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1、杨蔼中老中老师新概念英新概念英语第二册第第二册第1课课件件A-private-conversationPublicrulesinpublicplaces公共场所行为规范2021/5/222Rules in different places:Library rulesCinema rulesHospital rules Park rules2021/5/223We canshouldmustWe cantshouldntmustnt2021/5/224Match and say: Classroom rules1 We must not eat or drink in the classroom

2、.2 We must keep quiet.3 We mustnt play in the classroom.4.We must not chase(追追赶赶)each other.5.We must not be late for school.6. We must not draw on the desks.7. We must listen to our teachers in class.134562021/5/225Lets make together:Our classroom rules1Wemustnoteatordrinkintheclassroom.2Wemustkeep

3、quiet.3Wemustntplayintheclassroom.4.Wemustnotchase(追赶)(追赶)eachother.5.Wemustnotbelateforschool.6.Wemustnotdrawonthedesks.7.Wemustlistentoourteachersinclass.2021/5/226Whataretheydoing?Whataretheydoing?Whatshouldwedoatthecinema? mustmustnt2021/5/227Isitpoliteorimpolitetotalkloudlywhileseeingafilm?2021


5、usiness12.Aprivateconversation去看戏/看电影一部有趣的戏做某事感兴趣大声讲话/朗读生气了生气地看着他们听到.的话转过身/头注意最后不关某人的事一次私人谈话 2021/5/22111.我生气了,很生气地盯着他。我生气了,很生气地盯着他。Igot_andlookedathim_.2.他没注意到这个空位子,一直站到这戏完。他没注意到这个空位子,一直站到这戏完。Hedidntpay_totheempty_andstooduntilthe_ended.3.他们大声地交谈,我听不清老师在什么。他们大声地交谈,我听不清老师在什么。Theytalked_,Icouldnt_the

6、teachersaid.angryangrilyattentionseatplayloudlyhearwhat预习检测:预习检测:2021/5/22122021/5/2213Summarywriting1.Where did the writer go last week?2.Did he enjoy the play or not?3.Who was sitting behind him?4.Were they talking loudly, or were they talking quietly?5.Could the writer hear the actors or not?6.Di

7、d he turn round or not?7.What did he say?8.Did the young man say, The play is not interesting, or did he say, This is a private conversation!?The writer went to the theatre last week. The writer went to the theatre last week. He did not enjoy the play. He did not enjoy the play. A young man and a yo

8、ung woman were sitting behind him.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind him.They were talking loudly. They were talking loudly. The writer could not hear the actors. The writer could not hear the actors. He turned round. He turned round. I cant hear a word! he said. I cant hear a word! h

9、e said. This is a private conversation! the young man said.This is a private conversation! the young man said.2021/5/2214Read and fill in the blanks Last week I went to the_. I had a very good_. The_ was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They

10、 were talking_. I got very_. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman_. They did not pay any_. In the end, I could not _it. I turned round again. I cant hear a word! I said_. Its none of your business, the young man said_. This is a _conversation! theatreseatpla

11、yloudlyangryangrilyattentionbearangrilyrudelyprivate2021/5/2215 Last week I _to the theatre. I _ a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I _ not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman _ behind me. They _ loudly. I _ very angry. I _not hear the actors. I turned round. I _the man and the wom

12、an angrily. They _not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I _ again. I cant hear a word! I _angrily. _, the young man _rudely. This is a private conversation! Check your memory wenthaddidwere sittingwere talkinggotcouldlooked atdidturned roundsaidIts none of your businesssaid2021/5/2

13、2161.1.上星期我去看戏。上星期我去看戏。2.2.戏很有意思。戏很有意思。3.3.一青年男子和一青年女子坐在我的身后。一青年男子和一青年女子坐在我的身后。4.4.他们在大声的说话。他们在大声的说话。5.5.我很生气。我很生气。6.6.我听不到演员在说什么。我听不到演员在说什么。7.7.我转过身怒视着这一男一女。我转过身怒视着这一男一女。8.8.他们没有理会他们没有理会/ /注意我。注意我。9.9.最后,我无法忍受了。最后,我无法忍受了。10.10.“不关你的事。不关你的事。”他粗鲁的说。他粗鲁的说。11.11.这是私人谈话这是私人谈话2021/5/22171.LastweekIwentto

14、thetheatre.上星期上星期我去看戏。我去看戏。 gotothetheatre看戏去看戏去eg:wegotothetheatretonight,IhavegottwoticketsShall.cineman.电影院电影院eg:Therearefewfinecinemasinthecity. gotothecinema看电影去。看电影去。go to +place:去做什么:去做什么2021/5/2218goto+place:去做:去做什么什么知识构建知识构建gotothetheatre=gotoseeaplay去剧去剧场看戏场看戏gotothecinema=gotoseeafilm去电去电


16、cultB.C.themostinterestingD.themostboring()2.Couldyoupleaseturnofftheradio?Itstoo_A.dullB.interestingC.betterD.good3.它播放最有趣的音乐。它播放最有趣的音乐。Itplays_music.themostinteresting2021/5/2220The film is so _ that Im _ in it. A.interesting; interesting B.B. interested; interestedC.C. interesting; interestedD.D.

