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1、ILO Outputs国际劳工组织国际劳工组织牵头产出项目活动介绍牵头产出项目活动介绍1Output 1.1National migration policy informed by platform for migration research information exchange 由人口流动研究和信息交流平台支持的由人口流动研究和信息交流平台支持的国家人口流动政策国家人口流动政策2Output 1.1 Objectives产出产出1.1 目标目标This output will support the testing and implementation of evidence-bas

2、ed policies and programmes to promote the safe and orderly transition of the rural labour force. 这一产出将支持检验和执行基于证据的政策和项目,以促进农村劳动力的安这一产出将支持检验和执行基于证据的政策和项目,以促进农村劳动力的安全和有序转移。全和有序转移。The objective for Year 1 is to establish a web-based platform for migration research and information exchange that builds o

3、n existing resources and identified needs. The platform will also serve as a means to share laws, policies and regulations related to youth employment and migration. 第一年的目标是以现有的资源和已经查明的需求,建立一个以网络为基础的第一年的目标是以现有的资源和已经查明的需求,建立一个以网络为基础的人口流动研究和信息交流平台。该平台也将作为分享与青年流动人口和就业人口流动研究和信息交流平台。该平台也将作为分享与青年流动人口和就业有关

4、的法律、政策和规定的途径。有关的法律、政策和规定的途径。3Output 1.1 Implementing Partners产出产出 1.1 实施机构实施机构ILO, MOHRSS, UNFPA, CASS, UNIFEM, ACWF 国际劳工组织、人力资源与社会保障部、联合国人口基金、中国社会科学院、联国际劳工组织、人力资源与社会保障部、联合国人口基金、中国社会科学院、联合国妇女发展基金、全国妇联合国妇女发展基金、全国妇联The Institute of Population and Labour Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Scien

5、ces will work with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to develop the Migration Research Center. 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所将于人力资源与社会保障部合作,成立人中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所将于人力资源与社会保障部合作,成立人口流动研究中心。口流动研究中心。The Migration Research Center will link scholars, experts, and interested stakeholders from a number

6、of government organizations, academic institutes, universities, non-governmental organizations and international organizations. The work of the platform will benefit all partners, and they are encouraged to participate. 人口流动研究中心将联系多个政府组织、学术机构、大学、非政府组织和国际组人口流动研究中心将联系多个政府组织、学术机构、大学、非政府组织和国际组织的学者、专家及利益

7、相关部门。所有合作伙伴都能够从信息平台的工作中受益,织的学者、专家及利益相关部门。所有合作伙伴都能够从信息平台的工作中受益,并被鼓励参与信息平台的工作。并被鼓励参与信息平台的工作。4Output 1.1 Key Activities产出产出 1.1 1.1 主要活动主要活动1)Establish a Working Group 成立工作小组成立工作小组2)Review existing research and data on migrants and migration 审查现有的关于流动人口和流动人口的研究及数据审查现有的关于流动人口和流动人口的研究及数据3)Identify resear

8、ch gaps at national and provincial level 确认国家和省、直辖市层面相关研究存在的空白确认国家和省、直辖市层面相关研究存在的空白4)Design web-based platform based on consultations with prospective users 通过与用户的协商,设计以互联网为基础的平台通过与用户的协商,设计以互联网为基础的平台5)Hold workshop to launch and publicize the website 通过举行研讨会启动并宣传信息平台通过举行研讨会启动并宣传信息平台6)Conduct additio

9、nal research 开展补充性研究开展补充性研究7)Maintain and update website, and foster relationships with other institutions 维护和更新网络,并建立与其他研究机构的联系维护和更新网络,并建立与其他研究机构的联系5Output 1.1 Progress产出产出1.1 工作进程工作进程1)The Working Group has been established. 工作组已经成立工作组已经成立2)The review of existing research and data will commence sh

