九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to(第4课时)Section B(1a1d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to(第4课时)Section B(1a1d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to(第4课时)Section B(1a1d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to(第4课时)Section B(1a1d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、LOGOSECTIONB1A1DUnit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto. LEARNINGGOALS:一、一、语言功能:言功能:1)继续巩固巩固that/which/who引引导的定的定语从句的用法从句的用法.2)学会用学会用that/which/who引引导的定的定语从句描述自己的喜好,并能从句描述自己的喜好,并能发表表简单的的评论。3)学会)学会应用用that/which/who引引导的定的定语从句来从句来谈论自己的喜好、感受和原因,自己的喜好、感受和原因,并能在并能在喜好上喜好上给别人提出建人提出建议。二、二、语言知言知识:1.熟熟练掌握以下掌握以下单词和短和短语:

2、scaryscaredexplainthingswellhowtobecomeagoodplayergetsth.forsb.2.熟熟练掌握以下句型:掌握以下句型: (1)Helikesclothesthatareunusual.(2)Ilikemoviesthataresad.(3).Ilikemoviesthatarescary.三、学三、学习策略:策略:1.通通过体体验学会得体地使用学会得体地使用that/which/who引引导的定的定语从句的用法从句的用法.2.能有效能有效获取听力信息,取听力信息,归纳主主题 Review1 A:Whatkindofmoviesdoyoulike?B

3、:Ilikemoviesthat/which_.areabouthistoryareaboutChineseKungFuareexcitingareaboutanimalsarereallyscarycanmakepeoplelaugh REVIEW2 Itisamoviewhich/that_Heisasingerwho/that_Ilikemoviesthat/which_. Itisabandwhich/that_ Thisisamovie_iscalledTom and Jerry.PREVIEWANDTEST write English down without looking at

4、 the textbooks.(1).将事情解释地清楚 _(2).如何成为一名好的运动员 _(3).为某人弄到某物 _(4).他喜欢不同寻常的衣服。_(5).我喜欢忧伤的电影。_(6).我喜欢恐怖的电影。_explainthingswellhowtobecomeagoodplayergetsth.forsb.Helikesclothesthatareunusual.Ilikemoviesthataresad.Ilikemoviesthatarescary. Retell 3a Section A by finishing filling in the blanks. While some pe

5、ople only stick to one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds depending on how I feel that day.When Im down or tired, I prefer movies that_ _ _ _. Comedies like Men in Black or cartoons like Kung Fu Panda have funny dialogues and usually have a happy ending. The characters may not be perfect

6、, but they try their best _ _their problems. After watching them, I_ _ _ hope again and the problems I have suddenly seem less serious. Laughing for two hours is_ _ _ to relax!I dont watch_ or _when Im sad or tired. Dramas like Titanic make me feel _ _. Documentaries like March of the Penguins which

7、 _ _ _ _ about a certain subject can be interesting, but when Im tired I dont want to think too much. I dont mind action movies like Spider-Man when Im_ _ _ _. I can just my brain, sit back and _ _an exciting superhero who always saves the world just in time.Once in a while, I like to watch movies_

8、_ _, like horror movies or thrillers. Movies like The Ring or The Shining can be fun, but Im too scared to watch them alone. I always bring a friend who _ _ _ these kinds of movies, and it doesnt feel so scary anymore. can cheer me up to solveam filled witha good waydocumentariesdramaseven sadderpro

9、vide plenty of informationtoo tired to thinkenjoy watching that are scaryisnt afraid ofA: Whats your favorite band/?B: My favorite band/isA: Why do you like ?B: Because I like musicians who can Part 1Part 2 Finish following chartFinish following chartBandBookMovie1a1.Listenforthegeneralideaof1bwhat

10、they are talking about:_.A.Michaels bedroom B. B. Michaels study C. C. Michaels favorite thingsListeningCPart 11b1b2.Listentotheconversationmorecarefullyandfindthespecificideasask the Ss to write down three things in the picture that Michael and Ali talk about.1._2._3._ a jacket a book a movie poste

11、r ajacketabookamovieposterLISTENAGAIN.WRITEWHYMICHAELLIKESEACHTHINGINTHESECONDCOLUMNOFTHECHARTIN1B.1cWhatMichaellikesWhyhelikesitjacketHelikesclothesthatareunusual.Helikeswriters_.Helikesmovies_.bookMovieposterwhoexplainthingswell.thatarescaryPost listening FILL IN THE BLANKS ACCORDING TO THE LISTEN

12、INGMichael has lots of cool things. He has a great _ _. He likes clothes that _ _. Michael also has _ _ _ about volleyball. It tells about _ _ _ _ _ _. He likes writers who _ _ _. And Michael got _ _ _ _. His brother _ _ _ _. Michael loves movies that _ _ .Post listeningnewjacketareunusualnewbookaho

13、wtobeagoodplayerexplainthingswellagreatmoviepostergotitforhimarescaryASK THE SS TO WORK IN A GROUP OF FOUR TO MAKE A SURVEY ABOUT THEIR FAVORITE THINGS AND THEN MAKE A REPORT LIKE:A:Ilikemoviesthataresad.IloveTitanic.B:Oh,Idont.Ilikemoviesthatarescary.Ireallylike1dINQUIRYINTOKNOWLEDGEBYTRANSLATION 1

14、.He likes clothes that are unusual. _ 2.He likes writers who explain things well. _ 3.I like movies that are sad. _ 第一个句子中“that are unusual”是用来_、_clothes的,叫作_。定语从句通常出现在_之后,由_引导。在以上三句中出现的that、who是_。它可以代替前面的_,又可以在定语从句中充当_语、_语、_语等。关系代词如果在从句中作主语就要用_,如果作宾语就要用_,如果作定语就要用_。注意:关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,要注意的是谓语动词的_应该与_保

15、持一致。如:(1)我有一个朋友,他的钢琴弹得很棒。_ (2)我有好几个朋友,他们的钢琴弹得很棒。_他喜欢不同寻常的衣服他喜欢不同寻常的衣服。他喜欢能将事情解释清楚的作家。他喜欢能将事情解释清楚的作家。我喜欢忧伤的电影。我喜欢忧伤的电影。限定限定修饰修饰定语从句定语从句先行词先行词关系词关系词关系代词关系代词先行词先行词主主宾宾定定主格主格宾格宾格所有格所有格单复数单复数先行词先行词IhaveafriendwhoPlaysthepianoverywellIhaveseveralfriendswhoplaythepianoverywellbookswritersmoviesclothesTalk

16、about favorite by using attributive clauses(定语从句定语从句)bandsI like that/ whichSummary: EXERCISES 一、Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)1.He likes coats that _(be)unusual.2. He likes thecoatthat _(be)unusual.3.I _(real) like the movies performed by Jet Li.4.Bob like

17、s singers who can sing songs _ (good).5.Dp you like thegirl who _ (have) long hair?areisreallywellhas二、Translate Chinese into English(翻译下列句子)。1.约翰喜欢吐字清晰的歌手。_.2.米查尔喜欢恐怖电影。_.3.这是一本有关排球的新书。_.4.它告诉你怎样成为出色的运动员。_.5.你确实拥有很多很酷的东西。_.Johnlikessingerswhosingthewordsclearly.Michaellikesmoviesthatarescary.Itsanewbookaboutvolleyball.Ittellsyouhowyoucanbeagoodplayer.Yousurehavelotsofcoolthings.请在此输入请在此输入Homework Youmust Ifyoucan感谢您的关注Read 1b after the tape and recite some phrases or sentences.感谢您的关注(1). Rewrite 1b into a short text. (2). Finish writing the report about the survey.



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