最新小学五年级英语上册PEP五上 Unit 5课件精品

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1、There is a big bed Unit FivePart APart BLets learn Lets talkLets try Lets spellLets learn Lets talkLets try Read and writeLets check欢乐记单词欢乐记单词轻松学语法轻松学语法Lets learnclockphotobikeplantwater bottle返回首页返回首页Lets talkSarah: Your room is really nice!Zhang Peng: Thanks.Mike: There is a big bed.Zhang Peng: Ye

2、s. I like my bed.Mike: There is a nice photo, too.Sarah: Wow! You look cool!Zhang Peng: Thank you. Hey, my computer is here on the desk. Lets play!返回首页There is a desk in the picture.There is a plate on the desk.There is a banana on the plate.返回首页句型学习句型学习There is (某处)有(某处)有There be 句型表示句型表示“存在关系存在关系”

3、,它强调的是一种客观存在的事实。,它强调的是一种客观存在的事实。have/has与主语为所属关系,强调的是某人与主语为所属关系,强调的是某人“拥有,占有拥有,占有”某物,主语一般某物,主语一般是名词或代词。本课我们学习是名词或代词。本课我们学习there be的单数形式的单数形式there is。There is a clock in my room.There is a clock and a plant in my room.There is a clock , a plant and a photo in my room.返回首页Lets trySarah and Mike are in

4、 Zhang Pengs bedroom. What is in the room?Listen and tick.返回首页Lets spell/e/ rainyrainbowpaintwaitsaywaybirthdayMonday发音要领:字母组合字母组合ai,ay发发/e/,发音时舌尖抵前下齿,舌前部稍抬至硬,发音时舌尖抵前下齿,舌前部稍抬至硬腭,高度为中高,发元音腭,高度为中高,发元音/e/ ,然后两唇拉向两边,宽度减小,然后两唇拉向两边,宽度减小,同时舌身高度抬至同时舌身高度抬至/ 的高度,在这一滑动的过程中形成的高度,在这一滑动的过程中形成/e/ 音,声带振动。音,声带振动。 返回

5、首页Lets learnin front ofbesidebehindbetweenaboveWhere is the ball?返回首页返回首页Lets talkZhang Peng: This is the living room.Mike: Wow! There are so many pictures here.Zhang Peng: Yes. My father can draw very well.Sarah: There are so many plants here, too.Zhang Peng: Theyre my grandmothers plants. My grand

6、parents have a garden in front of their house. There are lots of flowers in it.Sarah: Cool!返回首页句型学习句型学习There be 句型中句型中be动词的选择遵循动词的选择遵循“就近原则就近原则”。就近原则就近原则be动词后的第一个词动词后的第一个词是单数或不可数名词是单数或不可数名词be动词后的第一个词动词后的第一个词是复数是复数be动词用动词用isbe动词用动词用are例句:例句:There are three pencils, two books and a bag on the desk. Th

7、ere is an apple and three oranges on the plate.返回首页大显身手大显身手用用there be 或或have的正确形式填空的正确形式填空1.I a little sister.2. a dog in my family.3.She five toys.4. two pens and a pencil on the desk.5. a ball and two chairs in my room.6. a tree in front of the house.返回首页Lets tryWhat is in the living room?Listen a

8、nd tick.Some pictures. Some flowers. Some toys.返回首页Read and writeAn email to RobinTo: From: Dec.20thDear Robin,I am Yifans art teacher. I just moved into an old house. The rooms are dirty. There are pencil and crayons on the floor. There are pictures and photos everywhere. Oh, no! I see a mouse behi

9、nd my computer!Please help me. I live near the nature park. Please hurry!Mr Jones返回首页Lets checkWhat is in the room? Listen and tick or cross.Listen again and write.1.There is a_ on the desk.2. There art two_ above the desk.返回首页大显身手大显身手请你用所给内容看图说话请你用所给内容看图说话there is there arein front of above behind

10、beside返回首页返回首页(一)这是我卧室的照片photo,一个水瓶water bottle在桌上,里面养着喜欢的植物plant,一个闹钟clock作用大,每天叫醒我起床,还有一辆自行车bike,天天骑它去上学。(二)小小介词功能多,请你务必记心中,在前面用in front of,在后面用behind,在旁边用beside,在中间用between,在上方用above,在下面用under,你要仔细辨一辨,然后把它们记心间。返回首页语法一:表达某地有某人或某物的句型语法一:表达某地有某人或某物的句型 there be句型是英语中最常用的句型之一,它表示“在某处有或存在”。其中be动词的选用要和离

11、它最近的名词的数保持一致。如果后面是单数名词或不可数名词,be动词就用is;如果后面是复数名词,be动词就用are。单数句型结构:There is (+a/an)+单数名词/不可数名词(+地点). 例:复数句型结构:There are+复数名词(+地点). 例:语法二:表示位置关系的单词或短语语法二:表示位置关系的单词或短语in在里面 on在上面(但两者互相接触)under在下方 behind在后面 in front of在前面(正好与behind相反)beside在旁边 above在上面(但两者不接触)between在中间 near在附近 (=next to)返回首页同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全知识是一种快乐而好奇则是知识的萌芽。培根



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