10、ortly (opportunity for the local authorities in Tianjin and Cangzhou to contribute to the research and participate in the Center). 对现有研究和数据的审查即将开始对现有研究和数据的审查即将开始 (天津和沧州地方政府将有机会参与信息中心和相关(天津和沧州地方政府将有机会参与信息中心和相关的研究工作)的研究工作)3)The identification of research gaps at the national and provincial level will

11、be informed by the review of existing research and data. 根据对现有研究和数据进行审查的结果,确认国家和地方层面研究中存在的空白根据对现有研究和数据进行审查的结果,确认国家和地方层面研究中存在的空白4)Development of the web-based platform will commence once the review of existing research and gap analysis are complete 对现有研究和数据的审查以及研究空白的分析工作结束后,将开始建设以互联网为基础的对现有研究和数据的审查以及

12、研究空白的分析工作结束后,将开始建设以互联网为基础的信息平台信息平台6Output 1.1 Progress产出产出 1.1 进展进展5)The workshop launching the website will take place later in 2009. 于于20092009年下半年召开研讨会,启动信息平台年下半年召开研讨会,启动信息平台6)The subject of the two research projects under this output are currently being developed. Topics under consideration incl

13、ude: 这一产出下面首个研究项目的课题正在开发过程中。可能的课题包括:这一产出下面首个研究项目的课题正在开发过程中。可能的课题包括:-Hukou reform in the 5 pilot sites, including Tianjin and Cangzhou, and the implications of reform for young migrants. It is expected that this research will be completed by early 2010. 在包括天津和沧州在内的在包括天津和沧州在内的5 5个试点地区的户籍制度改革,以及改革对青年流动

14、人口的个试点地区的户籍制度改革,以及改革对青年流动人口的影响。这一研究预计将在影响。这一研究预计将在20102010年初完成。年初完成。-Defining suitable indicators to measure MDG 5B (universal access to reproductive health by 2015) 确定适当的指标用于衡量千年发展目标五中的第二项子目标(普遍获得生殖保健服务)确定适当的指标用于衡量千年发展目标五中的第二项子目标(普遍获得生殖保健服务)7)Website maintenance will be an ongoing task after the la

15、unch. 平台启动后将进行日常性的网络维护工作平台启动后将进行日常性的网络维护工作7Output 2.2 产出产出2.2Access to vocational training for migrants and young people in rural areas improved to prevent premature entry to the labour force and increase self-employment opportunities 通过开展针对青年农民工和农村青年的职业技能通过开展针对青年农民工和农村青年的职业技能培训,改善其过早进入劳动力市场的状况,并增培训

16、,改善其过早进入劳动力市场的状况,并增加自我就业的机会加自我就业的机会 8Output 2.2 Objectives 产出产出2.2- 项目目标项目目标This output will improve rural and migrant youth access to skills training in order to:此项产出旨在通过技能培训,改善农村青年与青年农民工的情况:此项产出旨在通过技能培训,改善农村青年与青年农民工的情况:Increase decent work opportunities 增加体面工作的机会增加体面工作的机会Prevent premature entry to

17、 the labour force 防止青年过早地防止青年过早地进入劳动力市场进入劳动力市场Promote self-employment 推动自主就业推动自主就业The objective for Year 1 is to develop needs-based vocational and business start-up training programmes and begin pilot testing. 第一年的目标为开发适应于需求的职业培训和创业培训教程,并在试第一年的目标为开发适应于需求的职业培训和创业培训教程,并在试点地区开展培训。点地区开展培训。9Output 2.2 I

18、mplementing Partners 产出产出2.2-合作伙伴合作伙伴ILO, UNESCO *, UNIDO, ACYF, CAEA, MOHRSS 国际劳工组织、联合国教科文国际劳工组织、联合国教科文组织、联合国工业发展组织、中华全国青年联合会,中国成教协会,人力资源与组织、联合国工业发展组织、中华全国青年联合会,中国成教协会,人力资源与社会保障部社会保障部ILO will focus on the improvement of employable skills of individual young workers 国际劳工组织将着重关注青年农民工个体的就业技能的改善国际劳工组织将

