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1、不定式的构成及意义动词不定式是由“to+动词原形”构成 (有时可以不带to)。其否定形式是“not+动词不定式”.它是非谓语动词的形式的一种,在句子中不能充当谓语,可作主语、宾语、补足语、表语、定语及状语等成分。但它可以保留动词的性质,其本身可以带宾语或状语等附加成分(不定式和其附加成分称为不定式短语)。动词不定式在句中不定式从时间上是前面谓语动词的目的、结果, 如,I hope to do (特殊时不表目的,但也要用to do,如happen to do(碰巧);seem to do好像。 To do,do根据语境有各种时态和语态,时态就要与不定式前面的动词对比了,是在之前?后?还是正在或同

2、时 如,to do/to be done/ to have been done等(后面会具体讲)一、作主语(1)动词不定式作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 To do morning exercises is useful for our health. 做早操有利于我们的健康。 (2)如果动词不定式太长,常常用 it 作形式主语,而将真正的主语动词不定式后置。 It took me half an hour to walk there 二、作宾语 (1)能够接动词能够接动词不定式作宾语不定式作宾语的有的有(固定结构) agree to do beg to do(请求做请求做) decide to

3、do determine to do fail to do hope to do manage to do(通过努力成功过了通过努力成功过了) offer to doplan to do prepare to do pretend(假装(假装) to do, promise to do refuse to do wish to do would like/love to do但 finish, enjoy, miss, appreciate, mind, advise, suggest 等动词后面通常只能接动名词作宾语。例如: She enjoys reading very much她非常喜欢

4、读书。The driver failed to see the other car in time. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车。(2)动词不定式做宾语,可此宾语后还有宾语补足语的,通常要用 it 作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语动词不定式后置。(前页中无宾补)例如: we think it important to obey the laws. we think to obey the laws important. (3)不定式作介词宾语 当介词but、except、besides前面有行为动词do及其各种形式时,介词后面的不定式可以省略to,否则不省略。 What do(助动词不算) you l

5、ike to do besides play football? We have no choice but to wait. The boy has him own idea of how to finish it.(1)能带宾语补足语动词有, (一感) feel sb do/doing (二听) listen to sb do/doing hear sb do/doing (三让) let sb do/doing make sb do/doing have sb do/doing (四看) look at,see,watch,notice 不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,强调动作的完成过程.

6、 (变成被动时,to要补上,如: I heard her sing today=She was heard to sing today(强调整个过程)I heard her singing at that time.(我听到她正在唱歌)三、作宾语补足语三、作宾语补足语(注:不是做宾语哟)(注:不是做宾语哟) (2)能带宾补的动词还有 consider sth/sb to be(宾补), expect sb to do, tell sb to do, want sb to do, warn sb not to do, wish sb to do, invite sb to do等。 区别 I h

7、ave some work to do(定语,后讲).(去掉不定式对句义影响不大)The manager get him to finish the task on time(宾补).(去掉不定式,句义不完整)(区别以下例子)consider doing (只有宾语)expect to do (只有宾语)want to do (只有宾语)wish to do (只有宾语)区别I go to see my teacher(目的状语).总之:能带不定式作宾语或宾补的动词,只是一些固定的动词(再把以上两页复习)。因为其他动词的意思不一样,虽有时形式是一样,但分析句子成分是,就不一样了,常是动+宾.+

8、to do/doing作定语;或动词+to do作目的/结果状语。技巧:即把特殊的几个动词记住即可,有时若觉分析句子成分很难,但知道怎么用即可。四、作定语(1)不定式作定语用来修饰名词或代词,置于它所修饰的名词后; 若该名词还有其他后置定语,不定式就放在其他后置定语的后(如下例子)。 同时与它所修饰的名词或代词形成逻辑上的主动或被动关系。 如,He always has a lot of meetings to attend. 不定式to attend 和名词meetings 是主动表被动,表示attend这个词是句子主语he发出的,若用to be done,表动作是除主语外的其他人发出的。如

