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1、九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry同步阅读精练课件 (新版)人教新目标版一、完形填空。(2016,山西)The world needs love and many people need our help.Several years ago,my teachers asked me to take part in a program that helps those who are _1_Each week,I spent an hour in the classroom helping children with schoolwork,art pro

2、jects,games and other _2_,including eating.My mother is a teacher,so I am used to helping children;however,I found that working with children with special needs would _3_ my life forever.At first,I thought it would be _4_ to be with the children who are so different,but gradually I found theres some

3、thing special about these students.So there was no need to worry about it.Each Thursday I was welcomed by the smiling faces of Thomas,Joey and Missy.Thomas has to sit on the wheelchair.He communicates with simple words _5_ yes and no.Joey,a deaf girl,always welcomed me with a big smile.Missy was bor

4、n with a kind of _6_ and it makes her really small for her age.In a normal classroom,it would be common to hear a teacher comfort a child who is tapping his pencil,speaking _7_,or making unnecessary noises.However,here,shouts,cries,and other noises are _8_Theyre signs of excitement and different way

5、s of communicating.Working with children with special needs has changed my life.It has made me _9_ others needs.One of my teachers believes that we should be part of something bigger than _10_I never realized how true this was until I worked with these children.I believe everyone should get out and

6、do something that makes a difference.( )1.A.uneducated BhomelessCdisabled( )2.A.courses Bcompetitions Cactivities( )3.A.change Bwaste Csave( )4.A.nervous Brelaxing Clively( )5.A.except Blike Cagainst( )6.A.ability Billness Chabit( )7.A.clearly Bpolitely Cloudly( )8.A.mentioned Bstopped Cencouraged(

7、)9.A.refuse Bnotice Cinfluence( )10.A.ourselves Byourselves CthemselvesCCA ABBCCBAWe finished all the preparations 10 minutes earlier than expected,then Beth and I talked for a while.Matthew sang several English songs and did some standup comedies (单人喜剧表演) at the party.We all praised him.When the be

8、ll rang to end the first school day,none of us wanted to leave.When I went back home,I had a little headache.I have probably spoken more English today than the whole of last year.It was really a happy day!I hope our friendship can continue,even after they have gone back to England!11The writer felt

9、_ when he heard the news from Miss Chan.AexcitedBangryCfantasticDworried12Beth helped Miss Chan with the _Acomedy BspeechesCnotices Dtranslation13Matthew _ at the party.Ahad a talk Brang the bellCsang several songs Dmade a preparationDCC14Matthew and Beth _ on the first day.Aspoke much Chinese Bgot

10、lots of praiseChad a little headache Dforgot to leave school15From the passage,we know that the writer _Acaught a bad cold that dayBwent back home with BethCexpects to travel to EnglandDlikes the two English studentsBDB(2016,海南)I know my brother better than anyone else in the world.Since the moment

11、of his birth,Ive been part of his life.I had spent seven happy years in the world with the attention of those around me.But when Rohan was born,life changed.All of a sudden,I had to share my toys and there were no more bedtime stories or my own choice of food.Finally,I hated this small boy.The poor

12、baby had no idea what had made me so unhappy.Maybe he found me strange,the only person in this house who did not like him.Whatever the reason was,he loved following me around.However,I seldom talked to him and always asked him to leave me alone.Then all that changed.I hardly remember everything of t

13、hat day six years ago,but I do remember that I was feeling very angry.Then I found myself in my brothers room.I couldnt help reaching my hand through the bars (栏杆) of his bed.At once,he reached his small hand and softly touched mine.And that was all I needed.Through all the unhappiness of the day,th

14、at_one_moment changed everything.How could I hate someone who made me feel so important?For the first time,I saw my brother through the eyes of a sister.Suddenly I realized love from my family was always with me.To this day,I cant imagine life without my brother.It is unbelievable (难以置信的) how much I

15、 have learned about life from a sevenyearold boy.Above all,Rohan has taught me that one should not care only for himself.16The sister was _ years old when her brother was born.Asix Bseven Ceight17The sister used to be the only person in the house who _Adidnt like the babyBfollowed the baby aroundCof

16、ten talked to the baby18The underlined phrase “that one moment” refers to the time _Awhen there were no more bedtime stories for the sisterBwhen the sister found herself in her brothers roomCwhen Rohan softly touched his sisters handBAC19Which of the following is TRUE?_AThe sister doesnt know her br

17、other very well.BThe sister lives with love from her family all the time.CThe sister remembers everything of that day six years ago.20From this story we learn that its important to _Acare for others Bshare with othersChelp othersBA三、任务型阅读。The winters first snow made most kids happy,but not for Tom.A

18、fter school he came home with an unhappy look on his face.“Tom,its snowing,” said his mother.“I know,” Tom replied.“Tomorrow is Saturday,and there will be n_ to do.”Tom loved to be outside during summer.He loved swimming,hiking,and riding his bike.W_ the winters first snow came,Tom was always sad.He

19、 couldnt swim,hike,or ride his bike.Toms mother knew he was unhappy.她尽力用曲奇饼使他感觉好点儿。It only took him a few minutes to eat them up,and then his unhappy face returned.The next morning their doorbell rangit was Penny, their neighbor.She_asked_Tom_to_go_outside_to_make_a_snowman_with_her.Tom wrinkled (皱起

20、) his nose.“Yes,yes,Tom would like to go,” his mother said and sent him out with Penny.Penny and Tom made a very large snowman.Then Penny took out two pairs of snowshoes.They put on the snowshoes and went for a walk through the trees behind the house.At last,they met some friends and started playing

21、 sled (雪橇) together.When Tom came home for lunch,his unhappy face was gone.任务一:根据首字母提示,在处填写恰当的单词,使句子完整。21_任务二:将文中画线句子翻译成英语。22_任务三:将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。23_任务四:回答下列问题。24What day is it today?_25How did Tom feel at last?_nothingWhenShe tried to make him feel better by cookies.她叫汤姆和她一起去外面堆雪人。Its Friday.He felt happy.



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