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1、Listening1 Please read fast the requirements and Please read fast the requirements and look through the six pictures to find out look through the six pictures to find out the key points for listening.the key points for listening.Listening on P3122 1 3 4 6 5Arrange them by numbers in the correct orde

2、r.32. Act out the actions in the listening passage (listen to it one more time).Use some of these words to help you.You may not. Always stay.Be careful when. He must.You must. Never.Do not. You should never.Watch out.4LISTENING TEXTTO DRIVE OR NOT TO DRIVELin Pu has just got his drivers licence. He

3、has a car too, but he isnt too happy with it. It is an old car that he bought from his brother-in-law, who smiled happily when Lin Pu paid him.5 He is driving for the first time in the city, and is very nervous. Taxis are going in every direction. The bicycle riders are not looking at him, and he is

4、 beginning to think that he shouldnt have bought the car.6 Suddenly, the traffic light turns red. He cannot stop in time and turns to his left to avoid hitting the car in front of him. Crash! He hits a bicycle and knocks over a basket full of apples. And there is a policeman, walking toward him.7CYC

5、LIST: Look what you did! All my apples are on the road! What am I going to sell in the market? You must pay me for them!8POLICEMAN: Well, whats the matter here? Dont you know you cant be in two places at once? Stay in your lane! Watch the traffic! Pay attention to the lights, and stop when you are s

6、upposed to! Where do you think you are going? Youll have to pay a fine for his.9LIN PU: Im sorry. I didnt see this man. I was trying not to hit that car in front of me. I just got my licence and Im not used to driving in the city. 10CYCLIST: I dont care if you are used to it or not! What are you goi

7、ng to do about my apples? (to the policeman) Cant you make him pay me?11POLICEMAN: I can make him pay a fine. I hope you didnt pay much for this car. You would be able to buy a better car with the money you will pay for your fine. LIN PU: I dont have any money. I spent all my money on my car. What c

8、an I do? 12CYCLIST: You can pick up my apples. POLICEMAN: You can sell that car if you can find somebody to buy it. You have to pay this fine by the end of the month.LINPU: Oh, dear! Why did I ever want a car? 13Listening task on page 621. Lets read the requirements of the two exercises first.2. Lis

9、ten to it twice, finish Exercise 1.Fact: 1 3 5 6 7 Opinion: 2 4 3. Listen to the tape again.141.Why do both humans and chimps do things to make sure others are not dangerous?2. It is important for humans and chimps to have a friendly and peaceful society /humans and chimps both need a friendly and p

10、eaceful society.Exercise 2:152. Why do both humans and chimps smile when they are nervous? Humans and chimps smile when they are nervous so that they look friendly; they hope an enemy will not hurt them.163. How do bigger chimps make the small ones feel safe? Do humans do things like this? Bigger ch

11、imps make the small ones feel safe by touching them or kissing and hugging them. Yes, humans will do things like this if they want to make their children feel safe.174. What things do both humans and chimps do to make themselves look dangerous and frightening? Both humans and chimps stand up, and tr

12、y to make themselves look bigger and more frightening by waving their arms around or standing over the others.185. What do both humans and chimps do to make their babies feel safe? Both humans and chimps hold their babies and hug and kiss them to make them feel safe.19HUMANS AND CHIMPSDo you remembe

13、r the story of Jane Goodall and how she studied chimps? One of the things she saw and reported on was how similar chimp and human body languages are.Listening textListening text20 It is important for both chimps and humans to try to have a friendly and peaceful society, so we both do many things to

14、make sure that others do not become angry and dangerous.21 When humans are worried or frightened, sometimes we will smile in a nervous way. Chimps also look as though they are smiling when they are nervous. This is to make us look friendly so an enemy will not hurt us. 22 When a powerful chimp frigh

15、tens the others, the smaller ones will bend down or hold their heads low, and hold out their hands as if they want to be friends. The bigger one will touch them or kiss them and hug them to make them feel safe.23 When chimps are angry they will stand up, wave their arms around, walk quickly and thro

16、w things about. They also make noises. They are trying to make themselves look bigger and more frightening.24 Many humans will also stand up, take a deep breath and put their hands on their sides so they look bigger and stronger. Sometimes we will move too close to another person and stand over them

17、 to make them feel smaller. We sometimes shout loudly to frighten others.25 Chimps and humans need to feel safe and protected, so both kinds of mothers will hold their babies and hug and kiss them. Young chimps and children also love to play and enjoy each others company. Are we like chimps or are c

18、himps like us?261. Look through the requirements and pictures so that they may help you with your listening comprehension.2. Listen to it twice carefully. 3. If time permits, work on Task 2 and 3.Listening task on P6527click here2829LUNCH WITH A FRIENDSHEN LEI: Hello Julie! Sorry Im late. The traffi

19、c was terrible.JULIE: Thats OK, I just arrived. Be careful, the steps are wet. Dont slip.Shen Lei is meeting Julie, her Canadian friend, at a restaurant.Listening text 30SHEN LEI: Thanks. Lets go in its raining.JULIE: Oh, look at the beautiful decorations and flowers. Is it a special holiday?SHEN LE

20、I: No, but its a new restaurant, so the flowers are here to give congratulations to the owners and for good luck.31JULIE: What do you mean when you say “good luck?” Do you mean good luck to make money or good luck for other things?SHEN LEI: Its for good business in the restaurant. Now please come ov

21、er here.32JULIE: Do you want me to sit down here? Oh, come and look at the fish.SHEN LEI: We could have some of that kind.JULIE: How much is the Mandarin fish? It looks very fancy.33SHEN LEI: It is a little expensive, but its excellent. I think its about thirty-eight yuan.JULIE: What does that mean?

22、 It looks like you are pointing a gun at the waitress.SHEN LEI: We use our fingers to show numbers. Dont you?34JULIE: Yes, but not like that. This is how we would say thirty-eight.The two friends have a big lunch, and when they are finished, they are full. They have eaten too much.JULIE: Whats the m

23、atter? Do you have a stomachache?35SHEN LEI: No, I just ate too much.JULIE: Im full too. I always eat too much in Chinese restaurants.JULIE: This was a really good meal!36 1. Give some examples of what you have observed in the body language of others. 2. Suggest some jobs in which body language is very important. 3. Write down five different kinds of body language used in our daily life.Homework 37



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