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1、7B M3 Change Unit 1 Changing our livesAlthough they are poor, they dont give their children to other families which have no children.Although therere many people in their family, they live in a small hut which has only two rooms.Although they have many children, maybe theyll have some more.1Words an

2、d expressions1. tiny a. very small ( tinier, tiniest ) a tiny worm I feel a tiny bit better today.2. hut n. a small house made of wood etc. shelter n. a place where you are protected from the weather v. He sheltered from the storm. cottage n. a small house, especially in the country or in a village2

3、3. luck n. / good luck , bad luck She wishes him good luck. lucky a. / unlucky a. / a lucky number luckily ad. / unluckily ad. Luckily he got the first prize. luckless a. / luckless children4. earn v. to get money for work He earns 200 dollars a week. to deserve Ive earned a rest.35 . reply v. / to

4、answer n. an answer I dont know he replied. What did he say in reply to the question? to reply to a letter/question 6. happiness n. misery n. I wish you (every) happiness. happy a. We smile when we are happy. be happy together / as happy as a king Wish you a Happy New Year! happily ad. They were pla

5、ying happily.47. disappear v. go out of sight 反义反义 appear v. The sun disappeared behind the clouds. to go away so that other people do not know where you are A little boy disappeared from his home. disappearance n. 反义反义 appearance8. forever ad. for ever / always We will remember Dr. Bethune forever.

6、 at all times/ constantly They are forever arguing. Why are you forever asking question ?5 Questions about the story:1.Who was Fred?2.Who was Doris ?3.Where did they live ?4.How did they live ?5.Who visited them one winter night ?6.What would the Luck Fairy like to do ?7.Did the farmer and his wife

7、receive the fairys kindness ? 6 1. What can we learn from the story?Although they,2. What can we learn from others?Although ,Mr. ZhangMy best friend7wish,hope一、相同之处 1.都可接不定式作宾语。 We wish to see the film. The children hope to do something for the old man. 这些孩子希望为这位老人做些事情。 2.都能以某些代词作宾语。 Thats what you

8、have wished. You cant hope much from such people. 对于这样的人,我们的希望不能过多。 3.都能与介词for连用,后接名词或某些不定代词,表示希望得到祈求。 Do you hope for peace? Do you wish for anything better? 你希望得到更好的东西吗? 8二、不同之处 1. wish作为及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,hope则不能。 Do you wish a pen or a book? 你要的是钢笔还是书? 2. wish能接双宾语表示祝愿,hope则不能。 I wish you success.

9、我祝你成功。 3. wish能接复合宾语,hope则不能。 I wish you to go with me. 我希望你同我一道去。 94. wish和hope都能接that引导的从句,但wish后的从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气(动词用过去时,或过去完成时),hope则用所需要的时态。 I hope that he will win the game. 我希望他会赢得这场比赛。 I wish that I knew the answer. 我希望我知道这个答案。 I wish I had bought it yesterday. 我希望昨天买了它。 I wish I would be a sci

10、entist in the future. 我希望将来能成为一位科学家。105. hope可与so或not连用,分别代替一个具有肯定和否定意义的宾语从句,以免重复,wish则不能。 -Will it be fine tomorrow? -I hope so. -Will it rain tomorrow? -I hope not. 11三、wish, hope 都可作名词,可数或不可数均可,wish表示愿望心愿祝愿,hope表示希望。 1. My wish is to become a doctor. 我的愿望是当一名医生。 2. Send him my best wishes. 请代我向他致

11、意。 3. Where there is life there is hope. 有生命就有希望。 4. There is a hope of success. 有成功的希望。 5. He has some hope (s) of success. 他有成功的希望。 12; 梦纤专业减肥 gwh29iyc 好奇。“你要是管不住自己的嘴,死得也会很快。”苏小横淡淡道。裳儿立刻闭嘴,眼睛却还在转来转去。苏小横终于开恩道:“你现在在想什么?说吧!”“那个敢动玉坠的人啊!”裳儿半个身子都趴到了小几上,“爷爷怎么处置呢?给他钱,也不能白给吧?末了怎么捉他?”“你说呢?”苏小横考她。“爷爷要是想捉他,早就


13、”第四十九章 水上失银斗巧智(1)关于当前苏府中风云变幻,宝音有她的看法。宝音之死,下手的是老太太,背后牵涉的,却是宫廷。盘清金像中的要命干系,得从宫廷入手。明秀婚事有方向之后,福珞巴结明秀,想入宫,是贪着高枝上的荣华富贵罢?宝音却只为一探前生死因,非得叫老太太将自己视为进宫人选,老太太才肯将金像头绪细细告之。到那之后,怎样报复、以及到底入不入宫,可再行决断。宝音不想去时,随便装个病、诈个伤,怕人家忙不迭把她踢出来、着更健康听话的姑娘顶上呢?她才不至于真把自己一生填进深宫里。那日宝音饮下明秀给的上火药茶之后不久,同刘晨寂所用药性相激,吐血晕厥,看着凶险,不过喉头破裂,其实无伤大碍,着刘晨寂复投




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