巧摘妙撷 添秀增色挖掘语文课本中的素材金矿

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1、巧摘妙撷巧摘妙撷 添秀增色挖掘语文课本中的素材金矿添秀增色挖掘语文课本中的素材金矿 (HowHow wonderfulwonderfulshow - Tims Pick Color mining material gold in Chineseshow - Tims Pick Color mining material gold in ChineseTextbooksTextbooks)The composition about the accumulation of material does notaccumulate steadily, and even master the writi

2、ng skills arealso difficult to ascend the splendid palace. The accumulationof material in three ways: one is the source of life, life holeare learning, human sophistication that article; the two isderived from media, newspapers, television, radio and otherexcellent media shining era. From all the lo

3、ng, for our own use;the three is derived from books, especially Chinese textbookis a material ofgold, the vast majority of the text, content,theme Feng Guang, quality and beauty, if we can fully understandand accurately grasp the essence of the text, understand anduse the previous writing textbooks

4、can become excellentachievements, living water composition the source added abright color for the writing, improve the writing grades,college entrance examination will be hidden but beautiful spot.How to excavate the material gold in Chinese textbooks?First, the accumulation of two principlesFaithfu

5、l to the original: to make textbooks become the materialof writing, gold, in peacetime, we must closely follow the text,digging material. The middle school selected text, most of themare proven masterpieces, regardless of background, author,text interpretation, or unit summary, after-school notes, t

6、extlinks, are available for the infinite mining ore material. Wecan start with our own familiar texts, carry out multi anglethinking, think about what ideas we can serve and how to servethem. The narrative materials should be concise and to the point.Generally speaking, the case should be summarized

7、 in terms ofthe elements that make up the argument, without the use ofdescription and by deleting the content which is not relatedto the argument. We should not copy everything. At the same time,the quotation should be faithful to the original,Do not arbitrarily change, to accurately understand the

8、meaningof the text, but cannot interpret out of context can not betampered with. Such as Lianpo Lin Xiangru biography, LinXiangru recommended by the king of Zhao Xian to Miao, Miao Yinnot recommended, Lin Xiangru is likely to be not see thirty-sixyears Lao people, not to mention to maintain the dign

9、ity ofthe Zhao and revealed the talent, will not worship for the world,so not with the soldiers in Zhao Qin qiang. Miao Yin not onlyidentify and recommend my hero, hero. He recommended to ZhaoWang, Yang Xiang can be as long as, do not avoid their own short,the thief wants to die, go Yan, and dare to

10、 have their shortto foil, prominent, such as long. We can dig out the merits ofMiao Yin, that is, the faithful interpretation of the originaltext, used in writing, is not icing on the cake?Ripe and well: of course, some of the text material has becometoo familiar, most of which may be difficult to a

11、chieve theeffect of expression, unique and fresh, it is difficult toarouse the readers sympathy consensus. College entranceexamination if you use these tickets, it may cause theexpression and theme of the old sense of deja vu. In fact,cooked is not terrible, on the contrary, too Sheng, but maygive p

12、eople a false sense of use, the key is to dig familiarwith the material, to be uneven, uncommon and fresh, how to do?Conform to no conventional pattern。One is the practice transformation, set up new: in fact, as longas some materials, after careful analysis, to expand theconnotation of the original

13、play in the material, the materialhas wide universality, can give a person to find everythingfresh and new feeling.For example, Sima Qian,Most of the people from adversity, perseverance, persistence,humiliation, success requiresthe accumulation of aspects ofmining, but we can be extended for another

14、 new transformation,the only survival, development only - odd suffer disgrace, withfortitude to ridicule, ten years of writing; the importance offamily education, his father died before Sima Qian was toinherit the behest; success, first establish a goal - Sima Qianinherited his fathers behest, to wr

15、ite a Book of history; thepractice of local investigation, collect data.Two is the angle of transformation, since the text too familiar:open up a fresh outlook material has become too old, vulgar,it is difficult to express the unique and fresh effect, we canopen up a new path transformation perspect

