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1、教案纸月日第 1单元第 1、2课时总第 1、2 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1. To get information about travel标、能力目标、情感目标)教 材 分 析1、 some information about the section of warm-up(包括教学2、Situation expressions about talking about重点、 教学难the vocation.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA2. To talk about your travel experie

2、nce3. To make an outing plan.Unit 1 What a Wonderful Time!第 1 页学环安 排节导入新课活 动 及 教法 运 用10105讲20授Lead-in:Lead-in: say somethingPair workabout travelingWords and expressions:Words and expressions:1.ask the students topronounce;2.play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Dialogues:Dialogues:Trave

3、lingDialogue1.Listen to the tape andanswer the questions.2.Situationexpressions: Reading(1)Have you ever beento.?Yes, a wonderfulplace.No, I wish I could.(2)Did you visit.? Yes,I visited.(3)When did you visit.?Explanation I visited.lastyear/a week ago.(4)How did you get there? I went there by.(5)Do

4、you visit.bytrain?教时主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注第 2 页学环节间安排活 动 及 教法 运 用15新5No,Ivisitedtheplace on foot.Explanati(6)Howdoyoulikeit?exciting.on3.Language points:(1)a bit(2)no matter(3)go wrong(4)admission ticket4.Practice:finishthechart finishthedialogue5.Practice the dialoguesin pairs.6.课5Makedialoguesabouttrav

5、elingAct out the dialoguesin pairs.PracticeSum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2.Language pointsWriting归纳总10Assignment:Assignment:1.Read the new words and Oraldialogues;2.Make a dialogue abouttraveling.第 3 页结5HomeworkHomework布置作业5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 4 页教教案案纸

6、纸月日第 1单元第 3、4课时总第 3、4 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn the passage.标、能力目2、To understand the passage.标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、Words and expressions;Unit 1 what a wonderful time!重点、 教学难 2、Situation expressions.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 5 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:1. Read an

7、d identify newPair workwords;2. Act out the dialoguesOralthat they made.Words and expressions:Words and expressions:1. Ask the students topronounce;2. Play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Passage:Passage:Reading1. Pre-readingquestions;2. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions;3. Sit

8、uation questions:(1) We didnt preparewell for the trip.Explanati(2)We left our flightticket at home.(3) We were lucky thatonthe fire at the hotel was put outsoon.(4)The bad experiencedidnt ruin our holiday afterall.复习15讲105授155第 6 页教学环节时师 生 双 边间主 要 内 容安法 运 用排活 动 及 教备 注第 7 页新204. Language points:(1)p

9、repare for(2)no matter(3)go wrong(4)arrive at(5)fall asleep(6)put out(7)in time(8)be determined to(9)at the hotel(10)in timeExplanationPractice课5. Read the passage andask questions.Sum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Words and structures.10归纳总结WritingAssignment:Assignment:.Read the new words and

10、passageHomeworkHomework5Oral布置作5第 8 页业考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等第 9 页教教案案纸纸月日第 1单元第 5、6课时总第 5、6 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn some phoneticsUnit 1 what a wonderful time!标、能力目2、To learn the grammar Exclamations标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学重点、 教学难点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容

11、师 生 双 边备 注Combined1、some phonetics2、some use of Exclamations第 10 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:Pair work1. Read and identify newwords;2. Read the passage;3. have a dictation.复习1010讲Phonetics:Phonetics:1、Listen and read thephonetics and the words.2、Put some words in the listeningproper basket acco

12、rdingto the pronunciation ofthe endings.Grammar: ExclamationGrammar: ExclamationWe use exclamations toexpress our surprise,anger, or other strongemotions. ExclamationsExplanationare often constructedwith how/what or withso/such. For example:How cold it is!You are so sweet!授15教时主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注第 11

13、页学环节间安排活 动 及 教法 运 用新10We use what+adjectivebefore an uncountable orExplanationa plural noun.Eg:What lovely flowers!What beautiful weather!课15操Vocabulary:Vocabulary:Some words aboutdirection:N=north; S=southE=east; W=westNE=northwest;NW=northwestSE=southeast;SW=southwestanalysisPractice:Practice:1、Ti

14、ck the exclamationsfrom the following练sentences.2、Choose a properadjective to write anexclamation for each of25the picture.3、Complete the sentenceswith the correct wordsfrom the box.布置Practice作Sum up:Sum up:Make use of the grammar.第 12 页业 5HomeworkHomework考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教

15、师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 13 页教教案案纸纸月日第 2单元第 1、2课时总第 7、8 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、get information about friendship is标、能力目2、talk about your family and friends标、情感目标)教 材 分 析1、 some information about the section of warm-up(包括教学2、situation expressions about talking over the重点、 教学难family and friends点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教

16、学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESAUnit 2 Family and Friends第 14 页学环安 排节导入新课活 动 及 教法 运 用10105讲20授Lead-in:Lead-in:saysomethingPair workabout friendshipWords and expressions:Words and expressions:1、askthestudentstopronounce;2、play the tape for thestudents to listen and Readingrepeat.Dialogues:Dialogue

17、s:Family relationshipsDialogue1、Listen to the tape andanswer the questions.2、 Situation expressions:(1) Is she your motherssister? No, shes my fatherssister.(2)How long have you known each other? Averylongtime,since I was a kid.(3)Do they live far awayExplanationfrom you?No, we live in thesame.教时主 要

