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1、 第第3 3课时分层训练课时分层训练Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool?第3课时分层训练Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool?课内基础自测课后巩固提升课课内基内基础础自自测测第3课时分层训练.根据句意及首字母提示根据句意及首字母提示补全全单词1Can you r_ as fast as Mike(和和迈克一克一样快快)?2I sometimes play basketball for h_ an hour.3After school, the first thing for Tony is to do his h_4Mom, let me help y

2、ou to c_ the room.5I usually take a w_ with my parents after dinner.alkunalfomeworklean第3课时分层训练.用英用英语写出下列写出下列图片所片所显示的示的时间,注意正确使用,注意正确使用past或或to1._2._3._4._5._6._a quarter to sevenhalf past ninetwenty to sevena quarter past fourfive past eleventwentyfive past ten第3课时分层训练.用恰当的介用恰当的介词填空填空1Now its half

3、_ seven. Its time to get up.2Im busy today and I dont have much time _ sports.3Its not good _ your eyes(眼睛眼睛) to watch TV all day.4The woman works in the library _ 9:00 am. to 5:00 pm.5_ about ten to twelve, I have lunch with my classmates.forforfromAtpast第3课时分层训练.从从栏中中选出出栏中各句的正确答中各句的正确答语()1.What ti

4、me does your mother go to work?()2.What does your sister often do after dinner?()3.Does Peter usually go to school at seven?()4.When do you play sports?()5.Do you go to bed early?第3课时分层训练AYes, he does.BAt eight oclock.COn weekends.DNo, I dont.EShe often watches TV.答案答案15BEACD课课后巩固提升后巩固提升第3课时分层训练.单项填

5、空填空()1. What time do you usually do your homework?_AAbout 2 hours BAt about eightCIts May 10th DIn the morningB第3课时分层训练()2.When do they usually go to school?_A. At eleven thirty B. On weekendsC. On weekdays D. In 1980()3.Its seven oclock. Its time to go _.OK. Lets go. A. to home B. the homeC. my hom

6、e D. homeCD第3课时分层训练()4.Tom takes _ walk _ six oclock in the evening.A.a; at B. /; on C. a; in D. /; at()5._ Mike_ his homework in the evening?A. Do; do B. Do; doesC. Does; doD. Does; /AC【解析解析】take a walk take a walk 意为意为“散步散步”;在具体时刻前用介词;在具体时刻前用介词atat。【解析解析】MikeMike是第三人称单数,故第一空填是第三人称单数,故第一空填Does; do

7、ones homeworkDoes; do ones homework意意为为“做作业做作业”。第3课时分层训练.句型句型转换1She runs at five in the morning(对画画线部分提部分提问)_ _ does she_?2I go to school at seven(对画画线部分提部分提问)_ _ _ you go to school?3Its eight thirty(对画画线部分提部分提问)_ _ is it?What timerunWhat time doWhat time第3课时分层训练4She takes a walk after dinner.(改改为否定句否定句)She _ _ _ _ after dinner.5Mike usually goes to bed at 10:00 in the evening.(改改为一一般疑般疑问句句)_Mike usually_ _ _ at 10:00 in the evening?doesnt take a walkDoesgo to bed



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