16、ive. Such as LianpoLin Xiangru biography, we avoid finishing from Po, LinXiangrus point of view, from the Miao Yin, Wang Zhao, Qin anglemining, will give people a sense of novelty: Miao Yin as a eunuch,was able to lay down under the door and recommend diners LinXiangru for the country. The back, suc

17、h as the status risedirectly to a high position, promoted to the world, far abovethe level Xian miao. And Miao Yin is willing to live under theservant, no complaints. The open mind, being the magnificentvolume ladder, and full of vulgar as a terrible idea and jealousof his sharp contrast. In fact, t

18、his is the innovative thinking,is the college entrance examination composition material pointmethod. Change the angle of heaven and earth wide, understandthe multi angle thinking, it is conducive to accumulation.Two, digging three methodsOnly in apheresis is the same text: cut offs. The argumentatio

19、nshould be summarized in terms of the argument,Do not use descriptions. Be brief and clear. A single instancepresents the most attractive part of the story, which gives thereader a strong interest in the case, thereby increasing theattractiveness of the article. This requires us to dig the sametext

20、from multiple angles, we should be good at tailoring. Suchas Hongmenyan, mining perspective:1. words - not Gu Xijin, care for small gift; dares to beclose.Figure 2.: in additionto Xiang Yu,Liu Bang, Zhang Liang, FanKuai, fan Zeng, a good thing to do, gratitude, Li, Cao Wushangobsessed planted in the

21、ir own hands, evil than to.3. plots - Xiang Yu group, Liu Bang group, solidarity lackingspirit of cooperation. (or sign)4. events, such as: Liu Bang made an apology, Xiang Yu franklywhistleblower, Cao Wushang death. From a different point ofview: honesty is conditional, the enemy can only be used by

22、 theenemy to be honest; a little shrewdness and scheming whennecessary to keep the secret; protection of defectors, willmake themselves in an invincible position; the eradication ofmole, pure, the way to win. Visible, the samematerial, can beapplied to different topics.5. exercises: Li Qingzhao Du M

23、u , summer quatrains WujiangPavilion, Wang Anshi title of Wujiang Wang Temple, MaoZedong Qilv, peoples liberation army occupied Nanjing.A fully Abstract: while a few elaborate text mining,chujiubuxin.One is to summarize the same author: some writers, in the wholehigh school period, we have learned m

24、any of his articles,Familiar with his life, the cluster fire can be used to makea summary of the author.For example, Su Shi, junior and senior high school (includingelective) text: title Xilin wall huichong ChunjiangsEdward Temple night remember nuclear boat Jiangcheng ZiPrelude To Water Melody - th

25、e moon will have stories ofnostalgia wall Fu Fu Chibi Chibi after the rain Fu tingJi, Prelude To Water Melody sunset embroidered curtainvolume storm - Mo Lin Yesheng play to wear Fangshan sonShizhongshan etc.And the envy of other peoples good, not Jingxiaxinlai,diligent accumulation, so when the col

26、lege entranceexamination will have ready plans to meet a situation. Pleaselook at the 2008 Chongqing college entrance examination fullscore essay living in the natural world (excerpt):Wutaishian, shattered his dream. The road south of thedemoted Huang Tingjian, mentoring two phase syria.Against the

27、wind, under Chibi. The love that sentence tothe West Lake than the West as womans light and heavy make-up.He travels extensively in West Lake. Also infatuated withhis memory of his deceased wife, Jiangcheng Zi. A isPrelude To Water Melody swaying mood.The candidates in a short period of time, thinki

28、ng a thousandyears, through thousands ofyears, more complete presentationof Su Shis life experience, which conveys a kind ofphilosophical world to natural life and life attitude and lifevalues. Will not succeed in peacetime accumulation?Two is the text: for many be interlinked logically similar(same

29、), we have learned many articles, wish to capture theessence, integration and innovation. Use, can play a heroic andcombatworthy effect.The following article runs through the same theme: hard work,persistent pursuit.Confucius said, living without interest. Meng Ziyun: bornin misery, died in peace. Q