18、 内 容师生双边 备 注第 15 页学环节间安排活动及教法 运 用(4)Do you meet each otherveryoften?Explanati新15lot.on3.Language points:(1)be going to(2)get along(3)each other(4)once a year54. Practice: finish thechart finishthedialogue55.Practicethedialogues in pairs.Practice课6. Make dialogues aboutfriends.Act out the dialogues10

19、in pairs.WritingSum up:Sum up:Situation1.expressions;52. Language points归Seldom, but we call a纳总Assignment:Assignment: Oral1.Read the new words and dialogues;2. Make a dialogue about第 16 页结5traveling.HomeworkHomework布置作业考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 17 页教教案案纸纸月日第 2单元第

20、3、4课时总第 9、10 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn the Passage.标、能力目2、To understand passge.标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、Words and expressions;Unit 2 Family and Friends重点、 教学难 2、Situation expressions.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 18 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:1. Read and identify newPai

21、r workwords;2. Act out the dialoguesOralthat they made.Words and expressions:Words and expressions:1. Ask the students topronounce;2. Play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Passage:Passage:Reading1. Pre-readingquestions;2. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions;3. Situation questions:

22、(1) Bad Haircut likesSusan because Susanis.Explanati(2) After Not with theBand and John finishedonhigh school, John.(3) According to Dr.Greens advice, whenyour friends newinterest arent healthy,you should.复习15讲105授155第 19 页教学环节时师 生 双 边间主 要 内 容安法 运 用排活 动 及 教备 注第 20 页新204. Language points:(1)laugh at(

23、2)get together(3)give up(4)speak up(5)put down(6)hang out with(7)show up(8)get into trouble(9)make sure(10)get involved inExplanationPractice课5. Read the passage andask questions.Sum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Words and structures.10归纳总结WritingAssignment:Assignment:.Read the new words andpa

24、ssageHomeworkHomework5Oral布置作5第 21 页业考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等第 22 页教教案案纸纸月日第 2单元第 5、6课时总第 11、12 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn some phonetics标、能力目2、To learn the grammar Indirect Speech标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、some phoneticsUnit 2 Family and Friends重点、 教学难 2、some use of Ind

25、irect Speech点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注Combined第 23 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:Pair work1. Read and identify newwords;2. Read the passage;3. have a dictation.复习1010讲授15Phonetics:Phonetics:1. Listen and read thephonetics and the words.2. Label the bold words listeningin the se

26、ntencesaccording to thepronunciation of theirendings.Grammar:Grammar: IndirectIndirect SpeechSpeechWe often have to giveinformation about whatpeople say or think. Inorder to do this, you canExplanationuse direct speech orindirect speech orindirect speech. Sayingexactly what someone hassaid is called

27、 directspeech. For example:Im going to thecinema, he said.教学时主 要 内 容间师 生 双 边备 注活 动 及 教第 24 页环节安排法 运 用新10课Indirect speech doesntuse quotation marks toenclose what the personExplanationsaid and it doesnt haveto be word for word. Forexample:He said he was going tothe cinema.15操Vocabulary:Vocabulary:bab

28、y showerbirthday partywedding ceremonyfamily reunionrecovery celebrationanalysis练Practice:Practice:1.Change the sentencesinto indirect speechones.2.Play the MessengersGame and practiceindirect speech.3.Complete the sentenceswith the correct words25from the box.Practice布置作业Sum up:Sum up:Make use of t

29、he grammar.HomeworkHomework第 25 页 5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 26 页教教案案纸纸月日第 3单元第 1、2课时总第 13、14 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、get information about shopping is标、能力目2、buy goods and make a bargain标、情感目标)教 材 分 析1、 some information about the section of warm-up(包括教学2、situation expre

30、ssions about talking over the重点、 教学难family and friends点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESAUnit 3 At the Market第 27 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Lead-in:Lead-in: say something导10Pair workabout friendshipWords and expressions:Words and expressions:入1. ask the students topronounce;新2. play the

31、tape for the10 Readingstudents to listen and课repeat.Dialogues:Dialogues:Family relationshipsDialogue1. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions.2.Situationexpressions:(1) Is she your mothers5sister? No, shes my fatherssister.讲(2)Howlonghaveyouknown each other? Averylongtime,20Explanationsince I wa

32、s a kid.(3)Do they live far awayfrom you?No, we live in the授same.教时主 要 内 容师生双边 备 注第 28 页学环节间安排活动及教法 运 用 (4)Do you meet each otherveryExplanatioften?Seldom, but we call a新15lot.on3. Language points:(1) be going to(2) get along(3) each other(4) once a year54. Practice: finish thechart finishthedialogu

33、e55.Practicethedialogues in pairs.Practice课6. Make dialogues aboutfriends.Act out the dialogues10in pairs.WritingSum up:Sum up:Situation1.expressions;52. Language points归纳总Assignment:Assignment: Oral1. Read the new words and dialogues;2. Make a dialogue about第 29 页结5traveling.HomeworkHomework布置作业考勤教

34、学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 30 页教教案案纸纸月日第 3单元第 3、4课时总第 15、16 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn the Passage.标、能力目2、To understand passage.标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、Words and expressions;Unit 3 At the Market重点、 教学难 2、Situation expressions.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注

35、PPP & ESA第 31 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:1. Read and identify newPair workwords;2. Act out the dialoguesOralthat they made.Words and expressions:Words and expressions:1. Ask the students topronounce;2. Play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Passage:Passage:Reading1. Pre-readingquest

36、ions;2. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions;3. Situation questions:(1) Why do people startBuy Nothing Day?(2)If you want to supportExplanatiBuy Nothing Day, which ofthe following things youonwont do?Be glad that.复习15讲105授155第 32 页教学环节时师 生 双 边间主 要 内 容安法 运 用排活 动 及 教备 注第 33 页新204. Language point

