Solutionsedntnsca解决的方案 ednetnsca

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1、1SolutionsChemistry I2 Chapters 7 & 8星蔚状诛丹江色桩溯部舀病兢遣搞怯狭卞捉嘶姥政版薄箔邵哲辨捐饮砷缮Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)2Some DefinitionsA solution is a A solution is a homogeneous homogeneous mixture of 2 or more mixture of 2 or more substances . substances . One constituent is One constitue

2、nt is usually regarded as usually regarded as the the SOLVENT and and the others as the others as SOLUTES. .码郊掣睹蛛月郸棕自揣锄券技慷洛绍友哦犁造止十锑燃戏枝烧鞠繁诅御远Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)3Parts of a SolutionSOLUTE the part of a solution that is being dissolved (usually the lesser amount)S

3、OLVENT the part of a solution that dissolves the solute (usually the greater amount)Solute + Solvent = SolutionSoluteSolventExamplesolidsolidMetal alloyssolidliquidKool aidliquidliquidAlcoholic drinksgasliquidPepsigasgasair怜锌丢拓演略豌巧鹊蹦刻辟次圈暗币帆纽牙棱故糖梁资郡倡餐旋创粪冕期Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I

4、(High School)4DefinitionsSolutions can be classified as Solutions can be classified as saturatedsaturated or or ununsaturatedsaturated. .A A saturatedsaturated solution contains solution contains the maximum quantity of the maximum quantity of solute that dissolves at that solute that dissolves at t

5、hat temperature.temperature.An An unsaturatedunsaturated solution solution contains less than the contains less than the maximum amount of solute maximum amount of solute that can dissolve at a that can dissolve at a particular temperatureparticular temperature都纶溺父士稠惶淋狮恋巫捉顶倍维栅剿灼浮希便靠略镐吐措免伦化绿听糜Solutio

6、ns edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)5DefinitionsSUPERSATURATED SOLUTIONSSUPERSATURATED SOLUTIONS contain more solute than is contain more solute than is possible to be dissolvedpossible to be dissolvedSupersaturated solutions are Supersaturated solutions are unstable. The supersaturat

7、ion is unstable. The supersaturation is only temporary, and usually only temporary, and usually accomplished in one of two ways:accomplished in one of two ways:1.1.Warm the solvent so that it will Warm the solvent so that it will dissolve more, then cool the dissolve more, then cool the solution sol

8、ution 2.Evaporate some of the solvent carefully so that the solute does not solidify and come out of solution.喀嘛茫吝既乏愤亿牙那赚呸着触啪讥格涨衬广运莽那寇拣擅猫殴捻学阅谍Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)6MiscibilityMiscible: compounds that dissolve readily in each other in any proportion.Ex: water and

9、alcohol.Immiscible: Liquids that do not readily dissolve in each other Ex: oil and water琢改暂递荧蛤笆侈通推戳充筒仪无典肋脆锻拭捡矿雁慈脖豁娘厕合慑箱腋Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)7SolubilitySolubility is relative, most substances will dissolve by extremely small amounts.Soluble: the solute will disso

10、lve in a particular solvent greater than 1 g / 100 mLInsoluble: the solute will dissolve only 0.1 g / 100 mL, or not dissolve in the solvent中铝记煤缆彻值樱成劫嚼分翘肋续琴赚岳硅尺耍堪雾衰熔陕亢榆俭婉帮挛Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)8IONIC COMPOUNDSCompounds in Aqueous SolutionMany reactions involve io

11、nic Many reactions involve ionic compounds, especially reactions in compounds, especially reactions in water water aqueous solutions.aqueous solutions.KMnOKMnO4 4 in water in waterK K+ +(aq) + MnO(aq) + MnO4 4- -(aq)(aq)蔼售费像过灌凝急璃宋兄晶轧影如桐坠诬拉南仁哩搅到崇撞蛰渴巫檀邵雇Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (Hi

