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1、chapter4presentationchapter4presentationVariability The goal for variability is to obtain a measure of how spread out the scores are in a distribution. A measure of variability usually accompanies a measure of central tendency as basic descriptive statistics for a set of scores. 2Central Tendency an

2、d VariabilityCentral tendency describes the central point of the distribution, and variability describes how the scores are scattered around that central point. Together, central tendency and variability are the two primary values that are used to describe a distribution of scores.3VariabilityVariab

3、ility serves both as a descriptive measure and as an important component of most inferential statistics. As a descriptive statistic, variability measures the degree to which the scores are spread out or clustered together in a distribution. In the context of inferential statistics, variability provi

4、des a measure of how accurately any individual score or sample represents the entire population. 4Variability (cont.)When the population variability is small, all of the scores are clustered close together and any individual score or sample will necessarily provide a good representation of the entir

5、e set. On the other hand, when variability is large and scores are widely spread, it is easy for one or two extreme scores to give a distorted picture of the general population.56Measuring Variability Variability can be measured with the rangethe interquartile rangethe standard deviation/variance. I

6、n each case, variability is determined by measuring distance. 7The Range The range is the total distance covered by the distribution, from the highest score to the lowest score (using the upper and lower real limits of the range). 8The Interquartile RangeThe interquartile range is the distance cover

7、ed by the middle 50% of the distribution (the difference between Q1 and Q3). 910The Standard DeviationStandard deviation measures the standard distance between a score and the mean. The calculation of standard deviation can be summarized as a four-step process: 11The Standard Deviation (cont.)1. Com

8、pute the deviation (distance from the mean) for each score.2. Square each deviation.3. Compute the mean of the squared deviations. For a population, this involves summing the squared deviations (sum of squares, SS) and then dividing by N. The resulting value is called the variance or mean square and

9、 measures the average squared distance from the mean.For samples, variance is computed by dividing the sum of the squared deviations (SS) by n - 1, rather than N. The value, n - 1, is know as degrees of freedom (df) and is used so that the sample variance will provide an unbiased estimate of the pop

10、ulation variance.4. Finally, take the square root of the variance to obtain the standard deviation. 1213Properties of the Standard DeviationIf a constant is added to every score in a distribution, the standard deviation will not be changed. If you visualize the scores in a frequency distribution his

11、togram, then adding a constant will move each score so that the entire distribution is shifted to a new location. The center of the distribution (the mean) changes, but the standard deviation remains the same. 14Properties of the Standard Deviation (cont.)If each score is multiplied by a constant, t

12、he standard deviation will be multiplied by the same constant. Multiplying by a constant will multiply the distance between scores, and because the standard deviation is a measure of distance, it will also be multiplied.15The Mean and Standard Deviation as Descriptive StatisticsIf you are given nume

13、rical values for the mean and the standard deviation, you should be able to construct a visual image (or a sketch) of the distribution of scores. As a general rule, about 70% of the scores will be within one standard deviation of the mean, and about 95% of the scores will be within a distance of two standard deviations of the mean.16结束结束



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