37、s:(1)kick off(2)a number of(3)a kind of(4)be encouraged to do(5)one of(6)think about(7)hand out(8)cup up(9)at least(10)in publicExplanationPractice课5. Read the passage andask questions.Sum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Words and structures.10归纳总结WritingAssignment:Assignment:.Read the new words

38、 andpassageHomeworkHomework5Oral布置作5第 34 页业考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等第 35 页教教案案纸纸月日第 3单元第 5、6课时总第 17、18 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn some phonetics标、能力目2、To learn the grammar Adverbial Clauses标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、some phoneticsUnit 3 At the Market重点、 教学难 2、some use of

39、Adverbial Clauses点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 36 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:Pair work1. Read and identify newwords;2. Read the passage;3. have a dictation.复习1010讲Phonetics:Phonetics:1. Listen and read thephonetics and the words.2.Change the words below listeninginto

40、plural forms andgroup them according tothe pronunciation oftheir endings.Grammar: AdverbialGrammar: AdverbialClausesClausesAn adverbial clause is aclause that has aExplanationadverb-like function inmodifying the mainclause. AdverbialClauses can be used toshow time, cause,manner, conditions,purpose,

41、etc.授15教学时主 要 内 容间师 生 双 边备 注活 动 及 教第 37 页环节安排For example:法 运 用新10When you come to thedepartment store, youfind that there are a lotof things on sale.ExplanationIf I went back on thetrain itll be cheaper.The meeting starts now课since everyone is here.15操Vocabulary:Vocabulary:discount economywaste enco

42、urageoffer plasticchallenge movementanalysis练Practice:Practice:1. Change the sentencesinto indirect speechones.2. Play the MessengersGame and practiceindirect speech.3. Complete the sentenceswith the correct words25from the box.Practice布置作业Sum up:Sum up:Make use of the grammar.HomeworkHomework第 38 页

43、 5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 39 页教教案案纸纸月日第 4单元第 1、2课时总第 19、20 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、know how to dress appropriately标、能力目2、introduce a trendy activity标、情感目标)教 材 分 析1、 some information about the section of warm-up(包括教学2、situation expressions about talking over the重点、 教学难

44、dress.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESAUnit 4 Whats in fashion?第 40 页学环安 排节导入新课活 动 及 教法 运 用10105讲20授Lead-in:Lead-in: say somethingPair workabout dressingWords and expressions:Words and expressions:1. ask the students topronounce;2. play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepe

45、at.Dialogues:Dialogues:An interviewDialogue1. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions.2. Situationexpressions: Reading (1) Do you really thinkthat.?I really feelthat. (2) How do you feelabout.? In my opinion,. (3) Is that OK? Why dont you./Explanation (4) Do you have anyidea? If you ask me, . I t

46、end to thinkthat.教时主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注第 41 页学环节间安排3. Language points:(1) be going to(2) have an interview(3) be sure that(4) go with(5) How about.?(6) Why dont you.?活 动 及 教法 运 用Explanation15新5Practice:finishtheexercise4. Practice the dialoguesin pairs.课55. Make dialogues aboutdressingAct out the dialo

47、guesin pairs.Sum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Language pointsPracticeWriting归纳总Assignment:Assignment:1. Read the new words and10dialogues;2. Make a dialogue about Oraldressing.HomeworkHomework第 42 页结5布置作业5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 43 页教教案案纸纸月日第 4单元第 3、4课时总第

48、21、22 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn the passage.标、能力目2、To understand the passage.标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、Words and expressions;Unit 4 Whats in fashion?重点、 教学难 2、Situation expressions.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 44 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:1. Read and identify newPair w

49、orkwords;2. Act out the dialoguesOralthat they made.Words and expressions:Words and expressions:1. Ask the students topronounce;2. Play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Passage:Passage:Reading1. Pre-readingquestions;2. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions;3. Situation questions:(1)

50、 Why should I fall forthe designers tricks?(2) Its satisfying toExplanatibut it for a tenth of theprice.(3) They areprepared toontake risks to lookindividual.复习15讲105授155第 45 页教学环节时师 生 双 边间主 要 内 容安法 运 用排活 动 及 教备 注第 46 页新204. Language points:(1)fall for(2)donate. to.(3)in general(4)go wrong(5)pop int

51、o(6)chain store(7)a copy of(8)a tenth of(9)be prepared to(10)even ifExplanationPractice课5. Read the passage andask questions.Sum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Words and structures.10归纳总结WritingAssignment:Assignment:.Read the new words andpassageHomeworkHomework5Oral布置作5第 47 页业考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一

52、般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等第 48 页教教案案纸纸月日第 4单元第 5、6课时总第 23、24 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1. To learn some phonetics标、能力目2. To learn the grammar Attributive Clauses标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1. some phoneticsUnit 4 Whats in fashion?重点、 教学难 2. some use of Attributive Clauses点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要

53、 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 49 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:Pair work1. Read and identify newwords;2. Read the passage;3. have a dictation.复习1010讲Phonetics:Phonetics:1. Listen and read thephonetics and the words.2. Practice the listeningfollowing tonguetwisters. How manysyllables are there ineach s

54、entence?Grammar: AttributiveGrammar: AttributiveClauseClauseAn attributive clause isa clause that hasExplanationadjective-like functionin modifying a thing, aplace or a person in asentence. For example:The studentwho answeredthe question was John.授15教学时主 要 内 容间师 生 双 边备 注活 动 及 教第 50 页环节安排I know the r