9、,I have a letter to be typed. The next train to arrive was from Seattle. (To arrive 和train是主动关系,都不存在需用被动了 ). Do you have anything interesting to read? (to read与anything是主动表被动,因为是句子主语you发出的; 且放在anything的后置定语之一“interesting”之后).(2)如果作定语用的不定式是不及物动词,就要加上介词,使被修饰的这个词成为这个介词的逻辑宾语。 He is looking for a room to

10、 live in. Please pass me some paper to write on.(对比下上一页的) (3)上述不定式后加介词时,不能省略介词, 但当修饰place,time,way时,介词可以省略。 He has no money and no place to live (in). The time to arrive (at) is 8 oclock. I think the best way to travel (in) is on foot. 补充(难点) to do在什么时候下用主动形式表被动(1)I have some work to do I have a let

11、ter to be typed. to do是前面一个名词(常是人)发出的动作; to be done不是前面名词(人) 发出的动作,是句子外的其他人发出的动作。试比较: Have you anything to do this afternoon? 今天下午你有事要做吗?(to do是由you发出的) Have you anything to be taken to your parents? 你有要带给你父母的东西吗? (take这个词不是you发出的)再如: Please get me something to read. (read的发出者是me,已提到)Hell show you t

12、he right path to take. (take的发出者是you,已提到) (2)(不定式前有性质形容词:难易(easy、difficult),轻重(light,heavy)、兴趣(interesting)、可能(possible)、安危(safe,dangerous)例如: This is a difficult question to answer. to answer可改为 for me to answer。 再如: It is an easy sentence to translate. 这个句子很容易翻译。 (3) There be n. to do/ be done 用主动

13、式作定语, 重点在人, 用被动式作定语, 重点在物。例如: 没有时间可以耽误。可译成:A,There is no time to lose( to lose之前可加for sb(us) to lose,强调人); to be lost. (强调物)(谁 lost time不明确)。 B ,There is nothing to do now. (We have nothing to do now. ) 现在没事干(强调人)。 There is nothing to be done. (We can do nothing now. ) 现在没办法了(强调物)。 另外: There is no t

14、ime to lose/to be lost. There are some apples to choose from/ to be chosen from. (以上两句是there be 结构,to do/to be done是前面名词的定语) There is no need to tell him. It is no use to do.这个句子中,to do不能做定语,所以是真正主语,it 是形式主语,不能用there 替换)四、作状语 动词不定式作状语可表示目的、原因及结果等,例如: Come to see me again soon. (表目的)。 You couldnt do

15、that to save your life. (表目的)(2) only to do sth. only doing sth. 都可作表示结果的状语, 区别: only to do sth. 表示一个与主语愿望相反的或出乎主语意料的结果, only doing sth. 表示谓语动词本身的动作造成的结果(没有出乎预料的意思)。例如: I worked hard, only to fail at last. 我努力工作,结果最后却是失败(出乎预料)。 He died, only leaving nothing but debts. 他死了,只留下一身债(无出乎意料之义)五、作表语 (一) (1

16、)动词不定式往往放在系动词be(,become, sound, taste 等系动词后面一般不接不定式)的后面作表语,表示将来的情况,说明主语的内容。 例如: My wish is to become a teacher我的愿望是当一名教师。 Your job today is to clean the playground. 你今天的工作是打扫操场。 (2)如果系动词后的动词说明主语的性质,特征,相当于形容词。这时就要用现在分词作表语,而不用不定式。 例如: He said that the story was interesting他说这则故事很有趣 Nurses responsibili

17、ty is taking care of patients.(二)、在某些“形容词不定式”的结构中, 不定式要用主动形式表被动。其句型有: 1)n. beadj. to do The question was very difficult to answer. 这问题很难回答。 The job is very easy to do. 这工作很容易做。 2)n. betooadj. to do The thing is too small to see. 这东西太小看不见。 I was too excited to say a word. 我激动得连一句话也说不出。 3)n. be adj. e