19、着重关注青年农民工个体的就业技能的改善UNIDO will focus to the industrial context to ensure the human resource capacity of young people UNIDOUNIDO着着重重分分析析企企业业的的人人力力资资源源能能力力需需求,确定针对青年农民工群体的工作要求求,确定针对青年农民工群体的工作要求UNESCO will focus on the assessment of work preparedness of children in the education system. 联联合合国国教教科科文文组组织织

20、将将分分析析教教育育系系统统内内青青少年的就业准备少年的就业准备*UNESCOs partners: at national level CAEA; in Tianjin Adult Education Division of Tianjin Education Commission and Tianjin TV University; in Cangzhou Adult Education Division of Cangzhou Educaiton Bureau and Cangzhou TV University 联合国教科文组织的合作伙伴:国家层面:中国成教联合国教科文组织的合作伙伴:

21、国家层面:中国成教协会、天津教委成教处、天津广播电视大学、沧州教育局成教处与沧州电视大学。协会、天津教委成教处、天津广播电视大学、沧州教育局成教处与沧州电视大学。10Output 2.2 Key Activities 产出产出2.2-主要活动主要活动1)Conduct research activities in Tianjin and Cangzhou:在天津和沧州两地开展调在天津和沧州两地开展调研研Evaluation of skills and employability of rural and migrant youth 评估农村青年和青年农民工的技能水平与就业能力评估农村青年和青年

22、农民工的技能水平与就业能力Analysis of the training needs of rural and migrant youth分析农村青年和青年农民工的培训需求分析农村青年和青年农民工的培训需求Analysis of the key sectors for absorbing migrant employees and potential entrepreneurs 分析吸引农民工就业与创业的关键分析吸引农民工就业与创业的关键Study on labour demand and skills requirements of private sector entities 研究私营

23、企业的劳动力需求和技能要求研究私营企业的劳动力需求和技能要求2)Conduct skills assessment surveys in Cangzhou 在沧州开展技能分析调研在沧州开展技能分析调研3)Develop training courses 开发培训课程开发培训课程4)Pilot test the training courses 试点测试培训课程试点测试培训课程1)Train local organisations to deliver the training courses in sending and receiving areas 在输入地和输出地培训当地培训机构开展培训

24、课程在输入地和输出地培训当地培训机构开展培训课程11Output 2.2 Progress 产出产出2.2- 项目进程项目进程1)A meeting with local partners and researchers has been conducted in Tianjin introducing the research activities. An ILO and UNIDO expert will conduct initial study tours in Tianjin and Cangzhou in August/September. It is hoped that the

25、 first drafts of the research will be completed by November. 与天津和沧州项目参与人员和研究人员的项与天津和沧州项目参与人员和研究人员的项目介绍会已经召开。目介绍会已经召开。ILOILO和和UNIDOUNIDO的专家将在的专家将在8 8月或月或9 9月参加在两地开展的调研。预计月参加在两地开展的调研。预计1111月之前完月之前完成调研报告的草稿。成调研报告的草稿。2)Tianjin and Cangzhou partners participated in the UNESCO inception workshop organized

26、 in June and were informed of the objectives and activities of the Joint Programme. Research plan and instruments were developed by an expert team and tested in Cangzhou in June. The expert team visited Hunan and Hangzhou in July and trained the local researchers who will conducted the survey at pro

27、ject sites. The expert team will visit Tianjin and Cangzhou in August to conduct the survey. 天津和沧天津和沧州的项目伙伴已经参与了州的项目伙伴已经参与了UNESCOUNESCO在在6 6月组织的研讨会,并明确了联合项目的目标与活动。专家月组织的研讨会,并明确了联合项目的目标与活动。专家团队已拟定研究计划,并于团队已拟定研究计划,并于6 6月在沧州测试了专家团队开发的调研工具。专家团队在月在沧州测试了专家团队开发的调研工具。专家团队在7 7月访问了月访问了湖南和杭州的试点地区并对将在当地开展调研的当地专

