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1、新概念英新概念英语第一册第第一册第49-5049-50课lesson49-50lesson49-50Haveyoueverbeenthere?butcherv-Doyoueatmeateveryday?v你每天都吃肉吗?v-_.Lesson49AtthebutchersNewWordsandExpressions butcher 卖肉的卖肉的 meat 肉肉 beef 牛肉牛肉 lamb 羔羊肉羔羊肉 husband 丈夫丈夫 steak 牛排牛排mince 肉馅肉馅 chicken 鸡鸡 tell 告诉告诉 truth 实情实情 either 也也 butchern.apersonwhose

2、llsmeate.g.: The old man is a butcher .at the butchers a place where you can buy meategg: The boy is at the butchers . He wants to buy some meat .屠夫屠夫肉店肉店Ihavetogotothebutchers.doctordoctors在英文表示在英文表示“某一商店某一商店”的商店中,往往可的商店中,往往可以把以把shop省略,如课文中的省略,如课文中的thebutchers(shop)和和thegreengrocers(shop),类似,类似的例子还

3、有的例子还有thehairdressers(shop),thestationers(shop),thedoctors(office),mymothers(house)等。等。 meat 肉(食用)肉(食用)Doyouwantanymeat?beeflambsteakmincebeef n.(UC)the meat from oxen ksn or cowsDo you want any beef ?There isnt any beef on the plate.steak n. (UC) a piece of steakSteakrare/medium/well-done.生些生些/五分熟五

4、分熟/全熟。全熟。 lambn.(uc)themeatfromlambse.g.:Doyouwantbeeforlamb?Beef,please.Lamb,please.a lovely lambmince n. (UC)I want a pound of mince.Because I want to make some dumplings .chickenn.鸡,鸡肉鸡,鸡肉cockkk公鸡公鸡henhen母鸡母鸡chicktik小鸡小鸡wife husbandhusband n.老公,丈夫老公,丈夫tellv.过去式toldtotellyouthetruth说老实话说老实话Totelly

5、outhetruth,Idontwanttotellyouthis.tellsbsth告诉某人某事告诉某人某事=tellsthtosb把某事告诉某人把某事告诉某人eg. I tell you a good news. I tell a good news to you.truthn.实情,事实vtrueadj.真实的vtrulyadv.1.真正地2.忠实地,真诚地vcometrue梦想成真vcomeintorealityThetruthis真相是真相是/事实是事实是findoutthetruth找到真相找到真相talk, tell, say, speak,chattalk, tell, say

6、, speak,chat你会区分吗?你会区分吗?say是“讲,说”的意思,强调说话内容。1.say+说话内容说话内容2.saytosb.3.Itissaidthat.意为意为“据说据说”speak意为“说”“讲”,+语言。如:speakFrench说法语;18talk意为“讲、谈论,谈话”,常和to/with/about连用如:talkwithsbaboutsthtalkshow脱口秀chat聊天chatroom聊天室vvideochat视频聊天vhaveachatwithsb./chatwithsb.和某人聊天练习一:1.Didhe_itinEnglish?A.tellB.speakC.sa


8、,位于句末My husband doesnt like chicken,I dont like chicken either . 21Translation1.我老公喜欢吃鸡肉,我儿子也喜欢。3.事实上,我也想去上海。3.实话说,我不想去肉档,因为我老婆不喜欢吃肉,我也不喜欢!Listening 1. What did Mrs. Bird buy?2. Listen to the tape, and then judge the sentences. If it is right, please say yes. If it is wrong, please say no.BUTCHER: D

9、o you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?MRS.BIRD: Yes, please. BUTCHER: Do you want beef or lamb?MRS.BIRD: Beef, please. BUTCHER: This lambs very good.MRS.BIRD: I like lamb, but my husband doesnt.BUTCHER: What about some steak? This is a nice piece.MRS.BIRD: Give me that piece, please. MRS.BIRD: And a

10、pound of mince, too.BUTCHER: Do you want a chicken, Mrs. Bird? They re very nice. MRS.BIRD: No, thank you.MRS.BIRD: My husband likes steak, but he doesnt like chicken.BUTCHER: To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, I dont like chicken either! 1.Mrs. Bird like lamb.2.Mrs. Birds husband like lamb too.3. Mr

11、s. Bird like chicken.4.Mrs. Bird doesnt like chicken.5. Mrs. Birds husband doesnt like steak.YesNoYesNoNovAtthebutchersv方位副词at与in的区别是,at和in在里;但at表示的地方较小,而in表示的地方很大,例:vattheschoolvathomevinChinavinAsiavinChangzhouDetailed study about the passage Do you want beef or lamb?or 或者,还是或者,还是(表示选择表示选择)vDo you

12、 want beer or wine ?vBeer , please .vWine , please .vDo you want an apple or a banana ?vAn apple , please .vA banana , please .选择疑问句的例句如:vWhatwouldyouliketodrink?你喜欢喝什么?(无限性选择)vWhich/Whatwouldyouprefer,teaorcoffee?茶和咖啡,你喜欢哪一种?(两项选择)vWouldyouliketea,coffee,ormilk?你喜欢茶、咖啡、还是牛奶?(3项选择)vHowshallwego,bybu

13、sorbytrain?我们怎么走?乘公共汽车还是坐火车?vDidyougothere,ordidntyou?你去了那儿还是没有去?vDidyouordidntyougothere?你是去了还是没有去那儿? What about some steak?来点牛排怎么样?=How about 怎么样?/如何?You look blue, how about watching a movie together?-You dont like beef? What about pork? Or lamb?To tell you the truth, I dont like chicken, either.



16、.Idontlikemilk.3.Helikesapples.4.Hedoesntlikeapples. 肯定句:肯定句:I like Tank. 否定句:否定句:I dont like Tank.一般疑一般疑问问句:句:Do you like Tank? Yes,I do./ No, I dont. 肯定句:肯定句:She likes Tank. 否定句:否定句:She doesnt like Tank.一般疑一般疑问问句:句:Does she like Tank? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.351.你有钱吗?Doyouhavemoney?2.她有钱吗?



19、5Yes,Ido.vIlikebananas,butIdontwantany.v6Yes,hedoes.vHelikesoranges,buthedoesntwantany.v7Yes,hedoes.vHelikesapples,buthedoesntwantany.v8Yes,shedoes.vShelikespears,butshedoesntwantany.v9Yes,Ido.vIlikegrapes,butIdontwantany.v10Yes,shedoes.vShelikespeaches,butshedoesntwantany. Assignments:1.用第用第49-50课词汇表中的每一个单词造一课词汇表中的每一个单词造一个句子;个句子;2.听写并背诵第听写并背诵第49课课文;课课文;3.完成练习册第完成练习册第49课、第课、第50课;课;谢谢!



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