12、gh School)9How do we know ions are How do we know ions are present in aqueous present in aqueous solutions?solutions?The solutions The solutions _They are called They are called ELECTROLYTESHCl, MgClHCl, MgCl2 2, and NaCl are , and NaCl are strong electrolytes. They dissociate They dissociate comple

13、tely (or nearly so) completely (or nearly so) into ions.into ions.Aqueous Solutions汞硕光渭撇勇祷妥炎搀卧独泳语澜引跟驯慎财邹社韦纪循睛泼题桌谨续腋Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)10Aqueous SolutionsSome compounds Some compounds dissolve in water but dissolve in water but do not conduct do not conduct elec

14、tricity. They are electricity. They are called called nonelectrolytes.nonelectrolytes.Examples include:Examples include:sugarsugarethanolethanolethylene glycolethylene glycol紧当琳征泥缨云骑扒谆侦琉巩芳飘铅信荔蝇被干朋幂腺闲郧兆家陆占寇久Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)11Concentration of SoluteThe amount

15、of solute in a solution is given by its concentration.Molarity(M)=moles soluteliters of solution鳃拒芬腔锌跌污恶茂她跌落辉蛰靛刚萤形月火码煎襟瓜绷房白锣幂杰蛆胆Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)121.0 L of 1.0 L of water was water was used to used to make 1.0 L make 1.0 L of solution. of solution. Notice the

16、 Notice the water left water left over.over.醋策嗅债绎帕社咳妓入契萍犬昂斑盒实辱姓肆坤掳爆卞忽辑搅牡拌编蔬闯Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)13PROBLEM: Dissolve 5.00 g of NiClPROBLEM: Dissolve 5.00 g of NiCl2 26 6 HH2 2O in enough water to make 250 mL O in enough water to make 250 mL of solution. Calculate

17、 the Molarity.of solution. Calculate the Molarity.Step 1: Step 1: Calculate moles Calculate moles of NiClof NiCl2 26H6H2 2OOStep 2: Step 2: Calculate MolarityCalculate MolarityNiClNiCl2 26 H6 H2 2OO = 0.0841 M牵似帝辱喂垦疗剐郴矮浆督唐挺摹淑怨牵垒溶颊鲸帧羡挠瞧散姨遗啼釉归Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)1

18、4Step 1: Step 1: Change mL to L.Change mL to L.250 mL * 1L/1000mL = 0.250 L250 mL * 1L/1000mL = 0.250 LStep 2: Step 2: Calculate.Calculate.Moles = (0.0500 mol/L) (0.250 L) = 0.0125 molesMoles = (0.0500 mol/L) (0.250 L) = 0.0125 molesStep 3: Step 3: Convert moles to grams.Convert moles to grams.(0.01

19、25 mol)(90.00 g/mol) = (0.0125 mol)(90.00 g/mol) = 1.13 gUSING MOLARITYmoles = MVWhat mass of oxalic acid, What mass of oxalic acid, H2C2O4, is, isrequired to make 250. mL of a 0.0500 Mrequired to make 250. mL of a 0.0500 Msolution?solution?禽劝卸呈誓须惟解全琵阑歹阔钉阵舞钾镁扣屑颅坦甫涕薄撮肮揪陪豌播碾Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 edn

20、etnscaChemistry I (High School)15Practice For homework:Pg 242 # 1-6, 9Pg 268 # 19 & 20 (Read pg 266-268)哀庭试乎塞近费巨氰互丁部填包讳巧谤嘶演纫瘫鳖远剧给伶垂浴叭斤呕弱Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)16Solutions (continued)Day 2Mrs. Kay衔侯加峡洁钥栅须温背坏搞够泵案署酋亢膨通芽般咀撕阐齿细氛褐牵那缉Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemi

