八年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 Try not to translate every word课件 外研版.ppt

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《八年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 Try not to translate every word课件 外研版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 Try not to translate every word课件 外研版.ppt(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、translate 翻译翻译translationgrammar 语法语法pronunciation 语音,发音语音,发音punctuation 标点符号标点符号writing 写作,文章写作,文章spelling 拼写拼写 term 学期学期advice 建议建议mistake 错误错误notebook 笔记本笔记本message 信息,信信息,信orchestra 管弦乐队管弦乐队correct 改正改正match 将将配对配对number 号码号码repeat 重复重复write down 写下写下pen friend 笔友笔友each other 互相互相excellent 极好的极好

2、的else 其他其他radio 收音机收音机newspaper 报纸报纸New wordsModule 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1 Try not to translate every word.termgrammartranslationtranslatenotebookorchestrapunctuationbrainstormingHow to learn English ?How about reading English everyday?Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook everyday

3、.why dont you listen to the radio?A: How to learn English ?B: How about ?C: Its a good idea to .D: Why dont you ?Work in groups:Listen and match!A:grammarB:meaningC:punctuationD:spellingE:translation31452Listen and check 1. This is a Chinese class.2. Write the mistakes in the notebooks.3. Check your

4、 vocabulary notebook every day.4. Listen to English radio programme. 5. Try to translate every word.6. Ling ling is going to meet her pen friend in Shanghai.FFTTTFListen again and complete the sentences.speakingYou should always speak English _.spellingWhy dont you _ the correct spelling next to the

5、 mistakes?vocabularyIts a good idea to _ your vocabulary notebook every day.listening How about _ English radio programme.writingYou should write English email messages to _.translationTry not to _ every word.Work in groups:Work in groups:A A: What should I do to improve my : What should I do to imp

6、rove my (vocabulary writing listening) (vocabulary writing listening)B B: You should Why not Try (not) to Its a good idea to: You should Why not Try (not) to Its a good idea toin classwrite downchecklistening toeach othertranslatechallengeDaming wants to learn English well, Can you give him some adv

7、ice? 2. Its a good idea to 做做是一个好主意是一个好主意其中,其中,It 是形式主语是形式主语Eg: Its a good idea to have a walk.3.how about + v-ing = what about + v-ing用于提出用于提出建议建议Eg : how about going swim after class ?4.Try not to translate every wordtry (not) to do sth : 尽力去做某事情,试图做某事尽力去做某事情,试图做某事try ones best to do sth : 竭尽全力做某事

8、竭尽全力做某事try doing sth : 尝试做某事尝试做某事1.Why not +V-原原为什么不为什么不Eg: why dont you go out to have a walk?Why dont you +V-原原=尽量不要翻译每个单词尽量不要翻译每个单词一一.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.why dont you _(listen) to the radio now? 2.Its a good idea _(get) up early. 3.How about _(go) boating this afternoon? 4.You should try_(

9、eat) more fruit. It is good for your health. 5.Why not check if there are any_(mistake) in your homework.二二.按照要求完成句子按照要求完成句子 1.每天你早上大声朗读英语是一个好主意。每天你早上大声朗读英语是一个好主意。 Its _ _ _ _ read English loudly every day. 2.我将给你们一些学英语的建议。我将给你们一些学英语的建议。 Im going to _ _ _ _ about learning English. 3.不要试图翻译每个单词。不要试图翻

10、译每个单词。 _ _ _ translate every word. 4.why dont you speak more English every day?(改为同义句)改为同义句) _ _ speak more English every day? _ _ speaking more English every day? listento getgoingto eatmistakesa good idea to give you some adviceTry not toWhy notHow aboutMake a report :Work in groups: Correct mistakesSpeak English in class Check the vocabularyListen to the radioLook at the pictures, use the phrases to make a dialogue about learning English.Homework:Write a composition about how to learn English well



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