55、easonwhy he法 运 用新10was so angry.The manwho lives next toExplanationus like to dress fancyclothes.It is such an interestingbook that many people课want to read it.I have never heard such atrendy activityas hetells.analysis15操Vocabulary:Vocabulary:CheckedSpottedStripedSpiralZigzag练Practice:Practice:1.Fi

56、nd more attributiveclauses in the passage.2.Complete the sentenceswith proper words.3. Complete the sentences25with the correct wordsfrom the box. Change theform if necessary.Practice布置作业Sum up:Sum up:Make use of the grammar.HomeworkHomework第 51 页 5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总

57、结、布置作业等)第 52 页教教案案纸纸月日第 5单元第 1、2课时总第 25、26 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、be aware of the danger of daily life标、能力目2、stay away from dangers标、情感目标)教 材 分 析1、 some information about the section of warm-up(包括教学2、situation expressions about talking over the重点、 教学难dangers.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注

58、PPP & ESAUnit 5 Danger and Safety第 53 页学环安 排节导入新课活 动 及 教法 运 用10105讲20授Lead-in:Lead-in: say somethingPair workabout dangersWords and expressions:Words and expressions:1. ask the students topronounce;2. play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Dialogues:Dialogues:Help! Help!Dialogue1. Listen

59、to the tape andanswer the questions.2. Situationexpressions: Reading (1)Could you help me? Sure./Certainly. (2) Would you mindhelping me out? My pleasure. (3) What should I do? Stay calm andcollected. (4) Whom should I turnExplanationto? Please get out of thereas soon as教时主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注第 54 页学环节间

60、安排possible.3. Language points:(1) be on fire(2) try to(3) stay calm(4) on the way(5) be worried about(6) stay out of(7) a couple of活 动 及 教法 运 用Explanation15新5Practice:finishtheexercise4. Practice the dialoguesin pairs.课55. Make dialogues aboutdangersAct out the dialoguesin pairs.PracticeSum up:Sum u

61、p:3.Situationexpressions;4.Language pointsWriting归纳总10Assignment:Assignment:1. Read the new words and Oraldialogues;2. Make a dialogue aboutdressing.第 55 页结5HomeworkHomework布置作业5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 56 页教教案案纸纸月日第 5单元第 3、4课时总第 27、28 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn

62、the passage.标、能力目2、To understand the passage.标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、Words and expressions;Unit 5 Danger and Safety重点、 教学难 2、Situation expressions.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 57 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:1. Read and identify newPair workwords;2. Act out the dialoguesO

63、ralthat they made.Words and expressions:Words and expressions:1. Ask the students topronounce;2. Play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Passage:Passage:Reading1. Pre-readingquestions;2. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions;3. Situation questions:(1) The passage is aboutsafety.(2) Be

64、fore last week, theExplanatiwriter thought of theirhome safe.on(3) Their niece andnephew will reach theirhome in three weeks.复习15讲105授155第 58 页教学环节时师 生 双 边间主 要 内 容安法 运 用排活 动 及 教备 注第 59 页新204. Language points:(1)be full ofExplanati(2)last week(3)look afteron(4)by the time(5)in case(6)climb out(7)on a

65、 shelf(8)never be too careful(9)make.safe(10)even ifPractice课5. Read the passage andask questions.Sum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Words and structures.10归纳总结WritingAssignment:Assignment:.Read the new words andpassageHomeworkHomework5Oral布置作5第 60 页业考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教

66、师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等第 61 页教教案案纸纸月日第 5单元第 5、6课时总第 29、30 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1. To learn some phonetics标、能力目2. To learn the grammar Imperative Sentences标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1. some phoneticsUnit 5 Danger and Safety重点、 教学难 2. some use of Imperative Sentences点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第

67、62 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:Pair work1. Read and identify newwords;2. Read the passage;3. have a dictation.复习1010讲授15Phonetics:Phonetics:1. Listen and read thephonetics and the words.2.Read the following listeningwords and mark theirstresses.Grammar: ImperativeGrammar: ImperativeSentencesSen

68、tencesThe imperative sentencesare used to indicatecommand, request,advice, warning,prohibition, wish, etc.ExplanationFor example:Please describe them.(request)Lets do it. (advice)Watch your steps.(warning)Look out! Danger!(strong warning)Go and wash your hands.(order)师 生 双 边主 要 内 容备 注活 动 及 教教学时间第 63

69、 页环节安排Always notice theenvironment around you.(advice)No smoking.(prohibition)Dont play with matchesor candles.(prohibition)法 运 用新Explanation10课15操Vocabulary:Vocabulary:Seat beltGlovesHelmetMaskWrist supportAnkle pad Analysis练Practice:Practice:1. Read the followingwords and mark theirstresses.2. Cha

70、nge the followingsentences intoimperative ones.3. Complete the sentences25with the correct wordsfrom the box. Change theform if necessary.Practice布置作业Sum up:Sum up:Make use of the grammar.HomeworkHomework第 64 页 5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 65 页教教案案纸纸月日第 6单元第 1、2课时总第

71、31、32 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、get to know different movie types标、能力目2、discuss the influence TV has on daily life标、情感目标)教 材 分 析1、 some information about the section of warm-up(包括教学2、situation expressions about talking over the重点、 教学难movies点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESAUnit 6 Watch