18、nough to do The box is light enough to carry. 这盒子轻得可带走。 The book is cheap enough to buy. 这本书很便宜可以买。(4)某些动词与be连用时,这类词有, 如to let, to blame (责备), to seek(寻找)用主动式表被动意义。 例如: The house is to let. 这房子要出租。 Who is to blame for it? The reason is not far to seek. 这理由不难找到。当不定式在系动词be后作表语时,如果主语部分带有行为动词do,不定式就可省略t

19、o。 The only thing I can do is lie in bed. What I want to do is have a good rest. 疑问词why引导的省略 Why not do sth?(表建议:“为什么不做) 六、和疑问词连用: 不定式前可用what,who,which,where,when,how,why等疑问词构成不定式短语,这种短语在句子中可作主语、宾语和表语等成分。(1)作主语。例如: When to start has not been decided. 什么时候出发还没定下来。 (2)作表语。例如: The question is how to do

20、 the job well. 问题是怎样做好这项工作。(3)作宾语。例如:He told me where to find the book. 他告诉我了在哪找到这本书的。Do you know how to play football? 你知道怎样踢足球吗?补充在下列句型中 Had better/had best + (not) do sth Youd better/best turn the bottle upside down to empty out the oil Had/would rather + (not) do sth Im tired, Id rather not go o

21、ut this evening. Had/would rather/sooner + do sth. + than + do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 Id rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema. Prefer + to do sth + rather than + do sth Cannot but + do sth. Or cannot choose/help but + do sth I cant but think so. I cant help but laugh on hearing his joke. Do n

22、othing (= not do anything) but/except + do sth You can do nothing but wait = you cannot do anything but wait. 不定式省略动词原形 如果一个动词在前面已经出现过,为了避免重复,这个动词可以省略 Did you get the new stamps? No, I tried to, but there wasnt any left in that post office. 不定式的否定形式 Not/never + 不定式 (注:不定式否定,与不定式前动词的否定意思不同) my father

23、 told me never/not to see her again. My father didnt tell me to see her again. 不定式的时态、语态不定式都表发生在过去或现在的将来、目的或结果,有各种时态和语态 一般式 to do /to be done 完成式 to have done /to have been done 进行式 to be doing 完成进行式 to have been doing(根据语境来判断该用何种时态和语态)(一)一般式表示动作通常与句子谓语所表示的动作或状态几乎同时发生,或是在它之后发生。 I am glad to see you.

24、 不定式动作与句子的谓语动词同时进行。一般式被动 Its an honour for me to be invited.(与句子谓语同时发生) (这里为什么不用to invite,因为to invite不是修饰me的,不是定语,而是真正主语) (二)不定式的正在进行时,表前一个动作发生时,不定式所表动作正在发生Some dogs were found to be looking for food around. 一些狗被发现正在四处寻找食物。 (三)不定式的完成式(1)发生在谓语动词的动作或状态前,常接不定式完成式的动词有 appear to have done seem to have do

25、ne happen to(碰巧 have done be said to have done, be reported to have done be believed to have done be known to have done be thought to have done be sorry to have done be likely(可能) to have done等. 如They seemed to have known each other for a long time. She is said to have learned four foreign languages

26、. 还可+to have been done/to have been doing(表一直持续到.,,可能还要继续下去)(2)特殊的几个动词+to have done表示过去没有实现的期待或计划 hope to have done(表遗憾,实际没做成”希望做过什么事,而实际没有) promise to have done(承诺去做什么,而实际没有) want to have done wish to have done expect to have done plan to have done should/would like to have done (表未能实现的愿望) 如,He wan

27、ted to have met you at the airport, but he didnt get there in time. 没接成。 We planned to have done good deeds for the poor people last month. 没做成。I should/would like to have given her the gift. 没送成。 He would like to have played the violin at the concert. 没演奏成。 (复习,以上是可以接to do的,意思与+to have done不一样)总之:(1)不定式一般表将来的目的或结果。 特殊句式中也表同时进行,但必许用to do. 如:happen to do,seem to do (2)不定式的时态要与不定式前的动词对比,是在之前?后?还是同时或正在进行。 (3)不定式to的省略形式要记住 (4)那些事主动表被动的要记住 (5)实在不行就多读,把他读出语感



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