17、 interested; interesting 2021/5/2221阅读阅读综合性综合性学习学习习作习作基础知识基础知识阅读阅读习作习作n座位座位vt1.坐下坐下,2.使就座使就座3.容纳容纳seatedadj.就就座座seat知知识识构构建建take/haveaseat坐下坐下takeonesseat坐下坐下Seatoneself坐坐下下Sitdown坐坐下下beseated坐下坐下2021/5/2222Seat知知识识构构建建n座位座位vt坐下坐下,使就座使就座坐下、就坐知识坐下、就坐知识构建构建take/haveaseat坐下坐下takeonesseat坐下坐下Sitdown坐坐下下


19、sseat就座就座seatoneself就座就座1.She_therequietly.2.Ourclasscan_60students.3.Thehallisbigenoughto_500people.4.Wesawanoldman_atthegateoftheparkatthattime. satseatseatsitting2021/5/2224sit是不及物动词,而 seat是及物动词,使用seat时要用be seated或seat oneself两种形式. 如:“玛丽坐在书桌旁.”这句话可译为: Mary _at the desk. Mary _at the desk. Mary _

20、at the desk. satwasseatedseatedherself2021/5/22253.Ayoungmanandayoungwomanweresittingbehindme.Theyweretalkingloudly.一青年男子一青年男子与一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。与一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。【妙辨异同】【妙辨异同】aloud/loud/loudly的用法辨析的用法辨析aloud副副词,意意为“大声地大声地;出声地出声地”,常与常与read,call,shout等等词连用用loud意意为“出声出声(的的)地地;大声大声(的的)地地”,常与常与speak,t


22、.出声出声(的的)地地;大声大声(的的)地地吵闹地、吵闹地、响亮地响亮地loudlyadv.Shoutaloud大声喊大声喊talkloud大声谈话大声谈话Speakloud大声读大声读Singloudly高声歌唱高声歌唱大声地、出大声地、出声地声地readaloud大声读大声读callaloud大声讲大声讲loudadj.adv.2021/5/2228aloud / loud / loudly直通考点 loud/loudly/aloud以上三个词都可表示“大声”,但用法有区别:(1)loud既可作形容词又可作副词,强调声音响亮,作副词时常与speak, talk, sing, laugh等动

23、词连用。(2)loudly“大声地;吵闹地”,有时可与loud互换,但比较级用louder。含有喧闹之意。(3)aloud 常与read, think等动词连用,强调从不出声到出声,别人能听得见但声音不一定大。没有比较级和最高级。Thesoundwasso_thatitreallydrovememad.A.aloudB.loudlyB.C.loudD.aloudly2021/5/2229loudadj.响亮的;喧响亮的;喧闹的的 Thechildrenaretooloud.孩子孩子们太吵了。太吵了。Pleaseanswerthequestionina_voice.A.aloudB.loudC.



26、2021/5/2233【学以致用】【学以致用】IhavetroublelearningEnglishthisterm.You should pay more_to your teachersadvice.A.timeB.attentionC.useD.heart2021/5/2234(2007泰州市泰州市)Studentsshouldpayattentionto_theteacherinclass.A.hearB.listentoC.listeningtoD.hearingof(2012年荆州市中考年荆州市中考)Afterthat,herteacher_(更多地更多地关注关注)her.(pay


28、观察记写观察记形容词、形容词、副词知识副词知识构建构建形容词形容词adj.副词副词adv.形容词转形容词转化为副词化为副词名词前名词前作定语作定语系动词系动词后作表后作表语语keep/make+sb./sth.+adj.v+adv.adv+adj.adv+,置置句首句首直接加直接加“ly”以以“y”结尾的,将结尾的,将“y”改成改成“i”,再加,再加“ly”不定代词不定代词后作定语后作定语2021/5/2238系动词后作表语系动词后作表语; ;名词前作定语名词前作定语; ;不定代词不定代词后作后置定语后作后置定语v+adv.adv+adj.adv+,置句首置句首直接加直接加“ly”以以“y”结

29、尾的,将结尾的,将“y”改成改成“i”,再加,再加“ly” adj.adv.形容形容词词adj.形容形容词词adj.keep/make+sb./sth.+adj.副词副词adv.形容词形容词转化为转化为副词副词2021/5/2239【语法精练】【语法精练】1.(2014绥绥化化)Thecakestaste_,andtheysell_.Iwillbuysome.A.good;wellB.well;wellC.well;good答答案案:Ataste是是系系动动词词其其后后跟跟形形容容词词作作表表语语;sell是是实实义义动词,其后跟副词作状语。动词,其后跟副词作状语。2021/5/2240()2