72、for fun!第 66 页学环安 排节导入新课活 动 及 教法 运 用10105讲20授Lead-in:Lead-in: say somethingPair workabout moviesWords and expressions:Words and expressions:1. ask the students topronounce;2. play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Dialogues:Dialogues:What do you like towatch?Dialogue1. Listen to the tape

73、andanswer the questions.2. Situation Readingexpressions: (1)Have you seen themovie.? Yes, I have./No, Ihavent. (2) What do you thinkof.? The movie is one ofExplanationthe. (3) How do you like.? It is sointeresting/moving. (4) Isnt it awonderful.? Yes, I think so. No, I dont like itat all.主 要 内 容教时师

74、生 双 边备 注第 67 页学环节间安排3. Language points:(1) think of(2) be aware of(3) come over(4) have time(5) have an exam(6) see a movie(7) on the Internet活 动 及 教法 运 用Explanation15新5Practice:finishtheexercise4. Practice the dialoguesin pairs.课55. Make dialogues aboutmoviesAct out the dialoguesin pairs.PracticeSu

75、m up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Language pointsWriting归纳总Assignment:Assignment:101. Read the new words anddialogues; Oral2. Make a dialogue aboutmovies.第 68 页结5HomeworkHomework布置作业5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 69 页教教案案纸纸月日第 6单元第 3、4课时总第 33、34 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、

76、To learn the passage.标、能力目2、To understand the passage.标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、Words and expressions;Unit 6 Watch for fun!重点、 教学难 2、Situation expressions.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 70 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:1. Read and identify newPair workwords;2. Act out the dial

77、oguesOralthat they made.Words and expressions:Words and expressions:1. Ask the students topronounce;2. Play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Passage:Passage:Reading1. Pre-readingquestions;2. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions;3. Situation questions:(1) According to thepassage, pe

78、ople whowatch a lot of TV areExplanatilikely to become fat.(2)Which of thefollowing is true aboutonTV-Turnoff Week?Most of its participantschoose to watch less TV.复习15讲105授155第 71 页教学环节时师 生 双 边间主 要 内 容安法 运 用排活 动 及 教备 注第 72 页新204. Language points:(1)turn off(2)head of(3)around the world(4)cut into(5)

79、result in(6)take part in(7)according to(8)hundreds of(9)promise to do(10)engage in(11)play gamesExplanationPractice课5. Read the passage andask questions.Sum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Words and structures.10归纳总结WritingAssignment:Assignment:.Read the new words andpassageHomeworkHomework5Oral

80、布置作5第 73 页业考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等第 74 页教教案案纸纸月日第 6单元第 5、6课时总第 35、36 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1. To learn the sentences标、能力目2. To learn the grammar Word Formation标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1. some sentencesUnit 6 Watch for fun!重点、 教学难 2. some use of Word Formation点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法

81、)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注Combined第 75 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:Pair work1. Read and identify newwords;2. Read the passage;3. have a dictation.复习1010讲Phonetics:Phonetics:1.Listen and read thesentences2.Read the following listeningsentences. Underline the stressedwords.授15Grammar: Word Form

82、ationGrammar: Word FormationEnglish words can beformed in the followingtwo common ways: a baseword plus affix, and twoExplanationwords put together. Theformer way forms thederivations. Forexample:friendfriendlydoundoabledisableelectricelectricity教学时主 要 内 容间师 生 双 边备 注活 动 及 教第 76 页环节安排法 运 用新10The latt

83、er way forms thecompounds such as:Explanationloud+speakerloudspeakerbaby+showerbaby-shower课15操Vocabulary:Vocabulary:Watch a football matchRead a magazineWatch TVLook at the blackboardSee a movieWatch a performanceAnalysis练Practice:Practice:1.Study the followingwords and find out howthey are formed.2

84、.Match the words inColumn A with those inColumn B to form newwords.3. Complete the sentenceswith the correct words25from the box. Change theform if necessary.Practice布置作业Sum up:Sum up:Make use of the grammar.HomeworkHomework第 77 页 5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 78 页教教案

85、案纸纸月日第 7单元第 1、2课时总第 37、38 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、talk about weather标、能力目标、情感目标)教 材 分 析1、 some information about the section of warm-up(包括教学2、situation expressions about talking about重点、 教学难the weather点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA2、know the influence weather has on peoplesmoodUni

86、t 7 Nice Weather, Nice Mood第 79 页学环安 排节导入新课活 动 及 教法 运 用10105讲20授教时Lead-in:Lead-in: say somethingPair workabout weatherWords and expressions:Words and expressions:1. ask the students topronounce;2. play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Dialogues:Dialogues:Whats the weather like?Dialogue1.

87、 Listen to the tape andanswer the questions.2. Situationexpressions: Reading (1)Whats the weatherlike? Itssunny/cloudy/windy. (2) Hows the weather?Its going to be finetomorrow. (3) Whats the weatherExplanationforecast? It is rainy. (4) Whats it likeoutside? It looks as if it isgoing to rain. (5) How

88、 cold is it?主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注第 80 页学环节间安排3. Language points:(1) be going to(2) a short distance(3) lift up(4) in the morning(5) in the afternoon(6) too much(7) as if活 动 及 教法 运 用Explanation15新5Practice:finishtheexercise4. Practice the dialoguesin pairs.课55. Make dialogues aboutmoviesAct out the dialo

89、guesin pairs.PracticeSum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Language pointsWriting归纳总Assignment:Assignment:101. Read the new words anddialogues; Oral2. Make a dialogue aboutweather.第 81 页结5HomeworkHomework布置作业5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 82 页教教案案纸纸月日第 7单元第 3、4课时总第 3