28、家进行了培训。专家团队还将在湖南和杭州的试点地区并对将在当地开展调研的当地专家进行了培训。专家团队还将在8 8月到月到天津和沧州开展调研。天津和沧州开展调研。12Output 2.2 Progress4)The training courses will be informed by stakeholder feedback about the research reports. 调研报告完成并得到反馈意见后,培训调研报告完成并得到反馈意见后,培训将会展开。将会展开。5)The pilot testing of the training courses will commence in ear

29、ly 2010. 20102010年年初将会在试点城市开展测试与培训。年年初将会在试点城市开展测试与培训。6) 7)The training of local organizations will commence in early 2010. 8) 20102010年年初试点城市当地组织的培训将会展开。年年初试点城市当地组织的培训将会展开。13Output 2.3 产出产出2.3Safe migration information and life-skills training for young people strengthened 针对青年流动人口开展安全流动信息和生活针对青年流动人

30、口开展安全流动信息和生活技能的培训技能的培训14Output 2.3 Objectives 产出产出2.3目标目标The overall objective is to develop a common and comprehensive Life Skills Training Package for delivery through channels based on the needs of migrants 产出总体目标是产出总体目标是根据流动人口的需求,开发出一套普遍应用的综合性生活技能培训包,并通过现有渠道加根据流动人口的需求,开发出一套普遍应用的综合性生活技能培训包,并通过现有渠

31、道加以传播。以传播。The objective of Year 1 is to develop the content for the comprehensive Life Skills Training Package, which will then be tailored according to the needs of different age and gender groups.第一年目标,开发综合性生活技能培训包的内容,并根据不同年龄组和性别的需要细化培第一年目标,开发综合性生活技能培训包的内容,并根据不同年龄组和性别的需要细化培训包内容。训包内容。This output in

32、volves close collaboration between the Working Group members (made up of 6 UN agencies and their counterparts). In order to develop the most comprehensive Package, the Group meets regularly, and is able to draw on pooled expertise, funding and resources.此项产出需要工作组成员的密切配合(工作组成员来自此项产出需要工作组成员的密切配合(工作组成员

33、来自6 6个联合国机构和他个联合国机构和他们国内的合作伙伴)。工作组需要定期开会,集中利用一切专业知识、资金和资源开发出们国内的合作伙伴)。工作组需要定期开会,集中利用一切专业知识、资金和资源开发出最具综合性的培训包。最具综合性的培训包。 15Output 2.3 Implementing Partners产出产出2.3合作伙伴合作伙伴ILO, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNIFEM, WHO国国际劳动组织、联合合国国教教科科文文组织、联合合国国人人口口基基金金、联合合国国儿儿童童基基金会、金会、联合国合国妇女女发展基金、世界展基金、世界卫生生组织ACFTU, ACWF,

34、CAEA, CEC, CFPA, MOHRSS中中华全全国国总工工会会、中中华全全国国妇女女联合合会会、中中国国成成教教协会会、中中国国企企业联合会、中国合会、中国计划生育划生育协会、人力会、人力资源与社会保障部源与社会保障部16Output 2.3 Key Activities 产出产出2.3主要活动主要活动1)Recruit an Advisory Team (a multi-sectoral team of consultants) to develop the Life Skills Training Package 组建建专家家团队(一一个个多多元元顾问团队)开)开发生活技能培生活技

35、能培训包。包。2)Conduct workshop to discuss and validate the Life Skills Training Package 召开研召开研讨会会讨论并并论证生活技能培生活技能培训包。包。3)Deliver training to Master Trainers 向培向培训教教师展开培展开培训。4)Design, print and distribute the Life Skills Training Package 设计、印刷、分印刷、分发生活技能培生活技能培训材料。材料。5)Conduct training of trainers, and deli

