八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section B(3a—Self Check)课件

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1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂 Unit 7Will people have robots? Section B(3a-Self Check) probably adv. 很可能很可能; 大概大概【语境领悟语境领悟】*In the future, people will work more so theyll probably have fewer vacations. . . 在在将将来来, 人人们们将将有有更更多多的的工工作作, 因因此此他他们们很很可可能会有较少的假期能会有较少的假期*Its probably his last match. 这很可能是他的最后一场比赛。这很可能是他的最

2、后一场比赛。*They probably know nothing about it. 他们很可能对此一无所知。他们很可能对此一无所知。【自主归纳自主归纳】probably用用作作副副词词, 意意为为“很很可可能能; 大大概概”, 通通常常位位于于be动动词词、助助动词、情态动词之后动词、情态动词之后, 实义动词之前。实义动词之前。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】probably/maybe/perhaps的区别的区别probably意为意为“很可能很可能”, 其可能性比其可能性比maybe/perhaps都大都大, 一般用于句中一般用于句中, 不用于句首。例如不用于句首。例如: They will pr

3、obably come. 他们很有可能来。他们很有可能来。maybe意为意为“也许也许; 可能可能”, 可用于句首或句尾。可用于句首或句尾。例如例如: Maybe they will come. 也许他们会来。也许他们会来。perhaps“或许或许; (表示不确定表示不确定)也许也许”, 可用于句首或句中。可用于句首或句中。例如例如: They will perhaps come. 他们可能来他们可能来(也可也可能不来能不来)。【学以致用学以致用】你很可能以前听说过这部电影。你很可能以前听说过这部电影。You haveheard of the movie before. 答案答案: proba

4、bly【备选要点备选要点】wear v. 穿着穿着; 戴着戴着【语境领悟语境领悟】*During the week, Ill wears mart clothes. 在工作日期间在工作日期间, 我将穿漂亮的衣服。我将穿漂亮的衣服。*He always wears a pair of glasses. 他总是戴着一副眼镜。他总是戴着一副眼镜。【自主归纳自主归纳】wear作作动动词词, 意意为为“穿穿着着; 戴戴着着”, 后后接接表表示示衣衣服服、鞋鞋帽帽、眼眼镜镜等等的名词。的名词。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】 “穿穿”的不同的不同wear表示表示“穿着穿着”的状态的状态, 后接服饰等名词后接服饰等名词

5、dress可表示动作可表示动作, 此时人作宾语此时人作宾语, 构成构成dress sb. 或或dress oneself; 也可表示状态也可表示状态, 常构成短语常构成短语“be dressed in. . . ”put on表示表示“穿穿”的动作的动作, 即即“穿上穿上”, 后接衣服、鞋帽等后接衣服、鞋帽等名词名词be in表示表示“穿着穿着”的状态的状态, 后跟衣服等后跟衣服等, 也常跟颜色也常跟颜色, 表表示穿着某种颜色的服装。例如示穿着某种颜色的服装。例如: The girl is in red today. 那个女孩今天穿着红衣服。那个女孩今天穿着红衣服。【图解助记图解助记】【学以致

6、用学以致用】(2013呼和浩特中考呼和浩特中考)The child doesnt need any help. He is old enough tohimself. A. put onB. wearC. dressD. take care3c. Write about your life 20 years from now. Use 3a and 3b to help you. What will your. . . be like? jobteacherhomeIn Hangzhoufree time activitiesplay basketball, go boatingneighbo

7、rhoodnear the parkpeta birdholidayHawaii. . . . . . 【思路点拨思路点拨】(1)体裁体裁: 说明文。说明文。(2)人称人称: 主要用第一人称。主要用第一人称。(3)时态时态: 主要用一般将来时。主要用一般将来时。【写作模板写作模板】【妙笔成篇妙笔成篇】_【参考范文参考范文】 In 20 years, I think Ill be a teacher. Ill live in Hangzhou because its a beautiful city. Lots of people come to visit this city every ye

8、ar, so Ill meet many interesting people here. Ill live in a big apartment near the park. I think the air will be clean there. Ill probably have more free time, so Ill spend more time with my friends. Ill play basketball with my friends on weekends. Ill also go boating in the West Lake when the weath

9、er is fine. And Ill keep a bird as the pet. For example, maybe Ill keep a parrot. I like traveling. I think one day Ill take a holiday in Hawaii. . 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空keep, little, reporter, wear, be1. Mary will be a TVin ten years and she will meet a lot of interesting people. 2. Mark is

10、 going tosome pets in his apartment. 3. On school days, students needschool uniforms in our school. 答案答案: : 1. reporter2. keep3. to wear4. Can you imagine what your lifelike in 20 years? 5. Some scientists say there will befresh water in the world if people dont save it. 答案答案: 4. will be5. less. 单项选

11、择单项选择1. No one knows what the future. A. like B. be likeC. will like D. will be like2. Mr Greenin New York in two years. A. works B. workedC. will work D. was working3. He never tells a lie(谎言谎言). What he said istrue. A. perhapsB. maybeC. probablyD. cant4. It will be no good for animalsin such small cages. A. live B. to live C. living D. to lived励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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