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1、Business Englishunit 9 Business Dinner sunnyThis unit aims to help us toUnderstand the basic information of business entertainment商务接待商务接待;Understand the basic table manners;Effectively use communication skills to: 1. invite business associates合伙人合伙人 to dinner; 2. order western/Chinese food; 3. comm

2、ent on food; 4. propose a toast during a dinner.Objectives I. Background information: discussion. 1. Why do we entertain our clients/associates? 2. How to entertain them? What kinds of activities do we usually have to entertain our business partners? I. Background information: discussion. 1. Why do

3、we entertain our clients/associates? To secure the loyalty and partnership of the existing/potential clients and gain an advantage over competitors; To provide rewards or incentives激励激励,奖励奖励 for them; To help provide a relaxed and less formal environment to do business.mix business with pleasure.Cor

4、porate entertaining activitiesare business meetings in a social setting. I. Background information: discussion. 2. What kinds of activities do we usually have to entertain our business partners? We should decide who we are going to entertain, what activities we will do to entertain them and where we

5、 will have the entertaining activities. business dinner: cocktail party client appreciation banquet wine tasting & food tasting concerts or exhibitions an sightseeing tour of the city charity events sporting events shopping trip golf Find out what interests our guests.鸡尾酒会鸡尾酒会客户答谢宴会客户答谢宴会品酒会品酒会慈善活动慈









14、aldinner.Pleasedontstandonceremony.Nothanks.Ivehadenough.Imfull.Ihavenoroomforicecream. Tips 1.Invite your guests early and give them time to respond.2.Know which clients expect to bring their wife with them. 3. Dont arrange events on or near public holidays.4.It is a good idea to arrive at an event

15、 with your guests.5.Where there are several guests, ensure that there is one host for every two guests.6.A meal is a perfect setting for more intimate business discussions than a football match.7.It is a great chance for staff members honored as hosts to have a good time at the entertaining event. F

16、: Staff members honored as hosts must remember that their attendance at the activity is not necessarily to be a good time for them, but an opportunity to strengthen the client relationship.Uncompanied guests may feel uncomfortable. II. Business dinner: discussion with your partner. 1. Which meal do

17、you select? A meal selection has its own time frame.Breakfasts are great for urgent business. An English consists of bacon熏肉熏肉, eggs, sausage香肠香肠, tomatoes, toast吐司吐司, marmalade果酱果酱, tea, etc. A continental 欧陆式早餐欧陆式早餐 consists of breadstuff面包类面包类 (toast, croissants羊角面包羊角面包, pastries面点面点) and coffee,

18、 tea, or other drinks.Lunch and supper may last 2 hours. appetizer开胃菜开胃菜-soup-main course-dessert甜点甜点-coffee/teaTea is the new “power meal”.4 p.m. II. Business dinner: discussion with your partner. 1. Which meal do you select? 2. How do you choose a restaurant? 3. How can you combine entertainment w

19、ith business communication?II. Business dinner: discussion with your partner. location atmosphere facilities cleanlinessstaff friendliness/ attentiveness speed of service quality of food and drink price of food2. How do you choose a restaurant?Select a restaurant that you know well and that your cli

20、ent can find it easily.Call ahead for reservation and top service.Make sure you have a prime质量最佳的质量最佳的 location away from the restroom and the kitchen allowing the client a view of the landscape风景风景.1.vegetablesaladorcheese2.sweetsorfruit3.Appetizer/starter4.coffeeortea5.soup6.maincourse(meatorfish)

21、Lunch and supper may last 2 hours.上菜顺序上菜顺序1.Appetizer/starter2.soup3.maincourse(meatorfish)4.vegetablesaladorcheese5.sweetsorfruit6.coffeeorteaP112fillintheblanksTinaIvanstartermain coursewinedessertreverageP112fillintheblanksTinaIvanstarterprawn crackersoupmain coursechickenchickenwinered winebeerd