36、ver the Life Skills Training Package in schools, vocational training institutions, workplaces, Community Centers, and using peer educators 开开展展培培训教教师培培训,选择其其中中优秀秀的的培培训教教师到到学学校校、职业培培训机机构构、工作工作场地和社区中心开展生活技能培地和社区中心开展生活技能培训。17Output 2.3 Progress 产出产出2.3 工作进程工作进程1)The Advisory Team is working with the Wo

37、rking Group to draft the Life Skills Training Package. The outline of the Life Skills Training Package has been validated. The completed Training Package will be completed in several weeks and will be circulated broadly for comment. 专家家团队将将和和工工作作组一一起起起起草草生生活活技技能能培培训包包。培培训包包提提纲已已经确确定定,完完整整的的培培训包包内内容容

38、很快完成并将广泛征求多方意很快完成并将广泛征求多方意见。2)The validation workshop will be conducted once the Life Skills Package has been completed. 在生活技能培在生活技能培训包包编篡完成后将会召开完成后将会召开论证研研讨会。会。3)The Life Skills Training Package will be delivered to a group of master trainers in 2-3 pilot areas (locations yet to be confirmed). 将将选择

39、2-3个个试点地区的主要培点地区的主要培训人人员,学,学习使用生活技能培使用生活技能培训包。包。4)The Life Skills Training Package will be printed and distributed later in 2009. 将在将在2009年底印制并分年底印制并分发生活技能培生活技能培训包。包。5)Training of Trainers will take place in pilot areas, and will commence in late 2009 and continue into early 2010. 在在2009年年底底和和2010年年

40、年年初初将将在在试点点地区地区组织培培训师培培训。18Output 3.4 产出产出3.4Implementation and enforcement of existing Implementation and enforcement of existing legislation for migrant workers legislation for migrant workers strengthened and safe migration enhancedstrengthened and safe migration enhanced 保证现有劳动法律与法规的实施执行、加强农民工保证

41、现有劳动法律与法规的实施执行、加强农民工法律意识、促进安全流动法律意识、促进安全流动19Output 3.4 Objectives 产出产出3.4目标目标The overall objective of this output is to facilitate compliance with the new labour laws, by building the capacity of labour officials, employers and workers. 此项产出的总体目标是通过对劳动官员、用人单位和劳动者开展培训,提升此项产出的总体目标是通过对劳动官员、用人单位和劳动者开展培训

42、,提升其执行和遵守新劳动法规的能力和意识。其执行和遵守新劳动法规的能力和意识。The objectives for Year 1 will focus on the labour inspection system and the implementation of the new labour laws. In particular, the objectives are to begin training constituents in pilot sites on how they can to better implement and enforce existing labour l

43、egislation, using materials and guidelines based on national and international good practices. 第一年的目标着重于促进劳动监察体系的完善和新劳动法规的实施。特别是第一年的目标着重于促进劳动监察体系的完善和新劳动法规的实施。特别是通过运用基于国内国际优秀经验开发的培训材料和工作手册,在试点城市举通过运用基于国内国际优秀经验开发的培训材料和工作手册,在试点城市举办培训班,促进现有劳动法规更好地执行和法律体系的完善。办培训班,促进现有劳动法规更好地执行和法律体系的完善。20Output 3.4 Implem

44、enting Partners产出产出3.4执行合作伙伴执行合作伙伴ILO, UNESCO *, UNIFEM, ACFTU, ACWF, CASS, CEC, MOHRSS, Tsinghua University 国国际际劳劳工工组组织织、联联合合国国教教科科文文组组织织、联联合合国国妇妇女女发发展展基基金金、中中华华全全国国总总工工会会、中中华华全全国国妇妇女女联联合合会会、中中国国社社会会科科学学院院、中中国国企企业业联联合合会会、人力资源与社会保障部、清华大学人力资源与社会保障部、清华大学UNESCOs partner is Tsinghua University, who is w

