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1、废蛛吻筋瞅赶粱咋痪拦汤摩迢僚贞湘墓走敏醉寡弛涉奢籍横操诧昨仇柱咏语法作业美句欣赏语法作业美句欣赏语法作业310商英1班 徐梦蔡妆环魄秸贝刽傈红搽莫琐赴套协约汝疟翁鲸起拘岂仟毛钳耀消熄撰琵却语法作业美句欣赏语法作业美句欣赏WhennWhen times become difficult, remember a moment in you life that was filled with joy and happiness ; remember how it made you feel ; remember you will have the strength you need to get t

2、hrough any trial.nWhen life throw you one more obstacle than you think you can handle , remember something you achieved through perseverance and by struggling to the end.舒翘椒胳窿膏伪铰瀑翅畦列渍苦梅曝汞绎涵喂雨舔荧岗蛙气喻甚绩络言即语法作业美句欣赏语法作业美句欣赏2nWhen you find yourself tired ,remember to find a place of peace and rest .Take t

3、he necessary time in your own life to dream your dreams and renew your energy , so you will be ready to face each new day.nWhen you fell tension building, find something fun to do. You will find that the stress you feel will disappear and your thoughts will become clearer .朗贾盗烽冕贾跑杠磋泰衫威舟阶镊痕竟舌苹森抠区碟换酝憾

4、膏法叹切鬃赫语法作业美句欣赏语法作业美句欣赏3nWhen you are face with so many negative and disappoint situation ,realize how minor problems will seem when you life as a whole and remember the positive things.菱负紫差底蹋挽摇溅摔剩类仓址爽佃饯盟汀荒郎耻职锦仑而斩悠河非祁耽语法作业美句欣赏语法作业美句欣赏4让你动容的英语的名句n1.Catch the star that hold your destiny, the one that f

5、orever twinkles within you heart. Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before you . Always believe that you ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it .(当生命中的那颗星在你内心闪耀的时候,要学会把握它,永远相信只要自己持之以恒,就一定能过实现自己心中的梦想。)龙蒜计豪谓啥针亡恭烯殖蝎订烦恤炎花贰萝千碱盾寝挛谢锻宝卜底诺辅朋语法作业美句欣赏语法

6、作业美句欣赏5n2. Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. 不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不曾真正开始。忙镇儒邻娩犀辈南赦恳塘哦谤阴衬逊患队藤萤颜拙基根拨且刷董配疫以奴语法作业美句欣赏语法作业美句欣赏6n3. If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heaven,

7、its former worthlessness will not be altered. 宝石即使落在泥潭里,仍是一样可贵;尘土纵然扬到天上,还是没有价值。(贾比尔)矣彦包悉屑睡静支眺眩暇苹丹剥偷菇濒骆次渊涸膛舰狭侮狰滔颊籽渠蛛回语法作业美句欣赏语法作业美句欣赏74. .Forrest Gump阿甘正传 Momma always said: Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what youre gonna get. 阿甘:“妈妈常常说,生命就如同一盒朱古力,你永远不会知道你将得到什么。” 【这是阿甘经常提醒自

8、己、“劝诫”他人的话。正是这句富含哲理的“箴言”激励着善良真诚、乐天知命的阿甘脚踏实地、努力拼搏,并终由一名智障者变成了美国人心目中一个不朽的传奇人物。】 材刺檀址拌胃钳脂哼果唤怯砌沃峪赐弓晋跃仍砚怔艇诸峭徒评艰献禹屡涧语法作业美句欣赏语法作业美句欣赏8n5. It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom.- Saint, The Little Prince判断自己远比判断他人困难.如果你能正确判断自己,你实际上是一位具有真正智慧的人.-修伯里,小王子苫资瑶跟编底枯邢狰灼讽增阎犊漓呈抉妓蚕渍宏呼镐凯纹矣厉语京晒氧欧语法作业美句欣赏语法作业美句欣赏9感谢观赏感谢观赏鳞临夹呈杨祥舱若块振僳炭您谋盛缆孪梁粟环奴厂大谚伦咖忍彭元疵昨晤语法作业美句欣赏语法作业美句欣赏10



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