22、essertnonenonereveragefresh grape juicea cup of coffeeusefulsentences:1.Areyoureadytoordernow?2.whatwouldyoulikeforthemaincourse?3.whatdoyourecommend?4.Todaysspecialityisthechicken.5.imonadiet.imtryingnottoeattoomuchfattyfood,youknow.6.whatwouldyouliketodrink?7.wouldyoulikeanysoftdrinks?8.wehavevari


24、.Tastingmenucanhaveupto8courses,servicefollowsthesameruleofappitiser,starter,fish,mainanddessert.cheeseisusuallyservedbetweenmainanddessert. II. Business dinner: discussion with your partner.3. How can you combine entertainment with business communication?After watching a football match with your cl

25、ients, you may invite them to have a meal and discuss business.Make small talks before you get into any business item.Start discussing business after the appetizer 开胃菜开胃菜has been served and do not wait until dessert餐后甜点餐后甜点.Before the entertaining, invite the guests to your office for a cup of coffe

26、e and a boardroom会议室会议室 presentation of the new products and services. After the entertaining activity, write and thank the clients for their attendance and enclose marketing brochures小册子小册子with your firms services.Effectivelyusesomecommunicativeskill1.Therestaurantisapublicplace.Talkingwithpeople,t






32、私语CucumberGreenPepperCeleryPumpkinOnionMushroomEggplantChiveCherryStrawberryWatermelonLemonGrapePersimmonp:simn,p-PineappleWhite radish白萝卜白萝卜cauliflower k:liflau n. 花椰菜花椰菜capsicum kpsikm 辣椒,柿子椒辣椒,柿子椒broccoli brkli n. 西兰花西兰花Chinese cabbage大白菜大白菜 cabbage卷心菜卷心菜,洋白菜洋白菜chestnut栗子栗子Bamboo shoots竹笋竹笋jam-pa

33、cked拥挤不堪的拥挤不堪的prawn 对虾对虾 scamp 大虾大虾 lobster龙虾龙虾crawfish小龙虾小龙虾 steam 蒸蒸 boil煮的煮的 broil 烤烤,焙焙 stew 炖炖 stir-fry炒炒 braise焖焖 roast烤烤 fry煎煎 barbecue烧烤烧烤Barbecued chicken烤鸡烤鸡Stewed Chops & Wax Gourd Soup冬瓜炖排骨冬瓜炖排骨side dish 正菜外的附加菜正菜外的附加菜French fries=French fried potatoes 炸薯条炸薯条,炸土豆片炸土豆片Crisp fish酥鱼酥鱼Sweet

34、and Sour Fish 糖醋鱼糖醋鱼Sichuan Chicken Cube-lets宫保鸡丁宫保鸡丁Corn Chowder 玉米浓汤玉米浓汤Caesar salad 恺撒什锦色拉恺撒什锦色拉Crouton 油煎油煎/烤面包块烤面包块portion (饭菜的饭菜的)一份,一客一份,一客 jam-packed a. 塞紧的;拥挤不堪的塞紧的;拥挤不堪的 specialty 特色菜,招牌菜特色菜,招牌菜promising prmisi a. 有希望的有希望的,有前途的有前途的Stand on ceremony 拘于礼节,讲客套拘于礼节,讲客套II. ListeningIII. Act it

35、outRead the sample dialogues and Act out the situations in P112,114 & 116 Table mannersIntroduce the person of the highest rank first.Hold your cocktail in your left hand to keep your right hand free so that its not cold and wet.Put your napkin on your lap. Dont use it to wipe your nose.Dont select

36、food that you are unsure about. Avoid foods that requires lots of chewing.If food gets stuck in your teeth, try to remove it behind a napkin or go to a mirror.Dont talk with your mouth full. Never chew with your mouth open or make loud noises.Becoming tipsy or drunk is inappropriate behavior.Guests