90、9、40 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn the passage.标、能力目2、To understand the passage.标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、Words and expressions;Unit 7 Nice Weather, Nice Mood重点、 教学难 2、Situation expressions.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 83 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:1. Read and identify newP

91、air workwords;2. Act out the dialoguesOralthat they made.Words and expressions:Words and expressions:1. Ask the students topronounce;2. Play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Passage:Passage:Reading1. Pre-readingquestions;2. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions;3. Situation question

92、s:(1) What do peopleusually do to stay cool in a hotExplanatiday?(2)What is the best way toonescape the heat according tothe writer.(3)How did the father andhis daughter have a greattime?(4) What problem did snowcause?复习15讲105授155第 84 页教学环节时师 生 双 边间主 要 内 容安法 运 用排活 动 及 教备 注第 85 页新204. Language points

93、:(1)kind ofExplanati(2)in this country(3)in some areason(4)during the summer(5)as often as possible(6)open the window(7)let in(8)in my opinion(9)stay cool(10)have a great timePractice(11)in the yard课5. Read the passage andask questions.Sum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Words and structures.10归

94、纳总结WritingAssignment:Assignment:.Read the new words andpassageHomeworkHomework5Oral布置作5第 86 页业考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等第 87 页教教案案纸纸月日第 7单元第 5、6课时总第 41、42 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1. To learn the intonation标、能力目2. To learn the grammar Infinitive标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1. some sent

95、encesUnit 7 Nice Weather, Nice Mood重点、 教学难 2. some use of Infinitive点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 88 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:Pair work1. Read and identify newwords;2. Read the passage;3. have a dictation.复习1010讲Phonetics:Phonetics:1. Listen and read thesentences2.

96、Read the following listeningsentences. Make the intonation.Grammar: InfinitiveGrammar: InfinitiveThe infinitive insentences usuallyfunctions as thefollowing:Subject: To sayTo say is oneExplanationthing; to doto do Is another.Object: I want to buyto buysomethingsomething for him.Predicative: What you

97、should do is to leave here to leave here atonce.Complement: He asked meto waitto wait授15教学时主 要 内 容间师 生 双 边备 注活 动 及 教第 89 页环节安排 for him for a while.Attribute: Do you haveanything toto say say ?Adverbial: We eat totolivelive; we dont live to eatto eat.法 运 用新Explanation10课15操Vocabulary:Vocabulary:Kinds

98、 of weather:RainySunnySnowyCloudyFoggyAnalysis练Practice:Practice:1. Different kinds ofweather have differentinfluence on life. Readthe following chart andadd words of your own tomake it bigger.2. Complete the sentenceswith the correct words25from the box. Change theform if necessary.Practice布置作业Sum

99、up:Sum up:Make use of the grammar.HomeworkHomework第 90 页 5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 91 页教教案案纸纸月日第 8单元第 1、2课时总第 43、44 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、make sense of images标、能力目2、know how to create an image标、情感目标)教 材 分 析1、 some information about the section of warm-up(包括教学2、situat

100、ion expressions about talking over the重点、 教学难image.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESAUnit 8 Create an Image第 92 页学环安 排节导入新课活 动 及 教法 运 用10105讲20授教时Lead-in:Lead-in: say somethingPair workabout imagesWords and expressions:Words and expressions:1. ask the students topronounce;2. play

101、 the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Dialogues:Dialogues:What is it?Dialogue1. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions.2. Situationexpressions: Reading (1)Is it a .? I thinkmaybe it is . No, have a guess,please. (2) It may/might be. Yes, you gotit./No, try again! (3) I bet that it willEx

102、planationrain today. No, it wont raintoday. (4) I dont know forsure, but I guess it is. In fact, it is a .主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注第 93 页学环节间安排活 动 及 教法 运 用15新3. Language points:(1)somethingExplanatiinteresting(2) have a lookon(3) of course(4) let me see(5) have a guess(6) in fact(7) as a matter of fact5Prac

103、tice:finishtheexercise4. Practice the dialoguesin pairs.课55. Make dialogues aboutdangersAct out the dialoguesin pairs.PracticeSum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Language pointsWriting归纳总10Assignment:Assignment:1. Read the new words and Oraldialogues;2. Make a dialogue aboutimages.第 94 页结5Homewo

104、rkHomework布置作业5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 95 页教教案案纸纸月日第 8单元第 3、4课时总第 45、46 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn the passage.标、能力目2、To understand the passage.标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、Words and expressions;Unit 8 Create an Image重点、 教学难 2、Situation expressions.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过

105、程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注Combined第 96 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:1. Read and identify newPair workwords;2. Act out the dialoguesOralthat they made.Words and expressions:Words and expressions:1. Ask the students topronounce;2. Play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Passage:Passage:Rea

106、ding1. Pre-readingquestions;2. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions;3. Situation questions:(1) Image is a veryimportant part of beingprofessional.Explanati(2) Sometimes businesswomen cut their haironshort because theybelieve it helpsthem inbusiness.(3) What kind ofclothesyou wear shows your ow

107、npersonality.复习15讲105授155第 97 页教学环节时师 生 双 边间主 要 内 容安法 运 用排活 动 及 教备 注第 98 页新204. Language points:(1)in my opinion(2)a part of(3)be likely to do(4)take care of(5)regardless of(6)plenty of(7)so that(8)as well(9)in the world(10)self-confidenceExplanationPractice课5. Read the passage andask questions.Sum

