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1、人教版pep五年级英语下册Unit 3 My school calendar Part B Lets talk课件The twelve monthsMarchJuneSeptemberNovemberMayAprilDecemberOctoberJanuaryAugustFebruaryJulyspringautumnsummerwinterWhich season do you like best?AprilMayMarchJulyAugustJune SeptemberOctober NovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryA.Spring. I usually ha

2、ve a school trip.B.Autumn. I really like the colours.Whats Olivers favourite season?Why?Lets talk A.Spring. I usually have a school trip.B.Autumn. I really like the colours.Whats Olivers favourite season?Autumn is my favourite season.I really like the colours.(我真的喜欢秋天的色彩。)Spring is my favourite seas

3、on.I really like the colours.I like autumn,too.We usually have a school trip in autumn.We usually have a school trip in autumn.:Autumn is my favourite season. I really like the colours.:I like autumn,too.We usually have a school trip in autumn.A. Its in April.B. Its in October.When is the trip this

4、year?(今年旅行在什么时候?)Lets talk A. Its in April.B. Its in October.When is the trip this year? When is the trip this year?Its in October.(今年)游戏规则:A问B,B答,B再问C,C答,C再问D依次类推,最后一个同学问完后就起立。最后看哪一组问话筒最先完成。A:When is the this year?B: Its in 同桌任选一组进行对话AprilJuneNovemberschool tripsinging contestsports meetWhat will t

5、hey do?(他们将做什么)?They will(将,要,将会)Well go to the Great Wall.go to the Great Wall.长城位于中国北部,东起山海关,西到嘉峪关,全长约6,700公里,通称万里长城。它是我国古代一项世界上修建时间最长、工程量最大的防御工程,它凝聚着我国古代人民的坚强毅力和高度智慧,被列 为中古世界七大奇迹之一。the Great Wall 简介Tip:the Great Wall 是专有名词,Great和Wall 开头第一个字母都要大写。I love the Great Wall.the Summer Palacethe Forbidde

6、n City Tiananmen square Birds NestI love the Great Wall! I love Beijing! I love China!What will you do on this weekend?(在这个周末你将做什么?)IllWhen is the trip this year?Its in October.Well go tothe Great Wall.Cool!I love the Great Wall !A:When is the this year?B:Its in Well A:Cool ! I love it!Make a new di

7、alogueJuneNovembersinging contestsports meethave a football gamesing the songsGreat!When is the trip this year?Its in October.Well go tothe Great Wall.Cool!I love the Great Wall !Autumn is my favourite season. I really like the colours.I like autumn,too. We usually have a school trip in autumn.Liste

8、n and imitate.Great!When is the trip this year?Its in October.Well go tothe Great Wall.Cool!I love the Great Wall !Autumn is my favourite season. I really like the colours.I like autumn,too.We usually have a school trip in autumn._is the trip this year?Its in_._ go to_.Cool!I _the Great Wall !_is my

9、 favourite season. I really like the_.I like autumn,too.We usually have a _ in autumn.AutumnWhenschool tripcolourslovethe Great WallOctober WellWe usually have a school trip in spring or autumn.Its in.When is the trip this year?(今年这次旅行我们将什么时候去?)MarchJuneSeptemberNovemberMayAprilDecemberOctoberJanuar

10、yAugustFebruaryJulyNew Years Dayschool tripNational DayTeachers Daysummer vacationsinging contestMay Daysports meetschool tripwinter vacationChristmassummer vacationGroup workNow you are campus reporter (校园小记者),please interview our head teacher(校长)and know something about our school trip.(One is hea

11、d teacher,the others are campus reporter.)AB&C:Hello,Miss Zhao.T:Hello,children.A:We usually have a school trip in . We really like the colours.B:When is the trip this year?T:Its in Well go to C:What will we do there?T:Well andAB&C:Great!I love it!(任选一组进行对话。)When Where WhatAprilXishan Park(西山公园)play

12、 sportssee animalsAugustZhuquancun Park(竹泉村)go for a walkfly kites_ is my favourite season.I really like the colours.And we usually have a _ in spring.The trip is in _ this year.And well go to _ . Well _ and see animals there.I love it!Spring team 根据图片提示完成采访新闻SpringMeicheng ParkAprilschool tripplay

13、sports4月_ is my favourite season.I really like the colours.And we usually have a _ in autumn.The trip is in _ this year.And well go to _ . Well _ and fly kites there.I love it!AutumnHuanxiu ParkNovemberschool tripgo for a walkAutumn team 根据图片提示完成采访新闻11月What will we do ?The uncivilized behavior (不文明行

14、为) No climbing!请勿攀爬No photoing!请勿照相No trampling!请勿践踏草地No fishing!请勿钓鱼No littering!请勿乱丢垃圾No scribbing!请勿乱涂乱画The civilization tour, starts from you and me! 文明出游,从你我做起 No climbing!请勿攀爬No photoing!请勿照相No trampling!请勿践踏草地No fishing!请勿钓鱼No littering!请勿乱丢垃圾No scribbing!请勿乱涂乱画The civilization tour, starts f

15、rom you and me! 文明出游,从你我做起 Group workPlease design a warning sign(警示牌) in your group.Please write English and Chinese. Homework1.Listen the talk for 3 times.2.Make a new dialogue about “Summer vacation”.一、听音,选出你所听到的句子。( )1.A.When is the trip this year? B.When is the sports meet this year?( )2.A.We u

16、sually have a school trip in spring. B.We usually have a school trip in autumn.( )3.A.Well go to the Great Wall. B. Well go to Meicheng Park.( )4.A.Its in October. B.It.s in autumn.随堂检测二、选择( )1._ is the trip this year? A.What B.When C.Which( )2.We_go to the Great Wall. A.will B.are C.is( )3.-When is

17、 the sports meet this year?-_. A.I play sports at 7:00. B.Its in April. C.I like sports meet.( )4.We usually have a school trip _autumn. A. at B.in C. on( )5.-When is the school trip this year?-Its in _. Well_.A. November play sports B.April play sportsC. November go to JinanAprilsports meetplay spo

18、rtsNovember school tripgo to Jinan三、阅读对话,判断对错。(对的打T,错的打F)Sarah:Whats your favourite season,John?John: My favourite season is autumn.I really like the colours.Sarah: I like autumn,too.We often have a sports meet in autumn.John: Great!When is the sports meet this year?Sarah:Its in October.I will play

19、ping-pong.What about you,John?John: I will play ping-pong,too.Sarah:Great!Lets play together.John: OK!( )1.The sports meet is in September.( )2.Johns favourite season is spring.( )3.Sarah will play ping-pong on this sports meet.( )4.John will play basketball on this sports meet.( )5. The sports meet is in autumn.四、根据短文内容完成John的日记。September 15th ,2015 Friday Sunny_ is my favourite season.I really like the colours.And we usually have a _ in autumn.Its in _ this year.And well _ on this sports meet.



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