37、dont ask for a doggy bag. Save it for informal dining situations.Dont smoke during a meal/when others are eating.Assignment Act out the dialogues.Revise the background information about business dinner.Revise the words and expressions related to business dinner.For more table manners: table manners

38、host host hostesshostessGentleman of honorGentleman of honorlady of honorlady of honorlady(2)lady(2)Gentleman Gentleman (2)(2)餐位餐位(Seating arrangement)原则上男主宾原则上男主宾(Gentleman of honor)坐在女主人坐在女主人(hostess)右右边,女主宾边,女主宾(lady of honor )坐在男主人坐在男主人(host)右边,而且多右边,而且多半是男女相间而坐,夫妇不坐在一起,以免各自聊家常话半是男女相间而坐,夫妇不坐在一起,

39、以免各自聊家常话而忽略与其他宾客间的交际而忽略与其他宾客间的交际.餐具摆法餐具摆法家庭或餐厅宴会时,餐具的种类和数量,因餐会的正式家庭或餐厅宴会时,餐具的种类和数量,因餐会的正式(formal)程度而定。越正式的餐会,刀叉盘碟摆得越多。多数家庭式宴会程度而定。越正式的餐会,刀叉盘碟摆得越多。多数家庭式宴会就会少一些。就会少一些。叉子叉子(forks)放在主菜盘放在主菜盘(main plate)左侧,刀子左侧,刀子(knives)、汤匙、汤匙(spoons)摆在右侧摆在右侧. 刀叉和汤匙依使用的先后顺序排列。最先用的放在离主菜盘最远刀叉和汤匙依使用的先后顺序排列。最先用的放在离主菜盘最远的外侧,

40、后用的放在离主菜盘近内侧。假如主人决定先上主菜再的外侧,后用的放在离主菜盘近内侧。假如主人决定先上主菜再上沙拉,就要把主菜叉子放在沙拉叉子的外侧。上沙拉,就要把主菜叉子放在沙拉叉子的外侧。 沙拉盘放在靠主菜盘的左边。美国人通常把主菜和沙拉一起送上沙拉盘放在靠主菜盘的左边。美国人通常把主菜和沙拉一起送上桌来,而不像法国人一样,主菜吃完以后才上沙拉。桌来,而不像法国人一样,主菜吃完以后才上沙拉。 英美人的饮食习惯不一样。吃肉菜时,英国人英美人的饮食习惯不一样。吃肉菜时,英国人左手拿叉,叉尖朝下,把肉扎起来,送入口中,左手拿叉,叉尖朝下,把肉扎起来,送入口中,如果是烧烂的蔬菜,就用餐刀把菜拨到餐叉上

41、,如果是烧烂的蔬菜,就用餐刀把菜拨到餐叉上,送入口中,送入口中,美国人用同样的方法切肉,然后右手放下餐刀,美国人用同样的方法切肉,然后右手放下餐刀,换用餐叉,叉尖朝上,插到肉的下面,不用餐换用餐叉,叉尖朝上,插到肉的下面,不用餐刀,把肉铲起来,送入口中,吃烧烂的蔬菜也刀,把肉铲起来,送入口中,吃烧烂的蔬菜也是这样铲起来吃。是这样铲起来吃。1. How do you like your steak cooked? 牛排要几分熟牛排要几分熟? 全熟是全熟是 well done,七分熟是七分熟是medium-well,五分熟是五分熟是medium,四分熟是四分熟是medium-rare,三分熟是三分

42、熟是 rare。 2. How do you like your egg cooked? 你的蛋要几分熟你的蛋要几分熟? Scramble 炒蛋(就是全熟),炒蛋(就是全熟),Sunny side-up只煎一面的荷包蛋只煎一面的荷包蛋 (因为荷包蛋像太阳,因为荷包蛋像太阳,所以老美用所以老美用 sunny side 来形容来形容)Sunny side down 两面都煎。两面都煎。 白煮蛋:白煮蛋:soft boil 和和hard boil。所谓的所谓的soft boil 是指让蛋黄的部份还有点液体状,而是指让蛋黄的部份还有点液体状,而 hard boil 则是指整个的蛋黄都煮成固体状的。则是


