高中英语 Module4 Carnival课件 外研版必修5.ppt

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1、Designed by Qin PingyuanClass 5,Grade 2Step Step . Lead-in. Lead-in1. Work in group1. Work in groups s, , discuss andand make a list of Chinese festivals make a list of Chinese festivals in English. in English. Chinese Festivals 1. New Years Day 元旦节 (1月1日)2. Spring Festival 春节 (农历正月初一)3. Lantern Fes

2、tival 元宵节 (农历正月15)4. International Womens Day 三八妇女节5. National tree-planting Day 植树节 (3月12日)6. the Qingming Festival 清明节 (4月5日)7. International Labor Day 五一劳动节 (5月1日)8. Chinese Youth Day 五四青年节9.Nurses Festival 护士节 (5月12日) 10. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 (农历5月初五11. Childrens Day 儿童节 (6月1日)12. the Partys

3、 Day 建党节(7月1日)13. Chinese Valentines Day 七夕情人节14. the Armys Day 建军节 (8月1日)15. Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节(农历8月1516. Teachers Day 教师节 (9月10日)17. Double-ninth Day 重阳节 (农历9月初九)18. National Day 国庆节 (10月1日) Mid-autumn Festival2. 2. Brain-stormingBrain-storming2. 2. Brain-stormingBrain-storming2. 2. Brain-sto

4、rmingBrain-storming2. 2. Brain-stormingBrain-stormingNational tree-planting Day Dragon-boat FestivalSpring FestivalLantern FestivalValentines DayHalloween(万圣节万圣节)Thanksgiving DayEaster 复活节复活节ChristmasCarnivalListen to the tape,and answer some questions.Step 1. What is carnival today?_2.Where were th

5、e slaves taken from ?_3. How many people were taken to the Caribbean?_Carnival today is an international, multicultural experience.In Africa.Six million4.How did the slaves hold their own carnival celebrations in Trinidad?_5. When was the slave trade abolished?_They painted their faces white, imitat

6、ing their masters and making fun of them.In 1838.Step . 1. Read the passage again and fill in the blanks.the development of carnival:The slaves began to hold their own carnival celebrations and they were continuing their ownAfrican 3. _. After Europeans arrived in America and opened huge farms and 1

7、._, millions of people were taken by force from Africa to America as slaves. The slaves were 2. _to watch when their masters celebrated carnival.plantationsforcedtraditionsThe slaves began to hold their own carnival celebrations and they were continuing their ownAfrican 3. _. After Europeans arrived

8、 in America and opened huge farms and 1._, millions of people were taken by force from Africa to America as slaves. The slaves were 2. _to watch when their masters celebrated carnival.When the slave trade was 4._in 1838, carnival became more 5._ and exciting.The white inhabitants took part in the ca

9、rnivaland it became a way to 6._ different communities.Visitors from all over the world join in the carnival and it has become a celebration of 7._itself.abolishedcolourfulunitelifeStep IV.Language PointsWork in groups and find these phrases in the passage.1.靠武力;用很大力气靠武力;用很大力气_2.被迫做某事被迫做某事_3.取笑某人取笑某

10、人_4.带来好运带来好运_5.接管,接任接管,接任_be forced to doby forcemake fun ofbring good lucktake overStep V. 中国的传统节日中秋节刚刚过去,你的美国笔中国的传统节日中秋节刚刚过去,你的美国笔友友TomTom请你在他们的校报上介绍一下中秋节的情况,请你在他们的校报上介绍一下中秋节的情况,请你根据下表写一篇请你根据下表写一篇100100字的短文。字的短文。 时间时间每年阴历八月十五,是中国最重要的每年阴历八月十五,是中国最重要的传统节日之一。传统节日之一。范围范围中国及亚洲其他一些国家都会庆祝。中国及亚洲其他一些国家都会庆祝

11、。象征象征人们认为月亮是团圆、运气、财富的人们认为月亮是团圆、运气、财富的象征,在那天会相互表达祝福。象征,在那天会相互表达祝福。方式方式在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,共进晚餐。人们还会吃月饼,那是一共进晚餐。人们还会吃月饼,那是一种圆圆的饼,里面有肉、鸡蛋等。种圆圆的饼,里面有肉、鸡蛋等。【要点词汇要点词汇】1.阴历:阴历:the lunar calendar.2.传统节日:传统节日:a traditional festival3.团圆、运气、财富的象征:团圆、运气、财富的象征: a symbol of reunion, luck and fortune.4.向某人表达祝福:向某人表达祝福:express best wishes to sb.Write down the writing.Step VI.



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