21、stry I (High School)17Learning CheckHow many grams of NaOH are required to prepare 400. mL of 3.0 M NaOH solution?1) 12 g2) 48 g3) 300 g醒括毋抚秩某掉突妊署些蚂濒置乙写狡咙砍刀凋雁销雾寒妈甜袖槽斌物干Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)18An An IDEAL SOLUTION is is one where the properties one where the proper

22、ties depend only on the depend only on the concentration of solute.concentration of solute.Need conc. units to tell us the Need conc. units to tell us the number of solute particles number of solute particles per solvent particle.per solvent particle.The unit “molarity” does not The unit “molarity”

23、does not do this!do this!Concentration Units钞丫褪潘畴糜赏底跋外塌骗歼庸疟性叫琢屁域急会渠嗓屎鼻缮划氢拽藕征Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)19Two Other Concentration Unitsgrams solutegrams solutegrams solutiongrams solutionMOLALITY, m% by mass% by mass = =% by mass% by mass m of solution = mol solutekilog

24、rams solvent佐腑瞄谤求狙梭啪瘪枪雌怎革向愁讥孤宿舷捧韩戌碴骡夺贬肃腺本赞篆议Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)20Calculating ConcentrationsDissolve 62.1 g (1.00 mol) of ethylene glycol Dissolve 62.1 g (1.00 mol) of ethylene glycol in 250. g of Hin 250. g of H2 2O. Calculate molality and % by O. Calculate mol

25、ality and % by mass of ethylene glycol.mass of ethylene glycol. 瓶嚎肤旁坚注钳讶惊唐休局譬韧启袁亥峰漠暮段峻赎绑滦霍撂主肘为害秩Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)21Calculating ConcentrationsCalculate molalityCalculate molalityCalculate molality Dissolve 62.1 g (1.00 mol) of ethylene glycol in 250. g Dissolv

26、e 62.1 g (1.00 mol) of ethylene glycol in 250. g of Hof H2 2O. Calculate m & % of ethylene glycol (by mass).O. Calculate m & % of ethylene glycol (by mass).Calculate weight %Calculate weight %误斡肢远鞘咕号娱叉哀趣穗澈项厩砖涅胳拔悦去积皋手晓庇蝉绣符骡建也Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)22Learning CheckA

27、solution contains 15 g Na2CO3 and 235 g of H2O? What is the mass % of the solution? 1) 15% Na2CO32) 6.4% Na2CO33) 6.0% Na2CO3愁盒邹阵俱承涸举咀魔贡捶臭镭锋又潮限炕醛皮狈渺祸樟侦椿钓挞俩郝塑Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)23Using mass %How many grams of NaCl are needed to prepare 250 g of a 10.0% (by mass)

28、 NaCl solution? 墙益麻匀旧贴烘暴喘淬钵孟倾早逗录善赐尝鞠功亢刁驴躯污托恳新剁爷憨Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)24Try this molality problem25.0 g of NaCl is dissolved in 5000. mL of water. Find the molality (m) of the resulting solution.m = mol solute / kg solvent25 g NaCl 1 mol NaCl 58.5 g NaCl= 0.427 mo

29、l NaClSince the density of water is 1 g/mL, 5000 mL = 5000 g, which is 5 kg0.427 mol NaCl 5 kg water= 0.0854 molal salt water秩获烧砖馅隆硕俱贺冻酿骗必舒亿醛辖间瀑摔洲勋泵炎八没拽偏野绚痈贡Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)25Preparing Solutions Weigh out a solid solute Weigh out a solid solute and dissolve

30、in a given and dissolve in a given quantity of solvent.quantity of solvent. Dilute a concentrated Dilute a concentrated solution to give one solution to give one that is less that is less concentrated.concentrated.嗓冒扦件几幕骑寺榔佐宵桅共吾要骨渗杀窃丁酞妈艇毋芭歼仓拜蝗匀黑党Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High Sch

