高中英语 Unit 5 第三学时 Using Language课件 新人教版选修7

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1、英语英语选修选修7(人教版)(人教版)第三学时第三学时Using Language:Reading,Listening and Speaking 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接语语 篇篇理理 解解Task 1快速阅读课文快速阅读课文“Peru”,用约,用约30词写出课文的概要。词写出课文的概要。温温馨馨提提示示:本本文文属属说说明明文文,重重点点介介绍绍了了秘秘鲁鲁。写写摘摘要要时时要要抓抓住住秘秘鲁鲁的的地地理理位位置置、地地形形特特征征、物物产产资资源源、历历史史以以及旅游景点等主要方面。及旅游景点等主要方面。_Founded in 1821,Peru,

2、located in South America,has three main geographical areas with abundant plants and famous tourist destinations.Influenced by spain,Peru has a combination of Indian and Spanish culture and art.(34 words) 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接语语 篇篇理理 解解 Task 2仔细阅读课文仔细阅读课文“Peru”,根据课文内容选择最佳答案。,根据课文内容选择最佳答案。

3、1Why is Cuzco popular with tourists?ABecause it is the capital of Peru.BBecause it is close to the famous ruins of the city of Machu Picchu.CBecause it is a lively city.DBecause the ancient Inca capital. 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接答案:答案:B语语 篇篇理理 解解2Which of the following statements is true acc

4、ording to the passage?APeru has the highest lake in the world.BPeru is short of wildlife.CPeru has only one official language.DPeru mainly has four geographical areas. 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接答案:答案:A语语 篇篇理理 解解3Which is not mentioned in the passage?APeru lies on the Pacific coast.BBoats can

5、travel on Lake Titicaca.CPeru has two official languages.DLima is the capital of Peru.答案:答案:C 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接语语 篇篇理理 解解4From the second paragraph,we can find out that played an important role in the Inca civilization.ASpainBRussiaCChina DAmerica5 According to the passage, which tou

6、r can you experience the life of local people?ATour 1. BTour 2.CTour 3. DTour 4.答案:答案:4.A5.B 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接口口 语语 训训 练练Part ARole Play情景介绍:张敏向导游王先生了解秘鲁的情况。情景介绍:张敏向导游王先生了解秘鲁的情况。 角色:张敏和王先生。角色:张敏和王先生。任务:任务:(1)请根据中文提示提出问题。请根据中文提示提出问题。(2)请请你你的的同同学学根根据据课

7、课文文内内容容回回答答你你的的提提问问,然然后后你你们们互互换角色进行口语练习。换角色进行口语练习。Q1:秘鲁位于什么地方?:秘鲁位于什么地方? 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接口口 语语 训训 练练Q1:Where is Peru?A1:Peru is a country on the Pacific coast of south America._Q2:从地理上分的话,秘鲁可以分成几个区域?:从地理上分的话,秘鲁可以分成几个区域?_Q2:How many main geographical areas does Peru have?A2:Peru has

8、three main geographical areas. 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接口口 语语 训训 练练Q3:秘鲁有丰富的动植物种类吗?:秘鲁有丰富的动植物种类吗?_Q4:在历史上谁曾统治过秘鲁?:在历史上谁曾统治过秘鲁?_Q3:Does Peru have a wide variety of plants and abundant wildlife?A3:Yes.Q4:Who governed Peru in history? A4:Spain. 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接口口 语语 训训 练练Q5:秘鲁什

9、么时候获得独立?:秘鲁什么时候获得独立?_Q6:秘鲁的首都在哪里?:秘鲁的首都在哪里?_Q7:秘鲁最热门的旅游景点是什么?:秘鲁最热门的旅游景点是什么?_Q5:When did Peru gain its independence?A5:Peru gained its independence from Spain in 1821.Q6:What is the capital of Peru?A6:Lima. 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接Q7:What is the most popular tourist destination in Peru?A7:T

10、he ancient Inca capital,Cuzco.Part BRetelling口口 语语 训训 练练请参照上述问题及答案,用自己的话复述课文。请参照上述问题及答案,用自己的话复述课文。关关 键键 词词 : Peru, geographical, plants and wildlife,independence,tourist destination _Peru is a country on the Pacific coast of south America and it has three main geographical areas.Its said that Peru h