30、.(2013 年广东)Did you go to the cinema to see 3DTitanic last night?No, I _expensive.A. hardlyCstillgo to the cinema.The tickets are tooBnearlyDonlyA题意:“昨晚你去电影院看了 3D 的泰坦尼克号吗 ?”“ 没 有 , 我 几 乎 不 去 看 电 影 , 因 为 电 影 票 太 贵了。 ”hardly 几乎不;nearly 几乎,差不多;still 仍然;only仅仅。根据题意可知选 A。2021/5/2241()3.(2014 年广东湛江)Whats w

31、rong with you today?I am quite upset.Cheer up!The more you smile, the _ you will feel.AhappyBhappierChappilyDmore happilyB“the 形容词比较级,the 形容词比较级”表示“越越”。故选 B。2021/5/2242()4.(2013 年广东)Steve is good at writing short stories. So he is.But he writes _ than us.So he cant getgood grades in writing.Amost ca

32、refullyCless carefullyBmore carefullyDleast carefullyC由 than 可知应该用比较级,故排除 A、D 项。由最后一句“所以他不能在写作中拿高分”可知,应选 less carefully。2021/5/2243()5.(2014 年 广 东 )Have you ever seen the moviecalled Los Angeles 2011?Yes, but I think its _.I fell asleep when I saw it.A. excitingBboringCboredDexcitedB 由最后一句“我看的时候睡着了”

33、可知,电影应该是无聊的,排除 A、D 项;因为修饰的是电影,故选 B。2021/5/2244()6.(2013 年广东清远)Li Hua studies English veryand her English is _in her class.A. careful; goodBcarefully; wellCcareful; bestDcarefully; the bestD 修饰动词 study 要用副词,排除 A、C 项。is 是系动词,后边应接形容词而不是副词作表语,故选 D。2021/5/2245()7.(2014 年广东肇庆)Do you think which language i

34、s_, Japanese or English?A. difficultBthe most difficultCmore difficultC 根据题意,Japanese 和 English 两者比较,应该用形容词比较级形式。2021/5/2246()8.(2011 年 广 东 茂 名 )The people there are_.So they often talk _.Bfriendly; happilyA. friend; happyCfriend; happilyB题意:那儿的人很友善,因此他们交谈经常都很愉快。系动词 are 后用名词或形容词作表语,friend 是名词,其形容词形式

35、是 friendly;若接名词应用复数,排除 A、C 项。副词happily 修饰动词 talk,故选 B。2021/5/2247()9.(2014 年广东梅州)Mom, Bill is coming to dinnerthis evening.OK.Lets give him _ to eat.A.anything differentB.different anythingC.something differentD.different somethingCsomething 多用于肯定句,anything 多用于否定句和疑问句;形容词修饰不定代词时要后置。故选 C。2021/5/2248(

36、)10.(2010 年广东)How are you feeling today?Much _.I can go to school next week.A. goodCbestBbetterDwellB题意:“你今天觉得怎么样?”“好多了。我下周就能去学校了。”much 可用来修饰形容词/副词的比较级,表示程度。故选 B。2021/5/22494 4、Ididnotenjoyit.Ididnotenjoyit.原文再现:原文再现: I really enjoyed walking around the I really enjoyed walking around the town.town.

37、( (翻译翻译)_)_enjoyenjoy意为意为“喜爱,欣赏,享受喜爱,欣赏,享受” enjoy doing sth. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢,享受做某事喜欢,享受做某事enjoy enjoy oneself enjoy enjoy oneself 玩得开心,过得愉快玩得开心,过得愉快 enjoy + enjoy + 名词名词 喜欢某事物喜欢某事物我喜欢读书。我喜欢读书。_MaryMary昨晚玩得很开心。昨晚玩得很开心。_你喜欢你的工作吗?你喜欢你的工作吗?_我真的喜欢在镇上到处走走。我真的喜欢在镇上到处走走。Ienjoyreadingbooks.Maryenjoyedher




41、grily.Itsnoneofyourbusiness,theyoungmansaidrudely.Thisisaprivateconversation!.最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听我一个字也听不见了!不见了!”“不关你的事,不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!这是私人间的谈话!” intheend:最后,终于最后,终于finally;atlastbearv.忍受忍受,忍耐忍耐,经得起主要用于否定句经得起主要用于否定句Icantbearit.我受不了了。我受不了了。itsnoneo



