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1、Unit one 1.点点, 尖端尖端 ,分数分数2.原因原因3.感觉感觉, 感情感情4.德国人德国人, 5.自然自然6.目的目的7.雷雷,8., 力量力量, 1.point 2.reason 3.feeling 4.German 5. nature 6.purpose7.thunder 8.powerv忠告忠告v测验测验v情形情形,v编辑编辑v习惯习惯v青少年青少年vadvice/ advisevquizvsituation veditorvhabitvteenager /adolescent 1.使不安使不安2.不理睬,忽视不理睬,忽视3.涉及,关系到涉及,关系到4.欺骗欺骗5.罗列罗列6

2、.敢敢7.信任信任8.遭受,忍受遭受,忍受9.交际,沟通交际,沟通1.upset( upsetting) 2.ignore 3.concern4.cheat5.list 6.dare 7.trust 8.suffer municate vcalmvloose vindoors /outdoorsvcrazy ventirely v 使使.平静平静, 平静的平静的v松散的松散的v 室内室内/ 室外室外v疯狂的疯狂的v完全地完全地, 整个地整个地vadd up vcalm down vhave got to vbe concerned about vwalk the dog vgo through

3、 vhide awayvget sth. done v合计合计v平静下来平静下来v不得不不得不v关心,挂念关心,挂念v遛狗遛狗v经历,经受经历,经受v躲藏躲藏v让某事被做让某事被做phrasesv放下,记下,登记放下,记下,登记v一连串,一套一连串,一套v故意故意v为了为了v根据根据v与与相处,进展相处,进展v相爱,爱上相爱,爱上v参加参加v面对面面对面v与某人共享与某人共享v努力做某事努力做某事vset down va series of von purpose vin order to vaccording tovget along with vfall in love vjoin in

4、vface to face vshare sth with sbvmake an effort to do sth Key sentences vDo you want a friend whom you could tell everything to , like your deepest feelings and thoughts ?vI wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that I ve grown so crazy about everything to do with natur

5、e .vI will remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky could never have kept me spellbound .vAs the moon gave far too much light , I didnt dare open a window.v it was the first time in a year and half that I d seen the night face to face .vI would be grateful if you could give me some advice

6、 .v“I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne. Ann said that she didnt want to set down a series of facts in a diary.v“Do you think a diary can become your friend ?” the writer asks us. The writer asks us if we think a diary can become our friend .v“what do you call your diary

7、 ?” Anns sister asked her. Anns sister asked her what she called her diary .v“when did you go to bed last night ?” Father asked Anne. Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before .Unit two 1.include contain 2.rule /role 3.retell 4.recognize 5.actually / in fact /as a matter of fact 6.rapi

8、dly 7.polite 8.present 9.modern 1.包括包含包括包含2.统治角色,任务统治角色,任务3.复速复速4.辨认出辨认出5.实际上实际上6.迅速地迅速地7.有礼貌的有礼貌的8.现在的,出席现在的,出席9.现代的现代的vnative velevator /lift vflat /apartment vpetrol / gas vrubber vculture / cultural vvocabulary/phrase vusage videntity vgovernment v本地的本地人v电梯v公寓住宅v汽油气体,煤气v橡皮,橡胶v文化v词汇短语,词组v使用,用法v身份

9、,本身v政府mand / er 2.boss3.standard /level 4.accent 5.lighting 6.direction 7.subway 8.block 9.east / eastern 10.south /southern 1.命令,指挥,支配2.老板,3.标准,标准的水平4.口音,重音,腔调5.闪电6.方向,指导说明书7.地铁8.街区,块9.东方东方的vPaly a role invPlay a part in vCome up vSuch as / for example vMore than one vBecause of vEither .or vBeliev

10、e it or not vThe same as vFrom time to timev在起作用v在担任角色v走近,上来v例如v不止一个v因为v或者或者v信不信有你v与一样v不时地Phrases veven if / though vbe based on vmake use of vbe different from va number of / the number of vgive commands vmake a request vwork into the evening von the airv尽管v以为基础v利用v与不同v大量的数量v下命令v提出要求v工作到深夜v现场直播Key

11、sentences vTeenagers arent the only people who change the way English is spoken .vThen others went to work with Murray , including his two daughters .vIt happened , giving American English its own identityvHe taught himself while working in a bank .vIt was more of a problem in the days before a dict

12、ionary vHe spent all of his lives trying to collect words vWould you please come up to my flat for a visit vAll languages changes when cultures communicate with one another.vThe number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly vIndia has a very large number of English speakers.vThis

13、is because in the early days of radio , those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English ,“ Look at these examples” the teacher said to us.The teacher told us to look at those examples He said , “ Dont make so much noise ,boys .”He told the boys not to make so much noise Unit 3v杂

14、志,日记v费用v运输v自行车v最后v说服, 劝说v顽固的v坚持v适当的v细节v journal v fare v transport v bicycle v finally v persuade v stubborn v insist v properv detail v决定v海拔,高度v态度,看法v山谷v营地,扎营v记录v话题v熟悉v勇敢的vdetermine v altitude v attitude v valley v campv record v topic vfamiliar v brave Phrase v到达v梦想v得到机会做谋事v说服某人干谋事v使某人对某时感兴趣v坚持做谋事