11、as a wide variety of plants and abundant wildlife.In history,Spain used to govern the country and later Peru gained its 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接口口 语语 训训 练练_independence from Spain in 1821.The capital of Peru is Lima and the ancient Inca capital is Cuzco,which is a popular tourist destinatio

12、n of the country now as it is close to the famous Inca ruins. 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接1The Andes Mountains running parallel to the coast.(p.43)安第斯山脉与海岸平行。安第斯山脉与海岸平行。要要 点点讲讲 与与 练练 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接parallel v. 平行;相应;相似平行;相应;相似 adj. 平行的;相同的;类似的

13、平行的;相同的;类似的 n. 平行线;平行面;类似平行线;平行面;类似parallel bars 双杠双杠parallel lines 平行线平行线in a parallel with 与与在一条平行线上在一条平行线上要要 点点讲讲 与与 练练 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接u词语链接词语链接be without (a) parallel 无与伦比无与伦比without a parallel in the world 举世无双举世无双draw a parallel between 在在之间做个比较之间做个比较要要 点点讲讲 与与 练练 语篇理解语篇理解 口语

14、训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)The street _(与与铁铁路路线线平平行行)(2)_(平平行行线线) are,by definition(按按照照定定义义),lines that never join.(3)No one _(比比得得上上他他成成功功) in business.(4)The trees stand _(与与公公路路平平行行)要要 点点讲讲 与与 练练u即学即练即学即练 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接parallels the railwayParallel linesparalleled

15、his successin parallel with the road (5)The anticancer drug _(举举世世无无双双) has been developed and produced in China. 2Peru has abundant plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle.(p.43)秘鲁有着从沙漠的草到大片的丛林各种各样的植物。秘鲁有着从沙漠的草到大片的丛林各种各样的植物。要要 点点讲讲 与与 练练 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接without a paralle

16、l in the worldabundance n. 丰富丰富,充裕充裕abundant adj. 丰富的丰富的,充裕的充裕的abundantly adv. 丰富地丰富地an abundant harvest 丰收丰收an abundant year 丰年丰年be abundant in 富于富于in abundance 充足充足,大量大量abundance of 充裕的充裕的,丰富的丰富的要要 点点讲讲 与与 练练 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接u词语链接词语链接要要 点点讲讲 与与 练练完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)Our country has a

17、 vast territory and _(资源丰富资源丰富)(2)Storage of food for the winter is _(相当充足相当充足)(3)The tree _(结果甚多结果甚多)(4)_( 充充足足的的天天然然风风味味) is in the fresh vegetables and fruits. 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接u即学即练即学即练abundant resourcesvery abundantyields an abundance of fruitAn abundance of natural taste要要 点点讲讲

18、 与与 练练 (5)Calcium(钙钙) is found _ (最丰富最丰富)in milk.(6)He wished to have money _(大量大量)(7)The country _(自自然资源丰富然资源丰富)3Things you can do to help him settle in.(p.45)你能做帮他安顿下来的事情。你能做帮他安顿下来的事情。 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接most abundantlyin abundanceis abundant in natural resources要要 点点讲讲 与与 练练settle i

19、n 迁入;安顿下来迁入;安顿下来settle for 满足于;同意接受;甘心满足于;同意接受;甘心settle into (使使)习惯于习惯于settle on 决定决定settle up 付清;了结付清;了结settle with 与与清算;和清算;和和解和解settled in life 成家;生活得到安顿成家;生活得到安顿settle down 生活和工作安顿下来生活和工作安顿下来,安居乐业安居乐业 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接u词语链接词语链接要要 点点讲讲 与与 练练完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)Weve _(达达成成了了协协议议) him

20、on the question of time. (2)The Nelsons are hoping to _(定定居居澳澳大大利利亚亚) in the near future.(3)The weather _(总算稳定了下来总算稳定了下来)(4)You should _(处处理理好好你你的的事事情情) before you leave. 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接u即学即练即学即练settled withsettle in Australiahas settled at lastsettle your affairs要要 点点讲讲 与与 练练 (5)He has got married and _(安安顿顿下下来来) to a job.(6)We reached the hotel late and had to _(勉强要了一间房勉强要了一间房) without a view.(7)We must _(把把见见面面的的地点定下来地点定下来) 语篇理解语篇理解 口语训练口语训练 要点讲与练要点讲与练 栏目链接settled downsettle for a roomsettle on a place to meet



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