45、orking with Nankai University in Tianjin on the protection of female migrants rights (especially those who are engaged in low end services)联联合合国国教教科科文文组组织织的的合合作作伙伙伴伴清清华华大大学学,将将与与南南开开大大学学在在天天津津开开展展“保护女性农民工权益保护女性农民工权益”的调研,将特别针对从事低端服务业的人群。的调研,将特别针对从事低端服务业的人群。21Output 3.4 Key Activities 产出产出3.4 主要活动主要活动

46、Labour Inspection System:1)Conduct a fact-finding mission of the labour inspection system2)Conduct a validation workshop to discuss the findings of the fact-finding mission 3)Conduct a strategy session4)Develop a training materials for labour inspectors5)Conduct training of labour officials in pilot

47、 sites 劳动监察:劳动监察:1.1.开展对劳动监察的实地调研。开展对劳动监察的实地调研。2.2.举办研讨会,讨论并论证实地调研的结果。举办研讨会,讨论并论证实地调研的结果。3.3.战略制定。战略制定。4.4.开发劳动监察员的培训材料。开发劳动监察员的培训材料。5.5.在试点城市举办面向劳动部门官员的培训班。在试点城市举办面向劳动部门官员的培训班。22Output 3.4 Key Activities 产出产出3.4 主要活动主要活动Implementation of Labour Laws: 劳动法规的实施劳动法规的实施1)Conduct research to determine th

48、e extent to which the new labour laws have been implemented 就新劳动法规的实施程度就新劳动法规的实施程度展开调研展开调研2)Conduct a validation workshop to discuss the findings of the research 举办研讨会,讨论并论证实况调研的结果举办研讨会,讨论并论证实况调研的结果3)Develop a guide based on best practices to support the implementation of the new labour laws 开发最佳实践开

49、发最佳实践支持新劳支持新劳动法规实施的工作手册动法规实施的工作手册4)Conduct training about the guide to best practices on implementing the new labour laws 对实施新施新劳动合同法最佳指合同法最佳指南开展培南开展培训。 23Output 3.4 Progress 产出产出3.4工作进程工作进程Labour Inspection System 劳动监察劳动监察: : 1)The fact-finding mission about the labour inspection system will take p

50、lace in September (visiting , Guangzhou, Wuhan and Hangzhou).对劳动监察系统的实地调研工作将于对劳动监察系统的实地调研工作将于9 9月展开(将考察广月展开(将考察广州、武汉、杭州)州、武汉、杭州)2)The validation workshop will be conducted soon after the fact-finding mission. 论证研讨会将在调研结束后举办。论证研讨会将在调研结束后举办。3)The strategy session will be conducted in the last quarter

51、of 2009 战略部分将在战略部分将在2009年第四季度制定。年第四季度制定。4)The training materials will be began to be developed soon after the fact-finding mission.调研结束后要开发培训材料。调研结束后要开发培训材料。5)The training will commence in pilot sites in late 2009. 20092009年年年年底在试点地区开展相关培训。底在试点地区开展相关培训。24Output 3.4 Progress工作进程工作进程Implementation of

52、Labour Laws: 劳动法实施劳动法实施1)The research into the implementation of the labour laws will commence soon. The areas that will be the subject of the research have yet to be finalized, but may include Tianjin. 关于新劳动法规实施情关于新劳动法规实施情况开展的调研将于近期展开并同时敲定实地调研的地区,可能包含天津市。况开展的调研将于近期展开并同时敲定实地调研的地区,可能包含天津市。2)The valid

53、ation workshop will be conducted once the research has been completed. 调研结束后将举办研讨会。调研结束后将举办研讨会。3)The Code of Conduct will be informed by the research and will be discussed at the workshop. It will be held later in 2009. 调研之后专家将调研之后专家将开发工作手册并在研讨会上讨论。预计开发工作手册并在研讨会上讨论。预计20092009年年底举办研讨会。年年底举办研讨会。4)The Code of Conduct training will commence in all pilot sites in late 2009 and will continue into 2010. 工作手册使用培训将于工作手册使用培训将于20092009年年底至年年底至20102010年在所有项目试点城市开展。年在所有项目试点城市开展。25



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