对抗1.The two_ _each other.

19、这两者互相影响。这两者互相影响。2.Children tend to _ _ their parents by going against their wishes. 孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他3.How did she _ _ the news? 她对这个消息反应如何她对这个消息反应如何? react upon/onreact againstreact to PK 读得最准!读得最准! 说得最快!说得最快!看词形、断词性、猜词意 perform performer performancev. 表演表演n. 表演者表演者n. 表演节目表演节目enter

20、tain entertainmententertainer entertaining entertainedv.n.n. adj. adj.娱乐表演娱乐表演表演者表演者娱乐娱乐令人愉快的令人愉快的愉快的愉快的1. The a_ p_ very well, her h_ p_ e_ everyone present, and all the audience considered her an o_ p_.词汇串串烧词汇串串烧ctress erformedumourouserformancesntertainedutstandingerformer A _(无家的(无家的) man dresse

21、d in _ (磨破的磨破的)clothes made a _(手势手势) to the _(侦探侦探)who wears a _(小胡子小胡子) and then _(低语低语) to him,“ I want some _(粥粥) and _ (烙饼烙饼).” but the detective didnt _(回应回应) to him. homelessworn-outgesturedetectivemoustachewhisperedporridgepancakesreact 语篇综合运用语篇综合运用 Charlie Chaplin was born in a _family in 1

22、889, but he became popular through his_. He _the lives of Americans and British through two world wars and the hard years. humourpoorbrightened His charming _ “the little tramp” was a poor and _ person ,but was loved by all the people for his _ in overcoming difficulties. In the film The Gold Rush,

23、Chaplin managed to make the sad situation _by eating a boiled shoe.characterhomelessdeterminationentertaining Such is Charlie Chaplin who wrote, _ , and produced the movies that he _in,recieved a special Oscar for his _work in films.outstandingstarred directed1. Read the words.2. Master the usage of important words.



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