44、verynutritious.Beancurdencasseroleisoneofourspeciaties.wevegotachoiceofmushrooms,chinesecabbage,chestnuts,bambooshoots,carrots,potatoes. II. Business dinner: discussion with your partner.3. How can you combine entertainment with business communication?After watching a football match with your client

45、s, you may invite them to have a meal and discuss business.Make small talks before you get into any business item.Start discussing business after the appetizer 开胃菜开胃菜has been served and do not wait until dessert餐后甜点餐后甜点.Before the entertaining, invite the guests to your office for a cup of coffee an

46、d a boardroom会议室会议室 presentation of the new products and services. After the entertaining activity, write and thank the clients for their attendance and enclose marketing brochures小册子小册子with your firms services.lookfortableHaveyougotatablefortwo,please?请问您有两个请问您有两个人的桌子吗人的桌子吗?Doyouhaveareservation?/H




50、ingonfoodgood/great/delicious/fantastic/wonderfulSmell/look/tasteItsmellsgood/looksgreat/tastesdelicious.ThisisthebeststeakIveeverhad.Sichuanfoodistoohotforme.Mymouthisburning.Thisdishtasteskindofsalty/sour/greasy/stale.Thesoupistooheavily/highlyseasoned/plain.sweethot / spicy/peppery sour highly/he

51、avily seasoned light / plain/ bland (清淡的清淡的),bitter (苦的苦的),crispy (脆的脆的), saltygreasy/ oilyProposing/makingatoastIproposeatoasttoourfriendship.Iproposetodrinktoourfriendship.Iproposetocheerforourfriendship.MayIproposeatoasttoourfriendship?Idliketoproposeatoasttoourfriendship.Letsdrinktoourfriendship





56、orkbeefchickenmutton (羊肉羊肉)/ lamb duck lean meat / fatty meat carrot 胡萝卜胡萝卜 pumpkin 南瓜南瓜cabbage 包心菜包心菜; 大白菜大白菜 bitter gourd 苦瓜苦瓜 tomato 番茄番茄eggplant 茄子茄子potato 马铃薯马铃薯spinach 菠菜菠菜 leek 韭菜韭菜 cucumber 黄瓜黄瓜 mushroom pea豌豆豌豆broccoli 花菜花菜Celery芹菜芹菜 ginger 姜姜 onion 洋葱洋葱 garlic 大蒜大蒜apple banana orange grape

57、 pearwatermelon strawberry 草莓草莓peach 桃子桃子 pineapple 菠萝菠萝mangoChinese date cherry 樱桃樱桃 plum 李子李子 lichee荔枝荔枝Honey-dew melon/ Hamimelon/ sweet melon哈蜜瓜哈蜜瓜红茶红茶 black tea绿茶绿茶 green teasoybean milk(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡 black coffee牛奶咖啡牛奶咖啡 coffee with milk; white coffee速溶咖啡速溶咖啡 instant coffee奶粉奶粉 powdered

58、milk矿泉水矿泉水 mineral water不含酒精的饮料不含酒精的饮料 soft drink 桔子汁桔子汁 orange juice以烹制方法开头的翻译方法以烹制方法开头的翻译方法n公式:烹法公式:烹法+主料(形状主料(形状/口感)口感)n烹法烹法+主料(形状主料(形状/口感)口感)+(with)辅料辅料n烹法烹法+主料(形状主料(形状/口感)口感)+(with,in)味汁味汁n烤乳猪烤乳猪n土豆炖牛肉土豆炖牛肉n红烧牛肉红烧牛肉roastsucklingpigbraisedbeefwithpotatobraisedbeefwithbrownsauce烤烤nbake:甜甜点点nroast







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