108、up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Words and structures.10归纳总结WritingAssignment:Assignment:.Read the new words andpassageHomeworkHomework5Oral布置作5第 99 页业考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等第 100 页教教案案纸纸月日第 8单元第 5、6课时总第 47、48 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1. To learn rhythm of sentences标、能力

109、目2. To learn the grammar Participles标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1.rhythm of sentenceUnit 8 Create an Image重点、 教学难 2. some use of Participles点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 101 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:Pair work1. Read and identify newwords;2. Read the passage;3. have a dictati

110、on.复习1010讲Phonetics:Phonetics:1.Listen and read thesentences2.Mark the stressed listeningsyllables on thefollowing sentences andthen read them.Grammar: ParticiplesGrammar: ParticiplesThe present participleis formed by theinfinitive + -ing, e.g.,working, loving,Explanationsitting. Tow basicfunctions

111、of the presentparticiples are:To form the continuoustenses. For example:He is working.As adjectives. eg:running water授15教学时主 要 内 容间师 生 双 边备 注活 动 及 教第 102 页环节安排The past participles ofregular verbs is formedby the infinitive +-ed/-d, e.g., worked,loved. Tow basicfunctions of the pastparticiple are:To

112、form the perfecttenses and the passivevoice. For example:He has seen the womanbefore.The window was broken.As adjectives. Forexample:stolen money法 运 用新Explanation10课analysis15操练Vocabulary:Vocabulary:Well-organizedEasy-goingresponsibleIndependentPracticePractice:Practice:1.Complete the following25sto

113、ry with the words inthe box.2.Learn the words andexpressions describing布置professional people.3. Complete the sentences作with the correct wordsfrom the box. Change the业form if necessary.第 103 页5Sum up:Sum up:Make use of the grammar.HomeworkHomework考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布

114、置作业等)第 104 页教教案案纸纸月日第 9单元第 1、2课时总第 49、50 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、make phone calls标、能力目2、know the importance of communication tools标、情感目标)教 材 分 析1、 some information about the section of warm-up(包括教学2、situation expressions about talking over the重点、 教学难phone calls.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备

115、 注PPP & ESAUnit 9 Stay in Touch第 105 页学环安 排节导入新课活 动 及 教法 运 用10105讲20授Lead-in:Lead-in: say somethingPair workabout communicationtoolsWords and expressions:Words and expressions:1. ask the students topronounce;2. play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Dialogues:Dialogues:Make a Phone CallDi

116、alogue1. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions.2. Situation Readingexpressions: (1)May I speak to Mr.Smith, please? This is .speaking. (2) Is Mary in? This is Maryspeaking.Explanation (3)Whos that(speaking), please? This is Maryspeaking. (4)Could you take amessage for me, please? Hold the line,

117、please.主 要 内 容教时师 生 双 边备 注第 106 页学环节间安排3. Language points:(1) right now(2) give sb. a message(3) of course(4) call sb. back(5) have ones number(6) hang on a minute(7) hang up活 动 及 教法 运 用Explanation15新5Practice:finishtheexercise4. Practice the dialoguesin pairs.课55. Make dialogues aboutdangersAct out

118、 the dialoguesin pairs.PracticeSum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Language pointsWriting归纳总Assignment:Assignment:101. Read the new words anddialogues; Oral2. Make a dialogue aboutmaking phone calls.第 107 页结5HomeworkHomework布置作业5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 108 页教

119、教案案纸纸月日第 9单元第 3、4课时总第 51、52 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn the passage.标、能力目2、To understand the passage.标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、Words and expressions;Unit 9 Stay in Touch重点、 教学难 2、Situation expressions.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 109 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:1. Read and

120、 identify newPair workwords;2. Act out the dialoguesOralthat they made.Words and expressions:Words and expressions:1. Ask the students topronounce;2. Play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Passage:Passage:Reading1. Pre-readingquestions;2. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions;3. Situ

121、ation questions:(1) Steven talks to hismother every day nowbecause he is using aExplanatimobile phone.(2) There are about 3.45onbillion mobile phoneusers in developingcountries today.(3) M-PESA is a bankingsystem in复习15讲105授155第 110 页教学环节时师 生 双 边间主 要 内 容安法 运 用排活 动 及 教备 注第 111 页新20Kenya.4. Language p

122、oints:(1)talk to sb.(2)have to do(3)pick up(4)chat with sb.(5)once a week(6)more than(7)a lot of(8)make calls(9)check prices(10)at storeExplanationPractice课5. Read the passage andask questions.归纳总结Sum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;102. Words and structures.WritingAssignment:Assignment:.Read the n

123、ew words andpassageOral5HomeworkHomework布置作5第 112 页业考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等第 113 页教教案案纸纸月日第 9单元第 5、6课时总第 53、54 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1. To learn phonetics: Linking标、能力目2. To learn the grammar Passive Voice标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1ingUnit 9 Stay in Touch重点、 教学难 2. some use of

124、 Passive Voice点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 114 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:Pair work1. Read and identify newwords;2. Read the passage;3. have a dictation.复习1010讲Phonetics:Phonetics:1. Listen and read thesentences.2. Read the following listeningsentences. What wordssho

125、uld be linked?授15Grammar: Passive VoiceGrammar: Passive VoicePassive voice is usedwhen the focus is on theaction. It is notimportant or not knownwho/that is performingExplanationthe action.From active voice topassive voice:She often asks me suchsilly questions.I am often asked suchsilly教学时主 要 内 容间师