44、法用法: 1.表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态. 2.表示过去的习惯或经常发生的动作表示过去的习惯或经常发生的动作.时间标志时间标志:lastnight,somedaysago,justnow,in1995等等.图示图示:将来将来现在现在过去过去2021/5/2260一般过一般过一般过一般过去时去时去时去时概念概念动动词词变变化化结结构构标志副词标志副词句式变化句式变化1)Be动词动词:主语主语+Be的过去式(的过去式(was/were)+其它。其它。2)实义动词:主语)实义动词:主语+V-ed+其它其它。(1)肯定句肯定句:主语主语+V-ed+其它


46、ked2. like- liked3. study- studied4. stop- stopped表示过去时间发生的动作或存表示过去时间发生的动作或存在的状态。在的状态。 考点三十八考点三十八2021/5/2261【中考链接】1. How many times have you been to the Great Wall? Only once. I _ there last year.A. wentB. have gone C. have been选选A解析:一般过去式。后面有过去时间的标志解析:一般过去式。后面有过去时间的标志lastyear。2.When_JessytoNewYork?

47、Yesterday.A. does; get B. did; get C. has; got D. had; got选选B解析:本题考查一般过去时态。由关键词解析:本题考查一般过去时态。由关键词yesterday或者或者when都可以推出是过去时态,都可以推出是过去时态,故选故选B。3. Did you wash your clothes? No, I was going to wash my clothes but I _ visitors. A. have had B. have C. had D. will have选选C解析:整个对话都是在使用过去的时态,所以通常回答也要求使用一致的时

48、态。解析:整个对话都是在使用过去的时态,所以通常回答也要求使用一致的时态。4. Have you read a book called Jane Eyre? Who_ it?Awrites Bhas written Cwas writing Dwrote选选D解析:你曾经读过简爱吗?谁写的?小说是过去写的,所以使用一般过去时态。解析:你曾经读过简爱吗?谁写的?小说是过去写的,所以使用一般过去时态。5. He used to _ to work by bus,but now he goes to work _ foot. A. going;on B. going;by C. go;on D. g

49、o;by选选C解析:解析:usedtodo表示过去常常做某事,现在不这样了。走路,表示过去常常做某事,现在不这样了。走路,onfoot,固定搭配。固定搭配。2021/5/22626. Jack, wheres my small round mirror? Sorry, Betty. I_ it.A. break B. broke C. will break D. am breaking选选B解析:句意:解析:句意:Jack,我的小圆镜在哪?对不起,我的小圆镜在哪?对不起,Betty,我把它打破了。打破,我把它打破了。打破这个动作是个过去已经发生了的动作,所以使用过去时态。这个动作是个过去已经发

50、生了的动作,所以使用过去时态。7. Helen, where is your homework?Sorry, Miss Read. I _ some of it last night. But I havent finished doing it yet.A. do B. did C. have done D. will do选选B解析:解题的关键词解析:解题的关键词lastnight,是具体的过去时间,应该使用过去时态。,是具体的过去时间,应该使用过去时态。8. Simon_ his fingers when he was cooking the dinner. (2007年盐城)A. bu

51、rnt B. was burning C. has burnt D. had burnt简析:简析:A。burn此处为瞬间动词,表示此处为瞬间动词,表示烫着烫着,当他在做饭的时候,他烫着了手当他在做饭的时候,他烫着了手指指,一般过去时在此处表示结果。,一般过去时在此处表示结果。9. Im sorry you have missed the bus. It_ five minutes ago.What a pity! (2006年徐州)A. was leaving B. has left C. left D. leaves简析:简析:C。根据。根据fiveminutesago可知是指过去的事情,

52、且表示的是结果,用一般可知是指过去的事情,且表示的是结果,用一般过去时。过去时。10. Mr. Johnson, we have found your watch.My watch!Thank you. Where_ it? (2006年绍兴)A. do you find B. have you found C. did you find D. were you finding简析:简析:C。发现发现的动作为过去的事情,表示过去的结果,故用一般过去时。的动作为过去的事情,表示过去的结果,故用一般过去时。2021/5/2263中考连接:一般过去时中考连接:一般过去时(10河南 完形) He we

53、nt home ,had a good meal and _ _ into a sound sleep. A. fell B .looked C. turned D. walked (11) He also _ _digging a canal to his field but he didnt have his work completed. A. stopped B. loved C. forgot D. started(11)Later on that day, I _ _my uncle ,but I was late for him. A. saw B. forgot C. reme

54、mbered D. met(12)He _all the fish and asked all the guests to eat with him. A. sold B. bought C. cooked (02)One day he _ a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street. A. stole B. picked C. drew D. saw (13 ) But it never had any important in my life until I _ _a watch from my father that m

55、ade me responsible. A. bought B. received C. borrowed D. broke(13 )It _ _ me the importance of time in my life. A. learned B. found C. sent D. told ADBCCBD2021/5/2264人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。



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