15、v关心,在乎v改变主义v在高度v下定决心varrive at/ in , get to v dream of doing v get a chance to do v persuade sb to do v get sb interested in v insist on doing v care about v change ones mind v at an altitude of vbe determined to v屈服v一方面另一方面v熟悉某人某物v因而累v实现v两倍的人口vgive in v for one thing for anothervBe familiar to / wi

16、thv be tired from v come true v twice the population Key sentences vI cant decide where to go .vIt was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from it begins to where it ends .vTo climb the mountain road was hard work but to go down the hills was great fun .vIt was so quiet

17、in the mountains that night that there was almost no wind .vWe can hardly wait to see them .vVietnam has almost seven times the population of Cambodia.vVietnam has six times more population than that of Cambodia .vWhen are we leaving and when are we coming back?Unit 4v shake (shook , shaken)v well v

18、 rise (rose , risen )v smell/ smelly v pond v pipe v burst (burst , burst )v canal v steam v dirt v摇动摇动v井井v上升上升v闻发臭的闻发臭的v池塘池塘v管管v爆发,突然破裂爆发,突然破裂v运河,水道运河,水道v蒸汽蒸汽v污垢污垢v ruin v injure v destroy v brickv dam v uselessv steel v shockv rescuev disaster v army v废墟,毁灭废墟,毁灭v损害,伤害损害,伤害v破坏,毁坏破坏,毁坏v砖砖v水坝水坝v无用的,无

19、用的,v钢铁钢铁v震惊,打击震惊,打击v援救援救v灾难灾难v军队军队v bury v coal mine v shelter v percent v speech v judge v honour v preparevEurope v v埋葬埋葬v煤矿煤矿v掩蔽,掩蔽处掩蔽,掩蔽处v百分数百分数v演说演说v判断,判定法官判断,判定法官v荣誉给以荣誉荣誉给以荣誉v准备准备v欧洲欧洲phrases v马上, 立即v想平常一样v没多想v结束, 终极v处于废墟中v没了v废铁v成千上万v震惊v受伤v被困 right away as usual think little of at an end lay

20、in ruins be gone / be lost / be missing useless pieces of steel tens of thousands of be shocked be injured be trapped 1.挖出2.高兴做某事3.五个评委组成的小组4.以.而自豪5.让某人做某事6.作为.而出名7.因.感谢某人8.筹集资金1.dig out 2. be pleased to do 3. a group of five judges 4. be proud of 5. have sb do sth 6. be known as 7. thank sb for doi

21、ng sth 8. raise money Key sentences vMice ran out of the fields looking for place to hide vAll hope was not lost vNone of hope was lost .Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed vIt seemed that the world was at an end vThe number of people who were killed or injured reached mo

22、re than 400,000.vA huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses , roads and canals vWorkers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed .vSeveral days later most of the buildings which/that had been damaged were repaired Unit 5v hero v quality v

23、willing v active v fight (fought )vPeaceful v prison v period v lawv advisev continue vfeev英雄,男主角v质量,性质v自愿的v积极的v打仗,打架v和平的v监狱v时期v法律v建议v继续v费1. gold 2. youth 3. stage 4. vote 5. position 6. accept 7. equal 8. blanket9. degree10. guard 11. educated 12. fear 1.黄金黄金,金的金的2.青年青年3.舞台舞台,阶段阶段, 时期时期4.投票投票,选举选举5

24、.位置位置,职位职位6.接受接受,承认承认7.相等的相等的,平等的平等的8.毯子毯子9.度数度数,学位学位10.守卫守卫,看守看守11.有教养的有教养的,12.恐惧恐惧,害怕害怕1. cruelty 2. reward 3. right 4. leader 5. president 6. sentence 7. sincerely 1.残忍2.报酬,奖金,奖赏3.权利4.领导5.总统,会长6.判决,宣判7.真诚地v be willing to v be active in v lose heart v be in trouble v fight for / against / withv in

25、 a peaceful way v be in prison / put. in prison vset up v be good at v break .into v be sentenced to vcome to powerv乐意做某事乐意做某事v在某方面很积极在某方面很积极v丧失信心丧失信心v处于困境中处于困境中v为为而战而战/与与.作战作战v以和平的方式以和平的方式v坐牢坐牢/ 把把投入监狱投入监狱v建立建立v擅长擅长v闯入闯入v被判处被判处.v掌权掌权Phrases vadvice sb on sth v open a law firmv pay school fees vworr

26、y about vout of work vput sb in a position vas a matter of fact vstop sb from doing sthvallow sb to dovnot. until .v在某方面建议某人在某方面建议某人v开律师事务所开律师事务所v交学费交学费v担心担心v失业失业v把某人推到一个境地把某人推到一个境地v实际上实际上v阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事v允许某人做某事允许某人做某事v直到才直到才Key sentences vThe school where (in which) I studied only two years was thr

27、ee time kilometres away vWe were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important , or fight the Government .vThis was a time when (during which) one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.vWe have reached a stage where( in which) we have almost no rights at all.vI didnt get a pay rise , but this wasnt the reason why (for which) I left . v



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