126、生 双 边备 注活 动 及 教第 115 页环节安排法 运 用新10课15操Questions.They built this schoolExplanationlast year. This school was builtlast year.They will build a newschool in our villagenext year. A new school will bebuilt in our village nextyear.AnalysisThey are widening theroads in the downtown. The roads are beingwid

127、ened in the downtown.练Vocabulary:Vocabulary:B4=BeforeASAP=as soon as possibleOIC=Oh, I seeGL=Good LuckPracticePractice:Practice:1.Complete theconversation with the25given words, using thepassive voice2.Circle the best answer.3. Complete the sentences布置with the correct wordsfrom the box. Change the作f

128、orm if necessary.业Sum up:Sum up:第 116 页Make use of the grammar.5HomeworkHomework考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 117 页教教案案纸纸月日第 10单元第 1、2课时总第 55、56 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、express praise and encouragement标、能力目2、understand what success is标、情感目标)教 材 分 析1、 some information about

129、the section of warm-up(包括教学2、situation expressions about talking over重点、 教学难success点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESAUnit 10 Success Starts Early第 118 页学环安 排节导入新课活 动 及 教法 运 用10105讲20授Lead-in:Lead-in: say somethingPair workabout successWords and expressions:Words and expressions:1

130、. ask the students topronounce;2. play the tape for thestudents to listen andrepeat.Dialogues:Dialogues:Expect Well and FinishWellDialogue1. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions. Reading2. Situationexpressions: (1) Encouraging:Youll make it.Youre making progress.Keep doing it and youllget it r

131、ight. (2) Praising:ExplanationWelldone/Wonderful/Excellent!Were so proud of you.Im very pleased withyour work.教时主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注第 119 页学环节间安排You make my day.3. Language points:(1) have an interview(2) last week(3) want to do(4) get the job(5) get to bed(6) decide to do(7) wake up活 动 及 教法 运 用Explana

132、tion15新5Practice:finishtheexercise4. Practice the dialoguesin pairs.课55. Make dialogues aboutdangersAct out the dialoguesin pairs.PracticeSum up:Sum up:1.Situationexpressions;2. Language pointsWriting归纳总10Assignment:Assignment:1. Read the new words and Oraldialogues;2. Make a dialogue aboutsuccess.第

133、 120 页结5HomeworkHomework布置作业5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 121 页教教案案纸纸月日第 10单元第 3、4课时总第 57、58 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1、To learn the passage.标、能力目2、To understand the passage.标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1、Words and expressions;Unit 10 Success Starts Early重点、 教学难 2、Situation expressions

134、.点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注Combined第 122 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:1. Read and identify newPair workwords;2. Act out the dialoguesOralthat they made.Words and expressions:Words and expressions:1. Ask the students topronounce;2. Play the tape for thestudents to listen andrep

135、eat.Passage:Passage:Reading1. Pre-readingquestions;2. Listen to the tape andanswer the questions;3. Situation questions:(1) He made much money.(2) He always tried hisbest to doExplanati anything.(3)He had a big importantoncareer.(4)His family membersloved him.(5)He was famous.(6)His friends respecte

136、dhim.复习15讲105授155第 123 页教学环节时师 生 双 边间主 要 内 容安法 运 用排活 动 及 教备 注第 124 页新204. Language points:(1)look at(2)think about(3)make money(4)one of(5)better or worse(6)anyone else(7)used to do(8)all ones life(9)the example of(10)the same asExplanationPractice课5. Read the passage andask questions.Sum up:Sum up:

137、1.Situationexpressions;2. Words and structures.10归纳总结WritingAssignment:Assignment:.Read the new words andpassageHomeworkHomework5Oral布置作5第 125 页业考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等第 126 页教教案案纸纸月日第 10单元第 5、6课时总第 59、60 课时课题教 学 目 标(包括知识目1. To learn phonetics: Loss of Plosion标、能力目

138、2. To learn the grammar Emphatic Structures标、情感目标)教 材 分 析(包括教学1.Loss of PlosionUnit 10 Success Starts Early重点、 教学难 2. some use of Emphatic Structures点)教 学 方 法(包括教法、学法)教学过程设计教时 间主 要 内 容师 生 双 边备 注PPP & ESA第 127 页学环安 排节活 动 及 教法 运 用Review:Review:Pair work1. Read and identify newwords;2. Read the passage

139、;3. have a dictation.复习1010讲Phonetics:Phonetics:1. Listen and read thesentences.2. Listen and find out listeningwhich letters loseblasting (plosion)during the reading.Grammar: EmphaticGrammar: EmphaticStructuresStructuresAn emphatic sentenceuses certain structuresto put the stress on aExplanationpar

140、t of the sentence. Thefollowing threestructures are thecommon ways to formemphatic sentences.It is/was.+that/who(m).Mary gave Kate the bookto study yesterday.授15教学时主 要 内 容间师 生 双 边备 注活 动 及 教第 128 页环节安排法 运 用新10课It was the book that Marygave Kate to studyExplanationyesterday.It was Kate that/who Maryga

141、ve the book to studyyesterday.It was yesterday thatMary gave Kate the book tostudy.She does wash her laundryHe does look like a thief.Analysis15操Vocabulary:Vocabulary:CEOdepartment managergeneral managerstaff and workers练Practice:Practice:1. Complete theconversation with theemphatic structures.2. Circle the bestanswer.3. Complete the sentences25with the correct wordsfrom the box. Change theform if necessary.Practice布置作业Sum up:Sum up:Make use of the grammar.HomeworkHomework第 129 页5考勤教学体会见教学日志(教学环节一般包括复习旧课、 导入新课、 讲授新课、 学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等)第 130 页



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