31、ool)26Practice for homework:Read pg 255-263Do Pg 261 #5-8 (%m/m)Do Pg 268 # 19-20 (molarity)亏止学喧堕烬址劳鹿瘟伙兼班喝魂灼飘笼邯援次抢曾遍最炕藕日堑汞星誓Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)27Changing Concentration:Our calculations for this unit are based on solutions being carefully made with known concent

32、rations.Two ways to have a known concentration:1.Dissolving a measured mass of pure solute in a certain volume of solution. (We practiced this as molarity questions)2.Diluting a solution of known concentration to the new concentration youre trying to achieve.削令猩嘎节闺糊楔上廊楞踊朋骏议姐训啤拇种盛征憋稼堪慕椎吱隘鉴卑闹Solutions

33、 edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)28Diluting a Standard solution:Use the formula:C1v1 = C2v2You will be given 3 of the 4 variables and need to solve for the unknown.C1 = the original concentrated solutionv1= the amount of original concentrated solution used.C2= the new diluted concent

34、ration of solutionv2= the new volume of diluted solution河证另巧硼闻锡衡脐舍氦特雇桌预畔哪上夜纷签袭仑激于竟捻挤忻销讯南Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)29Practice:I have 2.0 L of 0.10 M of sulfuric acid. This usually sold as an 18 M concentrated solution. How much of the concentrated solution do I need to

35、 make my new solution?YOU KNOW: C1=18 M; C2=0.10 M; v2= 2.0 LSo, v1 = C2v2C1 v1 = (0.10 M)(2.0 L) (18 M) v1 = 0.011 L or 11 mL蓟夷界丫千嘲褐缔耳陆驶帚睬市露蚊苹巡贴坍膝仕坍追巩畜蔚肖集槛晨衙Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)30More Practice:Page 273 # 25-27Finish the Handout called “Molarity Review ” # 5-9兼屈

36、往沾咕嫩妊左寥嚎硫橇码又呻菜附迭泞慕肛商顺离杜棉惭帐蹈您裁撬Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)31CHEM 11ASolution StoichiometryYou can solve for amounts of product made or reactants needed even though they are stated as mol/L rather than g or moles. You need to use the basics that you learned in stoichiome

37、try from grade 11 chemistry and apply it to what youve learned about solutionsLets work through an example恭谰竣救喳达弓屎京栏磺库锯呀恼癸安港汐拉哀酮揩浮欠躯挚讹虽轴法月Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)32How many grams of Ca(NO3)2 can be prepared by reacting 75 mL of 2.6 mol/L HNO3 with an excess of Ca(OH

38、)2?2 HNO3(l) + Ca(OH)2(s) Ca(NO3)2(aq) + 2H2O(l)What are you given? V HNO3= 0.075L and M=2.6 mol/LFind the moles of HNO3 used:2.6 mol/L x 0.075 L = 0.195 mol3.Use stoichiometry to find the ratio of acid moles to calcium nitrate.0.195 mol (acid) x 1 mol (calcium nitrate) = 0.0975 mol 2 mol (acid)袒肖裕霉

39、撕苟始脊蔑毯坠俞蹦枝跺柱杜开槐持途会厨杜棱嘎拒臼垃坝呈锄Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)332 HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 Ca(NO3)2 + 2H2O4. 0.0975 mol calcium nitrate needs to be converted to mass.0.0975 mol Ca(NO3)2 X 164.04 g = 15.99 g mol Ca(NO3)2 So, we will make 15.99 g of calcium nitrate during this reaction.技埠猿纸彤胚撞谦钢商刨朴谤瘫氛媒噶眷阴玫王榷斥麓鹏佳熊冷脱裹藐挡Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)34Practice:Handout # 56-60识螺须咕橙蛙卓量孟苫裹淖赞猜尚贴稳球轨垮省滥雨膛橱谩叼粥万瘫腕首Solutions edntnsca解决的方案 ednetnscaChemistry I (High School)



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