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1、Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? B成都研究基地早上成都研究基地早上8:30。林伟和其他的大熊猫饲养员正在林伟和其他的大熊猫饲养员正在准备熊猫宝宝的早餐牛奶。准备熊猫宝宝的早餐牛奶。上午九点钟,他们发现大多数熊上午九点钟,他们发现大多数熊猫宝宝已经醒来并且很饿。猫宝宝已经醒来并且很饿。当宝宝们看到饲养员时,它们兴当宝宝们看到饲养员时,它们兴奋地跑过来甚至有些撞上自己的奋地跑过来甚至有些撞上自己的同伴还摔倒了!同伴还摔倒了!林伟,大熊猫饲养员之一,说林伟,大熊猫饲养员之一,说“它们那么可爱,我照顾它们就像它们那么可爱,我照顾它们就像照

2、顾自己的孩子一样。照顾自己的孩子一样。我每天给它们洗澡,喂食,陪它我每天给它们洗澡,喂食,陪它们玩耍。它们对我来说非常特殊。们玩耍。它们对我来说非常特殊。”事实上,全世界很多人都喜欢这事实上,全世界很多人都喜欢这些黑白相间的动物,些黑白相间的动物,大熊猫已经变得非常受人们喜爱大熊猫已经变得非常受人们喜爱以至于大熊猫如今是我国的象征。以至于大熊猫如今是我国的象征。科学家们说现在只有不到科学家们说现在只有不到 2000只大熊猫生活在剩余的森林里。只大熊猫生活在剩余的森林里。另外还有另外还有200只左只左 右生活在中国右生活在中国和其他国家的动物园或研究中心和其他国家的动物园或研究中心里。里。熊猫出

3、生率不高,也许每隔两年熊猫出生率不高,也许每隔两年才生一只。才生一只。熊猫幼崽经常死于疾病,或者活熊猫幼崽经常死于疾病,或者活不了多久。不了多久。成年的熊猫每天用成年的熊猫每天用12个多小时吃个多小时吃大约大约10 公斤竹子。公斤竹子。很多年前,中国的竹林和大熊猫很多年前,中国的竹林和大熊猫比现在要多得多,但是后来人们比现在要多得多,但是后来人们开始砍伐竹林。开始砍伐竹林。由于森林变小以及其他人类活动由于森林变小以及其他人类活动引起更多问题,所以大熊猫找不引起更多问题,所以大熊猫找不到足够吃得东西,他们产子不高。到足够吃得东西,他们产子不高。在成都有个教育项目,主要是教在成都有个教育项目,主要

4、是教育城市里的孩子有关大熊猫和其育城市里的孩子有关大熊猫和其他濒危动物的相关知识。他濒危动物的相关知识。他们派人到学校告诉孩子们拯救他们派人到学校告诉孩子们拯救这些动物的重要性。这些动物的重要性。中国政府也在竭力帮助拯救大熊中国政府也在竭力帮助拯救大熊猫,猫,科学家正在研究以便更好地了解科学家正在研究以便更好地了解大熊猫的习性。大熊猫的习性。我们都希望在未来有更多的大熊我们都希望在未来有更多的大熊猫。猫。It is 8:00 a.m. at the Chengdu Research Base. Lin Wei and the other panda keepers are preparing

5、the milk for the baby pandas breakfast. At 9:00a.m., they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry. When the babies see the keepers, they run over with excitement,and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over!Lin Wei, one of the panda keepers, says, “Theyre so cute and

6、 lovely. I take care of them like theyre my own babies. I wash, feed and play with them every day. Theyre very special to me.”In fact, many people around the world love these black and white animals. Pandas have become so popular that they are now a symbol of China.Scientists say there are now fewer

7、 than 2,000 pandas living in the forests. Another 300 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries.Pandas do not have many babies, maybe only one every two years.The babies often die from illnesses and do not live very long.Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating ab

8、out 10 kilos of bamboo.Many years ago, there were a lot more bamboo forests and pandas in China,but then humans started to cut down these forests.As the forests get smaller and other human activities cause more problems,Pandas cannot find enough to eat and they are having fewer babies.An education p

9、rogram in Chengdu teaches children in cities about pandas and other endangered animals.They send people to schools to tell children about the importance of saving these animals. And the Chinese government is trying hard to help save the pandas.Scientists are doing research to better understand the habits of pandas.We all hope that in the future there will be a lot more pandas.Good habits achieve beautiful life.Try to be your best.



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