30、u Yuan Lisao: the road ahead islong and Long Xi, I will seek. Zhu Geliang in the model inthe said: die in harness. Ou Yangxiu official biographypreface Ling said: one could, leisurelyhenan can dead body.Yu Qiuyu said: xingzhewujiang.Look at the Guangdong examinee in 2008, do not say no :Of course, t

31、o say no in front of the forces of evil, as WenTianxiang in the Yuan Dynasty to surrender when All men aremortal., according to retain loyalty song; say no in frontof the turbid river, such as Qu Yuan, such as Tao Qian Hermitage;to say no in the face of difficulties, setbacks, such asBeethoven fate

32、by the throat shout. They are the realbrave.The candidates taking the common content from different texts,concentrated expression of the ancient heroes ideal loftysentiments and aspirations, enrich the content and deepen thetheme.Many articles of integration should be good at classifying andsummariz

33、ing, so as to find memory. The standard used can becustomized. Such as the character, history, scenery,informative, words etc. It can be divided into nature andhumanity, spirit and substance, science and education andsociety, individuals and nations, innovation and inheritance,economy and culture, l

34、ife and rivals, etc. Recommendations aredivided into ten categories, too many, but miscellaneous,temporarily unable to classify, attributed to the integratedclass.Analysis and reorganization: to look at material with the eyesof the times, not only to reform and organize, but also tocomprehend and co

35、mment;And around a certain center, there are hierarchical combinationof written; or change the angle, clever editing.(1) annotation: comb the good material, should be diligent inthinking, make the next batch, see what material is suitablefor what kind of topic. You can also add their own comments an

36、dthoughts. Some thought,some enlightenment, material use willappear colorful. Such as:The defeat of XiangYu Gaixia Wujiang Ting Zhang said no, togive up the opportunity to stage a comeback, Wujiang Ziwen, fromFarewell to My Concubine became a masterpiece. Han Xin, dontsay no, the washerwoman refuses

37、 her help, humiliation, andeventually became a generation of famous. The reason you caretoo much about his heroism, but men like Han Xin can taketemporary setbacks. If Xiang Yu did not say no easily, historywould have to be rewritten, and Xiang Yu would probably be morethan just a tragic hero.This p

38、assage contains very few commentaries on history andvividly interprets the theme.(2) Syria: to change cases, Syria, and then discuss the commonlyused methods, in the accumulation, it will be side narrative,side discussion, or Syria, with emphasis on reason. As thecollege entrance examination in 2008

39、 out of work side lights(Hunan examinee):Moonlight atrium is Qingming, too numerous, it took foreverto know flowers must have moonlight distance was vaguely beauty.Shuyinghengxie Qingqian water, Anxiang floating on theevening, Lin Jing and also see through the dusk to appreciatebeauty. With the whit

40、e lotus opened the shore willow monthRushuang, is the subtle beauty must be across the moon onlymore graceful.Here, foreshadowing foreshadowing,Argument sublimation, compact sentence, momentum, reasonproperly highlighted, arguments appropriate to expand theargument.(3) reappearance: changing the ang

41、le, skillfully restructuringand reproducing the scene. The text of the sayings, allusionsand stories of the characters, and use the time to look at theeyes of, slightly modified, a little finishing; or through therich imagination, make a detailed description of typicalcharacters, reproduce the scene

42、 at the time, or create a newenvironment, display character style:A cold, dark cell, oblique Jisi pale light on the wall of thewindow, a helpless, but heavy voice whispered: I accept to becastrated. Lift up your head, and the two lines shed tears fromyour cheeks. Yes, he is Sima Qian, his outspoken

43、voice thatattracted the wrath of the monarch, and was given for thishumiliation penalty of castration.This text through beyond time and space imagination, thehistory of a few strokes happened to Sima Qian extended torealistically reproduce the current situations, the charactersvivid.In short, thick products can thin hair. If you want to win inthe college entrance exam, usually must be excavated thematerial gold textbooks, to establish their own materiallibrary.



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